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On July 18 2012 19:03 Chaosvuistje wrote:Show nested quote +On July 18 2012 18:35 Asolmanx wrote: What do you think about holding the immortal sentry allin with burrowed banelings? If you make an overseer in your main, you should be able to intercept the observer that should be checking if you went spire, also in a lot of cases they may just skip the observer or have it somewhere else on the map. The burrow upgrade only costs 100/100, and in the worst case scenario you could send an overseer over his army (which only has senties as AA) to check if the has a obs with him. At that point, if he doesn't have an obs you morph banelings, if he does you go for the base trade, of maybe grab all your queens and try to snipe it: after all they have 7 range No, burrowed banelings aren't effective at all against this type of build. All he has to do is get a third and he is ahead. He doesn't need to attack you if you went for banelings and delayed drop. Ofcourse you will meet a few numbnuts that just walk over the baneling minefield and lose all their sentries randomly, but most tosses that just have an observer with the army won't even find any difficulty in dealing with burrowed banelings. Generally you can get baneling drops right after lair IF you scout a robo and 4 gasses. It is my favourite way of dealing with the Immo-sentry all in. Just get quicker gas than the stephano style ( I tend to get it around 19 supply, right before my third hatch ) and decide if you need lingspeed or lair first. You can take a later second gas this way to focus more on droning. The timings are pretty rough to hit, but generally if you get the baneling drops up and have a large roach force to mop up, you will have a pretty good chance of destroying his army and just plowing through to his third to take it out. Banelings burrowed are a complete gimmick in ZvP, and I would only use them burrowed in mineral lines of future expansions of the protoss.
I love banelings, and i love banelings drops against protoss. I would love to hear more about your build, since i've been trying to do something similar but without much success
On July 18 2012 19:13 Asolmanx wrote:Show nested quote +On July 18 2012 19:03 Chaosvuistje wrote:On July 18 2012 18:35 Asolmanx wrote: What do you think about holding the immortal sentry allin with burrowed banelings? If you make an overseer in your main, you should be able to intercept the observer that should be checking if you went spire, also in a lot of cases they may just skip the observer or have it somewhere else on the map. The burrow upgrade only costs 100/100, and in the worst case scenario you could send an overseer over his army (which only has senties as AA) to check if the has a obs with him. At that point, if he doesn't have an obs you morph banelings, if he does you go for the base trade, of maybe grab all your queens and try to snipe it: after all they have 7 range No, burrowed banelings aren't effective at all against this type of build. All he has to do is get a third and he is ahead. He doesn't need to attack you if you went for banelings and delayed drop. Ofcourse you will meet a few numbnuts that just walk over the baneling minefield and lose all their sentries randomly, but most tosses that just have an observer with the army won't even find any difficulty in dealing with burrowed banelings. Generally you can get baneling drops right after lair IF you scout a robo and 4 gasses. It is my favourite way of dealing with the Immo-sentry all in. Just get quicker gas than the stephano style ( I tend to get it around 19 supply, right before my third hatch ) and decide if you need lingspeed or lair first. You can take a later second gas this way to focus more on droning. The timings are pretty rough to hit, but generally if you get the baneling drops up and have a large roach force to mop up, you will have a pretty good chance of destroying his army and just plowing through to his third to take it out. Banelings burrowed are a complete gimmick in ZvP, and I would only use them burrowed in mineral lines of future expansions of the protoss. I love banelings, and i love banelings drops against protoss. I would love to hear more about your build, since i've been trying to do something similar but without much success
I'll try and see if I can collect a couple of replays of it. Will take some time though, you know how fickle protoss is with its consistency on the ladder.
I'd love to see those replays! =)
On July 18 2012 11:52 Belial88 wrote:Show nested quote +1. How do I beat Ling/Infestor into Ultras going Roach/Hydra/Infestor? Watching pro gamers play and from self expereince I understand that commiting to roach attacks before fully getting a good economy off 4 hatches (1 macro) is very risky, due to upgraded lings, spines, and infestors. Therefore I tend to attack with Roach/Infestor or Roach/Hydra/Infestor when I have a sizable army that can be refilled. Usually I tend to do very heavy economic damage, however almost every time he eventually fights back my army, gets a shitload of ultras out due to banking minerals, and even when he's lost his third base he manages to come out because of how innefective my units become to upgraded ultra/infestor. The only time I'm able to beat this is I got so far ahead in the early-mid game I am able to beat him with by Infestor push. What's the answer? I don't know, it's a completely herpderp bullshit, skilless style, that's why I stopped playing good (3 hatch before lair roach based macro play) and just turtle herp derp. I take a third when the opponent takes a third, and if he's making roaches I mass a shitton of spines. If he attacks me, I chain FG your roaches and go counterattack and focus all of your bases down. Never fails. My recommendation? Switch to it, it's completely bullshit and it's extremely strong. I will say this though - of the people I've played, the best way to play against it is to turtle even harder. Roach based attacks against mass ling/infestor is not a good idea with 20 spines there. If you made any roaches before recognizing what was up or to secure your third, use a handful of them to delay the zerg's third as long as possible (you can't do that once infestors are out though, but you can sacrifice 10 roaches to delay their third) while making reinforcing roaches to your third and massing spines (unupgraded banes dont do shit against upgraded lings, so dont think leaving 6 banes at home will do anything). Then, grab a really quick fourth, basically double expanding, as soon as you see what's going on, and start a hive faster then the opponent. Don't make any infestors, and maybe mass spines, some banes, to make sure ling attacks won't kill you (ling/infestor as an army can actually be quite strong, so be prepared if the opponent masses infestors and actually attacks, which won't really kill you if you have enough roaches but be sure to have at least something, but you are at least safe to get 75 drones before making any roaches). Play even more passive. From there, you can either go ultras (ultras counter ling/infestor so hard, when its a game of ling/infestor vs ling/infestor, whoever gets ultras out first just wins the game straight up because ultras counter lings and less than 20 infestors so damn hard, so usually its a game of who makes the least infestors/quickest hive) and just do the same thing the opponent is doing and beat them at their own game because you got your third quicker and you only made 10 roaches and made lots of lings and spines and reactive banes with your quicker third and fourth, or on certain maps, like shakuras, you just make a million spines everywhere and turtle hardcore and make nothing and bank everything until you can afford a pure broodlord army all at once. This really only works on very, very specific maps where they can't just go around and kill your other bases, like shakuras if you wall off both your ramps to both your 1-2 base and 3-4 base, and less on maps like... im not sure...they only need 3 bases, and they will get mass corruptors soon enough anyways. But really, I've just gone into if you cant beat it, join them. But what's worked strongest against me is people who were even more passive, made zero roaches, lots of spines, and made an even quicker hive than me, which is just partially a mistake on my part not getting hive enough, but if you just make zero infestors you can actually do it skillfully. Show nested quote +2. How do I deal with 1Gate Nexus expands? The first stalker pressure is incredibly annoying, and I cannot take a third right away. Usually I make some lings, get 3 queens, drone up, and slowly tech to +1 roaches. However, I almost always die to gateway pushes at my third. Watching the replay I'm never more than 5 drones ahead, yet I still get overwhelmed, usually only getting a few roaches out before I die. I can deal with forge FE pushes perfectly fine, being able to stop gateway timings and other 2 base aggression while being able to secure a much better economy. If you opened 14/14 or 6 pool you autowin. Otherwise, you need to grab gas as soon as you realize what's up (this is why I drone scout in ZvP, I'd recommend you do it too). You simply can't grab a third against gateway expands without ling speed, including 1 gate nexus expands. If you drone scout, you can respond quick enough that you can even get gas before expansion, which is what I'd really recommend. That build is just a straight loss to 14/14, so if you scout it, react by being as close to that as possible and getting gas before expo, if you can. otherwise you will need to make a spine at your natural, two if it's wide open. MC punished Nestea for not getting gas when he did a gateway expand on Dual Sight in the GSL recently, last time they met up, so yea, you really NEED to get gas asap against gateway play or otherwise stalkers can ruin you, and if you dont get gas before expo, then you will need at least 1 spine, 2 if it's wide open. From there just grab your third once speed kicks in, and play it out like against a 1 gate sentry expand, i suppose. Here's a replay where I played against something like this recently (i think he did a 3 stalker rush into expand, i dont know, i was very distracted and had to answer the door and the guy was a real douchebag and wouldn't let me pause it, and then he QQ'd about balance when he lost, but you can see I focus down his expansion with a ton of speedlings that he forced with his 3 stalker push and I knew I could do that because he wasn't making sentries): http://drop.sc/2236143 gate expand is similar to 1 gate expand - i think they both can do similar pressure at similar timings. Anyways probably should make third before roach warren (but still both about same time though, which is like 35-40). Show nested quote +3. What is the best way to prepare for marine timings attacking your third in zvt? I do the typical 2gas at 40 getting 3 queens for creep and defense. Sometimes I can get enough lings out, sometimes I can't. I'm not sure about the correct timings. I get my third hatch at 6:30 to 7:00. Also another ZvT question, what is the best time to scout? I scout after getting my 15hatch down, but I might start scouting earlier at 13 because of responding to certain builds. Sounds like a weird build. If you do the 5-6 queen build, your queens can easily handle them with pullback micro, transfuse, and a spine or rallying lings if necessary, just make sure to have vision of towers at all times (so make that pair of lings at like 30), since he won't have hellions (and you should still take towers against hellion play anyways). With an overlord sac at ~40 you should have seen he had a ton of rax. As I state in my zvt guide, linked in profile, sac an overlord at 40+. Drone scouting is becoming standard in ZvT again, although at our level we should always drone scout. You really just want to be drone scouting for cc first or not 1 rax FE play i guess. Show nested quote +On July 18 2012 02:58 9-BiT wrote: For ling bling muta in zvp and zvt when should i expand and take my gasses/evos. I'm just kind of clueless. Maybe a build order would help. for some reason I thought he said when should i take my fourth... just play more, you'll figure out gas timings and evo timinjgs. Watch a few pro games and take note when they take it. In ZvT people get 2xGas at about 40-50 when planning to take a third before lair, then get the other 2 maybe 10 supply later, and an evo chamber around 50+. In ZvP evo is around 7:15, as should your lair, and 2x gas around 6:00 (i prefer DRG's 3xGas at 6:30, it actually leads to about 3-5 more drones than 2xgas at 6:00, and things time similarly, although your first 100 gas is a bit later, 200 gas total comes much quicker, and I think its much smoother with 3xgas at 6:30 than 2x at 6:00, but its just preference, basically some form of 2xgas at 6:00, or more gas later, or less gas earlier, ie 1 gas at 5:30 and 2nd at 7:00, whatever).
thanks a ton! I've put your advice to good use today.
Another question about ZvP: When I have succesfully denied the third base, either by cancel or simply destroying it through Stephano roaches, how do I proceed? I've found myself in horrible positions afterwards because I overproduced roaches from the attack. Any lead-up attack with roaches almost always ends up badly and I lose all of them to Stalker/Immortal. Should I just completely cut roaches, take all my gases off 4 bases, and tech to hive with infestors?
On July 18 2012 10:43 whatevername wrote: k so I want to try start trying otu the 6 queen style [previously doing the 4queen opener] but im a bit confused how i should go about some things: If I use the space bar to jump between hatcheries in order to macro my queens, late game it all gets very disorganized and messy when I have more hatches than queens or I just lost a hatchery, whatever. My queens run all over the place ineffeciently. The other alternative which ive been using is just one hotkey per queen, but opening 6 makes this a real bitch, going all the way to zero in order to macro: Moreover for a long period of time I have a number of queens who are just on creep spreading duty, and I dont know if I should leave them all unhotkeyd until they have a hatchery for them, or have all the creepsperaders on one hotkey slowly splicing them out of the group as I need them.
Likewise just playing it out it very fast I got my gases at like 60 or something just mass droning and taking a third just before my gases, but that leaves me with a really really late zergling speed. Can 4 queens ACTUALLY hold like an early bundle of marines rushing out? I dont really see pro terrans ever try that, and regardless its just...im in a bit of disbeleif that I can remain safe with basically no army.
TLDR: 6 queen hotkey issues
edit: nvm I took my gases at 48 and my third hatch immediately after at 50, just before 7:00. Were the gases too fast? Some would say that you are doing it correctly, but I prefer to use f keys. It just gives me so much more control, at the loss of like .2 mili seconds per inject. I will sacrifice a small amount of time just to give me some control.
Hey guys. I've being doing a stephano-like style for some time now. I make units until I know I'll break the protoss 3rd, and then start macroing and teching towards BL/infestor deathball. Lately, something has been bugging me though.
When I do break the 3rd, the protoss army is usually in shambles. So I'm wondering, maybe I could just kill the protoss there and then instead? So, that kinda means that I already pretty much won the game, but that I just let him live until I have my deathball?
How does the pro go about it? Do they kill the protoss 3rd, to get enough space to get their deathball up? Isnt that the entire point of the stephano attack? What am I missing?
Whats the best composition ZvT against pure bio (MMM) ?
On July 19 2012 01:30 gronnelg wrote: Hey guys. I've being doing a stephano-like style for some time now. I make units until I know I'll break the protoss 3rd, and then start macroing and teching towards BL/infestor deathball. Lately, something has been bugging me though.
When I do break the 3rd, the protoss army is usually in shambles. So I'm wondering, maybe I could just kill the protoss there and then instead? So, that kinda means that I already pretty much won the game, but that I just let him live until I have my deathball?
How does the pro go about it? Do they kill the protoss 3rd, to get enough space to get their deathball up? Isnt that the entire point of the stephano attack? What am I missing?
Attacking into a protoss' natural is always very risky, and gives him a chance to get back into the game. He continually cut up your army with forcefields, he has cannons and will always get first strike because he's on high ground
If you really wanna just kill him, mass up one roach/ling, get drop+speed for overlords, and doom drop his main. that way, protoss can't abuse his natural, you get scouting info on what tech he's trying to pull on 2base, and protoss will most likely quit at an attack like that
Otherwise, get your fourth, and tech to lategame like you said, because that way there's no way you can lose
On July 19 2012 01:30 gronnelg wrote: Hey guys. I've being doing a stephano-like style for some time now. I make units until I know I'll break the protoss 3rd, and then start macroing and teching towards BL/infestor deathball. Lately, something has been bugging me though.
When I do break the 3rd, the protoss army is usually in shambles. So I'm wondering, maybe I could just kill the protoss there and then instead? So, that kinda means that I already pretty much won the game, but that I just let him live until I have my deathball?
How does the pro go about it? Do they kill the protoss 3rd, to get enough space to get their deathball up? Isnt that the entire point of the stephano attack? What am I missing? I would argue most of the time you should try and kill the toss outright. If you kill the third, you are already ahead enough that you can risk losing your army and still be even. Even if you only kill them half the time, you will be on about even footing the other half of the time, and the less army supply makes it easier to tech up to the infestor broodlord deathball.
On July 18 2012 19:03 Chaosvuistje wrote:
Generally you can get baneling drops right after lair IF you scout a robo and 4 gasses. It is my favourite way of dealing with the Immo-sentry all in. Just get quicker gas than the stephano style ( I tend to get it around 19 supply, right before my third hatch ) and decide if you need lingspeed or lair first. You can take a later second gas this way to focus more on droning.
The timings are pretty rough to hit, but generally if you get the baneling drops up and have a large roach force to mop up, you will have a pretty good chance of destroying his army and just plowing through to his third to take it out. .
Can you PLEASE provide a replay of this because I have never seen anyone hold it like this, I've never seen anyone in the GSL attempt this, and standard lair at 7:15 means drop tech finishes at 10:45, which is at least 15 seconds too late before the push is already shooting a hatchery....
If you kill Toss' third, the safest thing to do is just continue macro'ing up - get your infestors out, build up energy, get hive tech. You risk getting cut up by FF if you attack his natural, especially on maps like Ohana. You just have to accept that with Zerg, the only safe way to win games that you have already 'won' is by getting broodlords. My average game length is over 20 minutes long (that's including games where I just dominated early game like held a cannon rush off easily), just the problem with zerg is we can't quite finish off the opponent.
On July 19 2012 02:00 Asolmanx wrote: Whats the best composition ZvT against pure bio (MMM) ?
From my experience i would go with lings blings mutas is pretty effective. It's in fact my favorite composition and style to use. Ling bling infestors would also work with FG to immobilize and make sure your Blings connects. In the end it's to find a style that you like and are effetive with, but the 2 options above works pretty well...
Just wondering if anyone could give a simple outline of a fast 3rd build ZvT? Been sticking with the 2base festor rush for too long it seems.
On July 19 2012 02:00 Asolmanx wrote: Whats the best composition ZvT against pure bio (MMM) ? Infestor/ling/baneling/ultra with upgrades (especially adrenal glands)
Trying to search through this thread for previous answers but not sure how? 323 pages is a lot to try and sort through. I know this is probably common, but I've recently begun getting lots of Plat-level Terrans on ladder doing variations on heavy marauder / hellion aggression if not completely all-in'ing with it. I've been trying to do 6-8 queen openings (into roaches if they seem to be meching, into ling/infestor if they seem to be going bio or marine / tank) and I just get rolled by this. I'm high Gold so not playing perfectly, but injects are okay-ish; I usually have 4-5 queens and a handful of lings when they hit me and I just can't hold it. I'm guessing I just need to try and scout it sooner? And then what? More lings? Try to get roaches sooner? Thanks.
On July 19 2012 06:11 neversleeping wrote: Trying to search through this thread for previous answers but not sure how? 323 pages is a lot to try and sort through. I know this is probably common, but I've recently begun getting lots of Plat-level Terrans on ladder doing variations on heavy marauder / hellion aggression if not completely all-in'ing with it. I've been trying to do 6-8 queen openings (into roaches if they seem to be meching, into ling/infestor if they seem to be going bio or marine / tank) and I just get rolled by this. I'm high Gold so not playing perfectly, but injects are okay-ish; I usually have 4-5 queens and a handful of lings when they hit me and I just can't hold it. I'm guessing I just need to try and scout it sooner? And then what? More lings? Try to get roaches sooner? Thanks.
Getting map control when hellions are on the map is a bit difficult. After the hellions cleared the xel naga towers and come right in front of your base, you should try to sneak a pair of ling, of you can even do it before they get to your frond if you know there are going to be hellions(Gas opener nearly always means hellions, so just rally a pair of lings on a random spot on his half of the map if you scout gas, and use them for later scouting). Try grabbing his xel naga tower with the hidden lings and use the other one to scout his front right as you scout with your overlord (6:30)[. If you see even 1 marauder you know it's coming Usually if you go scout up the ramp and see that the reactor is still on the factory, it's a good sign that it's an allin, either mass hellion or marauder hellion. It doesn't matter which one it is going to be, your reaction is going to be 5 spine crawlers. Now, sometimes you are not going to know what kind of allin they are going to throw at you, but you might see that they have no natural and know that an allin is coming. I reccomend, in that case, dropping a baneling nest. First of all because against marine focused allins or some that pull scv, they are golden. Also you should know that either marauders or hellions do not do any kind of bonus damage to banes, and since he has to attack you, you can usually get good conects on the hellions if you make enough. If you do not have spine crawlers, i would suggest using everything you have to focus the hellions and clear the rest with your lings. Lings are also good vs hellions when they get a surround, which usually happens on creep. When you make a baneling nest, you should also make 6 lings. In case you see an attack coming, immediatly morph those lings. This is a viable tactic in every kind of situation, not only vs allins. Diamond zeg here, hope this helps
On July 19 2012 02:58 Belial88 wrote:Show nested quote +On July 18 2012 19:03 Chaosvuistje wrote:
Generally you can get baneling drops right after lair IF you scout a robo and 4 gasses. It is my favourite way of dealing with the Immo-sentry all in. Just get quicker gas than the stephano style ( I tend to get it around 19 supply, right before my third hatch ) and decide if you need lingspeed or lair first. You can take a later second gas this way to focus more on droning.
The timings are pretty rough to hit, but generally if you get the baneling drops up and have a large roach force to mop up, you will have a pretty good chance of destroying his army and just plowing through to his third to take it out. . Can you PLEASE provide a replay of this because I have never seen anyone hold it like this, I've never seen anyone in the GSL attempt this, and standard lair at 7:15 means drop tech finishes at 10:45, which is at least 15 seconds too late before the push is already shooting a hatchery....
What if, you make an overseer when lair is done and then you contaminate his robo, gaining 30 more seconds
I dont believe you'll have contaminate in time... and you are probably just going to contaminate the warp prism or observer, which just flies over anyways, doesn't delay the push. imo.
ZvT on Ohana LE
I go for standard infestor/ling vs marine/tank. I usually beat this composition. But this time...this guy...I don't even know. I made sure that my late game economy was strong. I think my main problem has to do with the army control, but honestly, I'm not even sure what I should do differently, aside from not sacking infestors needlessly. I played a game similar to this one yesterday and the same exact thing happened: he eventually just took out bases left and right and forced me to gg 'cause I couldn't make an army. Totally at a loss as to why I lost this game...it's like his units are invincible...
How come people never open hydra/ling instead of roach/ling?
I feel like it's so much better against any kind of early push P does, since FF does very little against hydras and there's no way he can get colossus out that early. Plus you can use a nydus worm to punish fast thirds much better than roach/ling can do.
Basically take 1 gas at 4 minutes, get lair morphing at 5:30, hydra den goes down at 7 minutes.
It's a common misconception that hydras rape gateway units. Actually, the fight is pretty even, and they don't perform as well as you think. Presonally i hate hydras, and i feel like every time i make them they always end up loosing me the game. I think that even if you can make them and manage to defend against a push, you are unable to chase your opponent down when he retreats and at the end you are left with all of this hydras, and you really really don't want them anymore becuase the protoss is going to get colossi (or storm i guess) soon, and when that happens your hydras will all burn to death in 3 seconds. Still, if you like them, and you manage to make them work, definitely go for it. A lot of things do not work on pro level, but we aren't all pros, and some things that could never beat players like HuK or MKP actually work against the players we face, so if it works you have no reason not to do it.
I guess it might just be that most early gateway armies are skewed to deal with roaches. If P omitted sentries/immortals and just massed blink stalkers, the fight would probably be a lot more even. On the other hand, that's what the zerglings are for.
The additional 2 range does make actually busting walls at the P's third much easier.