[G] - Queen-Roach Attack - Page 2
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Canada149 Posts
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United States62 Posts
Please look back at Video 3 as it should satisfy you. . . My Opponent knew I was coming and was in full production at that point on his army. Also. . . While I did not directly answer your other question it was covered in an earlier reply I sense that you're just simply not investing enough time both in playing the build and responding to my thread. | ||
United States6 Posts
Going to try this out tonight since I enjoy smacking people with Queens but I'm curious where your drone production cuts out at and/or timing of the evo chamber you mention. | ||
United States62 Posts
I'm using some mods atm so getting one of my replays to work might be a hassle. . . ( Even I can't get some of them to work ) Here's the 15 pool build order for bigger maps like Lost Temple: 10 / Overlord 15 / Pool, Extractor 17/ Roach Warren 16 / Queen 18 / Overlord 18 / Evolution Chamber 20 / Queen *Spray Larvae, Start the +1 Missile Upgrade 23 / Roach 24 / Overlord, Queen *Spray Larvae, Lay Creep Tumor 26 / Roach x4 30 / Roach *Spray Larvae, Manage Tumor 31 / Overlord, Roach 32 / Queen 34 / Roach x3 *Spray Larvae, Manage Tumor 37 / Roach 38 / Roach 39 / Queen *Upgrade has finished. . . Start the Push! 41 / Roach, Overlord, Sporecrawler, **Extractor **Or you can expand --- s031720: I think it's worth exploring, but just theorycrafting you won't have any extra gas after going Lair with only 1 Extractor and going 2 Extractor + Lair will set you back 4 larvae, plus an early Queen which the build rides on. You can still make this work, but Going this route means that you'll have to push out much, much later Here's a screenshot of my first attempt: http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/6518/screenshot009us.jpg Teching delayed the attack a good 2 minutes, but the mutas let me hit both of his mineral lines at the same time which might have decided it if I ran into a wall of Spinecrawlers or if my opponent got an army up instead of saturating the mineral line immediately and had forced me to retreat: http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/9105/screenshot008at.jpg It worked, but I was only able to try it because opponent expanded so late. I'll see if I can come up with a decent build order for Nydus | ||
Sweden383 Posts
I actually had two suggestions; one was to follow your original build but with nydus instead of walking over the map with the queen. The other was to skip on roaches completely and spend all gas on quick-teching for mutas, relying on mineral-only units for defence. (ie queens, crawlers and lings). Then a transition into hydra/broodlords i guess. Probably best vs protoss, vs z you might want to get lingspeed first. But as you say, only theorycrafting . ![]() Larvaes shouldnt be to much of a problem since queens dont take larvaes, right? | ||
United States87 Posts
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Canada807 Posts
It's good to be experimenting. What league is this in? I'm gonna try this out when I get the chance | ||
United States443 Posts
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Canada304 Posts
On April 13 2010 04:44 earky wrote: + Show Spoiler + A speedling +1 attack army of equal army cost could own this imo. esp since the roach nerf. If i saw multi queens, roach tech no expo, that is how i would counter it. Not to mention there is the option of zipping the lings past that slow force to your base, either you'll lose that before he reaches your base, or you'll do sufficient damage before his army returns. Also, if the zerg player expands at high yield, his 2 bases are spread out enough to work up a defense at one before you can clean up the other. esp with the extra cashflow. I agree, I don't think this would be as effective after the patch since early-mid game players focus on massing speedlings. I won three games with this build against high ranking gold, and I am platinum so I'm still not sure about its viability. | ||
United States923 Posts
On April 13 2010 01:52 MaximumSquid wrote: exit: I'm using some mods atm so getting one of my replays to work might be a hassle. . . ( Even I can't get some of them to work ) If you are referring to the custom AI's, you cannot fix the replay if you played the game with the custom AI installed. Only way to view that replay would be to have the same AI files installed while viewing. If you're not messing with custom AI's, just leave default ones on. Saves this exact headache of replays not working with other people (or even yourself). | ||
United States213 Posts
I'm gonna try this against terran in a test match today. I think I might do an expo after pool build, start lair as soon as the first queen pops and continue to make queens out of second hatch. In the meantime, get your ovies set up in a path towards the enemy, and the second you hit lair make a creep highway and go. It'll probably fail miserably. but we'll see. | ||
44 Posts
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United States87 Posts
On April 13 2010 07:48 AllFear wrote: good job on this build bro, dont let the haters bring you down not hating, just saying +1a lings would beat this. 10 points for creativity though =] | ||
United States62 Posts
With no upgrades roaches kill Lings in 3 hits, but after upgrade they do it in just 2. . . Because of that fighting Zerglings head on have not been a problem just because almost nobody gets armor first, but I'm always worried about getting harassed the moment I leave my base. Building a Sporecrawler when I leave is standard, but If I haven't scouted my opponent's ground army in a while I also usually build 1 Spinecrawler. That plus the Queen and any hatching eggs should hold off any harass, drops, or bust ins that might happen during the trek across the map. I suppose watching my expansion get pounded on before canceling it might buy me some time too, but for most of the testing I've done so far I haven't thrown down the second hatch when pushing. . . usually in favor of more reinforcements. --- VelRa_G: 2 of the vids are post patch 8, but it probably doesn't matter much anyway. . . what the build will lose to isn't going to be decided by 1 armor. Grats on the wins btw! --- zomgzergrush: Yeah I figured, but it may not be so bad. . . If I let people experiment they might come up with something more efficient Still though I'll see if I can get a replay together even if it is trashy --- Ronald_McD: I haven't been doing leagues so I'm currently not ranked --- Antpile: Hey let me know how that goes. . . I still don't know if the build has enough power to bust in a Terran wall off, but there's also an entire geyser of gas that's not being tapped. . . If you can't get in try spear heading with some banelings! | ||
Seychelles2061 Posts
funny stuff the guy was favored vs me and im top10 plat, so it wasnt versus some scrub either i think ovie speed/drop would be fun to test with this and fun to micro XD | ||
Brazil120 Posts
I was curious, though, when reading, about how you moved your queens up to the front of the opponents bases. After reading the build order post, though, it seemed to involve some sort of creep generation with that creep tumor use. But in the video I saw, against the zerg, there was no creep underneath your units, so I wondered if you used those tumors only for a short section of the path. What I would like to propose (if you are not doing it already that is) is to use the initial overlords creep ability as best as you can to shorten the time it takes to make room for the range of the tumor (since it expands the creep very slowly) and creep the way to the enemy base faster. Also, another thing (which would go along what I described earlier) would be to try a variation of this with less roaches and 1 or 2 extra spine crawlers, ideally constantly walking towards the enemy base alongside your units. Having a better creep pattern to the enemy base will allow you to build a small and very easily reinforceable(sp?) contain on him after either you can't break the ramp or you destroyed his expansion. Everything else though looks exceptional, and the fact that you are using heal on the roaches is very optimal already I believe. | ||
United States159 Posts
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United States87 Posts
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United States4126 Posts
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United States5651 Posts
On April 12 2010 22:21 MaximumSquid wrote: Defrag: That is odd. . . If your opponent takes an expansion it should be mathematically impossible to hold it against the push since you're spending mineral and larva on units instead of economy. LOL if that was true then no one would fast expand. the point of an expansion is to barely hold out with positioning and travel time on your side in order to gain the benefits of the expansions. its not "mathematically impossible" by ANY stretch of the imagination. | ||
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