-=Update For Patch 9=- Queen speed off creep has been reduced 38% requiring retesting of the builds timing. . . I am leaving the information for the moment as is, but be aware that it may no longer apply:
This guide is from a theorycraft build that I put together about a week or so ago which I've Nicknamed the "Anthill Offense"
The core of the build revolves around Zerg Queens supporting Roaches in an attack on your opponent's base when the odds are in your favor. . .
Why Queens and Roaches you ask? Well lets look at a sample of the build in action:
Since Queens lack the "light" and "armored" type that all other Tier 1 units have they make for a solid game opener along side Roaches when you still don't know what kind of army your opponent is making yet.
That Protoss in last clip was unprepared, but how about someone who sees the attack coming?
Here is vid of a Zerg who canceled his Expansion after scouting me and was preparing for what clearly looked to him like an "All-In Roach"
Even with the bigger ground army and fast teching the counter the fight was not even close.
The reason for that is part of the game's dynamic of making casters more powerful the longer they have been in play.
While Queens are only about as strong as a Roach when they first come out their ability to instantly heal 125 health will allow you to face against armies sooner and when they outmatch you in positioning or strength.
The build itself is also very easy to learn and is recommended to players of any skill level.
You should place your Spawning Pool down between 13 and 15 drones, and get up 1 extractor. Once the pool finishes start production on a Queen, 1 batch of Zerglings to scout, and the Roach Warren. Keep one Queen spraying the Hatchery for extra Larvae, and from there, so long as you have 2 drones on each mineral patch, you simply build Roaches and Queens while keeping your eye on the Overlord count.
You can have 4 queens by the 6m30s mark in game and is the recommended time to attack in most cases, but it's also ok to push out sooner if the opportunity arrives. . .
Here's a sample of that earlier push at 5m30s with just 3 Queens against a Zerg who expanded very quickly. . .
More units were lost in that clip because of the lack of Queen energy, but it's still a very good time to attack since your opponent's army should be at a disadvantage.
Even if you can't break threw you'll wind up owning the whole map with a ground force that strong, allowing you to expand and tech without too much worry.
-=General Feedback=-
This is the response I've received so while testing the build:
ZvZ: Very Good Feedback (Recommended as an All-In) ZvP: Mostly Good Feedback (Recommended for early play with possibly a transition mid or late game) ZvT: Mixed Feedback (Currently recommended for only the early game)
-=Frequently Asked Questions=-
How long does the Queen take to get to an enemy base? Distance varies on maps, but on Scrap Station it takes 1m30s from ramp to ramp
Have you tried Nydus Canel or Overlords to shorten travel time? Yes, and they are worth using, but both come after Lair tech which will not be available on the initial push
When should I expand? The ideal time to expand is after the attack is in progress and the attention is drawn to your opponent's side of the map
Have you tried Mutalisks with the build? Yes, as the build only uses 1 gas geyser you can spend 4 larvae to start production from the other one early to save up for transition later
How does the build fair against a Protoss wall-off with cannons? Surprisingly well. . . The heals let you keep steady pressure on the buildings until you can bust in
What should I do against Protoss with a lot of Sentries who spams Force Field? "answer under construction"
Should I be worried about Speedlings when facing another Zerg? No, just keep leave extra defense in your base if you are unsure of your opponent's positioning when you attack. . . Also as a bonus I have a short clip of the build out healing a speedling ambush:
-=Tips N Tricks=-
Command your Roaches to follow the Queens when pushing out and attack move later so they don't run too far ahead
You can use the initial boost of gas before your Warren is finished to get +1 Missile Attack, a Baneling Nest, or Lair tech when you push out
The +1 Missile Upgrade will let you kill Zerglings in 2 hits with Roaches instead of 3
It's a good idea to build a Sporecrawler when you push out in anticipation of possible air harassment
Hiding an early Overlord near your opponent's base can be moved out when you attack to allow your army to see up cliffs
Laying a Single Creep Tumor from your Second Queen can pay off for long games or when the strategy becomes containment against a wall-off player
The walk is long so remember set a Rally Point to keep reinforcements coming
The first ZvP was retarded. The guy had massed Stalkers vs a Zerg with Roaches - he obviously doesn't know how to play. This strategy would fall to any half-decent player in my opinion.
5:30 push on scrap station is more like 7:00 min or longer push because queens take that long to reach opponent's base. In the first video you would have rolled over the toss's army without the queens, he was a newb. This build is also extremely all in, and your opponent is going to know something is odd when he scouts you making multiple queens on 1 base with a roach warren...
I liked your post, but like some people said, this is a strategy that is easily seen and scouted, so you might not encounter walled-in terran that are teching. Personnaly (I play Terran), seeing you rush without teching/Expand, i would make MMM and by 5:30 medivac should be out, stimpack also. If your push fails, you are totally dead, and I doubt you can win a 100%. But I would like to see further videos, especially vs T.
That last screenshot looks pretty sexy actually. . . I think I'll go watch the rest of that replay
I'm not sure what scouting my queens is going to change since there isn't anything you can build in time to counter them before I get there.
Also this build is just an opener. . . you can transition into anything from there so long as you stop any expansion your opponent has made.
I had some ZvT footage, but it was terrible. . . mostly just rushes or mass un-upgraded marauders.
I could probably just run the numbers quick if you want to show me a screenshot of a 1 base MMM at 8m since I already know the health and DPS of my army by then.
Alternatively in the last screenshot I posted for squ1d the Terran in that game had just gotten done researching Stim at 7m40s and had 10 marauders in play by 8m so without that expansion maybe 3 - 4 more?
Why the hell would you just mass stalkers and zealots in pvz...THAT late in the game no less...
Not to mention the queens weren't even needed. Lings in place of the queens would have been just fine in all cases. Also remember warp gates are easily done before then.
Does this work on other maps? Steppes of War seems better off for Queens because they can get there faster. Also can't you just attack the destructible rocks with roaches before queens pop out? I think that way you can arrive there faster.
I support this experimentation because I still feel queen aggression is completely unexplored by top players, just like creep tumors were and now they're mandatory
On April 12 2010 03:31 MaximumSquid wrote: This build is based loosely on Anthill's defensive build, but with the intention of attacking at critical times when the odds are in your favor. . .
It looks like it would be a lot similar to having a roach/hydra army. Queens taking the role of hydras. It seems very all-in-ish. I would definietly like to see more.
Calling any type of strat by your name is so damn terrible in beta, no offence but u must have small e-peen. It's like we would start calling baneling burst vs Terran 'Dimaga rush' or whatever.
On the topic, this strat is pretty much useless, I've tried it once and queens dmg/speed together with mana cost of healing ability is pretty bad. ZvZ you have good scouting early game, if u see those coming and have 0 units at all, there is more then enough time to prepare a solid defense ( sunkens included ) against this 'rush'.
That is odd. . . If your opponent takes an expansion it should be mathematically impossible to hold it against the push since you're spending mineral and larva on units instead of economy.
There is not much point to a 1 base build if it doesn't take map control so if you're struggling I'd recommend switching back to a more standard Zerg build that macros up or harasses instead.
Nydus means lair teching and then you're not producing queens. . .
It's more of an option after you've expanded. Nydus does work wonders for the build though since queens are so slow off of creep.
FE, defend with crawlers, lings, and multiqueens. Rush mutas, harass. Build nydus and bring queens, lings, and mutas over at the same time. Transition into broodlords.
Lets say you can make a build that times this so you instantly can spend the gas as you get it;
first 100 gas for lair. then next 200 gas for spire. then next 200 gas for nydus (while waiting for spire to finish) then all additional gas on mutas to go harass. Hive and greater spire when you get a window.
Superflous minerals for lings, base defence and a few extra queens for healing. (mainly crawlers and harassing mutas).
I dont know if this is quick enough. Might have to spend some gas on speedlings to make you more powerful at start. Might have to test out how many crawlers would be necessary to holed main and natural. Might be to light on ground.
On April 12 2010 22:21 MaximumSquid wrote: Defrag:
That is odd. . . If your opponent takes an expansion it should be mathematically impossible to hold it against the push since you're spending mineral and larva on units instead of economy.
There is not much point to a 1 base build if it doesn't take map control so if you're struggling I'd recommend switching back to a more standard Zerg build that macros up or harasses instead.
Backup units? Imagine a queen running from ur base to oponnents expo on scrap station, gl with that ;D Queens are also slow, easy to hit and run with roaches and lings. And if I see push coming, do you think I will continue to make drones and eco? ;o