Many times when i come up with new themes/tilesets i can't avoid smiling or giggling a bit, i have for a long time wanting to create this one, Kamala Park was a step in that direction, i learned so much from how to apply textures from that map and this now allows me to create things such as what you will see now, hfhf!
◙ Main→Third layout built upon ideas from Chaac Marshes. ◙ Pretty standard layout without as many perks. ◙ 2 Xel'naga towers that do not overlook the central attack path. ◙ Map offers choices of which third to take, one being a safe third meanwhile the other allows for more aggressive gameplay. ◙ Counter clockwise fourths have line of sight blockers that allow harass units to pass through, but are overlooked by the Xel'naga tower.
♦ Version 1.1 Added Gameheart support. Modified slightly natural's wall-offs. Minor aesthetics improvements. Fixed pathing issues. Increased the area of main bases slightly. Changed clockwise fourth base to a half base (6 minerals 1 rich vespene geyser). Improved the mineral lines in the fourth and main bases.
♦ Version 1.0 Published.
Regarding the name i'm not entirely happy with it, in the map is published as Mujo Gardens instead of Mujō Gardens given that not many people know how to make the ō character, so yes, if anyone has ideas for the name that follow the background of the name don't be afraid to post your ideas!
Awesome looking map. It's a very neat theme and looks really really good.
Main/nat/3rd is well thought out.
My only problem with is are the 3 "side" bases (3,4 & 5 o'clock basically) that are all on low ground and are all somewhat close to each other and pretty much in a straight line down the side of the map, so they feel a little boring.
The expansion by the Xel'Naga Tower just seems unnecessary, that corner has a lot of resources very near each other, and if you take out that base there are still plenty of resources. The problem is that if you take that base out then there are some redundant terrain features, that would need adjustment too.
Regarding the corner bases yes, there is a considerable concentration of resources but the area/pathways one must hold to keep these bases is considerable, in early versions of the map i played around making that central ish base with the LoS blockers a half base, i also played around moving it a bit closer to the center of the map, but at the end i decided against in and leaving as it was with the wide paths around it. atm i haven't seen nor played enough games in the map to say that it will be hugely problematic as it is so i can't really say, but if it proves to be an issue i can change it to be a hlaf base again without many problems.
Actually i came with the theme on my own, i didn't knew about that heroes map, i don't have a heroes alpha key, nor i'm very interested in the game :b
Thanks of the comments guys it's always nice to read such things ^^
Now regarding the layout i'll see if i can roll an update tomorrow or sunday to retouch some aesthetics, i may also change the 4/10 bases to be half bases instead, what do you guys think of that?
On August 23 2014 06:40 Uvantak wrote: Actually i came with the theme on my own, i didn't knew about that heroes map, i don't have a heroes alpha key, nor i'm very interested in the game :b
Thanks of the comments guys it's always nice to read such things ^^
Now regarding the layout i'll see if i can roll an update tomorrow or sunday to retouch some aesthetics, i may also change the 4/10 bases to be half bases instead, what do you guys think of that?
i think half bases would be much better. theres just way too many bases in those corners of the map.
I would argue to remove the base altogether, and do something different with the terrain in that area. The map has plenty of resources as is, any game where that last chunk of resources becomes vital would be long as hell, and something I'm not particularly interested in. Its existence as a 7th base would be more justified if the positioning to hold it were substantially different to another base, but it's not, it just looks crammed in.
I'll probably not remove the base since it screws the clockwise expansion patter, it may not be the biggest issue since the counter clockwise works just fine, but i want to keep it. Also as you said previously, removing the base would mean that i would need to adjust the map a lot more than just changing the base, this plus the fact that i don't think is a big issue given the way the pathways are set up around the base.
Here's a pic showcasing how i would leave the base after the update. + Show Spoiler +
I would like to hear your opinions, should the base be left in the same place or tugged into the cliff more? Also besides the base update i'll roll a couple aesthetics changes.
what if you did something cool like using the minerals to wall off that LoS choke instead? i think that would make the map super dynamic and interesting.
im not a mapmaker but there's something about the interplay of the rounded grass and straight/hard edges on this map that i like, i think it gives it a really natural look compared to the arenalike symmetry of most maps
@Flash I'm tempted to do so, but the issue is that it would leave the base so freaking incredibly exposed that in basically no scenario could be taken, also for that to work i would need to make it a gold base, with a blue base you can't use it to block paths because the time it takes for the minerals to be mined out is too long. Now if i make it a gold base then the base it would become basically a winners base. Big no-no.
Now after a bit of testing the base atm feels not rewarding enough, but at the same time i know that the base is a stepping stone for the xel'naga, and that is a step closer to the enemy third base/highground 4th and that should be enough of a reward, nonetheless i'm thinking of making the vespene geyser a rich one or replace a couple minerals to be golden ones instead, opinions?
Also thanks for the kind words guys ^.^!
/edit/ also i forgot to question what kind of edge grass/rock edge do you guys prefer? the one that looks broken and in decay like this one;
Or a clean one such as this one?
I will not change all the edges, but some of them to make a main theme/edge thingy for the map :v
I think it would look much better if instead of pavement + outlining doodads there was some type of brick texture and arranged stones. Looks more like a parkinglot than a garden right now.
The map is pretty basic, just jump in and play like you usually do. You don't really have to think about anything.
♦ Version 1.1 Added Gameheart support. Modified slightly natural's wall-offs. Minor aesthetics improvements. Fixed pathing issues. Increased the area of main bases slightly. Changed clockwise fourth base to a half base (6 minerals 1 rich vespene geyser). Improved the mineral lines in the fourth and main bases.
I have also updated the eye candy in the OP to showcase the aesthetic changes.
On August 24 2014 01:17 Quidios wrote: I think it would look much better if instead of pavement + outlining doodads there was some type of brick texture and arranged stones. Looks more like a parkinglot than a garden right now.
I did some changes to the texturing now and i'm messing around with tiles a bit, let's see if i can pull something off for a next update.
Also the map is a standard map, i don't see anything inherently bad about making a standard map now and then even if it is not the shiniest thing.
On August 24 2014 15:20 FlaShFTW wrote: if you dont like the base, maybe make the minerals that make the blockade gold and half resources? :D
That's quite interesting, but i just don't know how the players would react to such a base, i would need to play around with it first before putting it in my maps since they could end up behaving badly :v