![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/CMP9Z.png)
Map of the Week Rotation
- Celestial Bastion
- High Ground
- Megaton
- ESV Retribution by NewSunshine
- Sky Harvester
- Fallout Zone
- Sand Canyon Redux
- Outpost
- Extinction
- District 10 < EU Current
- Atlas Station < EU September 21
- Fossil Quarry < NA Current
- Sand Canyon < NA September 21
+ Show Spoiler [Known Issues Updated: 04/25/2013] +
- 510 Hellions is too many Hellions
- The personal win/loss tracker appears to be giving negative/false numbers
+ Show Spoiler [Known Non-Issues Updated: 04/7/2012] +
- The in-game UI and alert sounds don't always match up to your race. Your race is dynamically assigned to you within the game. The default UI and alert sounds are tied to your lobby race and cannot be dynamically altered. Getting around this limitation would take a titanic amount of effort for very little payoff.
+ Show Spoiler [Changelog Updated: 4/5/2013] +
Draft Mode
- Teams are now warned about their time remaining to pick/ban. Textual warnings are given at 60, 45, 30, and 15 seconds remaining. Verbal warnings are given at 60, 45, 30, 15, 10, and 5 seconds remaining.
- Reserve time has been added. Currently, both teams are allotted 45 seconds of reserve time for picks/bans. The timers will show reserve time and current decision time added together (so 0:45 reserve and 0:45 current pick time together would show as 1:30). When the timer begins to dip into reserve time, both textual and verbal warnings are given to the team.
- The captain's selected unit is no longer cleared when switching between race menus. If the captain selects a protoss unit and switches to the zerg menu, he may still click the pick/ban button to pick/ban the selected protoss unit.
- The captain may click an already selected unit to deselect that unit.
- When a pick/ban timer runs out the game will check to see if the captain has a unit selected. If a unit is selected, that unit will be picked/ban. If no unit is selected, one will be picked/banned at random.
- New textual notifications have been added to inform the team whether they are picking or banning on their turn. This information is still visible within the draft dialog itself (near the top).
Bug Fixes
- The debug dialog will be disabled on all maps during update.
- Resetting banked statistics in an attempt to track down the bug causing negative losses. Sorry, but expect another reset soon if it persists. Any additional info or replays about this bug appreciated.
- Fixed a bug that caused the "No valid captain remaining, game ending" situation to happen when the last player on a team left after drafting had already happened.
- While drafting, the game will attempt to assign captainship to a player with experience instead of seemingly at random.
- While drafting, players who are not the captain of their team can vote to repick the captain. If all 3 team members vote, the game will calculate the next best captain.
- New default game mode for Map of the Week and Sand Canyon Redux: Vote Mode. Players are prompted to choose to play Blind Random, Blind Pick or Tier Draft.
Bug Fixes
- The Skinned Teeth achievement should no longer be granted erroneously (already live on EU).
- Player stats should be correctly loaded while playing draft mode. Any stat overwriting from playing a draft before this update is permanent, sorry.
- Added more achievements
- Players can now use the stats command supplied with a unit name before they have picked a unit
- Players who have picked Medivac or Warp Prism can now load allied units.
- Players who do not pick either of these units can still build their own but may not pick up allies or use their abilities
- Achievements have been implemented
- There are currently 58 unlockable achievements (more can and will be added)
- Each player's obtained achievements and total points are only visible to that player for now
- The achievement window for viewing all achievements is accessible via the achievement button in the upper left-hand corner of the screen (which conveniently fades when not in focus)
- Achievements the player has obtained are floated to the top of the list
- When a player obtains an achievement, all players will see a chat message. The player who obtained the achievement may see an optional toast which can be toggled on/off via the achievement window
- Invalid games, games with a detected leaver and games that have ended will not award achievements. You can stick around after a game is over or join a game privately on your own to view your achievements without harming your record
- Achievements have absolutely zero impact on gameplay. There are no rewards for accruing X points. There may be rewards in the future, but they'd be personal rewards that only you could notice and not use as a benefit in terms of gameplay
- There are currently 58 unlockable achievements (more can and will be added)
- The unit display dialog now lists the average win ratio of all other players in the current game while using your current unit
- The stats used to obtain the ratio average are anonymous
- The average does not consider your wins and losses
- If no other player in the current game has played with your unit the average will be undefined
- The stats used to obtain the ratio average are anonymous
- The stats command has been improved
- Typing stats will give you information on your current unit as shown in the unit display
- Typing stats unitName will give you information on the specified unit
- Typing stats will give you information on your current unit as shown in the unit display
- While drafting, the random button can no longer choose Warp Prism, Medivac, Mothership or Overseer while Picking. It can still choose to ban these units.
- New draft mode: Random Draft
- All units are banned except for 9 selected at random. Warp Prism, Medivac, Mothership and Overseer are always banned. The remaining units can only be picked once.
- The Captain's Hat of Choosing is automatically passed to each player on each team so that each is offered a chance to pick. Players may still opt to give the captain's hat to another player during their turn.
- Players still select the unit that they will play after the drafting process is finished.
- All units are banned except for 9 selected at random. Warp Prism, Medivac, Mothership and Overseer are always banned. The remaining units can only be picked once.
- Fixed HotS UI bugs
- Added HotS spectator assets
- Draft modes added: Open, Ban, Mirror, Tier, Ticket
Future Updates Affect Only Heart of the Swarm
Player Settings
- Random Options now default to "Off" for all optional units.
- Your bank file will be altered once to reflect this
- The observer "racial" button has been removed
- Choosing players and observers (if referee mode is active) now occurs before unit selection instead of simultaneously
- Melee unit generation will now occur during map load and no longer causes "game start stuttering"
- Zergs now start with the appropriate amount of creep and non-popping larva
- Fixed a bug where Ghosts counted against the Terran building flight limit instead of Ghost Academies.
UI Changes
- Racial icons have been moved to their own box on the lefthand side of the selection UI. Additionally, the selected racial icon now glows.
- Team logos that only made sense during the Pro Team Random Monobattles tourney launch event have been removed. The Bluefrex mascot has replaced them. His name is Dasa.
- Explicit descriptions for each mode (Random Any, Protoss, Terran, Zerg, Custom Referee) have been added.
- Referee button has been removed. Instead, if Custom Referees are allowed, a racial button corresponding to the mode will appear on the left. Selecting it and hitting GO will accomplish what hitting the REF button did. Hopefully this prevents players from accidentally hitting REF.
Observer Changes
- Larva are now removed from the Units Owned tab when used instead of when construction completes/cancels
Observer Changes
- Warp Prisms now show their progress in the production tab
- Observer tab hotkeys have been added to mimic the standard spectator hotkeys. For example, pressing D will bring up the Production tab. Pressing D again will hide it.
Observer Changes
- Fixed a bug that caused production progress on the Mothership to not show
- Observers will now have their resources/supply icons show the resources/supply of the owner of whatever units they've currently selected, as seen in replays
- Camera following has been made smoother
- Fixed a bug that prevented the recently added exit prompt from showing to referees after a game completed
- Preparation timer shortened to 45 seconds from 2 minutes in non-referee games
Observer Changes
- The Production tab for custom refs now displays progress bars. WHOA.
- Nydus Worms added to the production tab.
- Precision for the income tab values improved.
- Implemented player camera following as custom ref.
- Spectator notifications added. When enabled, these will give a message to the spectator when a significant event occurs (nuke, nydus, etc) and creates a white ping on their minimap for the duration of the event. This should make finding the more interesting events in a 8 player game easier. Additional significant events will be registered to the notifications in the future.
- The Weilhart bot no longer spouts a message during observed games. This is because he now spouts more than just his one line and it might seem out of place during a cast.
- Bank verification is now performed when clicking the "GO" or "REF" buttons instead of during map init. Hopefully this prevents the scenario where a disconnected player has their bank file wiped.
- The Queen has made a (possibly temporary) comeback. She requires 2 food and has access to all of her functionalities. However, she's limited to 1 per base and cannot use Transfusion on a non-Queen, non-structure target.
- Leavers appearing on their own team should finally be fixed
- Adding another possible solution to the issue of leavers appearing as their own team in the unit UI, as the last one failed
- Win/loss statististics tracking should now be much smarter. Previous stats were wiped as a result. You should be notified in-game if your bank file is "corrected" (usually wiped) if your file has been tampered with or is out of date. There are several new rules to when stats can be recorded, but generally if you have 8 players, no computers, and everyone stays in the game it's a recorded game. Leaving after you hit Go usually counts as a loss.
- When players are choosing their units, the choices are now displayed visually in the upper left for teammates. A faded unit indicates the player is considering that unit.
- Applied a possible solution to the issue of leavers appearing as their own team in the unit UI
- Win/loss statistics are now available in-game. Hovering over your own unit information will display it to you. Alternatively, you may type "stats" after hitting the "Go" button to have the same information displayed to you. Hitting the "Go" button will lock you into the game stat-wise. Leaving before being granted victory will count as a loss.
- Leavers should no longer stall the ready process. Seriously this time. Scout's honor.
- When all players are ready, the timer will switch to 5 seconds left instead of instantly starting
- At 5 seconds remaining during the prep time, a game message and sound alert warn the players of game start
- Zerg players can no longer build Queens unless the Queen unit is picked
- Zerg players who do not pick Queen have access to a new unit: the Princess. Princesses are identical to Queens in every way except for the following:
- Cannot have more Princesses than in progress/complete Hatch/Lair/Hives
- Cannot have more than 5 Princesses max
- Princesses cannot attack
- Princesses cannot transfuse
- Princesses do not consume supply
- Cannot have more Princesses than in progress/complete Hatch/Lair/Hives
- Melee initialization and instant creep generation are very intense processes. Having them both occur at the same time (when everyone is ready) caused significant lag on many computers. Instead, natural creep generation will be greatly accelerated for the first 20 game seconds. This should have no effect on gameplay, but looks pretty sweet yo.
- Reverted an unintended change that rendered Referee Mode useless
- Random any/race is now enforced by default (only on featured map for now), use Allow Picking to change this
- Constructing/finished nukes now appear in the production/units tab for custom referees
- Fixed a bug where custom referees could cause a game not to end correctly
- Fixed a bug where custom referees could cause the ready dialog to display incorrectly
- Players who disconnect while map is loading no longer cause the ready dialog to stall
- Reduced creep generation lag at map start
- Fixed a bug that caused custom referees to see all announcements for players as though that player were on Team 0
- Fixed an issue that prevented Marauder players from researching Stimpack
- Made the racial icons for picking units larger
- Terran situational flight limit reduced to 30 seconds from 3 minutes
- Fixed a bug wherein the Go button incorrectly and prematurely greyed
- Fixed a bug introduced with custom ref system causing infestors and their research upgrades to be unobtainable
- The mission timer now pauses until gameplay commences
- Resource trading now commences its 5 minute cooldown when gameplay commences instead of when the map starts
- Random Any rerolling now vetoes the unit that was original selected
- Updated all tooltips in the Settings/Reroll dialogs to look nicer and be more helpful
- Updated race icons to higher res versions and made them bigger so as to be more noticeable (some were unaware that you could even race pick)
- Fixed a custom ref bug that caused unit stacks in the Production/Unit tabs to sometimes show incorrect numbers
- Fixed a bug that caused custom ref player vision to not include the vision of the player's allies
- Fixed a bug where morphing an Overseer didn't show up in the Production/Units observer tabs
- Player preparation time limit changed to 2 minutes, up from 1 minute
- Fixed a bug that caused the Archon to be usable as a DT/HT player
- Minor tweak to make the new phoenix upgrade match the behavior of other upgades when selecting Phoenix or not
- Terran building flight limit now only activates if the player controls no other grounded buildings. This is to allow the acceptable practice of using a floating building for vision on unpathable high ground for more than 5 minutes without micro.
- Maximum continuous unpathable flight duration shortened to 3 minutes from 5 minutes since the application is now more lenient.
- Players who choose Random Any now have the option to re-Random Any a single time before they confirm readiness. The fact that they repicked will display in their unit icon.
- Initial stage of custom referees is implemented. To activate custom referees, create a private game and set the "Allow Referees" to "On", then set game mode to "Custom" and place referees on their own team. This unfortunately complicates the implementation of the mod on a map, but should still be easily achieved in under 2 minutes to those mildly familiar with the player and trigger editors. The guide to implementing the mod will be updated accordingly on release. Custom refs can see:
- In-game dialogs
- Player vision
- Resources
- Income
- Units
- Units Lost
- Production
- Army
- In-game dialogs
- Improved spectator aesthetics
- Fixed a bug where spectators would count against the ready check
- Added player selection text announcements and final team announcements for spectators only
Important: How to Report Possible Bugs
+ Show Spoiler [How to report possible bugs] +
If you find yourself playing on a Bx Monobattle map and find yourself experiencing an issue that you feel is probably a bug or an unintended issue that can be exploited, feel free to PM me a link to a copy of the replay and describe the issue in as much detail as you can. Thanks!
There are already over a dozen Monobattle mods, why make another?
You know, my group of friends only recently got into Team Monobattle games and they are hilariously fun already. We often play Klishu's version for several hours just laughing and having a good time by consequence of the ruleset, as told by Day[9].
However, we've been slightly underwhelmed by the features and quality of the current Monobattle mods. Some people wish they could see whether another player randomed those marines or if he picked it on purpose. Another group might like to have a completely even chance at rolling any unit (i.e., zerg units individually have a higher chance of being rolled than the other races because there's fewer of them). A lot of people wish they could exclude Warp Prism from the random group. I'd agree with all of these critiques and more. You can squeeze more enjoyment out of any game if you try hard enough.
What's are the differences between this mod and the others?
- For one, it aims to be easier on the eyes. Some of the mods are very minimalistic and show an obvious lack of effort beyond the barest necessities. Not everyone will like the design, I'm sure, but we tried to make it a crowd pleaser.
- Useless or nearly useless units are dealt with. They're not thrown away or forbidden, just handled differently. Since the Zerg are always allowed to use Overlords, it made sense to us that Medivacs and Warp Prisms should be fair game as transports. However, in Bx Monobattles you cannot use Medivacs' Heal or Warp Prisms' Phase Mode unless you pick those units specifically. If running a probe around inside a Warp Prism setting cannons up everywhere isn't your thing, that's ok. The following units can be toggled out of the random unit selector individually:
- Warp Prism (picking allows use of abilities, always available as transport)
- Mothership
- Medivac (picking allows use of abilities, always available as transport)
- Overseer (picking allows use of abilities, always available as detector)
- Corruptor
- Random means random. There's no 33% chance of each race, then unequal chances at each unit on an individual level. Race selection is done in-game instead of the lobby, making this possible. It is still possible to select a race but not a unit.
- Modularity. Some of the available mods are not versatile enough to be useful on any given melee map (XvX, XvY, FFA). The Bx Monobattle mod can be plugged into any melee map within minutes.
- Terran stalemates. Terrans lifting off into a corner of the map can be pretty irritating on a monobattle map when you can't build any air to air units. To solve this, our mod limits continuous building flight over unpathable terrain/space while controlling no other grounded buildings to 30 seconds, shown to the player and his allies as a countdown on the building. After 30 seconds, the building is destroyed.
- For clarity, the following must all be true for a Terran building to be destroyed:
- Building must be flying
- Building must be located over a point where a ground unit would not be able to stand under any circumstances
- Owning player must control 0 non-flying Terran buildings
- All of the above conditions must persist for 30 contiguous seconds (game time). If any of the conditions stop being true, the countdown is cancelled or reset
- No starting stallers. Players are given up to a minute (tracked by a timer) at the start of the map to lock in their settings. Number of players ready out of total active players is displayed prominently, as well as the players holding the game up.
- Settings memory. With greater options comes greater responsibility. The settings from your previous Bx Monobattle game are remembered via bank file and restored at the beginning of a new game, saving you and your fellow players time before the fun begins. All you have to do is press Go!
- Bug fixes. Some popular Monobattle mods have important bugs that are hard to detect or even notice (mind you, Klishu's mod specifically has taken care of these and deserves kudos). Bugs such as excess Nexus energy and lack of creep/larva at starting Hatcheries have been solved.
- Selection transparency. Team member selections are messaged to allies immediately and automatically. Player choices are prominently displayed during the game, marked by player color, and can show detailed information on the player's settings and choices by hovering over them. Additionally, the player details can be toggled to be shown or hidden if you don't like having each players' units displayed for the entire game.
What are the special unit rules?
They are as follows:
- High Templar - Archon Warp removed.
- Dark Templar - Archon Warp removed.
- Archon - High Templars and Dark Templars are unlocked when Archon is chosen, but their weapons and abilities are removed.
- Warp Prism - Cannot use Phasing Mode. Picking Warp Prism removes this limitation.
- Medivac - Cannot use Heal. Picking Medivac removes this limitation.
- Raven - Cannot use Auto-Turret, Point Defense Drone, or Seeker Missile. Picking Raven removes this limitation.
- Queen - One per completed Hatchery/Lair/Hive. Picking Queen removes this limitation.
- Overseer - Cannot use Changeling or Contamination. Picking Overseer removes this limitation.
- Baneling - Zerglings are unlocked when Baneling is chosen, but its weapons are removed.
- Brood Lord - Corruptors are unlocked when Brood Lord is chosen, but its weapons and abilities are removed.
+ Show Spoiler [Absolutely] +
Is there a map up?
Yes. The following maps are up on North America. If you're interested in hosting our mod on a different server, send me a PM.
- Megaton (4v4)
- Toxic Slums (4v4)
- Outpost (4v4)
- Extinction (4v4)
- District 10 (4v4)
- Sand Canyon (4v4)
- Sand Canyon Redux (4v4) (Blizzard Spotlight)
- Zenith (4v4)
- High Ground (4v4)
- Fossil Quarry (4v4)
- Celestial Bastion
- Fallout Zone
- Sky Harvester
The following maps are available on EU.
- Megaton (4v4)
- Toxic Slums (4v4)
- Outpost (4v4)
- Extinction (4v4)
- District 10 (4v4)
- Sand Canyon (4v4)
- Sand Canyon Redux (4v4)
- Zenith (4v4)
- High Ground (4v4)
- Fossil Quarry (4v4)
- Celestial Bastion
- Fallout Zone
- Sky Harvester
The following maps are available on SEA.
- Outpost (4v4)
- Extinction (4v4)
- Megaton (4v4)
- District 10 (4v4)
- High Ground (4v4)
- Fossil Quarry (4v4)
How do I add this mod to my map?
Request it to be uploaded by the correct uploader for each server. No guarantees. I can no longer allow the mod to be public or it'd overwrite bank file data every time someone switched authors.
If you're organizing an event and need a specific map, you may PM me and I'll contact an uploader.
What's to come?
- Improved spectator support.
- User feedback. As the mod sees more play, we'd like to improve it based on what you think.