On July 22 2011 02:37 fenX wrote: How can I edit/replace cliff textures ? I know how to do it with terrain textures, replacing the .dds file, I extracted and edited cliff textures the same way but can't find them in the data editor to actualy apply the texture, all I found is link to a .m3 file. I guess it's for the cliff 3D model, but I'd like to only modify the texture and apply it to an existing 3D model. There's a couple of ways, one which will definitely work and one which I haven't tested but will probably work. The definitely-will-work method is to extract the cliff model from the correct SC2 MPQ, open it with 3DS Max, change the texture, and export it. Then reimport. That's quite a bit of work though, so first try the replacement method:
I assume you know how to find what the cliff texture is called. You then want to open up Base.SC2Assets with an MPQ editor and extract the cliff texture from /Assets/Textures (same process as http://www.galaxywiki.net/MPQ_Exporting ) Make your edits, using GIMP or PhotoShop or whatever, and save it. Then open up the editor and import the texture to /Assets/Textures/ (same process as http://www.galaxywiki.net/Importing_Custom_Artwork#Importing_the_Terrain ). This will cause the game to look at your texture for cliffs first, rather than the default one.
Does anyone know if there's a SC2 beta UMS? To the very best of my knowledge, there is not. However, you could make a map or mod of what you want fairly easily yourself. You could start by looking at http://www.galaxywiki.net
How do i make mini-map less dark? i've used a custom tile set mix from other sets and the map itself is normal, but the minimap is really dark.
This is a bug. I think the fix for it is to open up the Import module, change the view so you can see minimap.tga, and delete the minimap.tga file. Then save the map, close the editor, and open it again; it should make a new minimap which looks correct. Make a backup of your map first in case I'm wrong.
How easy is it to fool around with the editor and consider making a fun melee map? I've done consulting/help for maps in Team Fortress 2 (Source SDK) and some WarCraft 3 testing. But I've never fully tinkered with the map editors that much .__.
On August 01 2011 08:19 Torte de Lini wrote: How easy is it to fool around with the editor and consider making a fun melee map? I've done consulting/help for maps in Team Fortress 2 (Source SDK) and some WarCraft 3 testing. But I've never fully tinkered with the map editors that much .__.
In terms of "skill" it is not very hard to make a decent melee map. If you are somewhat smart and got good understanding of the game it is not the hardest thing in the world to make maps. I also think the editor is very friendly and easy to use once you get used to it so its not by any means difficult in that regard.
The problem however is time. Learning to use the map editor takes time and even when you are comfortable with it and know your shit each map takes time. Lots of time. Lots and lots of time. And I'm not exaggerating when I say that it takes lots and lots and lots of time.
Learning by doing all by yourself is quite time consuming. The basics arent so hard but there are a lot of details you need to know before the map is playable so if you are ready to commit time to it I would recommend that you have someone help you get started with it. You will save a lot of time that way.
I'm not really looking to make an accepted map that is overall balanced or generally could be used in a league. I'm just looking to be able to make a map or an idea~
Also, is it possible to fix maps of other people? I knew a few custom maps I wanted to fix, but the creator either abandoned it or can no longer be found ):
In that case it should be straight forward. I find the map editor easy to use and very user friendly so the basics of making terrain, throwing some textures at it and putting up some minerals is easy. Loading up the editor and fool around with it for a few hours is enough to learn the very basics.
I dont know about finishing other peoples maps. Most maps are locked so cant be downloaded. I'm sure someone else can give you a better anwer though since I never tried it myself.
Ah well, guess I'm going to use the editor sometime in the future. It's among my many projects ;D
For the create a unit action, if you load the number to create from a variable does it have to be real or an integer?
I'm trying to add flame doodads to broken structures but there must be something wrong cause the flames either aren't showing at all or are flashing on/off. Does anyone know what the problem here is, also for browsing through variety of doodads under one name what's the keyboard shortcut?
I've had that issue EffectS, for me its solved if I save and reload... there might be a hotkey but idk what it is
On August 02 2011 04:06 EffectS wrote: I'm trying to add flame doodads to broken structures but there must be something wrong cause the flames either aren't showing at all or are flashing on/off. Does anyone know what the problem here is, also for browsing through variety of doodads under one name what's the keyboard shortcut?
First of all always use high texture and overall video settings when mapping. File -> preferences -> video, set to high if it isnt already. If it is set to low you will not be able to see fire, light effects and decals in your editor.
All these effects also tends to disappear sometimes. To me it typically happens when I test the document and when I return to the editor all these effects are gone. You can restart the editor to get them back but I've found the quickest way to be to click "new.. (ctrl+n)" as if you wanted to start a map then click cancel. It reloads all doodads and your effects should be back on. Hope this helps!
On August 02 2011 04:07 iGrok wrote: I've had that issue EffectS, for me its solved if I save and reload... there might be a hotkey but idk what it is
didn't work for me .
EDIT: if i put settings to low i can see them. Maybe my graphics card isn't good enough? :s
Is it possible to put on water on the map using a brush of some kind? Making waterfalls is a pain -.-
On August 02 2011 08:38 Shintuku wrote: Is it possible to put on water on the map using a brush of some kind? Making waterfalls is a pain -.-
I need this answered aswell, for the same reason. Strange.... ^3^
Hey guys, I need help finding a specific custom map. IT is used by Destiny a lot to train his students on engaging with their armies. It lets you make any army you want and have a friend do the same, and practice engaging over and over again. Thank you!
On August 02 2011 08:38 Shintuku wrote: Is it possible to put on water on the map using a brush of some kind? Making waterfalls is a pain -.- There's only one way to do it^^
On August 02 2011 11:21 Senros wrote: Hey guys, I need help finding a specific custom map. IT is used by Destiny a lot to train his students on engaging with their armies. It lets you make any army you want and have a friend do the same, and practice engaging over and over again. Thank you! Search for Unit Tester or similar.
What are the colored lines in the middle of taldarim altar made of? The ones that glow.
Something nasty called protoss decals
They are the spawn of evil The children of the darkness
I really really hate them ^^
You don't really need to use them anymore thought. Shallow, pathable water is the new shit.