On March 24 2011 12:52 mynameisdumb wrote:Hi everyone! :D + Show Spoiler +My friend and I are designing a custom map that features normal Starcraft 2 gameplay but with slight differences. However, the editor has outdated versions of units from the beta (incorrect cost, resource count, build time, etc.). Is there any way to easily standardize this without having to go unit by unit and changing everything? It's not just that we are lazy, but for some things (like the recent fungal growth change or unit priority changes) I wouldn't even know how to change that to begin with. So even if we can't standardize everything, is there even a way to change the not numerical things (like Battlecruiser attack is numerical, but ultralisk and zergling sharing space is not)? Thanks in advance! And before anyone suggests it, if the answer is to update the editor and start from scratch, that's not an option  because we have already put a few weeks into it.
1/(+ Show Spoiler +"designing a custom map that features normal Starcraft 2 gameplay but with slight differences" ) So am i 
2/(+ Show Spoiler +"editor has outdated versions of units from the beta" ) That means you have not patched since beta? As in not patched at all? You intend for your map/mod to be playable only offline?
3/(+ Show Spoiler +"easily standardize this without having to go unit by unit and changing everything?" ) Well... not to my meager knowledge 
4/(+ Show Spoiler +"It's not just that we are lazy" ) Mapmakers are lazy, it's written in the fine print somewhere (and i'm one of the laziest of them all...)
5/("change the not numerical things") ? This drone tries to use "easy listening" data implementation, so i don't know ?
i'm definitely sad if you thought you could "build" your mod parallel to the game, sc2 "synchronization" is the only way to play multiplayer...
Hope we still get to taste your galaxy 
On March 24 2011 17:56 ZedRa wrote:Im new to TL  So I thouth I should post it under map / custom game, since it was a map ^^ But think I will repost it in the link you gave me 
Your question was good either way, it's just that we are gonna discuss losb or doodads to fix, not argue over the "bug/option" you mentioned ... well we would but in a thread showcasing said "bug/option"... and from a galaxy point of view more than from a player's POV.
so bad i forgot: "welcome to tl"
edit: losb: + Show Spoiler +line of sight blockers that would prevent the blinking
I joined a custom game, and it was not even close to how you play a normal game. So I had no idea what to do, and ended up making my team lose. Is there a way to view some type of help file for a custom game before I join it? I know you can mouse over to see a brief description, but that wasn't nearly detailed enough. There were some tips I could click on ingame, but then the game is going on while I read.
Map pages or threads usually showcase help/tips (on tl or sc2mapster for instance)
Don't feel bad, the first times are just the worst 
Search where it's hosted and read players comments...
You can ask in a bratchannel BEFORE joining...
The map/mod's load screen is a must screenshot to get (it showcases probably all you need to know).
Some maps have tutorials (just create the game alone if possible, play it alone to get through all these )
Some have whole websites devoted to them... or just web pages...
You should be greeted by a "pro" hosting the mod for it to work at its best and for the most enjoyable experience possible to happen.
edit: that's if you liked the game
Hey, I have a question about editing the AI.
The tools provided for editing it in star edit are very high level. By this I mean the galaxy language in the editor is very high level and gives you a bunch of pre written variables and functions to use but no real way to implement your own(unless i'm missing something). I just want to know if there is a way to either view star edit at a lower level or if there is a tool that allows for more in depth AI scripting than what is provided.
I'd also prefer to keep this as legal as possible. I've been doing some research on AI editing but so far it's either stick with the provided triggers or hack(illegally), which I would rather not do.
There are loads of outside editors/softwares that interact with "galaxy"
for [coughshittycough] pc (none for mac?)
Galaxy is apparently an easy enough "accessible software" for mapmakers who know enough (much more than me (but not so much that i don't understand how everything works.. thank blizz for that)).
As for blizz legal, they own everything, you'd have to be in their way for it to matter (are you that good?)...
 Sorry i have no other link to advise => sc2mapster
On March 25 2011 07:29 Kyamo wrote: I joined a custom game, and it was not even close to how you play a normal game. So I had no idea what to do, and ended up making my team lose. Is there a way to view some type of help file for a custom game before I join it? I know you can mouse over to see a brief description, but that wasn't nearly detailed enough. There were some tips I could click on ingame, but then the game is going on while I read. You can usually find an introduction or preview video of Custom Maps on Youtube. Husky has a lot of videos about funmaps afaik.
Is there a way to get cloud shaped objects to float across the sky, high enough out of the way so it doesn't block game view, but low enough to cast shadows? I want a map to look like it's bright out with some clouds shadows moving over the map to add a lot of atmosphere to the setting, but I have no clue how to go about it.
Thanks for anyone who helps
yes however few players will see them (be able to use them as a feature), since they play with low graphics settings... and such doodads or terrain objects are not displayed on graphics under high/ultra ... i think (!?)
Doodads have clouds.. they cast "shadows", you could make these clouds move with a proper correlation between: actors/behaviors/doodad data and/or triggers ..for it to work.
edit: i think it could work, i don't know,good idea
Does anyone hope maps from other "communities" will get into the pool before HOS or LOV? (Regardless of how they do get into it) Or is it well after HOS that it will start? After LOV?...
Is there any custom map designed for force field placement?
I'm thinking of a map with a protoss unit composition and then different waves of enemy units coming up to fight in situations and choke points -- the goal of the map is to place $$ forcefields to keep you alive.. is there any such much map??
edit: could the person who responds to this post, post it here AND PM me? posting for the other people of TL but PMing me so i can actually read it?
i suppose you looked into the multitasking, yabot and other interesting leads?
Using search function is usually best
it's the closest i can see.. it's not what you asked for  guess you will have to do it
In the custom game lobby, how can I create a 1v1 game, when the map (in this case colonial line wars) has 3v3? How can I move one player down?
you grab it with your mouse and pull it over to the proper slot
well.. if that's possible
Well, that is not possible, and this confuses me. The host tried to move people, but could not grab them. I tried to move myself, but could not grab me. It was 2 players in team 1 and none in team 2. How can one adjust the teams?
You should be more precise (tell as at least which map is it so we can better help 
If the map has fixed teams, if the mapmaker wished it so, there's nothing you can do  However, i've never a seen a mapmaker repel players, so pm her/him or post a thread about it.. the mapmaker is bound to see it and if she/he so desires, she/he might oblige and make it accessible for variable numbers of players.
please see my first post, the map was "Colonial Line Wars". We were a party, and created a multiplayer game and we were stuck together in Team 1, when the map had Team 1 (3 slots, 2 slots used by us) and Team 2 (3 empty slots).
I tried grabbing myself, the host tried to grab people, we could only make ourselves observers but did not manage to arrange a 1v1.
When you say fixed teams, I suppose in my case this means the map is fixed at 3v3? In this case how could we play against each other with 2 people on each side joining additionally?
search function 1 Your question is the base for this thread, just read (follow links), please don't necro the thread 
search function 2 i think your questions will get answers by contacting the mapmaker (mapmaker's credit is displayed in lobby, just toggle). Plus you'll get players willing to play there. 
Possibly the version is bugged or outdated (and hence bugged), just pm the mapmaker, hopefully you'll help to fix or there's nothing wrong and you'll learn what to do.
On March 27 2011 11:21 adso wrote:yes however few players will see them (be able to use them as a feature), since they play with low graphics settings... and such doodads or terrain objects are not displayed on graphics under high/ultra ... i think (!?) Doodads have clouds.. they cast "shadows", you could make these clouds move with a proper correlation between: actors/behaviors/doodad data and/or triggers ..for it to work. edit: i think it could work, i don't know,good idea 
Thanks for the help on this Whenever I get the Editor working again, I'll definitely give it a try.
Having a glitch problem, need immediate help!
I'm working on a 4v4 map to get my feet wet into the map maker for SC2 and so far it's been great. The map looks fun, even if balance is a question, but I'm learning a lot from it. But, recently a weird bug happened that has COMPLETELY halted production of my map.
Basically, when I switch to the cliff editor, suddenly the editor lags horribly. Moving the cursor feels like dragging a bucket full of dry cement through mud and everything moves at 3 frames per second or so.
The worst of it is, when I switch to the unit/structure side of things, the entire screen goes grey (in the editing window, I can still see the minimap and save the map)
It's made editing the map impossible as I have to switch back and forth a lot. If I start the map up and use the unit editor first, then try and do some extremely laggy cliff editing, it can kind of work, but I never had this problem before. Anybody know what this is about? It's really making me upset because I have a lot of map ideas and was really getting close to finishing my map.
Graphics lag of that sort usually means :
check graphics card drivers or something is wrong with your map/mod
if you've already checked all these before:
did you have other applications running
did you switch settings to ultra/high and your cp can't handle it
have you patched recently
have you placed too many doodads (there is a lag limit)
have you used terrain objects, some might flat out bug
is your screen dodgy... is your system not updated/unstable?
The whole gray screen and other might be what you set as view or in the preferences video settings view/showshadermodeset set it to standard maybe that's what's wrong ? preference/testdoc/video settings (set to low on general)
Basically I've done nothing different to the game or my system, yet it's suddenly started doing this. It actually started doing this shortly after patch 1.3 so I don't know if that's the issue.
My system can handle the settings I put on it, and when I switch to medium cliff editing is possible, but switching to the unit editor causes the screen to go black (not grey like before, I don't know why that's different in medium)
I'm checking for new ATI drivers now and I can't find anything anywhere else about this so I'm not sure if my case is isolated or what :/ and I've used terrain objects, but the bug only occurs when I switch from Terrain editing to Unit editing. I don't have to actually change anything in the map for this bug to happen.
And my map is really, really, really simple at the moment. It's just a Melee map so I don't know what the problem is. It's unfinished too so most of the texturing is super basic and there's a lot of unfinished space.