some terrain objects bug prodiG [G]
just going over the doodad max count will "upset" the efficiency of the editor interface, makes mine take ages to open the maps (where i've put quite of few)
sc2mapster's 1.3 broke your map? join the club
oh and i must add:
of course you exited reopened the editor to check on another map?
The fps drop rate would be identified by a "sketch map done in 5 minutes", just do some terrainoing / textures add a couple of doodads you wish to have (and find out if that works)..
If the new map works flawlessly, the answers should be a bug from an unwanted doodad (cf prodiG's thread..
re open your map choose doodads layer and select all.. check and delete any "suspect"... maybe that would solve it (then select all and delete all... save as quit and re open the map...
good luck
Ugh, this scares me. I tried it in a blank map and it did the same thing so it has nothing to do with any objects I've put down.
Just updated my drivers and going to see if this maybe changes anything.
Thanks for the links though, adso!
hola, anyone can make a 1v1 map (2) or (4) tutorial thanks also, inculde tips, pics or a video, of u showing the steps or making a map and explaining it ^_^.
On April 01 2011 08:11 TheREALRaRas wrote: hola, anyone can make a 1v1 map (2) or (4) tutorial thanks also, inculde tips, pics or a video, of u showing the steps or making a map and explaining it ^_^. This thread is for asking simple questions that have simple answers. That is not a simple question with a simple answer. Go to youtube and search, i'm sure that you'll find something.
+ Show Spoiler +On April 01 2011 08:59 VarpuliS wrote:Show nested quote +On April 01 2011 08:11 TheREALRaRas wrote: hola, anyone can make a 1v1 map (2) or (4) tutorial thanks also, inculde tips, pics or a video, of u showing the steps or making a map and explaining it ^_^. This thread is for asking simple questions that have simple answers. That is not a simple question with a simple answer. Go to youtube and search, i'm sure that you'll find something. What a nice "simple" statement .. thank you for making it VarpuliS
best start here or even here
(the 2nd link+ Show Spoiler + is the search function applied in this very subforum, when typing "tutorials" (results in less than a second), you get one.two's awesome contributions (funsies: + Show Spoiler +he's sc2m born and bread too ) Please don't uselessly "necro" said awesome "age old threads" if you do not have a valid reason  )
TOPIC #1: i'm having issues with ramps, particularily with regard to sizing and how it relates to blocking off, ff's, etc....
what is the "standard" ramp size used from a high ground main to a nat? is the diagonal to horizontal ramp size relationship simply trig? (aka 10 wide horizontal = 14 wide diagonal?)
TOPIC #2: setting up min/gas at main and expos... is there a standard that is used to ensure timings/balance etc.. easily done by getting "inspiration" from the map pool, but how would one dl these maps to get an idea of proportions?
"ramps" Although there is the same "size bar", the ramps have less "available sizes" it will always add a minimum of 2 grid squares and you can only widened to add 2 (not 1). 2 grid squares is the minimum = smaller than "blizz standard main ramp" 4 is ze blizz standard choke point 6 8... In order for the ramps to always be the same for several areas i don't "draw" them one by one, i start with the exact size i want on the brush for for a series of ramps and place them all in a row. (Remember to choose/switch to the shape of the brush that complements your cliff)
A ramp at the main usually means a "standard blizz choke point" (4 squares for straight horizontal or vertical, the oblique is trickier of course...
i would suggest that you "try" to make them all "balnced" to one another, but i don't, so "just do it" (it's always good to test weird stuff out, re doing ramps to balance is a quick fix/ pleasure to do )
"how would one dl these maps to get an idea of proportions?"
Open a blizz map through file/open/battlenet log in select blizzard maps (wait, sometimes it takes 10 seconds for the list to appear, some are not accessible for editor use) save as the map you want, said blizz map is now on your cp (place it in the mod folder)
select unit layer select the resource "base" (minerals and gas angled to your heart's desire) the "first" one you want for your map copy (function+C)
open your map paste (function +V) save your map
rinse and repeat taking as many template as your map requires
after 50 times you'll develop your own views on the matter
edit: changed online to battlenet
ohh.. and have fun
I have a question. I want to make a unit tester map where I make scenarios and do it. However upgrades, units, take forever to build. And are so expensive. So how do you make these units free and almost instant build so I can try magic box or something faster. Also I don't have to mine the minerals to. Oh and how do you disable supply lock? Lastly how do I cantrol both teams not just the first team
1/unit tester = needs a lot of mileage on the editor + Show Spoiler +usually triggers are used, those are long to implement properly and even longer to put to use (testing is what requires the most time)  2/all upgrades or unit production cycles can be changed easily: + Show Spoiler +(remains long, if you want to change everything) select the ability menu in the data editor (i will be using a marine as example) select "barracks-train" ( + Show Spoiler +use search feature, type barracks ) "open" the ability info line select "train marine" scroll down to the bottom of the submenu change the info/time to 0 select the unit menu, select marine scroll down to cost select minerals change to 0 = marine spawned for free instantly
3/you can change starting resources for all players in the race menu + Show Spoiler +(still in data editor) race/starting resources 4/supply lock...? + Show Spoiler +you can change "food cost" to 0 ( + Show Spoiler +data/unit/stat supplies, instead of -1, put 0 ) that might work...
5/control 2 teams? in a bo practice maps...?
ps: that was several questions 
Thank you I think I got it. By containing multiple teams meant, I try the map out and can control player 1 and 2
I don't know anything about map making but would it be possible to create a map where the current state gets saved like every 10 seconds and it's possible continue playing from the saved state later on?
Since Blizzard won't implement LAN play anytime soon, this would be helpful for tournament games where disconnect appear.
There are save functions possible in the editor.
One can implement auto save (every 10 seconds seems excessive for lag issues).
i can't + Show Spoiler +
On April 06 2011 00:11 zuds wrote: Are there any story maps been made by fans or blizard? If so what are there names so i can find them. Thanks :D
sc2bw for 1
On April 03 2011 17:13 Kakoon wrote: I have a question. I want to make a unit tester map where I make scenarios and do it. However upgrades, units, take forever to build. And are so expensive. So how do you make these units free and almost instant build so I can try magic box or something faster. Also I don't have to mine the minerals to. Oh and how do you disable supply lock? Lastly how do I cantrol both teams not just the first team
I think you may find it easier to look at it from a different direction instead of modifying the units themselves...
The simple way would just be to add some actions of "modify player property" to the melee initialization trigger...
Modify player 1 property (minerals) : set to 1000 Modify player 1 property (gas): set to 1000 Modify player 1 property (supplies made): set to 200
Place one of each building you want on the map either physically or with triggers Also create a trigger that uses the event 'unit training progress' and make it read 'any unit training progress is started' For action put: 'set unit training progress to complete' This will cause the unit's training to complete as soon as it starts.
You can create a trigger for the event 'player property (minerals) changes', 'player property (gas) changes' w the actions to set the player properties for gas and minerals back to 1000 (as above) to essentially create infinite money.
As far as controlling both sides - well, I don't think there is a way to control at the same time w/o screwing up the AI since it behaves differently w friendlies, however I'm sure you could set a trigger or dialog button to switch your control back and forth, or "own" all of the units at once until you're ready to do battle then assign certain ones to player 2.
Another small tip for the people with not the best PCs around:
Dragging a bunch of doodads/decals around can lag alot Somehow when you cut the selection and paste it, you can move it around lag-free!
Does a map exist that trains worker splitting at the beginning of the game?
Like a nexus with 6 workers around it, and there is a reset button or something that resets it so you can keep practicing worker splitting?
I hate starting/leaving custom games just to practice my worker split...
Thanks for the help
How do you open a map u downloaded from sc2mapster?
if it's unlocked, you place it properly in your sc2 directory (in mod/) then open it with galaxy file/open/mod
if it's locked, i'd rather not say
I had the idea of this project: Reading replays and recreate situations, so that you can play from any point of a replay. I think this is definitely possible, I had the idea when there was the blackout in the Flash Jaedong game and was reminded of that by reading this topic.
I don't know if you could read all necessary info from the Replay itself, or you have to run the replay and then somehow grab the information from SC2. This information then has to be used to create a map in the Editor. This would be a lot of work.
What is the best way to do this, if there is any?