Well, there is atleast 1 challenge (the sentry/HT one) that only lets you use hotkeys. I have enjoyed that one alot, so yeah I think some people could benefit from it alot.
question: I've taken up the 'use the path painting' advice in last MotM reviews, works nice (if I get the whole point of it).
Now there is ground , air and building. If I put 'ignore doodad footprint' on, paint the path manually with 'ground'. Does it still allow buildings on it, or does ground sort or override that anyway?
question2: Whats the best approach to making the lighting, so that Its sort of getting darker (street lights switch on, hard to see everything clear, that sorta lighting). Im not familiar enough with the lighting editor and I dont want to screw up the wrong settings
Path painting is cool!
Objects and doodads are not!... Well not so much
They don't mix and match to a T with "path" tool) The interface view/pathblabla / dooodads interaction and interface are not so good, i <3 doodads
Think footprint bug might have been killed by 1.13... !?
Don't screw up the settings 
Someone give this hero a sword! (well ... a tour of her/his custom environment/map with properly layed out lighting)
edit: added @ihasaKAROT
edit2: i do hope someone more versed will come along this fine thread ..on this fine day... and enlighten us all though 
edit: now that they've answered beneath : i'll add my two cents: Flopturnreaver: in any case ... your map is wunderbar (wonderful) !
paste a cool doodad, that's what blizz does...
Hmm how do I apply a lightingset to my map. I go into lighting window, make a new set, adjust like I want to, select that new set. Then I go back to the map and the lighting is back to Korhal(what it was on before)... What am I doing wrong here
Did you set View > Show Lighting to Game? Other than that I can't help you, haven't done a lot with lighting myself.
Problem I got right now, I'm trying to prevent Stalkers to blink over a gap between two cliffs. The cliff is erased to the 0 hight. If I just make a line of sight blockers on the ground the stalkers can't blink through. If I do it in the middle of the gap it doesn't work, no matter what hight I generate the LOSB.
I've already tried it with making the edges unpathable etc. which is not really what I want but it still doesn't help. Anyone with experience in that direction?
On March 10 2011 17:58 ihasaKAROT wrote: Hmm how do I apply a lightingset to my map. I go into lighting window, make a new set, adjust like I want to, select that new set. Then I go back to the map and the lighting is back to Korhal(what it was on before)... What am I doing wrong here You need to modify the lighting set associated with the texture set you're using. I'm guessing you're using the Korhal texture set (or a modified version), so you need to change the settings for the lights under "Korhal" in the lighting editor. Alternatively, if you've already modified one you want to use, you can copy it (right click on "00:00:00" > copy) then go to "00:00:00" (or w/e) under Korhal, and right click and paste it.
On March 11 2011 05:05 FlopTurnReaver wrote: Did you set View > Show Lighting to Game? Other than that I can't help you, haven't done a lot with lighting myself.
Problem I got right now, I'm trying to prevent Stalkers to blink over a gap between two cliffs. The cliff is erased to the 0 hight. If I just make a line of sight blockers on the ground the stalkers can't blink through. If I do it in the middle of the gap it doesn't work, no matter what hight I generate the LOSB.
I've already tried it with making the edges unpathable etc. which is not really what I want but it still doesn't help. Anyone with experience in that direction? Why don't you just put the LOS blockers at the edge of the cliff (you said this worked as you wanted it to, right?) - you could even use the invisible LOS blockers and then do whatever you want with the aesthetics in the gap to signify you can't blink there.
I did use the invisible one and also spammed 'em all over the gap and edges but every time I get the Stalker very close to the edge I still get vision of it. Btw. here's the setup:
On March 11 2011 05:44 FlopTurnReaver wrote:I did use the invisible one and also spammed 'em all over the gap and edges but every time I get the Stalker very close to the edge I still get vision of it. Btw. here's the setup: ![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/91jUb.jpg) Hmm.. how about, if you use the paint pathing tool to draw a small (half a square thick) unpathable line around the perimeter - that should stop units moving to the very edges and thus seeing through the LOS blockers?
Flop, are you holding down shift to take the LosB off snap-to-grid? You should be able to place them exactly on the edge that way if you get the right camera angle. I've tested this before, with reapers no less, and it should work that you can block vision from the cliff's edge.
Yes I did and I also tried it with spamming like a thousand blockers all around the edges and in the gap itself but didn't help.
I was wondering if anyone knew how to make the pathing of an object (in my case destructible rocks) reflect the scale of that object?
I increased the size of the rocks but units walk through the extra portion that has been added through increasing the scale, they treat it as if it were the same size as before
use the pathblocker doodads for an easy fix. You can also do this when shrinking by removing the doodad footprint and painting the new area with pathblockers
The destructible rocks must be destroyed for vision on my map though so does that require trigger work?
Think of IcCup Testbug's towers that are blocked by up-scaled rocks thanks again xD
oh, drocks. How big are they?
uhh... I'll let someone else answer this lol
I'm not in my right state of mind
Are the rocks on Testbug actually upscaled? I thought they were totally normal. Will need an iCCup rep to clarify I guess.
Regardless, you can't paint the pathing cause obviously the blocked pathing will remain after the rocks are destroyed. You could try changing the settings for the rocks in the data editor and see if you can increase the size of the footprint that way (I'm sure this is possible) but that would most likely void the 'Melee' map status. You could also use triggers but that would do the same thing. Are none of the rocks in the editor big enough already? The 6x6 and huge vertical/horizontal/diagonal's are pretty massive as it is.
Units and Models have several data lines:
There's the one that would change it's graphics only (units can pass though)
And another one for it's inner circle defining the diameter it occupies on the map (it denies other unit placement only until destroyed): selection scale
This for the path to be freed if the DR is destroyed? Correct? => no more melee tag i believe 
Also funcmode :"huge vertical/horizontal/diagonal's are pretty massive as it is." they are impractical .. uhh not good in tight spaces...
You can change the size of individual / separate doodads of the ones placed on your map "directly" too
edit: polishing  added "selection scale" bit
your Country52797 Posts
How do I remove a map I published? Because I want to remove some maps I made. They suck :/
On March 11 2011 14:07 funcmode wrote: Are the rocks on Testbug actually upscaled? I thought they were totally normal. Will need an iCCup rep to clarify I guess.
Regardless, you can't paint the pathing cause obviously the blocked pathing will remain after the rocks are destroyed. You could try changing the settings for the rocks in the data editor and see if you can increase the size of the footprint that way (I'm sure this is possible) but that would most likely void the 'Melee' map status. You could also use triggers but that would do the same thing. Are none of the rocks in the editor big enough already? The 6x6 and huge vertical/horizontal/diagonal's are pretty massive as it is.
Yes, the rocks are testbug are enlarged to prevent access to the tower.
I'm in 2v2 diamond and i got less points than a 2v2 master buddy i played with after a victory, why? o_o
Not the place for that question Window
On March 12 2011 08:32 TheAwesomeTemplar wrote: How do I remove a map I published? Because I want to remove some maps I made. They suck :/ Shut down sc2 if it was running // in galaxy: file/manage published id process (same as sc2)
voila! you have accessed your bnet galaxy account 
go under file type/ your published
you can DELETE (you loose the name if some other mapmaker uses it before you republish your map... if you want to safekeep the name: leave a bogus map published with the name ;p
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