On March 04 2008 10:43 Atrioc wrote: Whoa whoa whoa JAEDONG under FLASH?
Other than that its alright, but I think Jaedong already proved in the MSL where it wasnt a series of 3 cheese, that he is still the favorite given a best of 5 with flash. The mech build loss was sloppy, but what about when Jaedong dismantled Flash's ungodly sized Terran ball + dropships in a long ass game in a heavily terran favored map (Loki II) just by playing better starcraft
You can look at it like JaeDong wins BO5, or you can look at it that JaeDong won Bo5 once and lost Bo3 twice, meaning he got knocked out of 2 leagues by Flash, while only knocking him out of one league. I think it's a toss up, but after flash beating the best PvT and the best ZvT, you gotta give him some props there, even if they were close.
Oh and his TvT is statistically his best. + Show Spoiler + this sounds an awful lot how we talked about iriS after he raped stork and sAviOr, then lost to GGPlay in the OSL, i wonder if history is doomed to repeat itself.
Sometimes I think FS only does the Power Rank because he has fun defending his ranking against everyone.
I think from watching the 10 games b/w Jaedong and Flash that Jaedong is a slightly better player, but Flash just has more mojo right now, so I agree with Flash being #1 on the list of the most powerful gamers at the moment. He's just got so much momentum right now
On March 04 2008 12:37 kramus wrote: I thought Jangbi's series against Kal was quite amazing. If Kal had decided to go for a standard mid-long game for any of his three wins I'm pretty sure Jangbi would have taken that series
I thought Jangbi was some random lucky noob, but I really did enjoy his series with Kal. We saw him lose a bunch to Kal's early game aggression, but we also got to see his skill in late game management. Kal's play really felt like a Kwanro series, where games lasting over 10 minutes results in an auto-loss.
Nice list. I have no problems with Lux and Stork at 3rd and 4th.
Damn! I would tie Jaedong and Flash in first place lol.. the first place shared ever in the P.R
its a rough power rank for 1 and 2 id say its to early to call, but then again u gotta call it for the month
if Jaedong wins MSL and Flash loses OSL they could easily switch spots given the maps in GSI and the only good series between them in the MSL
Youngest #1 Power Ranker ever.
imo lux and stork should be switched, but besides that I'm in agreement!
great but i don't think mind on the 6th place is fair :-? he just played in MSL so i don't think he could keep his 6th seat. :-?
Valhalla18444 Posts
On March 04 2008 13:39 f10esqftw wrote: Sometimes I think FS only does the Power Rank because he has fun defending his ranking against everyone.
this from a guy openly criticized for his lack of game knowledge
I completely agree with 1-3. Luxury has been looking great in all matchups lately, definitely playing a more complete game than Stork overall, and Flash clearly deserves #1 at least for this month. Below that I'd shuffle the Protoss a bit, but that's a relatively minor argument.
The writing this month seemed, I don't know, a little more technical than I've come to expect from you, Fakesteve. Not as funny as previous months; I didn't see anything like painting Much yellow and sticking a fat union worker on his back. You don't have to be technical, that's what yelling at everyone who disagrees with you is for! :p Maybe I can fill in a couple highlights from the joke/prediction I tried to come up with as last month ended.
3. Katrina Katrina has been dominating the leagues for a long time now, but lately it has started to look somewhat mortal. Jaedong and Flash have been crushing it, and other Terrans have even managed to pick up a few games. It's hard to say yet if this is just a blip or the beginning of its long awaited fall from the leagues, so Katrina falls just below the 2 players who've had the most success against it for now.
From Luxury's entry: With only Mr. Please-don't-pick-Zerg-or-I-might-cry standing between him and an OSL finals showdown with Flash...
Bisu, you have a new team now with a number of great Terrans on it. Please go talk to Midas and your new coach, iloveoov, and have them explain to you what a timing push is, and why starting Carrier tech when you have 4 Dragoons is not a good plan.
omg.. flash totally deserves PR#1 because he did something JD didnt do: he INVENTED something. ok so JD may have played better in MSLbo5, and lost in GSI because of an unbalanced map, but hav u even tried flash's fast armory build?? it rapes, and pretty much its going to change the way TvP is played. that kind of innovation has made his TvP unstoppable, and it totally deserves first place.
i would hav made bisu #4, because of his cool arbiter play against Flash. he made mistakes, but hey, at least it wasn't carrier rush right? also, a couple months ago bisu placed higher than stork because he was strong in all MUs, while stork still sucked at PvZ. seeing that this trend still continues, i think bisu should be placed higher.
i think kal should be 7-10, but its no big deal, he has a lot to prove. anyway, good PR, i enjoyed it =)
Flash doesn't deserve #1. I think the BO5 in the MSL was a much more hectic and proving series than either the GSI or the OSL, or even the two put together. Flash has shown he can handle the pressure, but in any future series, I'll take JD over flash any day.
However, I applaud the decision to put Flash on top. You've captured the feeling of Pro Starcraft today, and that is that Flash-Jaedong is the most exciting rivalry that many of us have been around for. This rivalry is on the map, and it won't be settled anywhere but a league finals 
As for Bisu at 7, good decision. I wanted to flame and complain and say Bisu is still top 5, but getting to the OSL semis isn't enough on its on to get you there. Bisu needs to start playing good P v Z again (none of this dropping out of the MSL to 2 zergs crap).
On March 04 2008 10:46 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: Regardless of "what the koreans say about kal and jangbi", my evaluation of them is based on their performances. I find their strengths and weaknesses for myself by watching their games. I don't care who says Jangbi and Kal are amazing. Kal has played well lately, that's why he's fifth on the Power Rank. His MSL was easy. Kwanro's ZvP is HORRIBLE, and Light played like a complete retard against Kal. Then he faces off against Jangbi, who likewise had an easy MSL trip with pretty average gameplay.
Until they prove something in a series against a strong player, this is where they will sit. I 100% agree. Great PR.
Jaedong/Flash for the top spot is a very close call. These two are head and shoulders above the rest IMO and split their last 10 games 5-5.
United States10774 Posts
I agree with Flash/JD.
Only change I would make is Stork over Lux, just because they are both in the OSL semifinals but Stork has the silver medal in GSI (2-3 to #1 Flash) Don't see why Lux deserves to be higher than Stork.
Sea - JangBi hmm, close call but I think putting Sea was the better choice.
Nice job and thanks Steve!
On March 04 2008 17:48 OneOther wrote:
Only change I would make is Stork over Lux, just because they are both in the OSL semifinals but Stork has the silver medal in GSI (2-3 to #1 Flash) Don't see why Lux deserves to be higher than Stork.
Gotta agree with that, if Luxury takes down Stork then he deserves that no. 3 spot (which I reckon will happen), but untill then I feel that Stork still has an advantage on him.
The Jeadong/Flash situation can basically change every month, but I agree with your reasoning to rank this way now.
I don't see what Luxury has done to put himself over Stork who is still playing very well.
Ok sure Jaedong was taken out of the OSL, but most the games he lost were cheese builds on shitty maps for zerg. Splitting the games evenly doesn't seem like grounds to overthrow Jaedong so easily. Jaedong's skill in long games vs Flash and Mind impressed me way more than any other games/players.
5007 Posts
Oh, and BTW, Stork and Kal = maps