Did you watch any of Nada's games in December? As I said in the January rankings, he went 3-6 after his OSL win, getting smacked the hell around by practically everyone of note. His only wins were a TvZ on Desert Fox and two no-name Ps.
He managed to get through the truly skilled Survivor group of PokJu[S.G], Jy, and HiyA[fOu] at 2-1--impressive (2/3 of his wins for December!). Then I watched him advance through the group stages/wildcard because--get this--he had better TvT than Dongrae and Light--again, impressive. Did you watch his game against Much?
Beating Up was nice, because Up was the first real opponent that Nada didn't crumble against against (excluding his TvT against FBH in the wildcards) since his OSL win. So yeah, that's worthy of the #9 slot. If he keeps winning, I'll keep moving him up (and he has been winning), but you can't honestly expect me to start suckling his teats Mynock-style just because he beat one promising but unproven player (2-1, no less) and a bunch of scrubs.
4492 Posts
Wait a second... I'm beginning to think you're a non-believer 
Canada9720 Posts
On February 03 2007 02:25 sundance wrote:Show nested quote +On February 02 2007 22:40 ManaBlue wrote:On February 02 2007 22:20 Manifesto7 wrote: What the hell?
Yeah, GGPlay has pretty game, but he was booted out of the only league he was in by FireBatHero, who took him apart. Between those two players, they are only playing in the one league, and FBH > GGPlay. That stupid zergs record from LAST YEAR shouldnt matter, all that should matter is that you have a bias against terrn players because of the maps, and FBH >>> GGPlay all day long. There are no other results that can sway the vote.
Also, what the hell is wrong with Iris, except that he is beating everyone he faces? That MINOR LeAGUE series against a lucky mustashioed keke doesnt matter, this man is going prime time in the OSL, and that should count. More that Light anyways. This shouldnt be on his percieved skill, it should be on his results, and a 2-0 RAPING of gf is a good result.
Lastly, Iris and Zergman are going at it in the OSL. I think Zergman wil take the bo3 series, but whoever wins better be on your list next month etter.
I have a personal grudge against GGplay, so I don't want to argue against you there.  But Iris? Are you serious? His TvZ is the worst I've seen from a Top level Terran...ever. Bar none. Doggi is his daddy in TvZ. This is how pathetic it is. Fine, the games against Keke were in a minor league, but are you implying that he could beat an OSL Zerg in a series? No chance in hell. I can't stand Iris. The fact that he's #4 Kespa is a damn joke. He's the Silver of Terran's. As soon as he runs out of TvT MUs he'll be a walk over for his first Z or P (who am I kidding, there are non) opponent. Iris is a complete shmuck. Stealing 1 off games in group stages from random smatterings of Zergs doesn't mean shit to me. Bottom line, when you need to mention 2-0ing GF as the big thing a player has done this month, it's obvious why he doesn't deserve a spot. GGplay really should have dropped off though Etter.  I know you like him, but he's blown it at almost every opportunity he's gotten in the past month. Maps or not, the guy has been playing like poop in comparison to his other top Zerg counterparts. They have the same map pool as him, so that should be the bar. With posts like this your're basically making a fool of yourself. Agreed.
Reading this thread once again reminds me that most TL.net'ers don't read any other form of power rankings...
Osaka27125 Posts
Yeah, but these threads sure are fun
On February 07 2007 14:55 DJEtterStyle wrote: but you can't honestly expect me to start suckling his teats Mynock-style just because he beat one promising but unproven player (2-1, no less) and a bunch of scrubs.
Although I agree with your logic, I find it funny to see that coming from someone who keeps ranking ggplay for no reason beside pure fanboyism (or w/e the spelling is)
4492 Posts
Yep. Look, I acknowledge my sentiments towards NaDa. I also acknowledge that for this exact reason I personally would do a horrible job at a power rankings (who wants to read 10 different paragraphs for reasons why NaDa is #1 to #10). The problem is DJetter won't accept that he's no different from any of us.
I don't care whose teats you suck, as long as you don't try to pass it off as an objective opinion - other than that - whatever floats your boat - that's what progaming is all about, no?
if rA falls off this list while GGPlay stays on next month, this feature should be removed. --
On February 08 2007 16:32 Myxomatosis wrote: if rA falls off this list while GGPlay stays on next month, this feature should be removed. -- I'm glad you were able to come to that conclusion eight days into the month. You're clearly an individual who considers all the facts before forming an opinion.
rA lost PvP to Bisu 3-0 in semis more than an excuse to take him off the list
On February 07 2007 17:55 Manifesto7 wrote:Yeah, but these threads sure are fun  I definitely agree there.
On February 08 2007 18:39 Pressure wrote:rA lost PvP to Bisu 3-0 in semis more than an excuse to take him off the list 
No, more the reason Bisu gets on the list if he can do ok vs Savior.. lol -_-;;
On February 08 2007 03:35 Mynock wrote: he problem is DJetter won't accept that he's no different from any of us. The (funny) difference is that I'm actually harder on players that I really like. I still haven't forgiven Anytime for slumping the way he did after the finals. After his games against DarkElf, I've seriously--for the next couple months, anyway--just given up on him. If you were to tell me, today, that Anytime was playing against Savior in a Bo5 at 3:30 AM my time, I would just go to bed, confident that Savior would 3-0 him. I'd download the VODs to check on the play, but the result would hardly even matter to me; Anytime's play as of late has been awful. So yeah, I am different from most of you--from 99% of you, anyway. I'm not so naive as to believe that there aren't people out there that could do this job just as well as I can, but chances are you're not one of them, due to either ignorance or insufficient mental faculties. So relax, enjoy the PR, and do your best to refute my list.
Like to said to tfeign, it's easy to attack the PR when you don't provide your own. Show what you can do, and chances are that it'll, for the most part, correspond to the list that I've created. I can deal with dissent, but these ridiculous attacks upon my character piss me off.
I got your back. Let's bat these fuckers down.
4492 Posts
Sigh, OK then, if you really want to:
First of all, let me clarify a few things for you.
The problem is DJetter won't accept that he's no different from any of us. This is not a personal attack. This is criticism. (Which you have serious problems dealing with judging from all our short lived encounters so far.)
chances are you're not one of them, due to either ignorance or insufficient mental faculties
Now this is a personal attack. (You just called me stupid? I don't even want to waste my time refuting such idle banter on your part, I beg your pardon...)
you can't honestly expect me to start suckling his teats Mynock-style This is another example of a personal attack if you didn't get it yet. Not too elaborate, but I'm used to not expecting much anyway.
But let me show you a few prime examples of personal attacks and arrogant insults towards people who have accomplished far more than you have or ever will:
He’d make a great girlfriend, given that he’s a choker, but alas, I can’t give out spots based upon probable skill at fellatio. Outrageous. No self-respecting human being could possibly utter such nonsense in regards of one of the best players of a sport he's supposedly a connoisseur of. In a public report no less!
If I did that, TossGirl would be #1 every month, and that would be no fun at all. Do you even know what constitutes humor and what is plain profanity? Chances are you don't.
I hate Ra. He gives Protoss players everywhere a bad name. Given that it's exactly the opposite I'm inclined to believe that either it's an other attempt at a poorly constructed joke or your ineptitude of proper judgment.
So I’m throwing him a bone and giving him my coveted #9 spot Disrespectful and arrogant again. As if anybody actually cares what you do or don't. Especially on your list.
Bifrost sucks | Good-fucking-Friend. | PLEASE LOSE. | You're writing reports on an international site, not chatting on MSN. Pull yourself together please, will you?
I give him no more than a Twinkie’s chance in July’s hands against Savior. Yes we get it - July is overweight. These jokes are not only old and not funny, they are absolutely insulting.
Iris - Grab an Oxy pad or eight and we'll see how you're doing in a month. Ridiculous. Who do you think you are?
July - You're close, but not close enough for me to toss you the Twinkie that is a spot in my top ten. Find a new joke please.
Midas was dumb enough to choose Savior twice. The decision was both stupid and disrespectful to the fans What do you know about stupid? Is insulting some of the best players in the world so smart? No it's not.
My opinions are more valid than yours because my name is blue. You my friend is arrogant and not very competent at it either. It seems to me you believe yourself to be the next Mensrea. Well let me tell you you're not. Such arrogance *might* be acceptable after certain levels of accomplishment, however you can't show them off yet, now can you? Maybe later on, when you put something on the table you can slip in a thing or two. As it is right now you're just acting highly unprofessional.
But let's not stop here, and take a look at a couple of your ranking decisions:
Nada is off the list because he’s 3-6 since his OSL win, and those three wins have been against crappy opponents on imbalanced maps. He managed to “take down” Soo on Arkanoid, Pokju on Blitz, and Jy on Desert Fox. Then he lost to oov, Much (twice), Pokju, Daezang, and—get this—Mingu. And this is going to continue for at least a few months; it’s the OGN Curse, after all. You've been wrong. Absolutely wrong.
Iris – You are always warm, never hot, and your TvZ is god-awful. That display against Nal_Keke was pathetic. Ah? OK.
As for GGPlay, I have to respond to a few comments from last month with a question: what slump? A cheese loss against Pusan on Blitz, a ZvZ loss to Magma, and a bunker rush from ForGG is enough to call him slumping? The guy is still a beast across the board, and it’s going to take a lot more than the above games to convince me otherwise. Wrong again. Deal with it accordingly.
it took the ever-sexy Anytime to knock GoRush out of the OSL
Watch his games from this most-recent OSL. Then watch Nada’s. Then come back here and tell me, with a straight face, that Nada played better. Hint: he didn’t.
I suppose winning an OSL, despite his cream puff list of opponents until the finals, warrants a reward of this magnitude. But if he loses any more games to people like Mingu, you know where his ranking is going. You being unbiased is like Mahatma Gandhi going on a massacre spree while on crack. Not to mention you actually had the audacity to try and explain your way out of putting NaDa who defeated Anytime in an OSL final BELOW Anytime. From that moment on I knew the PR isn't worth much, but was always hoping for things to change as you get more into it. Well you never did.
I could quote you to no end just from these 3 last PRs, but why should I waste any more of my time on it?
All in all, I think you either have to shape up to your incredible level of arrogance based on absolutely nothing, or actually start looking for a way to put players in their right spots (why, look at two of the current OSL top4 finishers: one is #9 and the other one is off the charts completely, that's quite a miss on your side, yes? In the meantime your #4, 5 and 7 crashed and burned, and what GGPlay is doing there is completely beyond me) other than based of your personal preferences. See, from day one I was opposing this whole getup, as I was able to spot the inherent flaws right away. It's a shame for the idea, I think rea could have probably pulled it off for one. Nobody listened to me then, and without any tries or discussion the thing started rolling. Well, I see Mani likes the "discussions" the rankings sprouts, so what can I say... Be happy I guess, I don't think I will bother taking a look at the top right corner of the site anymore, let alone partake in any of these "discussions" if things stay the same.
But still I ask you personally, DJ: stop with the outrageous insults please. You're not doing yourself any justice with them.
Germany / USA16648 Posts
the thing is he's only halfway serious
I mean.. COME ON... the damn title is the POWER RANK... It can't be wrong. EVER.