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02:18 GMT (+00:00): TaeJa 2-1 LosirA. On Tal'Darim cross spawns, Taeja had mildly successful hellions, and less successful banshee harass. LosirA went for extremely fast greater spire. TaeJa, sniffing that out, moved forward but didn't really gain much with his first push. He pressured hard enough that LosirA only had enough gas for three brood lords hen his tech finished, letting TaeJa get his own fourth up fairly comfortably. TaeJa dropped LosirA's main to draw the whole army there, then wiped out the zerg fourth. He continued to drop, taking advantage of the low mobility of LosirA's brood lords, and added on thors and vikings as he built up a massive bank. With LosirA running out of resources, he resorted to nydus worms. LosirA and Taeja traded armies on the ridge overlooking the Zerg fourth, but it was only the terran who could afford to remax without exhausting his bank. Adding ghosts into his composition, he even landed a huge nuke on the majority of LosirA's army. The second nuke convinced LosirA that he had no hope, and he GGed to hand the series to TaeJa.
02:13 GMT (+00:00): First 2-1 aLive. On Antiga, First set up camp below aLive's natural as he worked on building up a chargelot-archon army. aLive went pure bio but didn't have ghosts at all when First's army arrived as psi storm finished. First was able to bust up the ramp with lots of forcefields neutralizing the bunkers, and archons, chargelots, and storm decimatign the defending bio units.
01:58 GMT (+00:00): First 1-1 aLive. On Cloud Kingdom, aLive went four rax early, delaying his upgrades a little bit. He added more and more buildings with an emphasis on bio, and both players took their third as First added colossi and charge. First pushed out across the map and caught aLive totally out of position, pushing itno the natural with barely any terran army there. aLive lost his CC there, and aLive couldn't get his army together coherently to attack First, suffering massive damage in his main and third. At that point, it was only a matter of time.
01:50 GMT (+00:00): TaeJa 1-1 LosirA. On Cloud Kingdom, Taeja harassed well early with hellions and banshees, losing a little bit to a ling runby in his main. TaeJa loaded up a couple medivacs that couldn't quite take down the natural, but he did force a cancel of the fourth. LosirA tried to counterattack, but ran into TaeJa's newly completed 2/2 and turned around. TaeJa was pretty low on gas, which limited his tank and medivac numbers, and defended another counterattack as he set up above Losira's fourth. LosirA rolled in with a ton of banelings, punishing the low tank count, and TaeJa didn't really have a followup. LosirA suicided a ton of mutas into marines, letting TaeJa remax with thors. The two armies engaged over LosirA's fourth again, this time with better marine splits giving the edge to TaeJa. TaeJa took his own fourth, and with more excellent target fire on banelings, stimmed forward to even the series.
01:41 GMT (+00:00): aLive 1-0 First. On Metropolis cross spawns, aLive lost an early skirmish, but loaded up a nice drop to take out a few pylons in the main, then attacked in the natural to do a decent amount of economic damage. He dropped the main again, then eventually backed off. aLive continued to drop later in the game, sniping First's third, and defending a drop in his main. aLive pushed out with a huge MMM+ghost swarm, shrugging off storms and taking out a colossus to ice the victory.
01:29 GMT (+00:00): LosirA 1-0 TaeJa. On Entombed vertical spawns, LosirA stole a gas, but TaeJa's hellions into bashees was barely delayed. LosirA went extremely heavy on queens, which TaeJa countered by mass mass marines. LosirA went into mutas rather than infestors, and when TaeJa pushed out with tanks, the two jockeyed over the central watchtower. LosirA's attempted mutalisk harass was unsuccessful, and TaeJa pushed in for LosirA's fourth when his 2/2/1 finished. LosirA had a ton of banelings, catching TaeJa largely unsieged, and rolling over TaeJa's army despite a lack of infestors. TaeJa manaed to remax and attacked again, but this time it was before his next round of upgrades, and he could only manage an even trade despite his tanks being properly sieged. LosirA teched to brood lords and added infestors, delaying well when TaeJa tried to attack again. He assembled a formidable air force, taking the entire bottom haf of the map. TaeJa caught him trying to attack his fourth, wiping out the brood lords, then moved forward as LosirA remaxed on banes and ultras. TaeJa was left with 19 vikings, proving largely useless as his whole ground army died. TaeJa couldn't keep up his tank account, and eventually the banlings and ultras were too much for TaeJa's marines, forcing him to surrender.
01:11 GMT (+00:00): Stephano 2-1 HerO. On Metropolis cross spawns, HerO went stargate and did a little bit of damage with phoenix es before switching into Colossi. Stephano almost caught HerO's immortals and sentries out of position early, but some excellent force fields saved almost all of them. The main consequence of the phoenix play was an almost complete lack of creep spread on Stephano's part. HerO pushed out across the map to try to beat brood lords, but they morphed in just in time, and Stephano had way too much infestor energy. He wiped out HerO's army, then attacked across the map to finish HerO off.
01:03 GMT (+00:00): On Entombed vertical spawns, TaeJa pressured early with marines to take down a few overlords, while LosirA went heavy queens early with a delayed lair. LosirA pressured a little with lings and banes, and the players were pretty even in the mid game when TaeJa's computer died. Regame coming up.
00:54 GMT (+00:00): HerO 1-1 Stephano. On Daybreak, Stephano went for a 9 pool, which HerO scouted with his probe. HerO still decided to proceed as normal, putting his first cannon in the natural, but was forced to pull probes to save his warping in nexus. Stephano added two gas on just after his natural started, building up for a big baneling bust. Hero put on an exhibition in defense, placing impeccable force fields to defend without any major losses, crippling Stephano. HerO pushed out to attack when his +1 attack finished, but he couldn't break into Stephano's natural and backed off to take his third as infestors spawned. Stephano rushed for hive off three bases, morphing in five brood lords as HerO maxed out and started to attack the third. HerO took out the third easily, did a little bit of damage with a warpin in the main, then caught the brood lords out of position to clinch the game.
00:45 GMT (+00:00) Alicia 2-1 Oz. On Tal'Darim cross positions, Oz took the more aggressive posture in the early game, planting a pylon in the center of the map. He marched into Alicia's main, forcing him to pull probes, but when Alicia was able to defend, Oz GGed out.
00:36 GMT (+00:00): Stephano 1-0 HerO. On Cloud Kingdom, HerO pushed forward with a pair of zealots and a pair of stalkers to take out the queen at Stephano's third while he took his own third. Stephano responded by building a bunch of lings, defending the push at his own third and forcing the cancel on HerO's, even breaking into the natural with a few. Stephano teched to drops, and took down HerO's third with a huge roach army. HerO couldn't hold Stephano off until his immortal arrived, retaking his third at that point. Stephano dropped in the natural, which did a ton of damage, even running into the main and wreaking havoc there. He continued to assault the third as he teched to infestors, keeping HerO pinned back and inducing him to go for a desperation dark shrine. HerO tried to move out once he had a few colossi, but he was met by a huge infestor/brood/ling army and chased back home. HerO held on admirably for a while, but it couldn't last forever, and he was forced to GG.
00:35 GMT (+00:00): Oz 1-1 Alicia. On Cloud Kingdom, Alicia took an early expansion, but lost it almost immediately to a ton of stalkers from Oz, who then teched to blink and put down an expansion of his own. Alicia added immortals and colossi, and tried to sneak a base in the far top left as he moved across the map with his main army. Oz sniped at it with stalkers and took out pylons with a stalker hit squad, forcing the army back. Oz added charge tech and colossi of his own, and eventually rolled over Alicia to even the series.
00:16 GMT (+00:00): Alicia 1-0 Oz. On Antiga, Oz went 3gate pressure, getting zealot warpins in Alicia's main. Alicia held very well, losing only four probes then moving into twilight and robo. For his part, Oz went stargate, going for phoenixes. Alicia's blink finished, and Oz had only just started his robo. Alicia chose not to blink into the main, instead sniping a gas and blinking low-health units back. When he finally had a decisive advantage, he blinked forward to seal the victory.
Update Log
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23:35 GMT (+00:00): HerO 2-0 viOLet. On close air Metropolis, HerO went for warp prism 4gate, but viOLet's scouting overlord spotted it in plenty of time. viOLet sent a small army into the main, enough to repel HerO's initial aggression. The players took their thirds and then fourth for viOLet, and then tried to harass as they teched up. When HerO tried to attak across the map, viOLet defended well with infestors and corruptors, so the players backed off again to finish their tech and max out. HerO moved into the harass-recall phase as he avoided the brood lord flock, but viOLet responded by simply moving across the map with his army. He pinned HerO in his base, and with the Mothership low on energy after the recall, HerO was in trouble. HerO delayed until the vortex, somehow killing a bunch of brood lords, and pressed across the map to try to hit before the next batchc of brood lords could come out. viOLet couldn't quite delay with fungals, and a combination of storms and blink stalkers enabled HerO to take out viOLet's army and win the game.
23:26 GMT (+00:00): Stephano 1-1 Ryung. On cross spawns Entombed, Ryung built up a ton of hellions and supported them with a few banshees, which worked pretty well against Stephano's roaches until the queens came out to support. Stephano pushed forward with his roaches, forcing Ryung to reveal his thors in order to chase off the zerg army. Stephano added on infestors and attacked again as he took his fourth and went up to hive, forcing Ryung to stay back in his own base. When Ryung finally moved out, Stephano was able to largely wipe out that mech army. Ryung tried to salvage the situation with some banshee harassment while he rebuilt, catching a break when Stephano traded a ton of ultralisks for the planetary at Ryung's fourth - where two other CC's were just finished production. Ryung took this as a sign to move out, but he lost his whole army again, and when Stephano swarmed back to the fourth, Ryung was forced to GG.
23:12 GMT (+00:00): HerO 1-0 viOLet. On Daybreak, HerO pressured viOLet's third excellently with a 2base 4gate, doing a ton of damage despite not taking out the hatchery, forcing a ton of units instead of drones. He tried to follow up with immortal drops, but his warp prism was killed with the immortals still inside. HerO maxed out on colossi and stalkers as viOLet teched up to brood lords, with HerO maintaining an equal or greater base count than viOLet. Once his mothership arrived, he was able to attack viOLet's bases and recall when his army got in trouble. HerO's mothership had to vortex at a poor time when it got caught up, but he was able to salvage it somewhat by feedbacking most of viOLet's infestors. viOLet pressed forward anyway, but he couldn't protect his brood lords from HerO's blink stalkers and HerO gained a massive advantage. . HerO harassed with storm drops until his mothership got a lot more energy, but it was almost entirely unsuccessful and all that time he spent on it just let viOLet get a ton of brood lords up and infestors up, giving away almost all of his advantage. HerO finally engaged viOLet and got off a double vortex, and with a much better economy, HerO was able to reinforce where viOLet wasn't to take the game.
23:07 GMT (+00:00): Ryung 1-0 Stephano. On Antiga, Ryung went uncloaked banshee behind some hellions but had to use them mostly defensively as Stephano was heavily pressuring Ryung's natural and third. Stephano wasn't able to get much done on that front, and with Ryung playing relatively defensively, he maintained enough of an army that Stephano wasn't comfortable takign the gold base. Ryung took his own gold once he got up to tanks, and defended it well against Stephano's ultra/ling/infestor army. Stephano teched up to brood lords, but he never was able to build up a truly intimidating army, and Ryung shut down expansion after expansion to take the game.
22:28 GMT (+00:00): LosirA 2-0 aLive. On Tal'Darim, LosirA spawned clockwise from aLive. LosirA had an unusual tech path, going quick lair, researching burrow and baneling speed, plopping down a spire before starting his third. aLive moved out with +1/+1 marines supported by medivacs and hellions, forcing a cancel of LosirA's third, and also did a nice bit of harassment in the main. Each player took their third, with aLive adding on tanks and thors. aLive pushed across the map, with his heavily upgraded marines, LosirA meting him with wave after wave of lings and banes, saving his mutalisks with excellent micro. The players slowly remaxed on full tech, with LosirA landing some big fungals to wipe out aLive's ground forces and ice the victory.
22:17 GMT (+00:00): Daisy 2-1 GoOdy. On cross spawns Metropolis, Daisy managed to hide a pylon in the far reaches of GoOdy's main. GoOdy's only defense built was a singular bunker at his natural, so when Daisy warped in a round of zealots and a round of stalkers in his main, he took devastating damage. Daisy ran some more stalkers in the front to group up with his main army, and continual warpins overwhelmed GoOdy to force the GG.
22:09 GMT (+00:00): GoOdy 1-1 Daisy. On vertical spawns Entombed, Daisy hid a forge and two gateways in another main while building three gateways in his own main. GoOdy had a pair of bunkers up at the top of his natural ramp, and easily held when Daisy attacked at +1 armor. Daisy tried time and time again, but GoOdy had way too much of an army and Daisy's all-in failed.
21:58 GMT (+00:00): Daisy 1-0 GoOdy. On Cloud Kingdom, GoOdy tried a MMM attack into Daisy's natural as both players neared 100 supply, but was chased off by a pair of colossi.Daisy added more on to his army, and with a big upgrade lead he pushed across the map. GoOdy didn't have much in the way of defenses, and Daisy rolled over him for the victory.
21:57 GMT (+00:00): LosirA 1-0 aLive. On Antiga, after a regame only a couple minutes in and before anything important happened, LosirA stole a gas, then took an extremely late third. aLive built a MMM+hellion arm that did a decent amount of damage but couldn't get through the queens, all the while falling behind on upgrades. LosirA added infestors as aLive tacked on tanks. aLive moved out as he maxed, with each player doing a decent amount of damage in one anothers' third. aLive attacked into LosirA's natural, but when he ran into mass queens and full energy infestors, his push was slaughtered. LosirA comfortably got brood lords and then ultras out, and rode that to victory.
21:24 GMT (+00:00): Alicia 2-1 HerO. On cross spawns Entombed, Alicia went blink stalker this time, with HerO going for the earlier robo. The players once again transitioned into largely colossus armies, this time with both of them safely taking a third and then fourth. HerO again added a dark shrine, this time as both players warped in motherships. Both players harassed, with various sorts of warpins from prisms, and tried to build their banks. At one point HerO moved out across the map wit his whole army, then recalled it back to his main, while Alicia transitioned into a void ray-carrier army. HerO kept to kill probes, but Alicia didn't even seem to care, replacing those probes with carriers since his bank was so big. Alicia got pretty much his whole army caught in a vortex, but he just recalled when it ended. Alicia trapped himself in a top right base, where HerO killed Alicia's whole ground army, then blinked under the carriers to kill them too. HerO looked to be in a strong position, but could't find a way to kill Alicia's carriers defending his last healthy base. The game stagnated, with the players trading the middle bases, until Hero lost all his mining bases and all his probes, at which point HerO wasn't mining a all and Alicia was barely mining enough to replenish his interceptors. HerO never got enough stalkers to kill Alicia's carriers and he finally mercifully attacked so the game could end.
21:11 GMT (+00:00): Oz 2-1 Stephano. On Daybreak, Oz went more low-tech for his first attack, using warp prisms instead to attack all over the map with basic gateway units. He took out Stephano's third, then teched hard into blink, colossi, and void rays. He tried numerous times to kill stephano's greater spire, and though he was unsuccessful at that, he caught Stephano with his army in the wrong place and was able to take out Stephano's third again, clinching the series.
20:48 GMT (+00:00): Oz 1-1 Stephano. On vertical spawns Entombed, Oz again went for a robo and blink, while stephano tried to pressure Oz's third with lings before backing off. Oz added colossi this time instead of trying fancy immortal-blink shenanigans, and waited to max this time before he moved out. Stephano had a ton of infestors and corruptors, but he couldn't kill Oz's army in the center of the map. He remaxed on roaches and lings, and this time was more successful. When his brood lords arrived, he forced Oz to back off the natural, and chased him away from the fourth. Oz tried to harass Stephano's seemingly endless supply of bases, but he couldn't keep the zerg economy down. Stephano rolled out with tons of full energy infestors and brood lords, instantly remaxing off his enormous bank and easily destroying all opposition, until Oz got a mothership out. At that point, the zerg couldn't find a way to take out any more of Oz's bases, and continuous warpins did enough damage to Stephano's economy that he eventually ran out of funding and, consequently, army.
20:32 GMT (+00:00): HerO 1-1 Alicia. On Metropolis close air, HerO went blink stalker, even getting some in the main, but Alicia did get an immortal out in plenty of time to stave off serious damage. Alicia went for blink himself as HerO added a robo and started producing immortals of his own. Once blink finished for Alicia, he went on the offensive, but was met by a forcefield on HerO's ramp and backed off. Both players took their naturals, HerO a bit sooner with a bit higher probe count. Both players added colossus tech, with Hero also building a dark shrine. HerO took his third, while Alicia built a bigger army. The players danced back and forth around HerO's third, With Alicia attacking down the side ramp. Hero was able to get the much better concave, keeping all his colossi alive and wiping out the rest of Alicia's army when reinforcements arrived. With no army and no third, Alicia GGed.
20:15 GMT (+00:00): Stephano 1-0 Oz. On Antiga, Oz again did his 2gate expand, pressuring Stephano but never threatening the Zerg third. Stephano macro'd up well and won a big battle in the mid over a blink stalker-centric army (partial thanks to bad force fields), taking the gold base as he teched for brood lords. Stephano sent in a ton of roaches to wipe out Oz's third, and when some warp prism harassment did nothing, Oz GGed.
20:13 GMT (+00:00): Alicia 1-0 HerO. On Daybreak, HerO and Alicia both went DT,s with Alicia's coming way sooner when one of the computers died. HerO barely managed to stop the DTs on the ramp with a mix of force fields and pylons until his own dark shrine finished, but Alicia already had an observer out, so HerO had no chance.
19:54 GMT (+00:00): PuMa 2-0 SaSe. On Entombed Valley cross positions, PuMa went for somewhat delayed cloaked banshees, which didn't do a ton of damage but managed to keep SaSe in his base as PuMa macroed up. SaSe added on high templar, but PuMa was simply way too well prepared when SaSe finally moved out, overwhelming colossi with vikings and templar with ghosts.
19:45 GMT (+00:00): GoOdy 2-0 Welmu. On Daybreak, the game started off similarly to the previous one, bith both players sitting back and spamming upgrades. GoOdy hid a base in the far bottom right, giving him a huge economic advantage since Welmu barely left his base at all, much less scouting down there. GoOdy moved out as his tech lab upgrades finished, taking the watchtower and decimating Welmu's army when he tried to move out. Welmu backed off to his natural and waited for blink to supplement his chargelots, catching GoOdy out of position in the third before his ghosts arrived. Still, GoOdy's economic advantage from the hidden base was too much and he was able to trade very efficiently. GoOdy took his third, which was his fourth base, rebuilt his army and attacked again before storm finished, demolishing Welmu's third and moving on to the natural soon after.
19:28 GMT (+00:00): GoOdy 1-0 Welmu. On Cloud Kingdom, both players went double upgrades. GoOdy macroed up excellently, keeping well ahead of Welmu in population, and added ghost tech as he neared max. He attacked into Welmu's third with a huge army, and even though his blink upgrade had just finished and ghosts were not yet on the field, Welmu's army fell to GoOdy, with his third going soon after. Welmu stayed in the game until his next colossus came out, but the outcome wasn't in doubt.
19:22 GMT (+00:00): PuMa 1-0 SaSe. On Shakuras Plateau, PuMa's pylon hunting neutered SaSe's 2base 3gate push, so the swede then teched up to colossus. PuMa lurked around SaSe's natural, backing off when the first colossus entered the field. SaSe adde another colossus and attacked into PuMa's natural, finding way too many vikings and bio units to break, then surrendered.
18:56 GMT (+00:00): Rain 2-0 Grubby. On Daybreak, Rain went for very marine-heavy early as Grubby built up a gateway-centric force. Rain's bio upgrades kept up with Grubby, so he was able to take out the third while he addded ghosts. Grubby's storms let him retake his third, but when the ghosts joined Rain's army, it was all over for the dutch Protoss.
18:54 GMT (+00:00): Ryung 2-0 Illusion. On cross positions Entombed, Ryung went cloak banshees, trying to pick off key tech labs and SCVs but largely unsuccessfully. Illusion did waste a scan without killing a banshee, letting Ryung continue to pick off stray marines. Illusion loaded up some drops, unsuccessfully assaulting Ryung's third, as both players worked on their bio upgrades and added a few tanks. Ryung got the tank lead and set up below Illusion's natural, so Illusion loaded up four dropships and sent them out in a pincer movement to completely circumvent Ryung's army. He dropped in the fourth an the natural at the same time, losing in the fourth but doing great damage in the natural. Ryung chased those off, though, and when Illusion unsuccessfully tried to bust out of his bases for an extended period of time, he was soon forced to cede the game when he could never take a fourth.
18:37 GMT (+00:00): Rain 1-0 Grubby. On Cloud Kingdom, Rain went for an early reaper, scouting out Grubby's 2nex 3gate. He got lots of bunkers up at the natural, so Grubby just backed off and teched up, going into an upgraded gateway army with some archons. He teched to storm off only two bases, while Rain worked on bio upgrades, including ghosts. Rain dropped Grubby's main base with a bunch of medivacs, and with great success there as well as excellent defense at his natural, Rain took game one.
18:32 GMT (+00:00) Ryung 1-0 Illusion. On Daybreak, both players went for defensive double ebay builds, upgrading their bio forces. Each player loaded up some drops but couldn't do much damage, as Illusion took his third slightly earlier. The players added sensor towers in the main, and the players finally stopped mirroring one another once Illusion's macro started to break down as Ryung neared max. The players sieged up in the center of the map, but Ryung's earlier fifth gave him a much larger bank. Illusion tried dropping some marines on Ryung's tanks, losing medivacs for it. Ryung lost a ton of tanks trying to gain position as he started a transition to air, letting Illusion take the watchtower at Ryung's fourth. Ryung kept up his mining, though, and his early bank carried him through until he got some banshees to turn the tide against Illusion and take back the center. From there, Illusion added upgraded ravens and some thors, but they weren't enough to protect his fifth or third. Illusion went for the trade, taking down Ryung's fourth, and fifth, but he got his whole army sandwiched and didn't have the minerals to rebuild it, essentially ending the game.
18:09 GMT (+00:00): PuMa 2-0 Dream. On Cloud Kingdom, Dream tried 1rax double expand as PuMa built four reapers. He used excellent micro to kill four marines and four SCVs, but was forced to retreat soon after. PuMa built up a ton of marines and attacked to demolish Dream's third (with teh help of poor floating control), but lost all his marines for it. Dream stopped PuMa from mining at third for some time, also sending a drop in the main to kill some SCVs. PuMa controlled the central ridge in the mid-game, preventing Dream from taking his fourth, but fell behind quickly on tank count. Dream turned that tank count into control of the center so he could take a fourth and fifth while restricting PuMa to four bases. He took down PuMa's fourth, but his tanks got too spread out so he lost a number of them. PuMa then went on a great run of tank snipes, shutting down Dream's fifth then fourth. With Dream running out of resources and PuMa up to five bases, Dream desparately attacked toward the center, but couldn't keep up economically and slowly died.
17:48 GMT (+00:00): Daisy 2-0 Golden. On close air Metropolis, Daisy did a 7gate and somehow got a pylon up in Golden's main, letting him warp in at will to crush Golden's trickle of roaches.
17:40 GMT (+00:00): PuMa 1-0 Dream. On Daybreak, Dream got his natural up a bit faster, then started working heavily on mech upgrades. PuMa pressured a bit with hellions before moving into bio upgrades, and each player took their third and central fourth. PuMa did his best to leverage the mobility of bio, dropping and poking all over with mixed success. PuMa moved into nukes as Dream added vikings and banshees, and his continual flanks eventually overwhelmed Dream, catching his tanks unsieged all at once to clinch the game.
17:35 GMT (+00:00): Daisy 1-0 Golden. On Daybreak, Daisy went for a quick warp prism-supported 4gate and did a decent amount of economic damage with his gateway units, but eventually was cleaned up by Golden, who had been drone heavily at the two bases of his not under assault. Golden maxed on roaches and took out Daisy's third, but couldn't crack the main army at the natural. His roaches lost engagement after engagement in the mid game, but barely held off the protoss army long enough for Golden to get broods and infestors out. Golden couldn't get enough infestors or corruptors to properly protect his brood lords, though, and Daisy's colossus and blink stalkers carried him to victory.
17:11 GMT (+00:00): Rain 2-1 roof. On Antiga Shipyard, Rain went 11-11 rax below the central plateau. roof's pulled drones managed to cancel the initial bunker, but he couldn't stand up to the continuous stream of marines, and once the second bunker got up with full hp and marines were running amok in the main, the game was over.
17:06 GMT (+00:00): Illusion 2-0 qxc. On Antiga Shipyard, Illusion went quick uncloaked banshee and then expanded, picking off a few SCVs, marines, and mules, doing a considerably amount of damage for only one unlcoaked banshee. He then started working on bio upgrades, and with a better economy, once he wiped out qxc's bizarre unsieged tank-landed viking attack and executed an excellent drop in the main, the series victory was sealed.
16:59 GMT (+00:00): roof 1-1 Rain. On cross spawns entombed, Rain went for cloaked banshees, not revealing them until he had a pair. He poked around and couldn't do a ton of damage, but did scout the spire as it was under construction, giving him plenty of time to prepare. Neither player accomplished much offensively in the mid-game, with Rain adding thors and roof moving aggressively into infestors. Rain tried to take the central watchtower, but was run over by a ling-bane-muta army, with the infestors providing the crucial support that was missing last game. Rain had added a bunch of CCs and converted them into orbitals, but couldn't actually take a fifth base. roof built up a huge bank, enabling him to sacrifice entire armies to take out planetaries, and trade armies while constantly remaxing. Rain kept up his tank count, but they were too immobile in the mid-game to defend effectively and hopeless once roof's flock of brood lords arrived, ending the game.
16:47 GMT (+00:00): Illusion 1-0 qxc. On cross spawns Entombed, qxc's delayed third let him gain a little bit of an army advantage while Illusion took his own third. He wasn't able to find a vulnerable point in Illusion's defenses during that time, and when Illusion got caught up in tech, qxc had to retreat. Illusion tried to press his economic advantage with some drops, but qxc was well prepared for that. Illusion managed to take his fourth earlier and stay ahead on upgrades, but couldn't find a way to engage favorably. He tried a number of flanks to attack at the natural, then the fourth, even trying more drops, but he didn't find a weak point. qxc maintaned the superior tank count and moved out when he maxed, sieging Illusion's fourth. He leveraged that for an economic advantage, building up a huge bank. The players traded armies in battles over the central watchtower, Illusion winning that overall and taking a central fifth base. With qxc slow to take a fifth of his own and under siege at his fourth, Illusion's economic advantage was too much for qxc to overcome.
16:30 GMT (+00:00): Rain 1-0 roof. On Cloud Kingdom, Rain popped out some reactor hellions in an effort to limit creep spread while he double ebayed. roof spawned an upgraded ling-bane army, and teched to spire as Rain started to add tanks. Rain moved out once his first round of upgrades was done, managing to catch roof just before his boneling speed finished. He killed a bunch of creep tumors, then split up his army to try to harass the various zerg expansions. roof's mutas shut that down, then headed out supported by banelings to wipe out Rain's third temporarily. His emphasis on mutas and banelings heavily delayed his infestor tech, and rain's excellent marine micro let him kite away from the banelings almost at will and take out the zerg fourth. Rain's tanks were caught out, and the players traded thirds. The game got a bit chaotic for a while, at which point neither player was mining past their natural. The players traded armies and bases, but roof could never take out Rain's tank backbone and was eventually forced to GG.
16:13 GMT (+00:00): The games are about to begin! People start getting eliminated from the tournament today.
16:00 GMT (+00:00) Hi mom!
Winners Bracket
20:00 GMT (+00:00):

- Game One: On Daybreak, HerO and Alicia both went DT,s with Alicia's coming way sooner when one of the computers died. HerO barely managed to stop the DTs on the ramp with a mix of force fields and pylons until his own dark shrine finished, but Alicia already had an observer out, so HerO had no chance.
- Game Two: On Metropolis close air, HerO went blink stalker, even getting some in the main, but Alicia did get an immortal out in plenty of time to stave off serious damage. Alicia went for blink himself as HerO added a robo and started producing immortals of his own. Once blink finished for Alicia, he went on the offensive, but was met by a forcefield on HerO's ramp and backed off. Both players took their naturals, HerO a bit sooner with a bit higher probe count. Both players added colossus tech, with Hero also building a dark shrine. HerO took his third, while Alicia built a bigger army. The players danced back and forth around HerO's third, With Alicia attacking down the side ramp. Hero was able to get the much better concave, keeping all his colossi alive and wiping out the rest of Alicia's army when reinforcements arrived. With no army and no third, Alicia GGed.
- Game Three: On cross spawns Entombed, Alicia went blink stalker this time, with HerO going for the earlier robo. The players once again transitioned into largely colossus armies, this time with both of them safely taking a third and then fourth. HerO again added a dark shrine, this time as both players warped in motherships. Both players harassed, with various sorts of warpins from prisms, and tried to build their banks. At one point HerO moved out across the map wit his whole army, then recalled it back to his main, while Alicia transitioned into a void ray-carrier army. HerO kept to kill probes, but Alicia didn't even seem to care, replacing those probes with carriers since his bank was so big. Alicia got pretty much his whole army caught in a vortex, but he just recalled when it ended. Alicia trapped himself in a top right base, where HerO killed Alicia's whole ground army, then blinked under the carriers to kill them too. HerO looked to be in a strong position, but could't find a way to kill Alicia's carriers defending his last healthy base. The game stagnated, with the players trading the middle bases, until Hero lost all his mining bases and all his probes, at which point HerO wasn't mining a all and Alicia was barely mining enough to replenish his interceptors. HerO never got enough stalkers to kill Alicia's carriers and he finally mercifully attacked so the game could end.
- Alicia 2 - 1 HerO
20:00 GMT (+00:00):

- Game One: On Antiga, Oz again did his 2gate expand, pressuring Stephano but never threatening the Zerg third. Stephano macro'd up well and won a big battle in the mid over a blink stalker-centric army (partial thanks to bad force fields), taking the gold base as he teched for brood lords. Stephano sent in a ton of roaches to wipe out Oz's third, and when some warp prism harassment did nothing, Oz GGed.
- Game Two: On vertical spawns Entombed, Oz again went for a robo and blink, while stephano tried to pressure Oz's third with lings before backing off. Oz added colossi this time instead of trying fancy immortal-blink shenanigans, and waited to max this time before he moved out. Stephano had a ton of infestors and corruptors, but he couldn't kill Oz's army in the center of the map. He remaxed on roaches and lings, and this time was more successful. When his brood lords arrived, he forced Oz to back off the natural, and chased him away from the fourth. Oz tried to harass Stephano's seemingly endless supply of bases, but he couldn't keep the zerg economy down. Stephano rolled out with tons of full energy infestors and brood lords, instantly remaxing off his enormous bank and easily destroying all opposition, until Oz got a mothership out. At that point, the zerg couldn't find a way to take out any more of Oz's bases, and continuous warpins did enough damage to Stephano's economy that he eventually ran out of funding and, consequently, army.
- Game Three: On Daybreak, Oz went more low-tech for his first attack, using warp prisms instead to attack all over the map with basic gateway units. He took out Stephano's third, then teched hard into blink, colossi, and void rays. He tried numerous times to kill stephano's greater spire, and though he was unsuccessful at that, he caught Stephano with his army in the wrong place and was able to take out Stephano's third again, clinching the series.
- Stephano 1 - 2 Oz
21:25 GMT (+00:00):

- Game One: On Antiga, after a regame only a couple minutes in and before anything important happened, LosirA stole a gas, then took an extremely late third. aLive built a MMM+hellion arm that did a decent amount of damage but couldn't get through the queens, all the while falling behind on upgrades. LosirA added infestors as aLive tacked on tanks. aLive moved out as he maxed, with each player doing a decent amount of damage in one anothers' third. aLive attacked into LosirA's natural, but when he ran into mass queens and full energy infestors, his push was slaughtered. LosirA comfortably got brood lords and then ultras out, and rode that to victory.
- Game Two: On Tal'Darim, LosirA spawned clockwise from aLive. LosirA had an unusual tech path, going quick lair, researching burrow and baneling speed, plopping down a spire before starting his third. aLive moved out with +1/+1 marines supported by medivacs and hellions, forcing a cancel of LosirA's third, and also did a nice bit of harassment in the main. Each player took their third, with aLive adding on tanks and thors. aLive pushed across the map, with his heavily upgraded marines, LosirA meting him with wave after wave of lings and banes, saving his mutalisks with excellent micro. The players slowly remaxed on full tech, with LosirA landing some big fungals to wipe out aLive's ground forces and ice the victory.
- aLive 0 - 2 LosirA
00:00 GMT (+00:00):

- Game One: On Antiga, Oz went 3gate pressure, getting zealot warpins in Alicia's main. Alicia held very well, losing only four probes then moving into twilight and robo. For his part, Oz went stargate, going for phoenixes. Alicia's blink finished, and Oz had only just started his robo. Alicia chose not to blink into the main, instead sniping a gas and blinking low-health units back. When he finally had a decisive advantage, he blinked forward to seal the victory.
- Game Two: On Cloud Kingdom, Alicia took an early expansion, but lost it almost immediately to a ton of stalkers from Oz, who then teched to blink and put down an expansion of his own. Alicia added immortals and colossi, and tried to sneak a base in the far top left as he moved across the map with his main army. Oz sniped at it with stalkers and took out pylons with a stalker hit squad, forcing the army back. Oz added charge tech and colossi of his own, and eventually rolled over Alicia to even the series.
- Game Three: On Tal'Darim cross positions, Oz took the more aggressive posture in the early game, planting a pylon in the center of the map. He marched into Alicia's main, forcing him to pull probes, but when Alicia was able to defend, Oz GGed out.
- Alicia 2 - 1 Oz
01:00 GMT (+00:00):

- Game One: On Entombed vertical spawns, LosirA stole a gas, but TaeJa's hellions into bashees was barely delayed. LosirA went extremely heavy on queens, which TaeJa countered by mass mass marines. LosirA went into mutas rather than infestors, and when TaeJa pushed out with tanks, the two jockeyed over the central watchtower. LosirA's attempted mutalisk harass was unsuccessful, and TaeJa pushed in for LosirA's fourth when his 2/2/1 finished. LosirA had a ton of banelings, catching TaeJa largely unsieged, and rolling over TaeJa's army despite a lack of infestors. TaeJa manaed to remax and attacked again, but this time it was before his next round of upgrades, and he could only manage an even trade despite his tanks being properly sieged. LosirA teched to brood lords and added infestors, delaying well when TaeJa tried to attack again. He assembled a formidable air force, taking the entire bottom haf of the map. TaeJa caught him trying to attack his fourth, wiping out the brood lords, then moved forward as LosirA remaxed on banes and ultras. TaeJa was left with 19 vikings, proving largely useless as his whole ground army died. TaeJa couldn't keep up his tank account, and eventually the banlings and ultras were too much for TaeJa's marines, forcing him to surrender.
- Game Two: On Cloud Kingdom, Taeja harassed well early with hellions and banshees, losing a little bit to a ling runby in his main. TaeJa loaded up a couple medivacs that couldn't quite take down the natural, but he did force a cancel of the fourth. LosirA tried to counterattack, but ran into TaeJa's newly completed 2/2 and turned around. TaeJa was pretty low on gas, which limited his tank and medivac numbers, and defended another counterattack as he set up above Losira's fourth. LosirA rolled in with a ton of banelings, punishing the low tank count, and TaeJa didn't really have a followup. LosirA suicided a ton of mutas into marines, letting TaeJa remax with thors. The two armies engaged over LosirA's fourth again, this time with better marine splits giving the edge to TaeJa. TaeJa took his own fourth, and with more excellent target fire on banelings, stimmed forward to even the series.
- Game Three: On Tal'Darim cross spawns, Taeja had mildly successful hellions, and less successful banshee harass. LosirA went for extremely fast greater spire. TaeJa, sniffing that out, moved forward but didn't really gain much with his first push. He pressured hard enough that LosirA only had enough gas for three brood lords hen his tech finished, letting TaeJa get his own fourth up fairly comfortably. TaeJa dropped LosirA's main to draw the whole army there, then wiped out the zerg fourth. He continued to drop, taking advantage of the low mobility of LosirA's brood lords, and added on thors and vikings as he built up a massive bank. With LosirA running out of resources, he resorted to nydus worms. LosirA and Taeja traded armies on the ridge overlooking the Zerg fourth, but it was only the terran who could afford to remax without exhausting his bank. Adding ghosts into his composition, he even landed a huge nuke on the majority of LosirA's army. The second nuke convinced LosirA that he had no hope, and he GGed to hand the series to TaeJa.
- TaeJa 2 - 1 LosirA
Losers Bracket
16:15 GMT (+00:00):

- Game One: On Cloud Kingdom, Rain popped out some reactor hellions in an effort to limit creep spread while he double ebayed. roof spawned an upgraded ling-bane army, and teched to spire as Rain started to add tanks. Rain moved out once his first round of upgrades was done, managing to catch roof just before his boneling speed finished. He killed a bunch of creep tumors, then split up his army to try to harass the various zerg expansions. roof's mutas shut that down, then headed out supported by banelings to wipe out Rain's third temporarily. His emphasis on mutas and banelings heavily delayed his infestor tech, and rain's excellent marine micro let him kite away from the banelings almost at will and take out the zerg fourth. Rain's tanks were caught out, and the players traded thirds. The game got a bit chaotic for a while, at which point neither player was mining past their natural. The players traded armies and bases, but roof could never take out Rain's tank backbone and was eventually forced to GG.
- Game Two: On cross spawns entombed, Rain went for cloaked banshees, not revealing them until he had a pair. He poked around and couldn't do a ton of damage, but did scout the spire as it was under construction, giving him plenty of time to prepare. Neither player accomplished much offensively in the mid-game, with Rain adding thors and roof moving aggressively into infestors. Rain tried to take the central watchtower, but was run over by a ling-bane-muta army, with the infestors providing the crucial support that was missing last game. Rain had added a bunch of CCs and converted them into orbitals, but couldn't actually take a fifth base. roof built up a huge bank, enabling him to sacrifice entire armies to take out planetaries, and trade armies while constantly remaxing. Rain kept up his tank count, but they were too immobile in the mid-game to defend effectively and hopeless once roof's flock of brood lords arrived, ending the game.
- Game Three: On Antiga Shipyard, Rain went 11-11 rax below the central plateau. roof's pulled drones managed to cancel the initial bunker, but he couldn't stand up to the continuous stream of marines, and once the second bunker got up with full hp and marines were running amok in the main, the game was over.
- roof 1 - 2 Rain
16:15 GMT (+00:00):

- Game One: On cross spawns Entombed, qxc's delayed third let him gain a little bit of an army advantage while Illusion took his own third. He wasn't able to find a vulnerable point in Illusion's defenses during that time, and when Illusion got caught up in tech, qxc had to retreat. Illusion tried to press his economic advantage with some drops, but qxc was well prepared for that. Illusion managed to take his fourth earlier and stay ahead on upgrades, but couldn't find a way to engage favorably. He tried a number of flanks to attack at the natural, then the fourth, even trying more drops, but he didn't find a weak point. qxc maintaned the superior tank count and moved out when he maxed, sieging Illusion's fourth. He leveraged that for an economic advantage, building up a huge bank. The players traded armies in battles over the central watchtower, Illusion winning that overall and taking a central fifth base. With qxc slow to take a fifth of his own and under siege at his fourth, Illusion's economic advantage was too much for qxc to overcome.
- Game Two: On Antiga Shipyard, Illusion went quick uncloaked banshee and then expanded, picking off a few SCVs, marines, and mules, doing a considerably amount of damage for only one unlcoaked banshee. He then started working on bio upgrades, and with a better economy, once he wiped out qxc's bizarre unsieged tank-landed viking attack and executed an excellent drop in the main, the series victory was sealed.
- qxc 0 - 2 Illusion
17:00 GMT (+00:00):

- Game One: On Daybreak, Dream got his natural up a bit faster, then started working heavily on mech upgrades. PuMa pressured a bit with hellions before moving into bio upgrades, and each player took their third and central fourth. PuMa did his best to leverage the mobility of bio, dropping and poking all over with mixed success. PuMa moved into nukes as Dream added vikings and banshees, and his continual flanks eventually overwhelmed Dream, catching his tanks unsieged all at once to clinch the game.
- Game Two: On Cloud Kingdom, Dream tried 1rax double expand as PuMa built four reapers. He used excellent micro to kill four marines and four SCVs, but was forced to retreat soon after. PuMa built up a ton of marines and attacked to demolish Dream's third (with teh help of poor floating control), but lost all his marines for it. Dream stopped PuMa from mining at third for some time, also sending a drop in the main to kill some SCVs. PuMa controlled the central ridge in the mid-game, preventing Dream from taking his fourth, but fell behind quickly on tank count. Dream turned that tank count into control of the center so he could take a fourth and fifth while restricting PuMa to four bases. He took down PuMa's fourth, but his tanks got too spread out so he lost a number of them. PuMa then went on a great run of tank snipes, shutting down Dream's fifth then fourth. With Dream running out of resources and PuMa up to five bases, Dream desparately attacked toward the center, but couldn't keep up economically and slowly died.
- PuMa 2 - 0 Dream
17:00 GMT (+00:00):

- Game One: On Daybreak, Daisy went for a quick warp prism-supported 4gate and did a decent amount of economic damage with his gateway units, but eventually was cleaned up by Golden, who had been drone heavily at the two bases of his not under assault. Golden maxed on roaches and took out Daisy's third, but couldn't crack the main army at the natural. His roaches lost engagement after engagement in the mid game, but barely held off the protoss army long enough for Golden to get broods and infestors out. Golden couldn't get enough infestors or corruptors to properly protect his brood lords, though, and Daisy's colossus and blink stalkers carried him to victory.
- Game Two: On close air Metropolis, Daisy did a 7gate and somehow got a pylon up in Golden's main, letting him warp in at will to crush Golden's trickle of roaches.
- Golden 0 - 2 Daisy
18:00 GMT (+00:00):

- Game One: On Daybreak, both players went for defensive double ebay builds, upgrading their bio forces. Each player loaded up some drops but couldn't do much damage, as Illusion took his third slightly earlier. The players added sensor towers in the main, and the players finally stopped mirroring one another once Illusion's macro started to break down as Ryung neared max. The players sieged up in the center of the map, but Ryung's earlier fifth gave him a much larger bank. Illusion tried dropping some marines on Ryung's tanks, losing medivacs for it. Ryung lost a ton of tanks trying to gain position as he started a transition to air, letting Illusion take the watchtower at Ryung's fourth. Ryung kept up his mining, though, and his early bank carried him through until he got some banshees to turn the tide against Illusion and take back the center. From there, Illusion added upgraded ravens and some thors, but they weren't enough to protect his fifth or third. Illusion went for the trade, taking down Ryung's fourth, and fifth, but he got his whole army sandwiched and didn't have the minerals to rebuild it, essentially ending the game.
- Game Two: On cross positions Entombed, Ryung went cloak banshees, trying to pick off key tech labs and SCVs but largely unsuccessfully. Illusion did waste a scan without killing a banshee, letting Ryung continue to pick off stray marines. Illusion loaded up some drops, unsuccessfully assaulting Ryung's third, as both players worked on their bio upgrades and added a few tanks. Ryung got the tank lead and set up below Illusion's natural, so Illusion loaded up four dropships and sent them out in a pincer movement to completely circumvent Ryung's army. He dropped in the fourth an the natural at the same time, losing in the fourth but doing great damage in the natural. Ryung chased those off, though, and when Illusion unsuccessfully tried to bust out of his bases for an extended period of time, he was soon forced to cede the game when he could never take a fourth.
- Illusion 0 - 2 Ryung
18:30 GMT (+00:00):

- Game One: On Cloud Kingdom, Rain went for an early reaper, scouting out Grubby's 2nex 3gate. He got lots of bunkers up at the natural, so Grubby just backed off and teched up, going into an upgraded gateway army with some archons. He teched to storm off only two bases, while Rain worked on bio upgrades, including ghosts. Rain dropped Grubby's main base with a bunch of medivacs, and with great success there as well as excellent defense at his natural, Rain took game one.
- Game Two: On Daybreak, Rain went for very marine-heavy early as Grubby built up a gateway-centric force. Rain's bio upgrades kept up with Grubby, so he was able to take out the third while he addded ghosts. Grubby's storms let him retake his third, but when the ghosts joined Rain's army, it was all over for the dutch Protoss.
- Grubby 0 - 2 Rain
19:00 GMT (+00:00):

- Game One: On Cloud Kingdom, both players went double upgrades. GoOdy macroed up excellently, keeping well ahead of Welmu in population, and added ghost tech as he neared max. He attacked into Welmu's third with a huge army, and even though his blink upgrade had just finished and ghosts were not yet on the field, Welmu's army fell to GoOdy, with his third going soon after. Welmu stayed in the game until his next colossus came out, but the outcome wasn't in doubt.
- Game Two: On Daybreak, the game started off similarly to the previous one, bith both players sitting back and spamming upgrades. GoOdy hid a base in the far bottom right, giving him a huge economic advantage since Welmu barely left his base at all, much less scouting down there. GoOdy moved out as his tech lab upgrades finished, taking the watchtower and decimating Welmu's army when he tried to move out. Welmu backed off to his natural and waited for blink to supplement his chargelots, catching GoOdy out of position in the third before his ghosts arrived. Still, GoOdy's economic advantage from the hidden base was too much and he was able to trade very efficiently. GoOdy took his third, which was his fourth base, rebuilt his army and attacked again before storm finished, demolishing Welmu's third and moving on to the natural soon after.
- Welmu 0 - 2 GoOdy
19:15 GMT (+00:00):

- Game One: On Shakuras Plateau, PuMa's pylon hunting neutered SaSe's 2base 3gate push, so the swede then teched up to colossus. PuMa lurked around SaSe's natural, backing off when the first colossus entered the field. SaSe adde another colossus and attacked into PuMa's natural, finding way too many vikings and bio units to break, then surrendered.
- Game Two: On Entombed Valley cross positions, PuMa went for somewhat delayed cloaked banshees, which didn't do a ton of damage but managed to keep SaSe in his base as PuMa macroed up. SaSe added on high templar, but PuMa was simply way too well prepared when SaSe finally moved out, overwhelming colossi with vikings and templar with ghosts.
- SaSe 0 - 2 PuMa
21:30 GMT (+00:00):

- Game One: On Cloud Kingdom, GoOdy tried a MMM attack into Daisy's natural as both players neared 100 supply, but was chased off by a pair of colossi.Daisy added more on to his army, and with a big upgrade lead he pushed across the map. GoOdy didn't have much in the way of defenses, and Daisy rolled over him for the victory.
- Game Two: On vertical spawns Entombed, Daisy hid a forge and two gateways in another main while building three gateways in his own main. GoOdy had a pair of bunkers up at the top of his natural ramp, and easily held when Daisy attacked at +1 armor. Daisy tried time and time again, but GoOdy had way too much of an army and Daisy's all-in failed.
- Game Three: On cross spawns Metropolis, Daisy managed to hide a pylon in the far reaches of GoOdy's main. GoOdy's only defense built was a singular bunker at his natural, so when Daisy warped in a round of zealots and a round of stalkers in his main, he took devastating damage. Daisy ran some more stalkers in the front to group up with his main army, and continual warpins overwhelmed GoOdy to force the GG.
- GoOdy 1 - 2 Daisy
22:45 GMT (+00:00):

- Game One: On Daybreak, HerO pressured viOLet's third excellently with a 2base 4gate, doing a ton of damage despite not taking out the hatchery, forcing a ton of units instead of drones. He tried to follow up with immortal drops, but his warp prism was killed with the immortals still inside. HerO maxed out on colossi and stalkers as viOLet teched up to brood lords, with HerO maintaining an equal or greater base count than viOLet. Once his mothership arrived, he was able to attack viOLet's bases and recall when his army got in trouble. HerO's mothership had to vortex at a poor time when it got caught up, but he was able to salvage it somewhat by feedbacking most of viOLet's infestors. viOLet pressed forward anyway, but he couldn't protect his brood lords from HerO's blink stalkers and HerO gained a massive advantage. . HerO harassed with storm drops until his mothership got a lot more energy, but it was almost entirely unsuccessful and all that time he spent on it just let viOLet get a ton of brood lords up and infestors up, giving away almost all of his advantage. HerO finally engaged viOLet and got off a double vortex, and with a much better economy, HerO was able to reinforce where viOLet wasn't to take the game.
- Game Two: On close air Metropolis, HerO went for warp prism 4gate, but viOLet's scouting overlord spotted it in plenty of time. viOLet sent a small army into the main, enough to repel HerO's initial aggression. The players took their thirds and then fourth for viOLet, and then tried to harass as they teched up. When HerO tried to attak across the map, viOLet defended well with infestors and corruptors, so the players backed off again to finish their tech and max out. HerO moved into the harass-recall phase as he avoided the brood lord flock, but viOLet responded by simply moving across the map with his army. He pinned HerO in his base, and with the Mothership low on energy after the recall, HerO was in trouble. HerO delayed until the vortex, somehow killing a bunch of brood lords, and pressed across the map to try to hit before the next batchc of brood lords could come out. viOLet couldn't quite delay with fungals, and a combination of storms and blink stalkers enabled HerO to take out viOLet's army and win the game.
- HerO 2 - 0 viOLet
22:45 GMT (+00:00):

- Game One: On Antiga, Ryung went uncloaked banshee behind some hellions but had to use them mostly defensively as Stephano was heavily pressuring Ryung's natural and third. Stephano wasn't able to get much done on that front, and with Ryung playing relatively defensively, he maintained enough of an army that Stephano wasn't comfortable takign the gold base. Ryung took his own gold once he got up to tanks, and defended it well against Stephano's ultra/ling/infestor army. Stephano teched up to brood lords, but he never was able to build up a truly intimidating army, and Ryung shut down expansion after expansion to take the game.
- Game Two: On cross spawns Entombed, Ryung built up a ton of hellions and supported them with a few banshees, which worked pretty well against Stephano's roaches until the queens came out to support. Stephano pushed forward with his roaches, forcing Ryung to reveal his thors in order to chase off the zerg army. Stephano added on infestors and attacked again as he took his fourth and went up to hive, forcing Ryung to stay back in his own base. When Ryung finally moved out, Stephano was able to largely wipe out that mech army. Ryung tried to salvage the situation with some banshee harassment while he rebuilt, catching a break when Stephano traded a ton of ultralisks for the planetary at Ryung's fourth - where two other CC's were just finished production. Ryung took this as a sign to move out, but he lost his whole army again, and when Stephano swarmed back to the fourth, Ryung was forced to GG.
- Game Three: On Cloud Kingdom, Stephano went double evo early, but his delayed gas didn't let him take full advantage of it. Ryung went into banshees again, while Stephano produced a ton of mutas. He sniped the banshees then morphed a bunch of speed banes, and the crucial dance of the midgame revolved around tank snipes vs keeping mutas alive. When Ryung's 2/2/1 upgrades finished, he tried to assault Stephano's fourth, but ended up getting rolled over totally by Stephano's army. Ryung was in a horrible position at that point, with Stephano comfortably teching further and adding infestors. Stephano attacked just before Ryung's 3/3 hit, killing a ton of SCVs and marines, and with ultralisks brood lords arriving, Ryung looked doomed. He took out the zerg fourth, then baited Stephano into engaging him in a choke and losing most of his army. Ryung pushed forward to take out Stephano's next fourth, planetarying his own, and harassed Stephano's continual attempts to take a fifth. Ryung traded his own fifth for Stephano's entire ground army, while Stephano tried to morph another round of brood lords. Ryung dropped Stephano's greater spire to pull his zerglings out of position, then took out Stephano's final mining base. Stephano landed huge fungals to protect his broods and take down Ryung's units, and Stephano was able to maintain air superiority. The game came down to the fact that Stephano snuck a base below his natural, and his superior air upgrades made it so Ryung couldn't keep medivacs or vikings alive, and never could kill Stephano's brood lords.
- Stephano 2 - 1 Ryung
00:00 GMT (+00:00):

- Game One: On Cloud Kingdom, HerO pushed forward with a pair of zealots and a pair of stalkers to take out the queen at Stephano's third while he took his own third. Stephano responded by building a bunch of lings, defending the push at his own third and forcing the cancel on HerO's, even breaking into the natural with a few. Stephano teched to drops, and took down HerO's third with a huge roach army. HerO couldn't hold Stephano off until his immortal arrived, retaking his third at that point. Stephano dropped in the natural, which did a ton of damage, even running into the main and wreaking havoc there. He continued to assault the third as he teched to infestors, keeping HerO pinned back and inducing him to go for a desperation dark shrine. HerO tried to move out once he had a few colossi, but he was met by a huge infestor/brood/ling army and chased back home. HerO held on admirably for a while, but it couldn't last forever, and he was forced to GG.
- Game Two: On Daybreak, Stephano went for a 9 pool, which HerO scouted with his probe. HerO still decided to proceed as normal, putting his first cannon in the natural, but was forced to pull probes to save his warping in nexus. Stephano added two gas on just after his natural started, building up for a big baneling bust. Hero put on an exhibition in defense, placing impeccable force fields to defend without any major losses, crippling Stephano. HerO pushed out to attack when his +1 attack finished, but he couldn't break into Stephano's natural and backed off to take his third as infestors spawned. Stephano rushed for hive off three bases, morphing in five brood lords as HerO maxed out and started to attack the third. HerO took out the third easily, did a little bit of damage with a warpin in the main, then caught the brood lords out of position to clinch the game.
- Game Three: On Metropolis cross spawns, HerO went stargate and did a little bit of damage with phoenix es before switching into Colossi. Stephano almost caught HerO's immortals and sentries out of position early, but some excellent force fields saved almost all of them. The main consequence of the phoenix play was an almost complete lack of creep spread on Stephano's part. HerO pushed out across the map to try to beat brood lords, but they morphed in just in time, and Stephano had way too much infestor energy. He wiped out HerO's army, then attacked across the map to finish HerO off.
- Stephano 2 - 1 HerO
01:00 GMT (+00:00):

- Game One: On Metropolis cross spawns, aLive lost an early skirmish, but loaded up a nice drop to take out a few pylons in the main, then attacked in the natural to do a decent amount of economic damage. He dropped the main again, then eventually backed off. aLive continued to drop later in the game, sniping First's third, and defending a drop in his main. aLive pushed out with a huge MMM+ghost swarm, shrugging off storms and taking out a colossus to ice the victory.
- Game Two: On Cloud Kingdom, aLive went four rax early, delaying his upgrades a little bit. He added more and more buildings with an emphasis on bio, and both players took their third as First added colossi and charge. First pushed out across the map and caught aLive totally out of position, pushing itno the natural with barely any terran army there. aLive lost his CC there, and aLive couldn't get his army together coherently to attack First, suffering massive damage in his main and third. At that point, it was only a matter of time.
- Game Three: On Antiga, First set up camp below aLive's natural as he worked on building up a chargelot-archon army. aLive went pure bio but didn't have ghosts at all when First's army arrived as psi storm finished. First was able to bust up the ramp with lots of forcefields neutralizing the bunkers, and archons, chargelots, and storm decimatign the defending bio units.
- aLive 1 - 2 First