On May 06 2011 09:52 Euronyme wrote: Speaking of which, how come Naniwa's cheerfuls through the tournament's always been either just a spray paint text :"Naniwa", or this one, with the war3 badass lord of evil as hasuobs and some lowly scumbag demon as naniwa.. Gah T_T
1. The Dreadlord is his favourite hero as far as I know.
2. Try to find pictures of him that are "usable" and then tell me which isn´t already used five times. :>
Cheerfuls arn't about being "usable". Just get creative with copy pasting his head around, with a funny quote of some kind.
Even thou Kas seem has a more superior TvT against Thorzaine customized builds. I think given that break and enuf time Thorzaine can cook something up for the 5000+games ladder veteran.
Do you know what The Thorzaine is cookin?!? It does not matter what you think :D lol