On November 26 2009 21:45 Mischy wrote: i haven't been paying attention to PL in 2 years...can someone plz fill me in...are zerg dominanting atm? Is it to do with map pool or advances in play style?
In PL it's hard to say if any one race is dominating; the end of last season saw lots of Zergs due to very friendly maps *coughGod'sGardencough*.
At the moment Flash is the only rock solid player (and even his TvP is shaky): the other top players are fairly evenly distributed: Bisu and Stork, Jaedong and EffOrt, Leta and fantasy - if anything, Terran is probably on top again, as good Terrans (Ruby, Light, Really) seem to be mostly cruising, but current PvT is also brutally efficient. Maps or style, not sure which.
On November 26 2009 21:45 Mischy wrote: i haven't been paying attention to PL in 2 years...can someone plz fill me in...are zerg dominanting atm? Is it to do with map pool or advances in play style?
Zerg has been doing well, and Terrans are doing okay. Protoss has been struggling, there are far fewer Protoss appearances in Proleague (37 TvTs, 21 PvPs and 42 ZvZs to date for example; 98 total Protoss appearances in games played, 134 Terran appearances, and 156 Zerg appearances).
In the OSL Ro16, there are 4 Protoss, 4 Terran and 8 Zerg; In the MSL Ro32, there are 8 Protoss, 8 Terran and 16 Zerg. Zergs are currently at 58% winrate vs. Protoss in Proleague, which is favorable to Zerg, but not as much as the preseason map testing led to believe.
My personal explanation? There is some Z>P bias in the ZvP matchup; Zerg players are doing better, overall, than Protoss players because of it, and since Zerg players are having a better overall performance, more of them get into Starleagues and they are fielded more often by their coaches in Proleague.
Oh wow, did they change Group C's MSL with E's because Flash has to play vs Hite that day? That'd be a shockingly good bit of news by tournament organizers/kespa to stop from overscheduling already overworked players like Jaedong and Flash who have duties in all three leagues.
On November 27 2009 00:39 TwoToneTerran wrote: Oh wow, did they change Group C's MSL with E's because Flash has to play vs Hite that day? That'd be a shockingly good bit of news by tournament organizers/kespa to stop from overscheduling already overworked players like Jaedong and Flash who have duties in all three leagues.
didn't even think about that, oh if that could just be possible :o