it's like a ferris wheel of death that never ends, the first day of mafia. the same shyt always happens Day 1.
the last game I played, any idiot should have been able to see Ver's innocent. However, instead we got MTF as Mayor who wasn't as logical as Ver and, surprise, surprise! was a mafia.
Everyone who played in Ace's Mafia World: do you recall MrBabyHands playing style? Do you recall he barely typed? But yet, he was the one who broke into the other mafia's IRC channel, huh? Clearly he's an intelligent guy, and if he was mafia he would be trying his damnedest not to attract any attention, instead of being in the mix.
This may not be worth much to many, but I've played plenty of games with him and Ace and if they're putting themselves out there, it's for the sake of the Town, and I'd bet they're innocent.
Ver made a very good point when he questioned why everyone is ignoring and/or attacking MBH, when he's arguable the person making the most sense.
As far as Ace, many of you seem to revere him (although I can't imagine why ) but he's making sense too, along with Pyrr (to an extent). However, many of these plans are garbage and put Blues at too great of a risk.
I agree with those who have said let everyone do what they see fit in until clue and behavioral analysis leads us to a place where an "inner circle" can be formed.
The real outside benefit of this is that since there isn't a centralize group running the show, hopefully activity from everyone will be increased; special role or not.
I'm on pg. 24, but I had to take a break from reading to type. brb if anything else needs to be said.
thanks for u Pyrrhuloxia for mentioning that name! Mr. BabyHands can be the one who helped Chuiu up and stabbed Chuiu in the chest since babies can be curious and all that.
oh yeah.
##I vote mrbabyhands.
On March 19 2009 13:32 CompX wrote: thanks for u Pyrrhuloxia for mentioning that name! Mr. BabyHands can be the one who helped Chuiu up and stabbed Chuiu in the chest since babies can be curious and all that.
haha now you're mocking me :'(
What's up with the dick measuring contest guys?
Pyrrhuloxia, I have yet to cast a vote for anybody yet... but you are right.
While I don't particularly like him much (at least not through what I've seen of his posts), I do think his outgoing, standoffish style decreases the likelihood of him being mafia. Most mafia members aren't as blatantly offensive as he's been, so he seems somewhat legit. Then again if he's a veteran of mafia (like Ace has said), then he definitely has an ulterior motive... just what we shall soon find out.
Final Vote Count:
BloodyC0bbler - 14 Qatol Fishball chaoser Jyvblamo Scaramanga Pyrrhuloxia zeks Tricode 3 Lions ahswtini Scooter MasterOfChaos Ra.Xor.2 LeperKahn
semioldguy - 13 Phrujbaz 0cz3c Mista Pika Chu TruthBringer TranceStorm dreamflower CynanMachae ZaplinG LucasWoJ redtooth ydg MrBabyHands
Pyrrhuloxia - 12 fusionsdf mikeymoo Teejing LaXerCannon malongo Mandalor Naib bumatlarge Monoxide BWdero iLoveKTF CompX
MrBabyHands - 7 Ace Ver Caller Bockit iNfuNdiBuLuM Versatile nemY
BloodyC0bbler is now Sheriff and semioldguy is now Mayor. Night post coming when I hear from semioldguy.
I dunno I fail to believe that because someone acts more or less active than last time that they are necessarily a different role or that if someone participates the same amount they are the same role but not everyone posts as obsessively as me every game.
Congratulations BloodyC0bller and semioldguy. May your mafia destroying efforts go well.
fk sry guys i forgot this thread  i probably would of voted BC tho so it didnt really matter.
Well I'm going to have to wait for semioldguy. If I don't hear from him I might just move the game along anyway and kill off someone random.
could just take the hit i sent In instead haha.
Whew so close. Hope Mr.BabyHands is the mafia candidate or there isn't one... actually given the star power of MBH's support I'm hoping we aren't faced off with such a mafia all-star team. Whatever, there are like 20 inactives maybe we'll wake up tomorrow morning to no hits having been submitted, lol.
On March 19 2009 14:24 BloodyC0bbler wrote: could just take the hit i sent In instead haha. Omg you edgy comedian, you! If you turn out to be mafia, I'll get you for this taunt! I'll... I'll... I don't know what I'll do! *shakes fisticuff*
He asked us to submit who we would have lynched if we were chosen as mayor, i said Rice for being inactive, I said as much in here.
On March 19 2009 14:32 BloodyC0bbler wrote: He asked us to submit who we would have lynched if we were chosen as mayor, i said Rice for being inactive, I said as much in here. I know, I also sent one in for Pika Chu in case I won. But if you were mafia it could be a cruel joke at our expense.
Call me skeptical or whatever, but I somehow have a bad feeling with Semioldguy in the office.
A lot of people who voted for Semioldguy didn't have much reasoning behind their votes if I recall correctly. Then there was a "minor" vote swing near the deadline. Yes it might not mean anything, but still.
Semioldguy was linked to a "hearing problem" clue, though it was weak. Pika Chu was linked to, well multiple "clues" according to Pyrrhuloxia, but it also doesn't make sense to have multiple clues directing at a single person during the first morning post. 0cz3c used to be a funny(annoying?) troll in previous games, but all of a sudden he is "serious" this game, though he had only a few posts. To my speculation, it is like "Hey I got a good role! I better not screw around this time and lay low".
It was also already brought up that there is a high probability that Mafia would take a run at the office.
The picture fits. I might be wrong, as this is all just my own speculation, but hey, things make sense.
My point is, people might want to keep an eye on the list of people who voted for Semioldguy.
Well I don't know that there would be multiple clues to one persyn, but the more possible clues a character links to the more possibility they are being hinted at in at least one of them. Also, it seems there are only clues for about 3-5 people or at least it doesn't seem like 10 people's worth of clues so maybe Chuiu is taking it slower day 1.
lol Guess semioldguy is asleep. it is 11 pm in his time zone...
So I'm done reading through everything. Just some things from the story I picked up on.
Pyrr had a really cool clue analysis for Pikachu. Everything seems spot on. If this analysis is wrong, we still need to look into people who could potentially complete those same feats.
The story also says that the three mafia who escaped were waiting for something. The thing they were waiting can potentially either be the fourth mafia member (who stayed behind and killed Incognito) or this can be a clue for a mafia delaying/waiting/idling.
One of the mafia members "helps" Chuiu up before he stabbing him in the chest. It's been stated before, but one of the mafia members can be "friendly, helpful, generous."
Incognito was searching for something, trying to score. The use of "score" seems slightly off, but nevertheless, "whatever could be found, was lost" is the main clue I'm thinking of atm. This can be linked to stuff like, "unrecoverable things, permanent disappearances, rescue teams searching to no avail." I really don't know where to go from here, but based off Chuiu's last game, he stretched a good portion of clues and I think "whatever could be found, was lost" fits that category the best.
As for mayor/sheriff, etc. Babyhands seemed slightly suspicious but that was mainly because of his low post count.
The clue for semioldguy (being the mafia member driving the car and not hearing too well) was quite disturbing to say the least.
If Pyrr's analysis is dead-on, I'd be wary because I believe... one game, Truthbringer was set-up by his own godfather. So this could be a similar ploy. Mafia have a better chance at getting clues spot-on than innocents. I can attest to that based off my own clue analysis in these games (not very accurate T_T). Anyway setting that aside, the depth that Pyrr is going through seems like he is more likely town than mafia.