TL Mafia LXX: Guardians of the Galaxy - Page 15
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United States5866 Posts
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United States5866 Posts
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United States5866 Posts
i will do post density analysis later but i feel like his activity level is high enough to pass my standards. plus his question to onegu about voting with his partner is hella good esp. since onegu didn't do that at eod give that boi a townread | ||
United States5866 Posts
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United States5866 Posts
if you townread me, you townread rsoultin. period, end of discussion | ||
United States5866 Posts
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United States5866 Posts
what's scummy about those two things? i interpret this simply to mean that he thinks BM was town and is trying to make you explain why you thought otherwise | ||
United States5866 Posts
On March 21 2015 22:34 rsoultin wrote: Before Viva's claim: After all three claims: Viva, Toad, Rayn Final votecount with BM switch Lol, figured I'd share...I like the visuals without the strikethroughs...more on this later but i think the main problem here is not knowing for sure the alignments of the vigis :/ rsoul plz. i got so happy when i saw you post these vote counts and then there's no actual analysis ._____. | ||
United States5866 Posts
On March 22 2015 01:52 Holyflare wrote: because I posted all of my reasons for lynching bm in the thread at the time...........? honestly I thought he was towny at the start (you can see it in my list) went to go get drunk saw mass hysteria and wanted a new target because both claims pretty townyish remembered the multiple afk excuses and that bm was lurky as fuck so just thought he would be better, especially intoxicated ![]() but the thing is i made all my reasons very clear in the thread so why would he need to ask for my reasons to lynch BM? it just looks like a pointless question for the sake of asking a question no offense to the homie ls but imo you could say this about a fair number of his questions he asks and i'm not sure it's alignment-indicative. for example after i finished pushing superbia he asked me if i "got anything out of questioning superbia" because "if [i] didn't [i] look bad." literally though that's all it was. though now that i think more about it, what actually bothers me a bit is the lack of followup from him | ||
United States5866 Posts
On March 22 2015 01:55 VisceraEyes wrote: Who should the vigs shoot Holyflare? You cited that as reasoning for not voting for Toad or Vivax, what's the verdict? good fucking post a+ was about to ask this to the whole thread | ||
United States5866 Posts
On March 22 2015 01:59 Holyflare wrote: I know after making that plan I should be putting in the work to follow it through but like...................................................................... meh? :D :D :D :D D: boo bitch | ||
United States5866 Posts
On March 22 2015 02:05 Holyflare wrote: eden why do you feel like the most underwhelming person in this game but have loads of pages? that's not usual because your feelings are wrong | ||
United States5866 Posts
but then I found this and it's more interesting. On March 21 2015 05:18 ExO_ wrote: I Highly doubt there'd be 2 vigis in the game. And I think lynching Vivax right now would be idiotic. That claim leaves him very open to a counter claim. There hasn't been one yet. We shouldn't lynch Vivax right now. I'd really like more discussion on the rayn claim of tracker. On March 21 2015 05:21 ExO_ wrote: Jesus Christ, step back from the rhetoric for a second. He's not a confirmed mafia, in the slightest. Reevaluate the case. You're tunneling so hard, and it's not convincing somebody like me that he's mafia. It looks to me more like you're just dead set on lynching him and no information gained in the thread will change your mind. "I highly doubt there'd be 2 vigs this game and I think lynching Vivax is idiotic because his claim leaves him open to a cc and there hasn't been one" <CC> "He's not confirmed mafia for you cc'ing him, step back and stop tunneling" If ExO_ believes there aren't 2 vigs this game then why is he lecturing one vig claimant about the claimant's certainty in wanting to lynch his counterclaim?? | ||
United States5866 Posts
On March 22 2015 02:31 Vivax wrote: While the point looks good on its own, Eden, when I read his filter and step on this I think he's town for believing this. can you elaborate on this? that makes the thing I found even more damning to me lol "why are you so sure vivax is mafia toad? stop tunneling he's not confirmed" "no vivax isn't mafia vig, but vivax IS mafia" | ||
United States5866 Posts
ExO_: Why did you chastise Toad for wanting to lynch the guy he counterclaimed when you had just said you don't think there are 2 vigs in the game? | ||
United States5866 Posts
On March 22 2015 02:36 Vivax wrote: Well it looks like he wasn't sure about me being mafia before he found the perceived slip, and thinking that what I said was a slip when I simply forgot about a mafia vig being in the game is so dumb it's townie. But that's the issue - why wouldn't he be sure? He had, after all, just said that he found the idea of 2 vigs being in the game exceedingly unlikely. The only reason he wouldn't be sure you're mafia is because he would be entertaining the idea that Toad is mafia. But then you look at how he talks to Toad and it's like he's coaching Toad on how to be persuasive to other people. I'm trying to avoid saying things like "he's talking to X like X is confirmed town" because that argument has been done to death not 72 hours into the game, but there's a complete lack of skepticism or inquiry in his comments to Toad there, and this is right on the heels of saying in effect that one of the claimants is mafia. | ||
United States5866 Posts
i go to check the most recent pages after getting this far: Voting-based reactions to claims:
Voting-based reactions to Bill Murray wagon:
and i see that and i'm like "why bother" lol still gonna bother people about their moves though | ||
United States5866 Posts
On March 21 2015 05:16 VisceraEyes wrote: That's what I'm saying - a counterclaim doesn't solve shit because they could BOTH be telling the truth or BOTH be lying for all we know. And the mafia vig if it exists could like, SHOOT Vivax if he's real and CLAIM that he was the real Drax and shot the imposter. Like, that's part of the reason I don't like the claim - because he instantly thought he should be clear for it. On March 21 2015 05:45 VisceraEyes wrote: I'm coming around...I just don't know about having 2 drax in the game with the Orb being a thing. On March 21 2015 05:46 VisceraEyes wrote: Meeeehhhhhhhhhhhhh.......... I don't know what to do. I feel like this situation could resolve itself in the night though. Is everyone against that? On March 21 2015 05:49 VisceraEyes wrote: Yeah okay. I've thought rayn was town most of the day, maybe badly but whatever. ##Unvote ##Vote: Toadesstern Sry Toad, if you're town you should have just let us lynch whoever and shot Vivax. This thought progression makes no sense. VE spends most of the time talking about how the counterclaim doesn't solve anything, he comes in later and says he's "coming around" to having 2 vigs, wants the night situation to resolve itself and then literally not two minutes later votes for the cc without directly stating a reason. VisceraEyes: Why did you believe Toad was mafia here? Why did you think mafia would cc in this situation and why did you flip so quickly from wanting to let the claims resolve themselves in the night to voting for the cc? | ||
United States5866 Posts
On March 22 2015 03:09 ExO_ wrote: Read my filter. At that point I didn't realize he had CCed """my b" - Chillen" - Eden" - Eden | ||
United States5866 Posts
On March 22 2015 03:27 ExO_ wrote: Damdred: When I first began pressuring Eden I wasn't 100% sure on it. But his reaction to me seemed very panicky, and thus made me think he was scum. I'm not sure what part you didn't think I followed up on, but from what I remember he never brought up any counter points or things for me to answer when I was questioning him. He just got raged a bit. After he "reset" he seemed a bit better to me so I've backed off. I'm still not sure about him. But I think after the results of day 1 there are significantly better people to be looking at, which I've mentioned. You're damn right I was angry after day 1, because I highly highly disagree with what happened. A bunch of people jumped on a borderline mod-kill lynch instead of resolving 2 people CC. I heavily do not believe both are vigs. I just don't think its possible. Therefore it would've been better to figure out who's lying in my mind. An opinion I stand by. And don't say I'm incapable of scum hunting before day 2 even starts. I already know exactly where I should focus. But it would be better for me to see the results of the night. After all what if both Vivax and Toad die? Or if one dies and pops vig (though I suspect this will only happen to Toad, as I do believe Vivax is scum). And on a side note. I know everyone here has played a lot and agrees long filter = town. But is that always true? Is it really that hard for a mafia to post a lot, especially like in Vivax's case for instance when he was on the chopping block? But then if you aren't sure of me why do you still have yet to followup on any of the subjects you were pressing me about in the first place??? | ||
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