Right now I'm taking a break for food and TV. But when I come back from that my first order of business is to get my thoughts on zarepath out since that looks like it might get some traction. After that I will get my thoughts straight on GK and stop this 'maybe i will, maybe i won't' crap.
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United States1140 Posts
Right now I'm taking a break for food and TV. But when I come back from that my first order of business is to get my thoughts on zarepath out since that looks like it might get some traction. After that I will get my thoughts straight on GK and stop this 'maybe i will, maybe i won't' crap. | ||
Wade Fell
United States501 Posts
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United States1359 Posts
I will admit that zarepath has thrown out more accusations than I would expect from scum on D1. Still, there a few things in his filter that point to him being scum. mmm. I guess I will look more into GK's meta and wait for his next post before deciding where I stand on him. Damn you BH. You're making me doubt my reads. I need to read/think more. | ||
United States1626 Posts
It's not like there's an enormous wagon on GK right now -- half the thread has hardly posted and there's what, two or three people talking about him? I can see why; it's not like it's bad to talk about him, but I just don't have anything to add. I also thought it was quite scummy for him to basically give his Pro Town resume of all the wonderfully pro town things he's done (which under scrutiny he hasn't done), and I can understand that looking pretty bad. But I know what it's like to think you have a solid pro-town filter as town and apparently it wasn't as solid and obvious as you assumed. But he's also promised he has a case coming, and I can understand the desire to wait until you feel confident about a case to really push it. I'm inclined to see what he comes up with and re-evaluate my read from there. | ||
United States1626 Posts
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United States1359 Posts
can you tell me how likely you think TPS is to be scum? You originally said you thought he was "pretty scummy" and was "likely scumminess" or something like that. Now you say you're not convinced of it entirely? Does that mean you still think he's pretty likely to be scum but are still looking for somewhere better to put your vote? Basically just give me your thoughts on TPS. | ||
Wade Fell
United States501 Posts
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21822 Posts
I'll still throw my 2¢ in. My read on sandro hasn't changed but cosmicomics strange entrance into the thread in connection with sandro is definitely worth a closer look. Will post in detail when i'm at my comp around 7 -8 pm cet. I endorse a tps wagon though and oppose both zarepath and gk as lynch choices. Sciberbia looks better, ve's plan was bad and no one should talk about applying to a circle, they come naturally. That said, i agree with most of what bh says and share his tps and gk reads. I'll give more steam to the wagon of justice in the meantime. ##vote thepeashooter | ||
United States100 Posts
On March 17 2013 09:27 Wade Fell wrote: There is a possibility he's a smurf of a younger player who hasn't heard of coag, or he literally made his account just before this game started, just to sign up for the last spot. I consider both of these possibilities somewhat unlikely. And, even considering the apparent vacuousness of his vote on coag, he hasn't taken a stance on GK or Geript or really anyone or anything, ignoring all other discussion in town to tunnel his target. This is an easy way for scum to avoid meaningful interaction with town and giving out reads. We don't know anything about his thought-process, so of course it seems WIFOM-ey-- but his play absolutely prevents us from clearing the wine from in front of us. I'm not saying he's a bad scum player-- this is a clever ruse. But he is scum. Town would have an opinion on GK, ESPECIALLY town pushing another lynch. Can this guy really be considered to be "pushing" coag given that he hasn't tried to stop the GK lynch at all? He's putting forth a simulacrum of what a townie does. Clever, but not enough. A large part of me wanted to ignore you entirely. But I will give you a response for the sake of clarifying a few things for other players. I don't really consider you in particular worth responding to, but unfortunately I feel like your loud voice might overwhelm the voices of cooler heads. On March 17 2013 11:06 Wade Fell wrote: He stopped posting 2 hours before the first vote on GK went down, but it's been like 18 hours since then. Where is he? He still hasn't weighed in on Geript either, and Geript was under pressure while he was posting in thread. If he comes back, says he's been gone for 18 hours like grooming a chicken or whatever and he has serious thoughts to give, then I may rethink things. But as it stands, simply straight-up lurking and not posting is NOT a defense for his actions. Learn to read. Seriously. Learn to read. I posted last night that I was working 2pm to 10pm EST. I posted before I went to work and here I am again as I said I'd be. I haven't posted in about 10 hours, not 18. Furthermore I previously stated I would be gone for that time. So please stop at best misrepresenting, and at worst, lying. On to more pressing things. I read GK's filter and I read Wiggles post on it. I would also be inclined to agree that his presentation of himself as being more town than he has been is a bit questionable, particularly when combined with his apparent ability to look up previous games/players but not for Greymist. That being said, I'd be willing to vote for GK based off of this reasoning assuming the post he promised does not come or does not adequately deliver when he gives it. On that note, the sooner you say something GK the sooner we can either move on or kill you. Silence means you die, so I'd act swiftly. | ||
United States1359 Posts
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United States100 Posts
On March 17 2013 02:26 Coagulation wrote: I got my role pm at like midnight about 5 minutes before I went to bed. And I finally get up and sit down to read thread when I wake up in morning and what do I find but peashooter pissing and moaning that I havnt been POSTING IN MY SLEEP. real fucking solid work there. "THIS GUY ISNT POSTING WHILE HE SLEEPS HE MUST BE SCUM" GJ On March 17 2013 02:29 Coagulation wrote: hey guys unless your reading or posting in thread 23 hours a day your scum according to peashooter. Im sorry we are all not hardcore like peashooter and strap diapers to our asses and drool in front of a keyboard all day like peashooter. or hey maybe hes a shit scum going for the easy target and fabricating bullshit so he doesnt have to contribute. He basically missed the whole point. I'd prefer he was inactive until he became useful as opposed to just posting worthless dribble. Then he just decides to attack me without actually providing anything useful, continuing to completely miss the point I was jabbing him anyway. He could just be stupid, but in mafia, I have found it's wiser to assume Malice before excusing stupidity. On March 17 2013 04:50 Coagulation wrote: peashooter would be my best bet for a scum lynch at this point. I hardly ever have good reads day 1. This is the post that really did it for me. I get it, I accused you. You come out at mad as hell, then say you want to lynch me, but immediately try to absolve yourself of responsibility if it goes wrong. When you combine that with Wade Fall wanting to kill me it could easily snowball and he would still have his wishy washy read and be able to deny responsibility. On March 17 2013 09:59 Coagulation wrote: im going out. I will continue to read over thread on phone. Then he leaves again without ever having said anything constructive or useful. To make a few bullets: 1. Spams and posts nothing of value. 2. In response to that he attacks a strawman. No one ever called him inactive, we said he was posting nothing of value. 3. Thinks I'm really scummy and refuses to actually truly commit on his accusation, which looks like he wants to divert blame if it goes bad. 4. Leaves again without ever actually contributing anything. I truly don't see any reason to keep him around. Which is why I would recommend voting for him over GK, particularly if GK posts something of substance. I am currently leaning more heavily on Coagulation being a better candidate. I would like to hear Mr. Wiggles respond to this case though. | ||
21822 Posts
Since i think you're the guy i just mentioned i might actually change my mind about you. Could you look at cosmicomics when you have time? Also sandro and especially his town meta. Never seen him make such an entrance. | ||
United States9908 Posts
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United States21170 Posts
On March 16 2013 17:33 goodkarma wrote: Let's look at Viscera's "policy post." I disagree with pretty much everything he has to say in his attempt at starting a circle.: Anyhow, going to bed. Will be back tomorrow. I humbly request we focus on scumhunting. Thank you and good night. 1) I now have ~5 posts this cycle. What I asked for was NOT a high volume of posts. This notion that I was somehow asking applicants to spam the thread with nonsense posts rather than high quality posts is ridiculous, and not even close to what this point was designed to inspire. So strike one. 2) Again, a complete misrepresentation of what I was asking for from applicants. What I'm asking for is a last will post, preferably just before dawn but whenever over the course of the night because players in the SAST will be prime night-hits as they'lll all be obviously town and all voting together. I'm not asking to discuss lynches exclusively at night. Strike 2. 3) A complete misrepresentation of what I was asking. The SAST is an elite core of scumhunters who will no doubt have reached a consensus on who to lynch by the end of the phase. I'm asking no one to sheep, I'm asking for players willing to discuss and agree upon a lynch before the deadline. The last line referring to myself is in case there's any cause to worry about last minute shennanigans and it's necessary to move votes - but I vow that I will be completely transparent in my thought process around this caveat, and it shouldn't be an issue anyway. Strike 3 sir. Now what I find interesting about his disagreement post wasn't even the fact that he completely misrepresents everything I posted about. The most interesting part of this is how vehemently he disagrees with my idea, yet comes to no conclusion about my alignment based upon it. He doesn't even say it's suspicious - only that he disagrees with everything about it. ##Vote: goodkarma He's not only actively refusing to show any evidence that he's looking for scum (in the form of reads) but he's also against my super awesome idea of a Super Awesome Scumhunting Team for misconstrued interpretation of my objectives. Now, the really important part of my post. The following players are being extended an open invitation to join the SAST based on their performance in the thread. Mr. Wiggles DoYouHas ThePeaShooter Wade Fell If your name is in the above list, simply use the command ##Join: SAST in the thread and you'll immediately enjoy the benefits of a full fledged Super Awesome Scumhunter! | ||
United States1067 Posts
Greymist First off, go through Greymist's filter and here's your challenge: find a game he's played in that is a serious one (e.g. non-caller) he solo played. I found one hydra game, and a caller game, but those aren't exactly helpful in this context. Hence why I asked. I'm 99% sure that people just spewed out the accusation I was too lazy to search without even thinking to look themselves, because that's their level of fucking lazy... I sifted through the 10 pages and couldn't find anything... Greymist is someone that has contributed nothing of value to date. What little he has said seems to be either completely not relevant to the game, general agreement to remarks made, or concern about being accused in the case of sandroba. He hasn't stuck his neck out at all, and is currently on my scumlist. He is my top scumread, as unlike some other lurker-type players, he's had ample opportunity to contribute and every time he's opted to provide nothing of value. ##Vote: Greymist Darthpunk Darthpunk is someone whose play I know can be stellar as both town and scum, yet currently I'm leaning towards scum. He has been lurking the thread rather hard, which is uncharacteristic of both his town and scum play. Yet what little he has said just doesn't make sense to me as town. He seems content to lynch the first (trolly) thing that moves (gerupt), and then to not followup in thread at all... This is definitely not pro-town, and I'm leaning scum on him, but I'd really like to see more from him. It's the biggest reason I've been trying to wait before giving scumreads, because I was really expecting more from him. Peashooter When it comes to thepeashooter, I was in general agreement with blazinghand's case. However, what sticks out to me is that instead of backing down, he's decided to maintain his case against coagulation. This is not the kind of move I'd expect from scum, as all it does is have him keeping his neck stuck out in general view. It would have been much easier for him (as scum) to move to a popular target and hide behind him. As such, I'm inclined to not vote for him this cycle and give him a chance. This is not a wagon I plan to get behind. Sandroba Finally, there's Sandroba. What worries me most about Sandroba is that lurking the shit out of thread is a scumtell for him. I'm thinking specifically of the scumgame he had in chrono trigger mafia, the only game I've personally played with him. There, past a certain point, he kind of just completely gave up trying. If he can't contribute any further by the deadline, my vote will likely switch to him. | ||
United States1067 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + On March 17 2013 13:46 VisceraEyes wrote: Okay here's where it gets interesting. I've labeled the points and address them below. 1) I now have ~5 posts this cycle. What I asked for was NOT a high volume of posts. This notion that I was somehow asking applicants to spam the thread with nonsense posts rather than high quality posts is ridiculous, and not even close to what this point was designed to inspire. So strike one. 2) Again, a complete misrepresentation of what I was asking for from applicants. What I'm asking for is a last will post, preferably just before dawn but whenever over the course of the night because players in the SAST will be prime night-hits as they'lll all be obviously town and all voting together. I'm not asking to discuss lynches exclusively at night. Strike 2. 3) A complete misrepresentation of what I was asking. The SAST is an elite core of scumhunters who will no doubt have reached a consensus on who to lynch by the end of the phase. I'm asking no one to sheep, I'm asking for players willing to discuss and agree upon a lynch before the deadline. The last line referring to myself is in case there's any cause to worry about last minute shennanigans and it's necessary to move votes - but I vow that I will be completely transparent in my thought process around this caveat, and it shouldn't be an issue anyway. Strike 3 sir. Now what I find interesting about his disagreement post wasn't even the fact that he completely misrepresents everything I posted about. The most interesting part of this is how vehemently he disagrees with my idea, yet comes to no conclusion about my alignment based upon it. He doesn't even say it's suspicious - only that he disagrees with everything about it. ##Vote: goodkarma He's not only actively refusing to show any evidence that he's looking for scum (in the form of reads) but he's also against my super awesome idea of a Super Awesome Scumhunting Team for misconstrued interpretation of my objectives. Now, the really important part of my post. The following players are being extended an open invitation to join the SAST based on their performance in the thread. Mr. Wiggles DoYouHas ThePeaShooter Wade Fell If your name is in the above list, simply use the command ##Join: SAST in the thread and you'll immediately enjoy the benefits of a full fledged Super Awesome Scumhunter! Is this an OMGUS vote? I find this hard to take seriously. It's one thing to be trolly in the beginning, but "joke lynching" someone is hardly appropriate or at the level of play that apparently you are capable of. I'm guessing there's more to it than this, so please elaborate. | ||
United States21170 Posts
Do you think I'm scum? How would my vote be an OMGUS vote otherwise and if you think I'm scum, where am I on your comprehensive scum list? It's very serious indeed. I intend to hang you from the neck until you are dead. | ||
United States1067 Posts
On March 17 2013 14:02 VisceraEyes wrote: Joke lynching? Did you not see me color your name red? This is a scum lynch baby. Do you think I'm scum? How would my vote be an OMGUS vote otherwise and if you think I'm scum, where am I on your comprehensive scum list? It's very serious indeed. I intend to hang you from the neck until you are dead. How closely did you read my filter? I considered your SAST post a troll post, and so felt it was not alignment indicative. And as for discrediting it I felt that I had very valid concerns. Anyway searching through filters is hard, so let me help you along: On March 17 2013 09:15 goodkarma wrote: I would say that my stance on VE has been that he was being silly. That coag attempted to go into the group though convinced me that I needed to be sure it didn't gain momentum as it was not a very pro-town plan. I'm not against "town circles," however, if they're done right. Just because I had issues with Wiggles and he accused me first doesn't make it an OMGUS. He is lurking the shit out of the thread now. The mentality being, "I presented my case, now I don't need to do shit." That is a scum mentality, not a town one. It shows disinterest in the thread. As for "deflecting to lurkers," I don't see what you mean. The game was SO early at that point.. I don't feel you could call anyone that didn't chime in yet lurkers. Anything else? I will be presenting my own case before the evening's done, so everyone has a solid 24ish hours to look at it. But I typically don't like to jump into cases as quickly as some here. Call that scummy if you want, but it's my playstyle. | ||
United States774 Posts
First of all, his setup speculation posts happened so early that there was little else to discuss. If he made those posts 5 pages later, I'd agree that they're scummy, but they happened within a page of the game starting. Secondly, his threat to lynch Coag is a pro-town move, and calling him scummy for it is stupid. If a player has an anti-town style (as it sounds like coag does) you need to pressure them, and sometimes even lynch them so they change that style. Demanding that others treat him as town, like BH is doing, only serves to create a more anti-town atmosphere and makes it easier for non-town to win. (If you want an example just look at how grush effected LX and was a large part of why I was able to win that game without ever really feeling threated.) It seems to me that BH values the success rate of lynches he leads more than winning, and if you are on my team this game, BH, I'd appriciate it if you boosted your ego through winning instead of making easy meta calls. Since I've yet to make myself heard, I think now's as good a time as any to say gerpit and zare have grabbed my attention as lynch candidates. I can expand on those if anyone wants, but I feel like I don't have that much original to say. VE's thing almost has to be part of his role since he keeps insisting on the bold ## thing. The question is what is his alignment?/who does it benefit? I'd advise caution to anyone considering "joining". | ||
Wade Fell
United States501 Posts
I just _happen_ to always be right, it doesn't mean I have a big head about it | ||
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