On March 09 2013 03:37 OmniEulogy wrote:My Case on FrorgonOn March 07 2013 22:29 Frorgon wrote:
Good morning all.
Glad to see things picking up a bit now.
As far as the discussion on "lurkers", I don't think it can be considered an applicable label for anyone as of yet, I mean there is still a lot of time left in day 1. But I will definitely be keeping my eye out over the next few hours.I also agree that I'd rather find a logical reason to lynch someone on day 1 instead of just randomly choosing someone. I'm not afraid to call people out but it seems quite scummy to just attack someone without any useful contribution behind it.
Also bduddy, you can claim you are lurking for personal reasons, but how are we to know this is true? You were warned before this game started that you should only commit if you had the proper amount of free time. A busy schedule is no excuse, so I do hope you contribute.
I believe now it is applicable to call you a lurker. I'm kind of confused as to why you think it is scummy to attack people to see their reactions and how they react under pressure. I've seen players vote on almost everybody in the game by the end of D1 who weren't scum but were fishing for information, I have yet to see scum play so ballsy.
You claim to not be afraid to call people out on things but when you tried you were almost afraid to commit and were very back and forth about it.
On March 08 2013 06:29 Frorgon wrote:
@OmniEulogy I'm wondering why you asked me about what I thought was suspicious behavior. I clearly explained that in my initial post about the matter. It made me a bit uneasy about whether or not you were trying to get redundant information posted to cloud up the thread. As Wave said, the amount of posts you had started to raise a red flag for me. And don't get me wrong, it's not necessarily the amount of posts you had that was bad, it was that you seemed to be drowning the thread for a while with just your thoughts and limited discussion from others. That being said, I feel better about your contributions in the past few pages since other people have shown up.
"The amount you talk to yourself while nobody is here raises a red flag, everything you've said while more than 1 person has been here has been awesome!" what? This to me seems like scum trying to pretend to contribute while at the same time not trying to make anybody upset. It wouldn't have made me look at it twice if you had been active and contributing but as we all know you've made 4 posts in nearly 48 hours. This is not acceptable for town. This is the behavior of scum.
On March 08 2013 19:15 Frorgon wrote:
Alright I'm back. In my opinion, bduddy is not making a good case for himself. That's 3 different excuses for being inactive right now due to his "busy life". I really don't care about how busy your life is.
Nobodywonder still looking real scummy. Unvotes bduddy after the terrible explanation provided. I'm thinking they could both be scum covering for each other. NW makes a case early on against bduddy without actually being serious about it so there are no reprocussions. Bduddy has his suspicion on people who in my opinion don't same overly scummy as of yet, and is defending NW.
Right now I'm narrowing down my vote between NW and bduddy and I plan to make an actual vote shortly after they respond, if they respond. There should still be a decent amount of time on the clock for D1 after my vote.
So many things wrong with your last post.
- Attacks the weakest player in the game NW, WITHOUT placing a vote. Just a casual "wow you are so scummy"
- Makes an association case between NW and Bduddy.
- Claims he will make his case and we will have plenty of time to analyze and go over it. Nice case he's made.
##Vote: FrogronWe need to step it up town. The only two players I can identify as even having a chance at being town are Krafla and Rainbows. If you are town and have been content to just stay quiet and not contribute,
wake the fuck up. Nobody is getting replaced tonight, stop talking about it. Everybody has posted D1 the only way somebody is getting replaced is if they don't vote.
The following players are also on my list of potential scum
Arctic Daishi - Playing the noob card after lurking for 36~ hours, NOT a smart move. I want to see some serious contribution from you starting D2 and if I don't I will be pushing for your lynch. Hell if Frogron can save his ass before the end of D1 from me I'll go after you in the next 7 hours.
Bduddy - Lurking, scummy, if Frogron hadn't contributed less I'd be happy to see him gone today. BUT he does claim he's been busy so for D1 he gets some slack. Could just be an uninterested townie. Nothing to really disprove that so far.
ChewOnStu - almost as bad as Frogron, really bad sheep vote. scummy.
NobodyWonder I was going to vote on for most of today but realized if he is lynched and flips town we gain nothing, I'm not against seeing him lynched as I agree he's scummy as hell but I don't want to put all of our eggs in one basket.
And then there is also Matriarch who is lurking as well... the largest problem I can see here, IS THAT THERE IS NO WAY ALL OF YOU ARE SCUM. So
TOWNIES again I ask
Wake The Fuck Up. I am seriously getting annoyed by the lack of activity out of you. You will cost us this game if you don't snap out of it before we end up lynching you.