Marvellosity and Mocsta will be cohosting this game. Questions can be directed towards any of us.
Hapahauli will coach scum Promethelax will coach town Please feel free to use your coaches, they'd love to help you and make you better!
Newbie Mini Mafia XXXVIII + Show Spoiler [Important Posts] +
Introduction: Mafia is an educated guessing game of epic proportions. The objective of the game is to lynch or kill all mafia members before they outnumber the rest of the town. It's much like a game of poker because mafia members are also part of the town during the day and may manipulate the vote to their liking. If the mafia at any time outnumber or equal the townspeople, they win. The town's goal is to lynch all the members of the mafia.
The game is typically very active, so the thread will get big quickly. However, it is essential to read the thread to play the game. If you do not have the time or patience to read the whole thread, do not play.
Rules: Cheating: Cheating includes (but is not limited to):
- Posting after death. You may have one polite goodbye post, but it may not contain any potentially game-changing information.
- Ruining the game by doing something like hand out your mafia's member list to the town or literally claim scum.
- Logging on to someone else's account to get their role or looking over someone's shoulder to get their role.
- Posting screenshots of anything.
- Posting any PM you received in connection to this game.
- Getting yourself modkilled to help your team. Your non-majority-decided death may not be used as a bargaining chip.
- Signing up more than once using smurf accounts.
- Betting items outside of the game in exchange for in-game benefits.
- Sharing accounts with other players unless cleared by the host in advance. Otherwise, only you may post on your account.
Posting: Activity: You must post in this thread once per day/night cycle and vote every day while you are alive. If you fail to do so, you will be warned or modkilled at host's discretion.
Mod Font: This is mod font. It is reserved for moderators. Please do not use it.
Question Font: This is question font. Use it to ask the moderators questions about the rules. If you don't want to ask your question in the thread then feel free to PM host/cohost and then you don't have to use this font. If you ask about something that's already in the thread then expect snide remarks to accompany your answer.
Editing: Editing is not allowed for any reason ever. Editing will result in a warning or a modkill at host's discretion. This is the one part of the site where it is okay to be double posting, even triple-posting. While I ask for everybody to post as concisely as possible, post again if you really have to edit anything.
Spam: Spam is not tolerated, nor is any off-topic material. Do not discuss Proleague here. Do not talk about Starcraft II here. Play Mafia here. This also means you should condense your posts when possible. 15 one-liners in 30 minutes is unacceptable.
Inappropriate posts: If you want to post something insulting or inappropriate and know the TL mods would have a problem with it elsewhere, don't post it here. If you do, a host will warn you or modkill you and request that you be banned from future games. The hosts have the final say on what is inappropriate. If you do not like how someone is talking to you, please PM a host, Flamewheel, or Mig before involving the TL staff. If you are unsatisfied with how the situation is resolved, then you can appeal to the TL staff normally.
I'm going to warn you if you're being excessively unpleasant towards other players. If you disregard my warning then I'm going to modkill you. This is not DotA2.
Reporting posts: The report button is a nice feature for regular TL, but not for this forum. We prefer to deal with things in house if possible to avoid confusion among the TL staff. If you have a problem with how someone is posting, talk to the host, cohost, flamewheel, or Mig before using your report button. Please do not use your report button for anything other than inappropriate posts which you feel are not being dealt with adequately.
Ban discussions: Please wait until this game is over to talk about modkills and bans resulting from this game. Do NOT ask for modkills or discuss modkills during the game
Smurfs: No smurfs. I will not accept smurfs under any circumstances.
Play to win. This means you play your best to help your team win while you are alive and in the game. However, this does not mean that you should try to win by being a jerk to the other players so they all want to quit playing.
This also means that you cannot leave the game without a good reason without a ban. These situations will be dealt with on a case by case basis. PM your host if you need to leave the game.
You have been warned.
Out of thread communication: It is common for mafia to use a medium outside of TL such as QuickTopics or IRC or Skype to communicate during the game. Please be mindful that other players may be more tech savvy than you and they may attempt impersonate members of your team or attempt to infiltrate your chat. You use these media at your own risk.
Voting rules:
- Voting is done in this thread. You cannot PM me your vote.
- Please vote in the following format: ##Vote: Qatol. Votes not done in the correct fashion may not be counted. Vote counts will be updated whenever intermittently.
- No conditional voting.
- You may vote for yourself. You may not vote for anyone dead or outside the game.
- In the event of a tie the person with the most votes first wins (or loses).
- You may vote for a No Lynch in the format: ##Vote: No Lynch
- Voting is mandatory. You may NOT abstain.
Signups: This game is open to players with 3 or fewer games on this forum. Signups will remain open until the game is full. I might let you join if you have more than three games but they were played a very long time ago. Type /in to play.
Game-specific rules: Modkills: This game follows the TL Mafia Ban List. If you are modkilled, your punishment will go beyond being eliminated from this game. Please refer to it for questions about your punishment. If you want to use this game to sit out your ban, please PM flamewheel or post in the Ban List.
Replacements This game uses replacements. If a player is modkilled then they will be replaced by a player on the replacement list if possible.
Clues: There are no clues anywhere.
PMs PMs are not allowed in this game.
Time Cycle: This game will follow a 48 hour day/24 hour night cycle. In case I am not able to post around deadline, any votes after the 48 hour mark (that is any votes after 01:00 GMT (+00:00)) will not count. Currently the deadline is 01:00 GMT (+00:00), but that may be subject to change. During the night, there will be a 1 hour resolution period during which actions will not be accepted. You may post during this time. In other words, the deadline for night actions is 00:00 GMT (+00:00). Actions and votes may be posted up until the deadline, but not after (00:59 GMT (+00:00) is fine but not 01:00 GMT (+00:00)).
Credits: Thanks to anyone who has ever hosted a game. This list grows ever longer. Thanks to everyone who helped balance this game. Thanks to cohost. Thanks to coaches. Thanks to players.
If you have not read all the rules, go back and do so. I will not compensate for ignorance!
Setup Information
The setup is a semi-open setup for 13 players; that is, all the possible roles are given but the number of each is not known. Not all of the roles will necessarily be present. Some of the roles may have limits on the number of times they may be used. This will be specified in the role PM. The game is inherently balanced for both sides depending on the types and numbers of roles that appear. The mafia win when they outnumber the town (and there is no SK alive) or they reach a scenario when this becomes inevitable. The SK wins if he is the last man standing or nothing can prevent this. Town wins by eliminating all mafia members (and there is no SK alive). Mafia kill power is always 1.
Swarm Roles
Drone (Vanilla Town) + Show Spoiler [possible role PM] +You have the best role! all you can do is vote. You win with the swarm (town), by killing all the mafia dudes.
Overlord (Innocent Child) + Show Spoiler [possible role PM] +At any time during the game you may post, or pm the hosts with the following phrase: ##Spawn more overlords. When you do so, the host will confirm you as an integral part of the swarm (town). You have one vote and win with the swarm (town).
Zergling (Mason) + Show Spoiler [possible role PM] + You and X spawned from the same egg.You are both members of the swarm (town). You may communicate with each other privately by any means you wish; a QT has been provided for you at (linkhere). You win with the swarm (town).
Queen (Cop) + Show Spoiler [possible role PM] +You are one of the few zergs endowed with above-ant-like intelligence. (One/every) night you may cast parasite on a fellow player. You will learn whether they are guilty or swarm (innocent).. You may vote once per day and win with the swarm (town).
Mutalisk (Roleblocker) + Show Spoiler [possible role PM] +You are fast! You are furious! Everyone is scared of you! Nobody really understands why this allows you to roleblock people, but it does! You may choose one person to roleblock (one night/every night), which prevents them using any role they might have. You may vote once per day and win with the swarm (town).
Guardian (Jailkeeper) + Show Spoiler [possible role PM] + With your tremendous range you can scare the crap out of anybody! You may choose one person to jail (one night/every night). They will huddle in their base and cannot perform any night action. Luckily for them, their base defenses are sound, which protects them from 1 KP. You win when all the mafia have been killed. Your target will be aware that they were roleblocked, but neither you nor your target will be informed of successful saves. You may vote once per day and win with the swarm (town).
Lurker (Vigilante) + Show Spoiler [possible role PM] +You hide underground, but when necessary you can do terrible terrible damage. You have (one/infinite) number of bullet(s) and you may kill if you so wish at night. You are never refunded a bullet under any circumstances. You win with the swarm (town).
Terran Roles
Marine (Goon) + Show Spoiler [possible role PM] +You are the bread and butter of the terran army! Your team can kill one person per night by choosing one of you to carry out the deed. You win when the mafia outnumbers the town. You may talk to each other at any time in private by any means you wish; for your convenience, a QT has been provided at (link)
Siege Tank (Roleblocker) + Show Spoiler [possible role PM] + All you care about is ruining other people's fun. You siege up and make sure they don't dare to go anywhere! Once per night you may choose a player to roleblock, preventing them from using any ability. That person will be informed that he or she was roleblocked. You may also carry out kills for the mafia. You may communicate privately with your friend(s) (name(s) here) in any manner you wish; a QT has been provided at (link here) for your convenience.
Ghost (Godfather) + Show Spoiler [possible role PM] + You are psionic and can turn yourself invisible. There is no way the zerg can find you! Anyone who DT checks you will receive "innocent" as their result. You may also communicate privately with your fellow terran(s) here in any manner you wish. A QT has been provided at (link here) for your convenience.
Third Party Roles
Samir Duran (Serial Killer)
+ Show Spoiler [possible role PM] +Nobody has any clue what your objective is, but you are happy to screw them all over! You win if you live and no one else does.
You can choose to appear innocent to all checks or have the ability to survive one KP once. You can kill one person every night, but you don't have to.
If there are any questions about the setup, they may either be PMed to me or posted in the thread in bold green text
+ Show Spoiler [Setup Notes] +
If two roleblockers target each other, they are both informed. If a roleblocker targets a jailer and the jailer targets someone else, the jailer's action will not go through.
Masons who are roleblocked will not be prevented from communicating with their partner(s).
Masons are confirmed town to each other.
One person on the mafia team may carry out the kill each night. The mafia can choose not to kill. The mafia can kill each other. If the mafia member chosen to kill on a particular night is roleblocked, no kill will occur. A mafia member may use his ability and kill in the same night.
There are no hit notifications in this game.
All roleblocks will result in the target being notified.
If a serial killer is present he/she will be able to choose between investigation immunity and one shot bulletproof when the roles go out and before day 1 starts. If no choice is sent in then I will flip a coin and choose for the player.
VT's will not receive flavor names in their role pms.
The Players
ChewOnStu replaced by geript
- Krafla
- OmniEulogy
- MLuneth
- TheRavensName
- WaveofShadow
- Rainbows
- Arctic Daishi
- nobodywonder
- bduddy
- MeatlessTaco
Matriarch replaced by sn0_man
- Frorgon
+ Show Spoiler [flips] + Arctic Daishi, Terran Marine (Goon) lynched D1 Meatless Taco, Drone (VT) lynched D2 WaveOfShadow, Drone (VT) killed N2 MLuneth, Terran Marine (Goon) lynched D3 sn0_man, Terran Siege Tank (RB) conceded D4
Newbie-specific stuff
- It's already in the rules, but remember, no editing. If you feel you must correct your post, please make a second post to clarify your statements. You may put EBWOP ("Edit by way of post," a handy acronym invented by semioldguy) at the beginning of your post to indicate that you are clearing up a point you made. If your EBWOP post is several posts after your original, please quote your original post in your EBWOP post for the sake of clarity.
- Only sign up if you know you will have the time available to properly play the game. It is essential that players remain active in a newbie game, so only /in if you are able to play to your fullest.
- If there is any sort of issue, you are unsure about some mechanic, or you are just wondering if your devilish scheme is even allowed, feel free to PM me, or ask in-thread with green text. Don't feel shy; these games are meant to be a place to learn and be open.
- Behave as gentlemen (or ladies). Things get heated here, but personal attacks will not be acceptable, and will be dealt with accordingly. Remember, this is a game; have fun and happy scumhunting!
- Please do not talk about any ongoing games either in-game or pre-game. This can affect other games and is unacceptable. Please do not refer to outside-of- thread activity of players in this thread.
- If you receive coaching, don't tell town about it.
- glhf!
Useful Guides
United Kingdom36156 Posts
Gah I would co-host but only if it was mocca and I (and we would never get anything done) Three co-hosts?
Hahha yeah me n Jacob meant to share it if that's OK?
I mean as in menagetrois style
That addition to the playerlist was fast
haha naa it's k. My type of writing wouldn't work with that flavour anyway. Ooohh no wait i got this!
Zrresgsd wesidfskzx gilsdzg bleaaghks.
Mutiny the Mutalisk hazz been BLAAATTSnnnn!
Send YOusz nightz actionzzz
(ok not really)
I've never played before, but I followed the last NMM and it seemed fun!
May I,
Or we could go on the marine’s side but that would make scum the good side.
We were stranded there, nothing but the stench of zerg and our own fallen brothers. Days on end locked in this cell, I hate to admit it.... but the waiting was driving us insane. Night fell for the 15th day, needless to say we were a little bored. I forget whoever the genius it was that came up with this hilariously sick game but what can I say... we climbed out the hole wearing the skins of the zerg. Holding the skin of fallen brother in our hands, we gathered around a partly blind dumb zergling and and popped it over his head. The shear enjoyment alone was worth all the pain and cold. What happened next I can hardly say... The other zerg gathered around slowly. We thought it was the end, they slowly raised their claws to strike and too our amazement the blind zergling was slain.
We stared in amazement; dumb shock... I looked around at my brothers and saw the insane light in their eyes. We had a plan, one zerg as a time we would get out of this hellhole. One stupid zerg at a time.
apparently im coaching scum. Everyone will now play like my first game ever, and it will be epic / hilarious.
On February 20 2013 23:08 Mr. Cheesecake wrote: apparently im coaching scum. Everyone will now play like my first game ever, and it will be epic / hilarious. :D
I hope to see that happening. Don't disappoint, now.