I blame Hassy then
Themed Game Mafia - Page 93
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Uruguay4911 Posts
I blame Hassy then | ||
Uruguay4911 Posts
On February 20 2013 03:38 jcarlsoniv wrote: Welcome to Themed game Mafia! You are the Infestor! You start with 25 energy, and gain 25 energy per phase (with the daypost). Only got energy with the day post. Needless to say, it SUCKS not having a power in a game where everyone has ridiculous powers. Hey dude, I was a shitty delayed standard vig if it makes you feel any better | ||
United States6737 Posts
Hassy getting replaced meant that there was no first officer AND nobody became bald during the first night, so everything about that role got a late start in moving. I agree, though, that choosing Gonzaw was odd. | ||
21806 Posts
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=399294 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Awesome role though austin. The idea of people becoming suddenly bald overnight was really funny lol. | ||
United States27922 Posts
On February 20 2013 03:50 gonzaw wrote: Hey dude, I was a shitty delayed standard vig if it makes you feel any better ...you were mafia. So no, it does not make me feel better. You still had people to talk to and shit to do. I was a sitting duck with not enough time to do what I wanted. On February 20 2013 03:49 Vivax wrote: Gonzaw, I replaced in -_-. And anyway, that's a night action. GG scum anyway, who created Oats' role after all? I did. GreY just slowly going insane. | ||
Uruguay4911 Posts
Also Grey, what are the "hidden" bonus JP austin could have gotten? I assume you changed the ones I knew right? (if it's in the spreadsheet I can't see it, for some reason my browser skips cell 12 which is austin's one lol) | ||
Uruguay4911 Posts
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United States6737 Posts
On February 20 2013 03:53 gonzaw wrote: No, I didn't. Considered going for the doubler,but the abilities all seemed so expensive that I was skeptical I could survive long enough for it to pay off and me to get anything done.Hey austin, did you buy any ability at night? Or did you just hoard JP points? Also Grey, what are the "hidden" bonus JP austin could have gotten? I assume you changed the ones I knew right? (if it's in the spreadsheet I can't see it, for some reason my browser skips cell 12 which is austin's one lol) Because the hidden things were hidden, it looked like I needed to wait til N2 or N3 to get anything BIG off, and probably only had one shot at a big use if I were going for maximum impact. So I sat on my points D1, and because I died I don't even know how many I would have had going into D2. | ||
Uruguay4911 Posts
You could have Roleblocked everybody that had a prime number of posts though, that would have been fun! (and you had the JP to do that N1 I think) | ||
Uruguay4911 Posts
Postcount = 250 JP 5 = 200 JP You started with 500 JP, plus 100 for living one cycle, plus 50 for "Nice post restriction!", making it 650 JP 100+250+200= 550 JP You had enough JP to do that austin! If you chose "Visits" (150 JP ) instead of "Post count" (250 JP) it would have been 100 JP cheaper as well EDIT: You could have also done Postcount+Prime+Paralyze that costs exactly 650 JP which is what you had. | ||
United States6737 Posts
On February 20 2013 03:57 gonzaw wrote: Well supposedly Grey should have "balanced" the role if indeed the abilities were too expensive >_> You could have Roleblocked everybody that had a prime number of posts though, that would have been fun! (and you had the JP to do that N1 I think) It would have taken 650. I figured I gained JP at the end of each cycle, because the post restriction bonus was "10 posts in a single cycle." So during N1, I thought I only had 500 JP. In that case, the only possible action I could take was to roleblock everyone who had a number of visitors that was a multiple of 5. Seemed unlikely to do anything. | ||
Uruguay4911 Posts
I even told Grey how to do it: Original Message From gonzaw: Role Name: The Calculator Target: austin Role PM: + Show Spoiler [Role PM] + Welcome to Themed Game Mafia, you are the Calculator! You somehow escaped from the Final Fantasy Tactics world, and appeared in this desolate land. You must do anything in your power to survive....and kill those in your way. You can use JP (Job Points) to buy abilities and use them. You start with 500 JP, and can buy any ability at any time by PMing the host "##Buy: [name of ability]", as long as you have enough JP to do so Your ability works like this though: There are several "Action Abilities", that perform actions on certain targets. However, the way you decide who to target is special. You can't target players directly; instead, you choose an algorithm that determines the targets of your ability. There are 2 algorithms you must choose to do so: "Base" algorithms and "Targeting" algorithms. Base algorithms: It's an attribute about each player that will be taken into account when targeting. It should be numerical. Targeting algorithms: Determines which of those attributes will determine your target, using arithmetics. If the targeting algorithm of your choice is "5", then this means that you will target every player in the game whose numerical attribute (Base algorithm) is a multiple of 5. Same if you choose "3" or "4" or "Prime". You can use only 1 action ability each night. To use so, you must PM the host: ##[Base algorithm]-[Targetting algorithm]: [Action ability] For example: "##Postcount-Prime: Cure", which will cure every player whose postcount is a prime number. You can also buy Support Abilities. These abilities are passive and are applied to you as soon as you buy them. You can also gain JP by doing special things throughout the game. There are also "special" ways you can gain JP, which won't be disclosed, so try to do crazy things and see if you can gain more JP! Once you fulfilled a way to gain JP, the host will report to you how much you won and how at the end of the cycle you've done so. If you find out these "special" ways to get JP, you can get Bonus JP depending on how many different ways you have found. You can gain JP in these ways: + Show Spoiler [Gain JP] + Living: You gain JP by each cycle you are still alive Gain: 100 JP Early Lynch Vote: You gain JP if you are between the first 5 voters (unvoting resets the voting queue) of a lynch Gain: 150 JP Focus: You gain JP if you manage to use an ability on a single player Gain: 100 JP Mass-targetting: You gain JP if you manage to use an ability on EVERYBODY Gain: 300 JP Nice post restriction!: You gain JP if you manage to include a math related term or phrase in at least 10 posts in a cycle Can only be used once, and can only be used before claiming Gain: 50 JP Bonus JP: + Show Spoiler [Bonus JP] + JP Bonus: You gain bonus JP as you do more of these "hidden" ways to obtain JP It is accumulative Do 3 of them: 50 JP Do 4 of them: 100 JP Do 5 of then: 200 JP Do 6 of them: 300 JP Do ALL of them: 500 JP Here follows what Arithmetic abilities you can get: Targeting Algorithms: + Show Spoiler [Targeting Algorithms] + Prime: An algorithm for targeting players whose specified attribute is a prime number Cost: 300 JP 5: An algorithm for targeting players whose specified attribute is a multiple of 5 Cost: 200 JP 4: An algorithm for targeting players whose specified attribute is a multiple of 4 Cost: 400 JP 3: An algorithm for targeting players whose specified attribute is a multiple of 3 Cost: 600 JP Base Algorithms: + Show Spoiler [Base Algorithms] + Visits: Base arithmetic algorithm on the target's number of visitors (i.e how many people visit him) that night. Cost: 150 JP Post Count: Base arithmetic algorithm on the target's Post Count Applies to the previous Day cycle Cost: 250 JP Post time average: Base arithmetic algorithm on the target's post time average Applies to the previous Day cycle. It takes the average of the posting time of a player, and takes the hour from it Cost: 300 JP Voting: Base arithmetic algorithm on the target's number of votes (he has done) this game. Unvoting and voting the same player counts as a new vote, as does unvoting and voting a new player. Cost: 400 JP Username length: Base arithmetic algorithm on the target's username length Cost: 700 JP These are the Support abilities you can get: + Show Spoiler [Support Abilities] + Doublecast: Allows you to perform 2 action abilities on each night Cost: 1500 JP Day Calculator: Allows you to perform an action ability in each day cycle as well as at a night cycle Every action ability will change accordingly if it's used in a Day cycle Cost: 1000 JP Gained JP up: Gains 50% more JP for each action that nets you JP Cost: 500 JP These are the Action Abilities you can get: + Show Spoiler [Action Abilities] + Cure: Cures target for 0.5 HP If a target is cured for 1 HP, then it needs 1 more KP to be killed Cost: 400 JP Flare: Desl 0.5 KP to target Cost: 900 JP Poison: Gives target 1 poison counter every phase. Deals 0.5 KP to him after 3 counters have expired. Target will be notified about being poisoned. The counter will expire in the exact cycle it was cast 3 phases from now Cost: 150 JP Paralyze: Prevents target from doing any action that night (i.e Roleblock) Cost: 100 JP Slow: The target will be slowed, therefore any night action he does this cycle will resolve in the next one Cost: 150 JP Reflect: Actions done on the target (that same night) will be done on the actor instead Cost: 500 JP Persuade: Target has 1 more vote in the next Day cycle Cost: 200 JP Threaten: Target can't vote in the next Day cycle Cost: 300 JP Protect: Protects the target from 1 KP Cost: 800 JP Host info: + Show Spoiler [Host info] + 1)There are 7 "hidden" ways to get JP, these are the ones I thought of: + Show Spoiler [Hidden JP] + Vote changing: You gain JP if you change your vote more than 3 times in a day cycle Gain: 150 JP Wtf you doing mate!?: You gain JP if you target yourself with a harmful ability Gain: 200 JP Near-death experience: You gain JP if at any point in a day cycle you gain more than half the votes, but don't end up getting lynched Only in Lynch cycles Gain: 400 JP Popular kid: You gain JP if more than 2 players visit you at night on a single night. Gain: 250 JP Pathological Liar: You gain JP if you lie about your role in any way when you claim (hiding information is not considered lying) Can be used only once Gain: 100 JP Pretty Colors!: You gain JP if you use the bolded green, bolded red, and bolded blue colors in a post of yours at least once each Gain: 75 JP ANGRY CALCULATOR SMASH!: You gain JP if you make a post only in caps-lock that's longer than 1 line. "Nice post restriction 2!" doesn't count for this Gain: 25 JP 2)About Base Algorithms: Most Base algorithms refer to the previous cycle, so the player can plan what to do with fixed numbers that aren't constantly changing that cycle. Those are:
More info about the Base algorithms: Voting: Takes into account all votes a player made in the game. Different votes are considered if there is a corresponding unvote, or if the game mechanic allows it. If it's done in the Day cycle (with the use of the "Day Calculator" ability), then it takes into account current votes as well Post count: Takes into account the number of posts that player made in the game alone (not total post count) Visits: Takes into account the number of people visiting that player in the same cycle. If it's used in the Day, then it takes into account the current visits he had as well 3)Sequence of "Ways to gain JP": Firstly, the guy should be shown the ways from his role PM. Once he does "Nice post restriction!", then he unlocks "Nice post restriction 2!", and it must be shown to him: Nice post restriction 2!: You gain JP if you manage to make a post with only the words "YOUR CALCULATIONS ARE INCORRECT!" in it, in a cycle. Can only be used once, and can only be used before claiming Gain: 100 JP Once he does "Nice post restriction 2!", then he unlocks "Nice post restriction 3!", and it must be shown to him: Nice post restriction 3!: You gain JP if you manage to include the name of every single ability in posts of yours in a cycle. This includes abilities you haven't bought yet as well. Can only be used once, and can only be used before claiming Gain: 200 JP Once he has done all the "visible" ways to gain JP, he unlocks the "ultimate" way to gain JP: ULTIMATE JP POWER!: This is the ultimate way to gain JP. You gain JP when in a cycle, you are the first one to place a vote on someone that ends up lynched, that player has more than 75% of the votes from other players, and nobody else is voting you. Can only be used once Gain: 500 JP 4)About the "hidden" ways to get JP: No matter which ones you choose yourself, they can only be done once per cycle. You can make them one-shot (thus can only be done once in the game), or not, but at the very least they can be done once per cycle only (so he can't abuse "easy" ones). This means that if he "fulfills" it twice in the same cycle for instance, he only gets a reward as if he had done 1. 5)Bonus points: Once the player does one of the "hidden" ways to gain JP, then it counts as 1 for the Bonus JP section. If he does the same one again in a next cycle, it doesn't count as a new one. The Bonus JP section only relates to "different" ways. 6)When reporting new JP: At the end of a cycle, if the player is still alive, you should tell him how much JP he got from the "ways to gain JP". You should tell him how much JP he got from each "way" he fulfilled, but also tell him the name of the way that gave him JP. This includes the "hidden" ways. For example: Pathological Liar: You got 100 JP! Living: You got 100 JP! Total JP Gained this cycle: 200 JP Total JP: [total number of JP that player has at the moment] | ||
United States6737 Posts
On February 20 2013 04:04 gonzaw wrote: Yeah you were supposed to gain JP at the end of every cycle I even told Grey how to do it: Yeah, but a cycle is day/night. So I would have gained JP at the daypost starting D2, but didn't even live through the first cycle. | ||
Uruguay4911 Posts
Wouldn't make sense to not know how much JP you gained on D1 before deciding to buy abilities to use at N1. | ||
Dandel Ion
Austria17960 Posts
On February 20 2013 04:08 gonzaw wrote: No, a phase is day/night, a cycle is day or night separately Wouldn't make sense to not know how much JP you gained on D1 before deciding to buy abilities to use at N1. No, a cycle is both day and night phases. | ||
Uruguay4911 Posts
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Uruguay4911 Posts
On February 20 2013 04:10 Dandel Ion wrote: No, a cycle is both day and night phases. Then what is "Day"? What is "Night"? They are cycles. Day cycle Night cycle D1 plus N1 makes "Phase 1", or "Day/Night 1". No matter what it actually means, it's clear in the notes I posted what I meant with those terms EDIT: Wasn't another role that used the same "phase" phrase as well? Vivax's role I think? | ||
Uruguay4911 Posts
Welcome to Themed game Mafia! You are the Infestor! You start with 25 energy, and gain 25 energy per phase (with the daypost). EDIT: jcarl did indeed gain 25 energy per phase as it was posted there (he got energy with the day post only) So Grey did take this meaning of phase/cycle into account then | ||
United States6737 Posts
25 energy per PHASE, day/night. 50 per cycle. I've always been told that a cycle is day/night, and that also fits with the Infestor energy gains. POSTGAME EDIT: I see what you're saying with that, but based on that the creator said, it was supposed to be a gain of 25 per day and 25 per night, for 50 a cycle. That PM just says 25 energy per phase, that he GAINS at the daypost (as I read it). So he gets 25 per cycle, but is only given the energy at the daypost, so it only comes in 50 energy chunks, at least as I read that. | ||
Uruguay4911 Posts
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