Marshall Islands1474 Posts
I'm going to vote for myself on the basis that I want to lynch mafia while most of the rest of the game wants to waffle around listlessly.
##Vote: FiveTouch
So many people sheeping 'Fivetouch' Gonna be a good game huh.
prplhz's lack of posting isn't that odd, it's 03:20 CET.
Why Vivax for elected position? Or Toad LOL
On January 21 2013 11:18 austinmcc wrote:Show nested quote +On January 21 2013 11:14 sandroba wrote:On January 21 2013 11:08 austinmcc wrote:Sand, You found JX scummy for his early post: + Show Spoiler +On January 20 2013 17:23 JieXian wrote:Axle you're not being coherent at all >_> + Show Spoiler +On January 20 2013 15:03 AxleGreaser wrote:Show nested quote +On January 20 2013 14:18 gonzaw wrote: Axle, in pre-game did you want to be mayor or not? I never fully understood that.
Why would you vote Chezinu before any other guys? Is it just his "Imma be serious" claim? These look like actual questions. Answering backwards order cos its easier. Why Vote chez + Show Spoiler + Chezinu is someone I surprisingly can usually think I understand. His I am always honest claim is one I would bank on. I just have to try real hard to see what I think he says. I think he counts on scum not bothering that hard. His I just wanna survive and have fun is another thing I believe as a truth about him. His two quoted posts are plausible and self consistent. If being mayor lets him open up and Go... That I want to see. Exactly what that means how direct would he be, how good is he, these i don't know. My votes are way to get a better glimpse of what he is then prepared to show. The chezinu vote is real, in the sense that: it is real, iff he then ponies up the right amount of collateral to support his claimed potential changes in play style. Sounds like good trade. the other Vets will just live longer if Mayor, Chezinu will potentially live longer and play better? As a feel read approach to why the vote... I am reminded of really old game called Master Of magic The guide to it says they would like to see the AI summon Toren Once, just once. Toren in that game is a virtual force of nature, one game strategy is to summon toren but it requires such huge resource commitment that normally you just could have won the other way. I wish to Summon a Chezinu once.
regarding my pregame posts. There is in most players mind a large wall between pregame and now. there is not in my mind. I laid down a page of filter for reals, the scumminess of the reads was tongue in cheek as we had no PMs, although the set me up ones where Djo tried (in jest?) to get me wedded to a as self accepted scum read heuristic that was malleable at his whim was a bit bloody. I cant blame a guy for trying on the just in case..? its like just say no to drugs, the rush would pander to my self esteem, then thered be the reality, it just doesnt make any sense + Show Spoiler [me and the mayor] + me and being mayor. I think I was fairly clear. I should not be mayor. Thats not personal desire it was an analysis. I believe I gave the reasoning. The reasoning is as true now as it was then. basically i am not imba enough to carry the responsibility and more importantly the accountability for being mayor. Accountability was the secret word Vivax missed.
Scum I hope cant be sure how townie town thinks I am. Which is why I was so very very clear you give town read on me I lynch you(try anyways), unless i am a day vig.... in which case i just end you. Scum don't need or deserve more free information. I expect to be perceived as weak, being a 2 game noob who arsed up his first one, I even expect this very sentence I am saying is just seen as bravado. I have not counted much, but IIRC my scum reads have not been good, although in solo obs I felt like i was successful, but hey thats just me saying.... Lots of people think they have good reads when they look back at them.
In one syllable was ords (just in case i wasnt clear yet,...) Me not big man. me no good for that. me do bad reads me then get dead for no good read. Not good, bad. me sad if you make me big man cos then me die by your hand then at Lynch. Lynch mayor is big bad waste of stuff. waste that is bad for town.
And that is it. Mayor is an advantage to own in that its expensive for scum to take the mayor down. Electing me throws that away as I reckon i will then get lynched by town for being bad. Hell scum may not panic at keeping me until LyLo. i am sure they would be down for playing chicken with town over who kills th unproductive mayor that town elected. Town is bound to lynch me before scum bother killing me. it is a no win game.
Id repeat that again for emphasis but... I suppose you had to know if my pregame patter was for realsies, yep I am wedded to it. Hell i am wedded to it every game until my D1 reads rock the house. Toad his tag says that he's Australian and he's using a lot of slang. I think it's just the way he writes. From a Newbie game + Show Spoiler +On December 12 2012 10:14 AxleGreaser wrote: Yam has already made a case on Arnarnion here http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=17201753 it is based on feels of the game I dont have. So I cant comment or just sheep that unless I find my own evidence.
If you have the experience to know thats a valid argument then give it whatever weight it is due.
I deal in rougher measures. part of the The itchyness that made me move my vote of Rad without counting properly what that meant, was partly mistakenly becoming more convinced Yamato was scum and partly feeling something was wrong.
Oats had been a noiser player thus I would have expected it most likely for the other scum to hide in the other big puddle. The quiet people.
Although both Arnarnion and Silencia are quiet, jidolboy is too but he has claimed.
As you are all good, players if one of you was actually a named townie, or a blue role you would have counter claimed we throw you both under buses, yay team. As I am a careful player, I too have checked what I am several times, and I have no evidence I am not just what I appear to be, a town player. I may once have said playa before I realised just how hard language is read around here. Stuff happens,rocks fall.
So lets assume for now jidolboy Cant be Scum or someone Would have counter claimed.??
An association case. Arnarnion and Oats.
In my minimal knowledge a pair of Scum players have strong tendency to be in different pools of suspsects. One will be noisier, active and take risks hoping to get enough time to let the thrid one make it thorugh to a 3 man LyLo They will also want to pick off the two blue roles.
Thus with Oats as one scum I would expect the other to be one of,
Sylencia, Arnarnion, jidolboy(Confiremd Town)
The question is which?
I like what gonzaw's doing, actually making reads, most of which I agree with, while running for mayor. I do find Vivax disappearing after that long post running for mayor to be scummy. How do I vote for mayor and vote to lynch? How are do I differentiate the votes?##Vote: gonzaw for mayor
And lol Toad you shouting that you were yak gives people a reason to think you're the jester wanting to be lynched. It's perfectly reasonable, I don't know why you can't accept it. [B]On January 20 2013 18:41 sandroba wrote: I think this dude is scum. Longish post of irrelevant comments, a random gonzaw vote in the middle. I can't imagine the very first post you make in a game as town would be voting someone this early and with no questions asked at all. I actually found that post kind of townie: [B]On January 21 2013 00:23 austinmcc wrote: As to JieXian himself, I'm ... not scummy atm. Por queeeeeeeeeeeeeee? Because he's got ONE post really (his chezinu comment doesn't count) *snipped** Look at that post. Things that I like in that post, although small: - he asks how to vote for mayor/lynch, in thread. If he were scum, could have asked in QT (Yes, it's an easy thing for scum to do, but it's still slightly townie)
- similarly, I find silly paranoia to be townie, like toad being a possible jester (again, can be faked)
- actually did a small amount of work, went to another game, found a weird axle post
Small thoughts, but that single post is all I have to go on, and that post feels townie to me. Sandro's pointed out reasons he found that post scummy, but I actually find the "irrelevant comments" that Sandro DISLIKES to be things that I get a mild town read off of. You disagree with that in the entirety? Or just still find that post scummy overall? Yes i dissagree. 1st point is often advised to new mafia players to do. 2nd point you are actually crazy and don't know what you are saying. He is talking about toad in another game, so it's completely irrelevant to this one. 3rd point if anyone was reading the pregame banter, that's actually a completely useless and obvious thing to point out. Okay, fair enough. And yes, that's true for the third point. But he felt the need to go to some other game and grab a quote from there instead of any of the 25 odd pregame posts. I just don't share your read on that post. The second point was just that I overvalue paranoia as a townie, and so when he suggested toad was a jester in a game where we have all the roles in the OP, I just read that as mildly townie paranoia about roles/setup Man, he is not suggesting toad is jester in this game at all, he is talking about the previous 6 man game they played together.
On January 21 2013 11:18 DearestSnot wrote: Chezinu, I would argue that you are the one not reading, since you said that you find prpl scummy for breaking the Chezinu rule, and now you have said you would be willing to vote austin or gonzaw over myself or fivetouch despite the fact that Austin has stated he has no interest in lynching prplhz, while both myself and Fivetouch have stated the exact opposite.
Your last post was nothing but fluff directed at people to vote you for mayor. Don't be coy. oh so you are running? Oh and look, you do remember me quoting you and telling you that I was going to lynch prpl based on the Chezinu Rule.
On January 21 2013 11:00 DearestSnot wrote:Show nested quote +On January 21 2013 10:56 Djodref wrote:On January 21 2013 10:53 DearestSnot wrote:On January 21 2013 10:50 Djodref wrote:On January 21 2013 10:40 DearestSnot wrote:On January 21 2013 10:33 Vivax wrote: I would vote Bugs just for slapping Toad for calling me an idiot while he's such a fruitless spammer. I think my name is enough of a slap for Toad LOL ![[image loading]](http://www.wordsmith.org/animatedgifs/anim-DearestSnot_Toadesstern-Cu4G.gif) Anyone who has already said they are not interested in voting me or FiveTouch : can I get an explanation why? So far most people have simply given pretty meh opinions. Austin's in particular are quite strange. He says we shouldn't dismiss Chezinu as a candidate, yet he says Chezinu should not be voted. I'm not actually seeing the reasoning for the dissonance there. I don't want to lynch prplhz so you don't get my vote  Anyone else you would like to lynch ? as I've already stated, I'm also willing to lynch Oats. Whom do you want to lynch? Clarity for not being being the usual Claritown and not posting when he promised to do so. I could lynch debears as well for similar reasons. I suppose these are reasonable, but I don't want to spread ourselves too thinly. What do you make of prplhz's statement that he wanted to lynch Chezinu at the beginning of the game, despite the fact that he hates policy lynches? What do you make of his defense of that statement, that in the absence of posts, Chezinu is the best lynch? What was it about Austin's posts that made you change your mind?
Regarding prplhz, I can understand that he wants to lynch Chezinu if he really thinks that Chezinu is unreadable. He didn't like policy lynch in one game, that doesn't make him hating policy lynches forever. Like we say in France, "only stupid people never change their minds". Also I don't see scum blatantly enter the thread like this, because blending in and flying under the radar is a better strategy in big games I guess.
I didn't like Austin posts at first but he has been extensively open about his thoughts when I asked him a few questions. Also he started to post some content. And I don't disagree with what he posts since.
I could support an Oats lynch by the way, but I'm not sold on a prplhz lynch.
I haven't read the new pages (so my opinion can change after I do), but as a heads up for now I'm inclined to lynch Stutters, and maybe 5. Skimmed some posts and it seems Five has became active and contributing, so I might reconsider him.
What made you change your mind Fivetouch? I thought your answer to why you didnt want to be mayor was
On January 21 2013 08:14 FiveTouch wrote: No particular reason. So what changed?
On January 20 2013 13:51 yamato77 wrote:Show nested quote +On January 20 2013 13:49 grush57 wrote: Well I think he meant that everyone is running and whoever is the best scumhunter should get elected. Basically this. Which makes sandroba's "I'm not running for mayor" post a huge fucking red flag in my eyes. Why would any town player not want the chance at being mayor, especially someone with his reputation? It offers protection, something he sorely needs if he is town.
On January 20 2013 20:32 yamato77 wrote: I find my suspicions on Toad unwarranted. I may have to look at some Sandroba scum games to get a better read on him. His excuse is convenient but honestly it means nothing.
So red flag became null read? Why?
11589 Posts
Your only qualification for him being town is that he seems to 'give a fuck' about the game, but I'm not sure I see his particularly caring attitude after he realized he wasn't getting elected to mayor.
I'll think about you guys' prplhz lynch idea but I hate sitting on the idea of lynching someone who isn't posting to make it controversial.
On January 21 2013 11:22 sandroba wrote:Show nested quote +On January 21 2013 11:18 austinmcc wrote:On January 21 2013 11:14 sandroba wrote:On January 21 2013 11:08 austinmcc wrote:Sand, You found JX scummy for his early post: + Show Spoiler +On January 20 2013 17:23 JieXian wrote:Axle you're not being coherent at all >_> + Show Spoiler +On January 20 2013 15:03 AxleGreaser wrote:Show nested quote +On January 20 2013 14:18 gonzaw wrote: Axle, in pre-game did you want to be mayor or not? I never fully understood that.
Why would you vote Chezinu before any other guys? Is it just his "Imma be serious" claim? These look like actual questions. Answering backwards order cos its easier. Why Vote chez + Show Spoiler + Chezinu is someone I surprisingly can usually think I understand. His I am always honest claim is one I would bank on. I just have to try real hard to see what I think he says. I think he counts on scum not bothering that hard. His I just wanna survive and have fun is another thing I believe as a truth about him. His two quoted posts are plausible and self consistent. If being mayor lets him open up and Go... That I want to see. Exactly what that means how direct would he be, how good is he, these i don't know. My votes are way to get a better glimpse of what he is then prepared to show. The chezinu vote is real, in the sense that: it is real, iff he then ponies up the right amount of collateral to support his claimed potential changes in play style. Sounds like good trade. the other Vets will just live longer if Mayor, Chezinu will potentially live longer and play better? As a feel read approach to why the vote... I am reminded of really old game called Master Of magic The guide to it says they would like to see the AI summon Toren Once, just once. Toren in that game is a virtual force of nature, one game strategy is to summon toren but it requires such huge resource commitment that normally you just could have won the other way. I wish to Summon a Chezinu once.
regarding my pregame posts. There is in most players mind a large wall between pregame and now. there is not in my mind. I laid down a page of filter for reals, the scumminess of the reads was tongue in cheek as we had no PMs, although the set me up ones where Djo tried (in jest?) to get me wedded to a as self accepted scum read heuristic that was malleable at his whim was a bit bloody. I cant blame a guy for trying on the just in case..? its like just say no to drugs, the rush would pander to my self esteem, then thered be the reality, it just doesnt make any sense + Show Spoiler [me and the mayor] + me and being mayor. I think I was fairly clear. I should not be mayor. Thats not personal desire it was an analysis. I believe I gave the reasoning. The reasoning is as true now as it was then. basically i am not imba enough to carry the responsibility and more importantly the accountability for being mayor. Accountability was the secret word Vivax missed.
Scum I hope cant be sure how townie town thinks I am. Which is why I was so very very clear you give town read on me I lynch you(try anyways), unless i am a day vig.... in which case i just end you. Scum don't need or deserve more free information. I expect to be perceived as weak, being a 2 game noob who arsed up his first one, I even expect this very sentence I am saying is just seen as bravado. I have not counted much, but IIRC my scum reads have not been good, although in solo obs I felt like i was successful, but hey thats just me saying.... Lots of people think they have good reads when they look back at them.
In one syllable was ords (just in case i wasnt clear yet,...) Me not big man. me no good for that. me do bad reads me then get dead for no good read. Not good, bad. me sad if you make me big man cos then me die by your hand then at Lynch. Lynch mayor is big bad waste of stuff. waste that is bad for town.
And that is it. Mayor is an advantage to own in that its expensive for scum to take the mayor down. Electing me throws that away as I reckon i will then get lynched by town for being bad. Hell scum may not panic at keeping me until LyLo. i am sure they would be down for playing chicken with town over who kills th unproductive mayor that town elected. Town is bound to lynch me before scum bother killing me. it is a no win game.
Id repeat that again for emphasis but... I suppose you had to know if my pregame patter was for realsies, yep I am wedded to it. Hell i am wedded to it every game until my D1 reads rock the house. Toad his tag says that he's Australian and he's using a lot of slang. I think it's just the way he writes. From a Newbie game + Show Spoiler +On December 12 2012 10:14 AxleGreaser wrote: Yam has already made a case on Arnarnion here http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=17201753 it is based on feels of the game I dont have. So I cant comment or just sheep that unless I find my own evidence.
If you have the experience to know thats a valid argument then give it whatever weight it is due.
I deal in rougher measures. part of the The itchyness that made me move my vote of Rad without counting properly what that meant, was partly mistakenly becoming more convinced Yamato was scum and partly feeling something was wrong.
Oats had been a noiser player thus I would have expected it most likely for the other scum to hide in the other big puddle. The quiet people.
Although both Arnarnion and Silencia are quiet, jidolboy is too but he has claimed.
As you are all good, players if one of you was actually a named townie, or a blue role you would have counter claimed we throw you both under buses, yay team. As I am a careful player, I too have checked what I am several times, and I have no evidence I am not just what I appear to be, a town player. I may once have said playa before I realised just how hard language is read around here. Stuff happens,rocks fall.
So lets assume for now jidolboy Cant be Scum or someone Would have counter claimed.??
An association case. Arnarnion and Oats.
In my minimal knowledge a pair of Scum players have strong tendency to be in different pools of suspsects. One will be noisier, active and take risks hoping to get enough time to let the thrid one make it thorugh to a 3 man LyLo They will also want to pick off the two blue roles.
Thus with Oats as one scum I would expect the other to be one of,
Sylencia, Arnarnion, jidolboy(Confiremd Town)
The question is which?
I like what gonzaw's doing, actually making reads, most of which I agree with, while running for mayor. I do find Vivax disappearing after that long post running for mayor to be scummy. How do I vote for mayor and vote to lynch? How are do I differentiate the votes?##Vote: gonzaw for mayor
And lol Toad you shouting that you were yak gives people a reason to think you're the jester wanting to be lynched. It's perfectly reasonable, I don't know why you can't accept it. [B]On January 20 2013 18:41 sandroba wrote: I think this dude is scum. Longish post of irrelevant comments, a random gonzaw vote in the middle. I can't imagine the very first post you make in a game as town would be voting someone this early and with no questions asked at all. I actually found that post kind of townie: [B]On January 21 2013 00:23 austinmcc wrote: As to JieXian himself, I'm ... not scummy atm. Por queeeeeeeeeeeeeee? Because he's got ONE post really (his chezinu comment doesn't count) *snipped** Look at that post. Things that I like in that post, although small: - he asks how to vote for mayor/lynch, in thread. If he were scum, could have asked in QT (Yes, it's an easy thing for scum to do, but it's still slightly townie)
- similarly, I find silly paranoia to be townie, like toad being a possible jester (again, can be faked)
- actually did a small amount of work, went to another game, found a weird axle post
Small thoughts, but that single post is all I have to go on, and that post feels townie to me. Sandro's pointed out reasons he found that post scummy, but I actually find the "irrelevant comments" that Sandro DISLIKES to be things that I get a mild town read off of. You disagree with that in the entirety? Or just still find that post scummy overall? Yes i dissagree. 1st point is often advised to new mafia players to do. 2nd point you are actually crazy and don't know what you are saying. He is talking about toad in another game, so it's completely irrelevant to this one. 3rd point if anyone was reading the pregame banter, that's actually a completely useless and obvious thing to point out. Okay, fair enough. And yes, that's true for the third point. But he felt the need to go to some other game and grab a quote from there instead of any of the 25 odd pregame posts. I just don't share your read on that post. The second point was just that I overvalue paranoia as a townie, and so when he suggested toad was a jester in a game where we have all the roles in the OP, I just read that as mildly townie paranoia about roles/setup Man, he is not suggesting toad is jester in this game at all, he is talking about the previous 6 man game they played together. #readingcomprehension
I don't has it.
11589 Posts
On January 21 2013 11:26 Oatsmaster wrote:What made you change your mind Fivetouch? I thought your answer to why you didnt want to be mayor was So what changed? Yamato Show nested quote +On January 20 2013 13:51 yamato77 wrote:On January 20 2013 13:49 grush57 wrote: Well I think he meant that everyone is running and whoever is the best scumhunter should get elected. Basically this. Which makes sandroba's "I'm not running for mayor" post a huge fucking red flag in my eyes. Why would any town player not want the chance at being mayor, especially someone with his reputation? It offers protection, something he sorely needs if he is town. Show nested quote +On January 20 2013 20:32 yamato77 wrote: I find my suspicions on Toad unwarranted. I may have to look at some Sandroba scum games to get a better read on him. His excuse is convenient but honestly it means nothing. So red flag became null read? Why? The excuse is a null tell. The not running thing is still scummy.
This is lazy scum hunting and I want to lynch you for it.
Marshall Islands1474 Posts
On January 21 2013 11:25 Djodref wrote:Show nested quote +On January 21 2013 11:00 DearestSnot wrote:On January 21 2013 10:56 Djodref wrote:On January 21 2013 10:53 DearestSnot wrote:On January 21 2013 10:50 Djodref wrote:On January 21 2013 10:40 DearestSnot wrote:On January 21 2013 10:33 Vivax wrote: I would vote Bugs just for slapping Toad for calling me an idiot while he's such a fruitless spammer. I think my name is enough of a slap for Toad LOL ![[image loading]](http://www.wordsmith.org/animatedgifs/anim-DearestSnot_Toadesstern-Cu4G.gif) Anyone who has already said they are not interested in voting me or FiveTouch : can I get an explanation why? So far most people have simply given pretty meh opinions. Austin's in particular are quite strange. He says we shouldn't dismiss Chezinu as a candidate, yet he says Chezinu should not be voted. I'm not actually seeing the reasoning for the dissonance there. I don't want to lynch prplhz so you don't get my vote  Anyone else you would like to lynch ? as I've already stated, I'm also willing to lynch Oats. Whom do you want to lynch? Clarity for not being being the usual Claritown and not posting when he promised to do so. I could lynch debears as well for similar reasons. I suppose these are reasonable, but I don't want to spread ourselves too thinly. What do you make of prplhz's statement that he wanted to lynch Chezinu at the beginning of the game, despite the fact that he hates policy lynches? What do you make of his defense of that statement, that in the absence of posts, Chezinu is the best lynch? What was it about Austin's posts that made you change your mind? Regarding prplhz, I can understand that he wants to lynch Chezinu if he really thinks that Chezinu is unreadable. He didn't like policy lynch in one game, that doesn't make him hating policy lynches forever. Like we say in France, "only stupid people never change their minds". Also I don't see scum blatantly enter the thread like this, because blending in and flying under the radar is a better strategy in big games I guess. I didn't like Austin posts at first but he has been extensively open about his thoughts when I asked him a few questions. Also he started to post some content. And I don't disagree with what he posts since. I could support an Oats lynch by the way, but I'm not sold on a prplhz lynch.
This is a disappointing post, as far as I'm aware usually you are quite diligent in games. Here are scum prplhz's various first posts in threads:
On July 06 2012 20:03 prplhz wrote: ##Vote: slOosh
On July 06 2012 21:05 prplhz wrote: lol marv is scum
##Vote marvellosity
or maybe:
On August 08 2012 05:38 prplhz wrote: Hey didn't read thread yet can anybody tell me who is scum?
or how about:
On September 06 2012 05:48 prplhz wrote: hello
everybody should write something then i'll read it tomorrow evening and tell you who is scum
also can anybody explain to me who ange777 is?
Quite 'blatant', wouldn't you say, Djodref?
Marshall Islands1474 Posts
On January 21 2013 11:26 Oatsmaster wrote:What made you change your mind Fivetouch? I thought your answer to why you didnt want to be mayor was So what changed?
This is the second or third time you've asked me questions where the answer is readily available in my filter. I said very clearly why I was now voting for myself.
I must admit, Oats is playing a completely different game to the one I just had with him where we were butting heads majorly.
I am going to read his filter in more detail when I have time, and see if I agree with him as a lynch candidate;
Overall, I am not sure why we are pushing a guy with some posts (Oats) instead of the 1/2 posters like Debears though?
##vote FT
Vivax looks like a decent 2nd imo. Or like Sandro said I myself as well but that's not going to happen :3
On January 21 2013 11:22 DearestSnot wrote: prplhz's lack of posting isn't that odd, it's 03:20 CET.
Why Vivax for elected position? Or Toad LOL I wasn't talking about right now but in general. I do know that it's 3:20 CET.
About why me or Vivax: Because those two are pretty much confirmed town. I'm a bit more so than vivax but the paranoia is too strong in people.
So you made up your mind that town was useless after 12 hours?
Why didnt you push to be mayor before? Cause you wanted to see how you could manipulate town? Or cause you are lazy and wanted other town to have the responsibility?
11589 Posts
On January 21 2013 11:34 Toadesstern wrote:Show nested quote +On January 21 2013 11:22 DearestSnot wrote: prplhz's lack of posting isn't that odd, it's 03:20 CET.
Why Vivax for elected position? Or Toad LOL I wasn't talking about right now but in general. I do know that it's 3:20 CET. About why me or Vivax: Because those two are pretty much confirmed town. I'm a bit more so than vivax but the paranoia is too strong in people. Mainly me.
You are not confirmed town.
Now you do sound like Palmar.
What's even more disturbing is your own admittance that you hate giving town reads and focusing on them but you aren't scumhunting.
On January 21 2013 11:36 yamato77 wrote:Show nested quote +On January 21 2013 11:34 Toadesstern wrote:On January 21 2013 11:22 DearestSnot wrote: prplhz's lack of posting isn't that odd, it's 03:20 CET.
Why Vivax for elected position? Or Toad LOL I wasn't talking about right now but in general. I do know that it's 3:20 CET. About why me or Vivax: Because those two are pretty much confirmed town. I'm a bit more so than vivax but the paranoia is too strong in people. Mainly me. You are not confirmed town. Now you do sound like Palmar. What's even more disturbing is your own admittance that you hate giving town reads and focusing on them but you aren't scumhunting. Why.
Trying to figure out why Toad says things sometimes is a pretty fruitless endeavour.
He says all sorts of shit only to contradict himself in the same or next sentence.
I am. We need to figure out wether we want to have Vivax come in 2nd right now and it seems like everyone of importance seems to have come to the same conclusion that I have came to about you two, mostly about Vivax. Oh and sry, shouldn't have called you two idiots bashing heads. Children would have been more appropriate and fitting.