1) Do not rush the lynch! Day should be 48 hours minimum.
2) Talk! Ask questions for god sakes!
Take time to consider the lynch tomorrow. Patience is very key in these situations - quick, emotional swings (like Day 1) are likely to be disasters for town.
Also, I am basically 33% of this game in terms of content. If I get shot and townies decide not to step up to the plate to lead discussion, it's game over.
Lastly, if no NK happens tomorrow, you can probably assume that there is a doctor and he/she made a hero save. In that case, the named townie should most definitely claim (if there is one).
People that are likely TOWN
Mr.CC - He's town. I did find that one post of his questionable, but outside of that, he's behaving really really townie. He doesn't care about suspicion on him, and that's not a scum reaction. Hell that's not a reaction that scum can easily fake. Context for gods sakes. As a side note, the CC suspicion is coming together far too easily for my tastes. It feels like mafia are either pushing it or just letting it happen.
MrZ - Much the same as CC. Doesn't give a shit about suspicion on him. He's town.
People that need looking into
DP - I'm disappointed at the lurkiness, but I keep going back to his "Fuck you" vote on Jay, which I see as townie. That's not a natural scum reaction to being under pressure. DP is a capable scum-player though, and he is good at faking emotion. The lurkiness scares me, but I doubt he's scum.
Z-Boson - He's slightly town on behavior, since he did more scum-hunting in his first hour in the thread than most people have done all game. He is a rather capable scum-player though, so I think there's a chance here.
Yamato - Very uncharacteristically inactive, and there's some sketchy logic in his filter. There are things that make me lean town on him (his OMGUS vote on me when I was tunneling him is extremely brave for a potential scum). However, there are things that make me lean scum on him (his hammer on Xatalos and his seeming trust of MrZ). Very null here due to his inactivity. Be worried if he doesn't post more in the following cycle.
Jay - I don't like his tunnel on CC, nor do I like some of the actions in his filter. Examples include:
1) His interactions with DP early in the thread. He was attacking DP in a very scummy manner when I was tunneling DP.
2) Very wide array of suspicions post-Xalatos lynch. He seems to be flinging a lot of shit in the way of Yamato and MrZ (even Shaio pre-lynch) despite being "convinced" that Mr.CC is scum.
3) His general attitude on DP is very strange. When I called DP town, Jay initially refused to back down on his scum read on DP. I don't think he's mentioned a read on DP since.
My general hesitancy on him is that he's lynch-bait.
ShaioPi - I've seen Shaio inactive in the early game as town on occasions. Often he feels "overwhelmed" by large #'s of players and prefers a smaller setting (as was the case in Mafia LVII early game). However, when he's town amongst a smaller group of players, he is a very capable scum-hunter and isn't afraid to take control.
The endgame of Mafia LVII is a great example of him taking control, as well as his stellar performance throughout GSL II Mini.
In this game, he's done the following:
1) Light pressure on RiseAgain
2) Questioning DP's scumread on myself
3) OMGUS vote on Xatalos
That's far less than I would expect from a townie Shaio.
As far as scum #2 goes, I'm far far less sure. Put a gun to my head and I'd say Jay. But he's lynch-bait so eh.
However, I highly highly doubt that a town ShaioPi would be this useless in a 9-player game. Give him 48 hours tomorrow to post. If he does not shit scumhunting rainbows into the thread, or if he doesn't give you a really really good reason to make you think he's town, he's scum and needs to be lynched. Period.