Looney Lynching Mini Mafia - Page 70
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Canada2595 Posts
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United States6737 Posts
On October 18 2012 07:35 Mementoss wrote: Why would I go through the effort of using your meta to figure our your crazy tunneling alignment as scum, if I could just lynch you and get you off my back. I'm not convinced I would have ended up being lynched. For anyone keeping track, townie mementoss makes cases, like the one on djoref. Townie mementoss doesn't do nothing. A mementoss who only starts looking townie after getting called out by multiple players and tunneled by one is less likely to be ACTUAL town than one who starts off looking like townie mementoss from D1. | ||
Canada2595 Posts
On October 18 2012 07:58 austinmcc wrote: I'm not convinced I would have ended up being lynched. For anyone keeping track, townie mementoss makes cases, like the one on djoref. Townie mementoss doesn't do nothing. A mementoss who only starts looking townie after getting called out by multiple players and tunneled by one is less likely to be ACTUAL town than one who starts off looking like townie mementoss from D1. Wait, why the fuck haven't you made your list yet? Or ever answered my question about your #2 read? Holding your list is super anti-town Put one down now. You can change it later. Holding it only shows your trying to fuck with the end results. | ||
Canada2595 Posts
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United States6737 Posts
On October 18 2012 08:04 Mementoss wrote: Wait, why the fuck haven't you made your list yet? Or ever answered my question about your #2 read? Holding your list is super anti-town Put one down now. You can change it later. Holding it only shows your trying to fuck with the end results. Why is holding one's list anti-town? Mine most likely looks something like this, but I'm not entirely sure and I'd like to see VE in here and get some thoughts from him/on him. You Potentially kush given recent developments? hiro/VE(?) / djoref thrawn/hopeless da0ud me But, seriously, why is holding one's list anti-town? I find it interesting you'd say that. | ||
United States6737 Posts
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Canada2595 Posts
On October 18 2012 08:11 austinmcc wrote: Why is holding one's list anti-town? Mine most likely looks something like this, but I'm not entirely sure and I'd like to see VE in here and get some thoughts from him/on him. You Potentially kush given recent developments? hiro/VE(?) / djoref thrawn/hopeless da0ud me But, seriously, why is holding one's list anti-town? I find it interesting you'd say that. 1- easier to sheep others list 2- holds back discussion or questions based on your list 3- mafia can do the math and strategically place players in areas that benefit them | ||
Canada2595 Posts
On October 18 2012 08:16 austinmcc wrote: You've been very quick to say that x or y is anti-town, but not so quick to explain why that is so. Cause Its pretty obvious | ||
United States6737 Posts
On October 18 2012 08:19 Mementoss wrote: 1- easier to sheep others list 2- holds back discussion or questions based on your list 3- mafia can do the math and strategically place players in areas that benefit them You are silly. (1) I don't seem to be sheeping (2) Sure, but I've been open about all my reads (3) If townies hold back lists, mafia CAN'T do the math and strategically vote. Mafia can only do that if people reveal their lists. Not to mention that it's pretty obvious who's at the top of my list, and that I'm trying to get others to share that read. Are you actually worried I'm going to sit back and try to manipulate my votes? Nope. Gonna push to get you lynched. You're overly worried about the math OR not town. Only one person is getting lynched here. As long as town comes to a majority vote, there's NO way to strategically vote as mafia. The top person gets lynched. All mafia can do is mess with their ordering and WIFOM and whatnot, but as long as town places our #1 candidate out of reach of manipulation, ain't nothing going to happen. | ||
United States8878 Posts
Potentially kush given recent developments? And those would be? | ||
United States8878 Posts
Some examples: + Show Spoiler + On October 17 2012 09:42 Djodref wrote: Regarding today's mechanics, I think we should run our majority lynch in parallel. It's interesting to get the list so people should put them in the voting thread regardless of who is going to be lynched today (according to the lists). With the parallel majority lynch (running until smthing like deadline - 1H), we decide what is the real target of the lynch today and we modify the lists in order to get the right guy lynched. I'm betting right now that it's going to be the same guy anyway. I propose a majority vote for this idea ! I'm in ! ##Vote Hopeless On October 17 2012 20:06 Djodref wrote: + Show Spoiler + I've been reading the whole daoud turnover about thrawn just before and it made me regret my previous night post+ Show Spoiler + On October 17 2012 01:00 Djodref wrote: Why we shouldn't lynch Daoud My main point here is that we have made a mistake while lynching prplhz and I'm afraid that we might do it again if we were to lynch Daoud. First I would like to compare the reasons why we want to lynch them. + Show Spoiler + I've tried to analyze the reasons which lead to the D2 prplhz's debacle. At that time, prplhz felt like the perfect lynch candidate. Mainly because of the following reasons
Now let's take a look at the reasons advanced for daoud's lynch
If you see anything thing big that I have missed, I would enjoy to discuss it. Anyway, there are some common reasons between these two and I think that some of them are just not so good. I'm not saying that they are not valid but I don't think they should carry too much weight in our scumhunt. I'm going to elaborate the push of Sandroba and the association with ON in the next spoiler. Why pushing Sandroba was not so relevant + Show Spoiler + Among us, we have been a lot to suspect Sandro during the first stages of D1: he didn't randomly advance to the finals. When you look at his filter until the following post, he looks pretty scummy. On October 13 2012 16:00 sandroba wrote: I'm not going to fight against this lynch. This is simply too stupid to fight over and I don't feel like it. If you people stopped one second to look at this thread you would come to realise that is simply no way I'm scum purely based on how this situation came to be. Also there is no case against me. I refuse to defend myself against the ignorant uninformed opinion of a bunch of riotters. This is no way to play mafia. You have to look at the intricacies and not follow the mob rule that is usually driven by scum. I leave you sheep to your fate. My reads so far is that ET austin hiro and kush are town. I honestly don't know anymore about ON cuz I would expect him to try to at least keep apearances as scum. This djodref is either very dumb or scum. You would never as town (and inteligent) feel that a person that is standing up to you against the majority trying to lynch would be scum. Prpl and mementos are prob scum. I've been wanting to lynch him at this point and it was the same for Thrawn, Kush, and Daoud. I've haven't been here to witness the rise of town Sandro later on but I think it was totally ok to have wanted to lynch him at that time. We shouldn't have blamed prplhz for this and we should not blame anybody for this. After that, prplhz didn't realize his mistake fast enough and I guess that daoud wasn't even here to see the real town Sandro as he missed all the deadlines. Regarding the Daoud's defense regarding his vote, I would agree that it looks pretty bad. I don't want to give him total clearance because of this precise point but given the general level of his posts and his awareness of the game, I can imagine him as total town newbie with clumsy defense. Why the association case with ON is not so relevant + Show Spoiler + ON was a lurker. I don't know what we can guess from his few interactions with the world. The two votes he threw on me were not even useful, I don't see any purpose for them. They might have been real panic votes, maybe not. We don't know. Same, anybody could say anything about a lurker. Mafia can try to bus or to save. Town can say scummy or townie (see prplhz as an extreme example). The thing is that he was a lurker. We cannot have anything tangible from this. The final reasons to lynch Daoud + Show Spoiler + If we discard the previous reasons, here is what is left
I think these reasons are not a making a solid enough case. He could be newb scum or he could be newb town but my guts are leaning towards town when I read his filter. Especially when he has tried to improve his play during potato day. Regarding the potato, prplhz didn't pass it and it was not town in my eyes but maybe you see things differently when you have everybody on your back. One last thing. When I'm looking back at D2, I have a feeling this day was wasted. Because we had two obvious targets, we didn't think about if they were the right targets or not. Please think how easy it would be to push such mislynches when no one is thinking twice. Mafia totally got us and I bet they were enjoying nice holidays. Conclusion Daoud is looking scummy but he is not the right target. I have a strong feeling that he is in fact a newbie that is going to be mislynched. I would prefer than we not lynch him and focus on the right targets starting from tomorrow. I'm going to present them to you in my following posts. I have been preparing this post after prplhz tragic explosion, and I was wondering if daoud could be the scum of two like I've stated here. On October 15 2012 18:18 Djodref wrote: /snip About prplhz and daoud My feeling is that we definitively have a scum between the two but not that the two of them are scum. Honestly, if they were both scum, I would expect them to concede right now. I'm really more confident that prplhz is the scum out of them two. I would be happy to see them passing the potato to each other ![]() I've realized that we didn't think about prplhz lynch enough and thus I have considered carefully why we should lynch Daoud. At this time, I found out that he was more likely to be a mislynch than anything else, hence my night post. Unfortunately, his behavior right now at he beginning has made me doubt again. I was wondering if he could really be scum or not while re-reading the whole thread and I came to the conclusion that he is certainly a mislynch ! I'll elaborate in my next post. It's a bit WIFOMy but I think it's good ![]() I would expect first time djo to think way more about his posts and be more reserved. Mementoss I don't like your case on djo. On October 18 2012 07:34 Mementoss wrote: In conclusion recap: 1Hard defense on Ro3 ON vs Hopeless, uses all votes 2Hard defense on ON , trying to convince people to vote sandroba 3puttin doubt on ON lynch 4Double standards on different lurkers, ON vs Hiro/hopeless/me early 5weak case on prplhz, doesn't attempt to look outside prplhz and da0d even though he thinks da0d is town and has a good chance at being lynched 6Trying really hard to look town and harmless, calling himself a noob and bad and smiley faces. 7Isn't pushing his town read day 3 or his scum reads 8pretty much has been floating by without suspicion because of ON's panic votes. WIFOM, ON coulda been bused and coulda been used to make djo look townie. 1 I think it's a mistake to read too much into the votes d1. It's very possible no scum had votes on sandroba, or they did and then took them off when they saw the tide changing, like thrawn. 2 This is understandable from a town perspective. 3 same as 2 4 Perhaps there are inconsistencies in his idea, but I expect that from newb town. 5 The urge to sheep was strong that day lol. It seemed like a really sure thing and prpl wasn't helping with threatening to give it to ET. 6 His smiley face usage is consistent with his last game. He also called himself noob and bad many times. 7 Probably comes from his lack of confidence? It seems like he is very happy when people agree with him though. 8 WIFOM. He COULD be scum from his voting record. But look at the tone and the ease of his posts. ##DEFENSE DJODREF | ||
United States21170 Posts
1) austinmcc 2) da0ud 3) djodref 4) kushm4sta 5) Hopeless1der 6) Thrawn2112 7) Mementoss 8) VisceraEyes First of all, austin gotta die. Mementoss is one of the towniest motherfuckers in the game now that he's active (I'm inclined to believe that he was genuinely absent, considering his piss-poor showing in Liquid City, no offense intended). It's the townie Mementoss I've been waiting for all my life. The level of WIFOM/Meta austin is employing now that his case is failing is bordering "Legendary". As for the case itself, as Mementoss has pointed out, the main points are things he himself is guilty of, making his jabs look diversionary at best and scummy as fuck at worst. I can similarly get behind a da0ud lynch, mainly because he looked scummy while I was following along, and now that I've reread nothing has really changed that. I prefer Austin though, so there you have it. Everyone should go read Mementoss' case against Dj - it's compelling. The 'smiley'-tell is my favorite (though probably the weakest) part. He just seems to interested in putting on a townie face without doing his townie duty. He was lower on my list, but Mementoss' case put him up there for me. Again, I apologize this isn't as expansive and comprehensive as I'm sure you all expect. I'll answer all questions and respond to posts later on, when I'm not being paid to do something else. Ciao. | ||
United States8878 Posts
VE, me, prob memetoss. Everyone give your thoughts on this guy please. | ||
United States5836 Posts
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France3332 Posts
austin is #2 on my list but right now it is due to an elimination process. I need more time to think it through because it is difficult for me to get a good read of him. I was leaning town on him but he is still tunneling mementoss, which posts have greatly improved, and it irks me a lot. But I'm not in favor of killing him right now. @everyone I really wanted to lynch Hopeless today but Mementoss defense post is really strong in my opinion. When I've made my post against him, I was convinced that Hopeless was playing us all with him playing scummy on purpose, admitting it and then laying low. I still don't like how much he wants to lynch daoud today but it is understandable, daoud looks bad enough. Much more understandable than a scum Hopeless playing scummy on purpose before facing his scum buddy ON in the semis. Quite stupid case from me... But if I want to keep being stupid, I can imagine a Mementoss/Hopeless scumteam. Very unlikely because of how much Mementoss is looking town in my eyes since D2 but I'm going to keep it for later. At this point of the game, I don't expect Thrawn or Mementoss surviving much more longer. So today I want to lynch Hiro/VE as he is my top scum read at the moment. Nobody has really commented yet my post against Hiro so far and I'm little disappointed. I want also to avoid a mislynch on Daoud. I'm also going to address the cases against me ![]() | ||
France3332 Posts
Here I present what lead us to prplhz mislynch and why I think we are also risking a mislynch on daoud + Show Spoiler + On October 17 2012 01:00 Djodref wrote: Why we shouldn't lynch Daoud My main point here is that we have made a mistake while lynching prplhz and I'm afraid that we might do it again if we were to lynch Daoud. First I would like to compare the reasons why we want to lynch them. + Show Spoiler + I've tried to analyze the reasons which lead to the D2 prplhz's debacle. At that time, prplhz felt like the perfect lynch candidate. Mainly because of the following reasons
Now let's take a look at the reasons advanced for daoud's lynch
If you see anything thing big that I have missed, I would enjoy to discuss it. Anyway, there are some common reasons between these two and I think that some of them are just not so good. I'm not saying that they are not valid but I don't think they should carry too much weight in our scumhunt. I'm going to elaborate the push of Sandroba and the association with ON in the next spoiler. Why pushing Sandroba was not so relevant + Show Spoiler + Among us, we have been a lot to suspect Sandro during the first stages of D1: he didn't randomly advance to the finals. When you look at his filter until the following post, he looks pretty scummy. On October 13 2012 16:00 sandroba wrote: I'm not going to fight against this lynch. This is simply too stupid to fight over and I don't feel like it. If you people stopped one second to look at this thread you would come to realise that is simply no way I'm scum purely based on how this situation came to be. Also there is no case against me. I refuse to defend myself against the ignorant uninformed opinion of a bunch of riotters. This is no way to play mafia. You have to look at the intricacies and not follow the mob rule that is usually driven by scum. I leave you sheep to your fate. My reads so far is that ET austin hiro and kush are town. I honestly don't know anymore about ON cuz I would expect him to try to at least keep apearances as scum. This djodref is either very dumb or scum. You would never as town (and inteligent) feel that a person that is standing up to you against the majority trying to lynch would be scum. Prpl and mementos are prob scum. I've been wanting to lynch him at this point and it was the same for Thrawn, Kush, and Daoud. I've haven't been here to witness the rise of town Sandro later on but I think it was totally ok to have wanted to lynch him at that time. We shouldn't have blamed prplhz for this and we should not blame anybody for this. After that, prplhz didn't realize his mistake fast enough and I guess that daoud wasn't even here to see the real town Sandro as he missed all the deadlines. Regarding the Daoud's defense regarding his vote, I would agree that it looks pretty bad. I don't want to give him total clearance because of this precise point but given the general level of his posts and his awareness of the game, I can imagine him as total town newbie with clumsy defense. Why the association case with ON is not so relevant + Show Spoiler + ON was a lurker. I don't know what we can guess from his few interactions with the world. The two votes he threw on me were not even useful, I don't see any purpose for them. They might have been real panic votes, maybe not. We don't know. Same, anybody could say anything about a lurker. Mafia can try to bus or to save. Town can say scummy or townie (see prplhz as an extreme example). The thing is that he was a lurker. We cannot have anything tangible from this. The final reasons to lynch Daoud + Show Spoiler + If we discard the previous reasons, here is what is left
I think these reasons are not a making a solid enough case. He could be newb scum or he could be newb town but my guts are leaning towards town when I read his filter. Especially when he has tried to improve his play during potato day. Regarding the potato, prplhz didn't pass it and it was not town in my eyes but maybe you see things differently when you have everybody on your back. One last thing. When I'm looking back at D2, I have a feeling this day was wasted. Because we had two obvious targets, we didn't think about if they were the right targets or not. Please think how easy it would be to push such mislynches when no one is thinking twice. Mafia totally got us and I bet they were enjoying nice holidays. Conclusion Daoud is looking scummy but he is not the right target. I have a strong feeling that he is in fact a newbie that is going to be mislynched. I would prefer than we not lynch him and focus on the right targets starting from tomorrow. I'm going to present them to you in my following posts. Here is my second defense from Daoud. It is based on my take of the different strategies mafia could use with the killings of Sandro and ET. I've realized that Hopeless was looking even worse while writing this post so I mention him in it. It was before I could read Mementoss post and it is not relevant regarding my reasoning. + Show Spoiler + On October 17 2012 20:58 Djodref wrote: First things first, regardless of daoud possible alignment, we could all agree that he is a total newbie, he doesn't know how to scumhunt nor defending himself properly and he has some weird posts. I'm also going to assume that we have 3 mafia players in this game. And here is what I've found while reading the game. These are statements made by Sandroba and ET the night where they were killed. We have straightforward posts from both of them. Let's make the assumption that daoud is a scum newbie + Show Spoiler + So there is ON, daoud and one unlucky guy in the scumteam. In this case, the killings of Sandroba and ET may have been motivated by a surviving strategy. ON has been lynched D1 and the team wants to protect daoud from a lynch. I can imagine such a strategy from the mafia scumteam, especially when things start to look bad when ON advances to the final. But imagine now that you are the last mafia, this one unlucky guy
There is only one possibility and you know it, this one unlucky guy has to be kush in this case. (This is just a joke, kush has been terribad as scum in my last newbie, no hard feelings kush <3) Let's make the assumption that daoud is a town newbie + Show Spoiler + I know it's bad but let's imagine that you are the mafia right now. You and your evil mafia partner have been noticing how easily you could push a mislynch on daoud or prplhz after their unfortunate votes on Sandroba. His last will post is just a gift from the gods to achieve your evil plans and you do not hesitate to kill this guy who would have been a pain in the ass anyway. After a wearisome D1 where one of your partner have been lynched for inactivity, you just have to post "lol, daoud and prplhz so scum, just pass the potato to each other, gg" (everybody did it, maybe some irritating guy like mementoss was trying to say something else but you weren't paying attention anyway because you were on holidays) And there you are, N2, and you discover another gift of the gods in the last will of the unfortunate ET. Kill this guy, push a mislynch on the newbie (hello Hopeless) and it's almost gg. I know there is a lot of speculation about the actions of the mafia in this post. But the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. I would really appreciate some feedback on this because I don't know if I'm just wasting my time thinking about why the mafia have killed Sandro and ET. But right now, I'm pretty sure daoud would be a mislynch and I would really like to convince you so. /snip Now I would like the people wanting to lynch daoud ask themselves the following questions, assuming that daoud is scum
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France3332 Posts
The main reason why I'm making these long posts is because I have almost nobody to interact with me. Everyday I wake up there is like 3-4 new pages of posts and I have a lot to catch up. By the time I have processed everything, there is nobody in the thread anymore, at the exception of daoud, thrawn and kush sometimes. They are the people I interact the most with (plus I know thrawn and kush meta) and that's why I think my reads on them are correct. @Kush I was expecting a case against me and you take my defense against Mementoss. Sometimes I don't understand you... I would have preferred to defend myself first and I would have loved to see your case against me but w/e. It's difficult for me to imagine a scum Kush backing off his first read and defending me. | ||
France3332 Posts
![]() I have a time for analyzing and a time for discussing, that's all. | ||
United States8878 Posts
Would you help kill austin today? | ||
United States8878 Posts
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