Newbie Mini Mafia VI - Page 38
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United Kingdom36156 Posts
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United States155 Posts
I will put it this way. Lets say that Hiropro had decided to kill strongandbig and then the entire day screamed at omnom that he would have killed omnom for an easy win and that he would have to be stupid to have killed strongandbig. If it played out like the last day did, you would have been lynched and hiropro would have won using WIFOM logic. I don't think that you realize that strongandbig did not KNOW you were town like you did. | ||
United States155 Posts
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United Kingdom36156 Posts
On April 12 2012 00:33 Kohbee wrote: listen, you can keep belittling my argument all you want and sweeping it under the rug but please don't tell me I fail to understand what happened. I will put it this way. Lets say that Hiropro had decided to kill strongandbig and then the entire day screamed at omnom that he would have killed omnom for an easy win and that he would have to be stupid to have killed strongandbig. If it played out like the last day did, you would have been lynched and hiropro would have won using WIFOM logic. I don't think that you realize that strongandbig did not KNOW you were town like you did. As mentioned before, you are the only one who fails to grasp it. Literally everyone else understands, you do not. That's it. | ||
United States155 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + Kohbee's Basic Summary of what went down (from my point of view cause im self centered like that) Day 1 Day 1 started with Fourface's trolling plan. Nothing of game value was posted so anyone wanting to do scum hunting had to read solely into the tone of everyone's posting and not on the agenda behind it. I picked up on Hiropro here because his attempts to troll seemed forced and really well thought out. When I brought this discovery to light in the thread and voted for Hiropro's lynch. Therapist, not seeing things the same way I did, responded immediately, 2 posts after, that I was wrong and voted me. Because of this, Hiropro was never forced to respond for himself, and this pissed me off. This kind of soft defense in my mind spoke to two different options. The first is that therapist is defending his scum buddy and the second is that scum therapist knows hiropro is town and thinks he will gain town cred saving him. Other than this I cannot think of a good reason why a townie would defend someone over 1 vote early on day 1. Basically this is me not following my own advice of not expecting people to act the "right" way. This is why I called him scum and didn't want to talk to him. Hiropro seeing that Therapist, Strongandbig, and even KB (to a lesser extent) defending him was able to answer my pressure calmly and sensibly. Fourface sums it up nicely *here* and is extremely logical about the entire situation. Wait what, yes, yes I did just call Fourface posting logical. As the day progressed I saw that my voting of hiropro was going no where. If I had pushed it any harder people would have jumped on me harder and the last thing I wanted to do was get lynched as a cop. Hiropro also started sheeping me. This was another reason why I had to call him town so that I could continue getting him to vote with me. Then, towards the end of day 1 fourface and strongandbig are back voting for me again. Omnom's vote is based on fourface being an "asshole" and hiro and KB are with me on therapist. Seeing that there are 2 hours left, and I am a blue, I do what I believe is the only thing I have left, which is claim my role. All of a sudden the thread explodes, Marvel votes therapist, fourface switches to marvel, and I am saved. In all honesty when Therapist flipped town I wanted to post "and nothing of value was lost" but that would got me insta-lynched day 2 for being "aggressive". Night 1 During the night I knew I wasn't going to be able to check anyone. You can see I tried to check hiropro, solohan and omnom LOL. I posted all my reads knowing I was going to be on the chopping block the next day. Marvel made a really really really good (yes I'm saying good things about you Marvel) post *here*. Then a bunch of nonsense was posted (i did like my post *here*) Then, at the top of page 22, hiropro posted that my reads were getting way worse. This is actually what opened my eyes to what was really going on. This was the best exchange for me in the whole thread and even though he was scum, this was extremely helpful. Then, Omnom and me started. To be honest I have no idea what I did to piss Omnom off so terribly, however Omnom's huge post began with a completely emotion based attack on me and fourface. Calling my actions unjustified (when I explained every one of them) and calling me albert (aka stupid IDC how you explain it, this is the truth). When you slander me and call me stupid, I am not going to react politely to you. I also was misguided by the emotion of the moment to the point I did actually think you were scum. This is an internet forum in a game of lying. To expect people to believe that you were gone all that time without question is bullshit. You were a lurker, like it or not, and did not put in the same effort as others into this game. You made it next to impossible to get a read on you which is inherently anti-town and you voted based off emotion which was anti-town as well. I understand now that you really didn't have the time for this, and that is completely fine, but to tell me and fourface to shut up, because we were 1000x more active then you was not smart and not logical for forum mafia. Remember, you didn't believe I was cop, why should i have to believe you were actually not able to post? Day 2 Fourface dies. He probably would have done really well this game so thats sad. I started off continuing my emotional stupidity voting omnom (see I call myself stupid too). Then we argue a little more and Omnom *townslips* and I stubbornly ignore it at that exact moment. Then Strongandbig and Marvel post cases on me (I broke down why they were bad *here*). To be completely honest in retrospect I should have been tipped off by this effort to scumhunt. However, at the time I was blinded by how not great the cases were, yet they were gaining traction. I played extremely poorly at the beginning of day 2. I posted petty meaningless shit just to prove people wrong or hypocritical. I was completely blinded by my disgust with the faulty logic being used against me. This all changed *here*. KB ninja'd the shit outta me with his awesome post but for me, this was when I started thinking logically. The worst thing was that I had a massive post on why hiropro was scum (I detailed it out in the obs qt) but I knew that calling him scum when he was voting with me on someone I had as 100% scum was probably not the best way to get mafia lynched lol. From this point forward I tried to convince people to vote with me on solohan. Unfortunately people were pretty tied to their "first mafia reads". I tried to argue why I was a bad lynch logically, and why solohan was scum logically. Both failed pretty hard. In all honesty Omnom was right in one respect in that I didn't have anyone's trust, which for a person like me who tries to take a lot of the emotion out of this game means very little. In retrospect, idk if I woulda changed much but I may have kept it in mind when trying to argue day 2. I knew I was about to get lynched. In this time I was completely torn between Marvel and Hiropro to be solohan's scum buddy. Marvel was the one I decided on more outta rage then outta logic. Once again I did something stupid cause of emotions. I get lynched. I lol @ the bad. I sad @ KB cause I know he's gon die. Nigh 2/Day 3/Night 3 I group these together cause nothing really happened. KB got shot which meant Solohan HAD to be lynched. He flipped scum (shock!) Then night 3 hiropro killed omnom. To be honest I think he shoulda no-killed or killed marvel. Day 4 The entire day rested on Strongandbig deciding which argument to side with. The day looked like the cliche example of 2 people fighting over ownership of a dog by calling its name. I have said a bunch of times, I think strongandbig basically flipped a coin with who he was voting for because both sides brought such weak arguments to the table from his prospective. To be honest I would have liked strong to take a stance using his own argument and case, instead of just choosing between the 2. I don't mean this disrespectfully but Strong seemed to take the lazy way out (just choosing to follow 1 persons lead instead of coming to the decision on his own). In the end Strong made the right decision to win the game. hurray! Individual Breakdowns Therapist - You were looking for the wrong qualities in mafia. Ironically you ended up defending one to the point that it got you lynched. Early votes provoke discussion and pressure people into talking, which is always a good thing. The early vote on hiropro should not have cleared me as town, but it did not deserve the response you and others gave. Grade - D Fourface - You actually played very well this game. You made yourself clearly town, and occasionally posted logically sound shit. If you would drop the crazy side to you and just play straight up I think you could become a very very very good player. Grade - B+ Kohbee - I learned a lot from this game. First and foremost I need to calm down when being accused regardless of how terrible I think the argument against me is. There are so many unnecessary posts from me in this game. However me, KB and at the very end Marvel are why town won this game. Grade - A- KharadBanar - At first I thought you were stupid townie. Then you came through with amazing logic and reads. Town's MVP for sure and by far the best player in this game IMO. Grade - A+ Solohan50 - Meh. You needed to get involved more. You only focused on basically nothing, and would almost always de-lurk immediately when called out. Grade - D Omnommufins - You played this game like it was IRL mafia. This was your first and biggest mistake. While I have never played IRL mafia, I would be willing to beat its a lot less competitive and a lot more about the good time playing. I don't know how to grade your play because I don't think that you had the time or the right mindset for forum mafia. I don't know how to suggest improvement other than to point you to guides about forum mafia and suggesting that next time you play you make sure your schedule allows it and that you basically forget everything you know about IRL mafia. Grade - I (incomplete) HiroPro - Up until the last day you played flawlessly. However you never really came out of your shell to try and show your towniness. Even up until the last minute you kinda had a nonchalant "im right" attitude which carried you to a last day lylo. If you had came at marvel with a fury on the last day I fully believe you would have won. You also realized early on that you need to separate yourself form Solohan, which I believe you did very well. Grade - A- marvellosity - In retrospect, you did not play nearly as bad as I had remembered. You had a number of good posts, but you also lived and died by WIFOM logic. I would suggest you to stop predicting mafia action, and especially to stop using it as your argument to the rest of town. I know that you figured out hiropro at then end, but I hope that you understand you did not do an exceptional job of either proving you were town (so that SB could see your logic) or proving that Hiropro was scum. Grade - A- strongandbig - I honestly didn't see too much of value to take away from this game. You basically saw me as aggressive, and equated that to scum (big no-no). After this you got stubborn, refused to listen to me, and saw all of my actions and posts through clouded lenses. I don't know how exactly you came to your final decision, but congrats it was a good one, and for that I can't grade you too low. Grade - C | ||
United States155 Posts
On April 12 2012 00:35 marvellosity wrote: As mentioned before, you are the only one who fails to grasp it. Literally everyone else understands, you do not. That's it. Can you please explain how my example doesn't add up? | ||
United States155 Posts
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United States4858 Posts
On April 12 2012 00:33 Kohbee wrote: listen, you can keep belittling my argument all you want and sweeping it under the rug but please don't tell me I fail to understand what happened. I will put it this way. Lets say that Hiropro had decided to kill strongandbig and then the entire day screamed at omnom that he would have killed omnom for an easy win and that he would have to be stupid to have killed strongandbig. If it played out like the last day did, you would have been lynched and hiropro would have won using WIFOM logic. I don't think that you realize that strongandbig did not KNOW you were town like you did. So the reason I decided to vote with Marvellosity was because the night kill of omnom really made no sense from his point of view. He said that several times, but I was already thinking it. At first I thought it didn't make sense from Hiro's point of view either, so I wasn't sure what to do; Hiro had been building his case on omnom up for quite some time, and omnom looked *really scummy* at that point. However, I eventually became convinced that if Marvellosity was mafia, he could have won easily by killing me. Hiropro and omnommuffins had been accusing each other for days, and all he would have to do is watch the sparks fly. On the other hand, Hiropro knew I'd been suspicious of Marvellosity - largely based on your last post, Kohbee, and on the similarities between his and Solohan's interpretations of why Fourface died. So for Hiropro, killing omnom would set back his own case on the last day, but it would leave me alive and give him a chance to make a stronger case against Marvellosity. Now, your only response when Marv and I explained this has been "that's wifom! Don't analyze night kills!" You keep saying that despite the fact that several veterans have come in here and said that in this case, analyzing the night kill made sense. I'll post this from the Mafia Wiki: Many times analyzing night kills is considered WIFOM, as only the killers can say with certainty why someone died. This is especially true when the kill choices were unexpected. At present, NK analysis is considered simply another possibly-reliable piece of evidence, neither useless nor authoritative. If you keep willfully ignoring this aspect of the game, your play will suffer from it. There are times when night kill analysis should be disregarded, and there are times when it should not. I also had been suspicious of Hiro since day 1, when he reacted so passively to your accusation. However, you kept insisting that was a "town reaction." Eventually, I decided to just go with my gut on that (and with fourface, who said that Hiro was "playing scared"). Finally, I decided that there was no way that Solohan would link himself and his scum buddy like he did in the "if kohbee flips blue" post I quoted on the last day. From what I'd learned about Solohan's play reading his one-page filter a bajillion times, his play could be characterized as "trying to manipulate the town but doing so badly." His frame-up of you for killing fourface was bad; I voted for you in spite of that, thinking that if you were scum then Solohan and Marvellosity were just really bad townies. Ditto the aggressive posts he made against you on other parts of the day. It was totally in line for him to have posted what boils down to "hey guys! I know I'm gonna get bussed but when I do you shouldn't vote for Hiropro!" I was hesitant to trust any of these pieces of evidence on its own, especially since Marvellosity's bandwagoning on day 1 and his posting similarities with Solohan on day two had already made me suspicious. However, all together they pushed me to vote for Hiropro. Believe what you will, I did not just vote together with the person who was the most excited about it (or "called my name the loudest" or however you put it). That would have been a whole fucking lot easier to decide, and I wouldn't have had to sprint back from dinner when my phone ran out of batteries because I would have voted like five hours earlier. | ||
United States4858 Posts
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United States5241 Posts
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