![[image loading]](http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n99/chuiu/TLmafia_new.png)
*VisceraEyes is helping me co-host this game. Any questions can be directed towards him or myself.
A Game of Thrones Mafia
IMPORTANT POSTS Day 1: The Game of Thrones Begins
Introduction: Mafia is an educated guessing game of epic proportions. The objective of the game is to lynch or kill all mafia members before they outnumber the rest of the town. It's much like a game of poker because mafia members are also part of the town during the day and may manipulate the vote to their liking. If the mafia at any time outnumber or equal the townspeople, they win. The town's goal is to lynch all the members of the mafia.
The game is typically very active, so the thread will get big quickly. However, it is essential to read the thread to play the game. If you do not have the time or patience to read the whole thread, do not play. I will not compensate for ignorance.
Rules: Cheating: Cheating includes (but is not limited to): 1. Posting after death. You may have one polite goodbye post, but it may not contain any potentially game-changing information. 2. Ruining the game by doing something like hand out your mafia's member list to the town. 3. Logging on to someone else's account to get their role or looking over someone's shoulder to get their role. 4. Comparing role PM times to determine roles. 5. Posting screenshots of your inbox. 6. Posting or sharing any PM you receive from a host. 7. Getting yourself modkilled to help your team. Your non-majority-decided death may not be used as a bargaining chip. 8. Signing up more than once using smurf accounts. 9. Betting items outside of the game in exchange for in-game benefits. 10. Sharing accounts with other players unless cleared by the host in advance. Otherwise, only you may post on your account. 11. Breadcrumbing the specific phrasing of your role PM. Do not compare the phrasing in your role PM to prove your alignment. You can claim the abilities you have, but you can't use the specific phrasing of your role PM. Cheating is not tolerated here. The punishment will be severe.
Posting: Mod Font: This is mod font. It is reserved for moderators. Please do not use it.
Question Font: This is question font. Use it to ask the moderators questions about the rules. Please do us a favor and read the rules before you ask anything.
Activity: You must post in this thread once per day/night cycle and vote every day while you are alive. If you fail to do so, you will be modkilled.
On April 26 2011 13:22 mikeymoo wrote: Smurfs must PM the host because TL doesn't allow multiple accounts otherwise. If the host is unaware of smurfs, you (and/or your smurf) can be banned for having multiple accounts.
Spam: Spam is not tolerated, nor is any off-topic material. Do not discuss Proleague here. Do not talk about Starcraft II here. Play Mafia here.
Editing: Editing is not allowed for any reason. Editing will result in a warning. After that, you will be modkilled. This is the one part of the site where it is okay to be double posting, even triple-posting. While I ask for everybody to post as concisely as possible, post again if you have to edit anything.
Inappropriate posts: If you want to post something insulting or inappropriate and know the TL mods would have a problem with it elsewhere, don't post it here. If you do, a host will warn you or modkill you and request that you be banned from future games. The hosts have the final say on what is inappropriate. If you do not like how someone is talking to you, please PM a host, Flamewheel, or Mig before involving the TL staff. If you are unsatisfied with how the situation is resolved, then you can appeal to the TL staff normally.
Reporting posts: The report button is a nice feature for regular TL, but not for this forum. We prefer to deal with things in house if possible to avoid confusion among the TL staff. If you have a problem with how someone is posting, talk to the host, co-host, Flamewheel, or Mig before using your report button. Please do not use your report button for anything other than inappropriate posts which you feel are not being dealt with adequately.
Ban discussions: Please wait until this game is over to talk about modkills and bans resulting from this game.
Play to win. This means you play your best to help your team win while you are alive and in the game. However, this does not mean that you should try to win by being a jerk to the other players so they all want to quit playing.
This also means that you cannot leave the game without a good reason without a ban. These situations will be dealt with on a case by case basis. PM your host if you need to leave the game.
You have been warned.
Voting rules: 1. Voting is done in a separate thread, located here. Please keep votes there, and only vote there. Do not PM me your vote. 2. Please vote in the following format: ##Vote Qatol. Votes not done in the correct fashion will not be counted. I will update vote counts whenever I get the chance. 3. No conditional voting. 4. You may vote for yourself. You may not vote for anyone dead or outside the game. 5. In the event of a tie the person with the most votes first wins (or loses). 6. Voting is mandatory. You may (NOT) abstain.
Signups: This game is open to anyone. Signups will remain open until all 21 spots have been filled.
Game-specific rules: Modkills: This game follows the TL Mafia Ban List. If you are modkilled, your punishment will go beyond being eliminated from this game. Please refer to it for questions about your punishment. If you want to use this game to sit out your ban, please PM Flamewheel or post in the Ban List.
Replacements This game uses replacements. If a player is modkilled during the designated time, then they will be replaced by a player on the replacement list.
Clues: There are (no) clues.
PMs PMs are (not) allowed in this game.
Time Cycle: This game will follow a (24 hour night/48 hour) day cycle. In case I am not able to post around deadline, any votes after the 48 hour mark will not count and the game will be put on halt until the night post is up. Currently the deadline is time, but that is subject to change. Actions/votes will be accepted up to and including the posted time, but not after.
Credits: Thanks to anyone who has ever hosted a game. This list grows ever longer. Thanks to everyone who helped balance this game.
If you have not read all the rules, go back and do so. I will not compensate for ignorance!
![[image loading]](http://buzzpop.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/game-of-thrones-banner-e1305794466768.jpg)
"When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground." -Cersei Lannister, Queen of Westeros
Sign-Up Specifics If you ask to be replaced or get modkilled I will ask for a ban.
If you are able to find your own replacement (BEFORE replacing out) and have a valid reason for replacing out, I will not request punishment. You may consult players on the replacement list for this purpose.
Please note that I will be following the spirit of the activity requirement, not the rule. Posting “lol” or something along those lines to circumvent the posting requirement will still result in your modkill. To be as unbiased as I can in this I will be consulting a group of Mafia forum members not signed up for the game to determine whether such behavior warrants modkilling.
Game Specifics This is a semi-open setup. All possible Town and Mafia roles are listed below. None of these roles are alignment specific (they may be Mafia or Town). Not all of these roles are guaranteed to be in the game but all roles in the game are guaranteed to be from this list.
Who gets what role was generated by random.org. I used the first result that popped up, no changes. So truly random .
Alignment Detective + Show Spoiler +Reveals alignment not role, guaranteed to be sane. Medic + Show Spoiler +Protects target from 1 KP. The Medic will not know if their target was hit or not. Jailkeeper + Show Spoiler +Protects target from 1 KP, roleblocks target. Roleblocks do not stop Mafia KP. Targets are not informed that they are Roleblocked unless they attempted an action. Vigilante + Show Spoiler +Hits target for 1 KP, has one shot. Paranoid Gun Owner + Show Spoiler +Negates the first action to target them and kills the person who targeted them regardless of protection, only works once. Roleblocks negate this action. Tracker + Show Spoiler +Follows their target receiving the name of anyone their target visits, does not know what their target’s action was. Double Voter + Show Spoiler +Has an anonymous extra vote used by PMing the host. Roleblocks prevent this extra vote. Veteran + Show Spoiler +Has two lives. Will die if Roleblocked + hit on the same night. Framer + Show Spoiler +Causes their target to appear as the opposite of their standard check when investigated by Detectives. Cannot frame themselves. Godfather + Show Spoiler +Appears as Town to all Detective checks. Roleblocker + Show Spoiler +Roleblocks their target. Roleblocks do not stop Mafia KP. Targets are not informed that they are Roleblocked unless they attempted an action. Miller + Show Spoiler +Appears as Mafia to all Detective checks. Nosy Neighbor + Show Spoiler +Will appear to visit a random player each night when targeted by a Tracker. Vanilla Townie + Show Spoiler + Vanilla Mafia + Show Spoiler +
If you are confused as to what each of these roles does, don’t hesitate to ask.
There are 16 Town players, 4 Mafia players, and 1 Third Party Player.
Petyr Baelish’s (Littlefinger, Third Party) role and win condition are not revealed. Here are some facts about Littlefinger:
1. He is unlynchable 2. He is unkillable 3. His win condition is not mutually exclusive with Town’s or Mafia’s
Littlefinger's identity will be revealed at the start of the game; his win condition remains hidden. He is not allowed to reveal his win condition under any circumstance.
![[image loading]](http://www.jeremysadler.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/game-of-thrones-banner-640x207.jpg)
"When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives." -Eddard Stark, the King's Hand
Sign-Up List 1. gumshoe 2. Zealos
3. Acrofales, Cersei Lannister, Mafia Roleblocker was modkilled day 3.
4. Mattchew, Lysa Arryn, Town Jailkeeper was hacked to pieces night 3.
5. Oberyn, a Stark Bannerman was hacked to pieces night 2. 6. risk.nuke
7. SamuelLJackson, Syrio Forel, Town Vigilante was hacked to pieces night 1. 8. wherebugsgo; Petyr Baelish, Littlefinger
9. Jitsu, a Stark Bannerman was stabbed in the back night 4. 10. Alderan
11. MrZentor, Berric Dondarrion, Town Vigilante was run through night 2. 12. chaoser
13. Nicolas, a Stark Bannerman was modkilled day 1.
14. Risen, Jory Cassel, Town Detective was lynched day 2. 15. Lyter 16. Xatalos
17. GreYMisT, a Stark Bannerman was lynched day 4.
18. DoYouHas, a Stark Bannerman was hacked to pieces night 1.
19. sinensis, a Stark Bannerman was hacked to pieces night 4. 20. evantrees
21. layabout, a Stark Bannerman was lynched day 1.
Special thanks to Mattchew!
Replacement List 1. froggynoddy 2. 3. 4. 5.
5 of 16 Town remaining 3 of 4 Mafia remaining 1 of 1 Littlefinger remaining
Current Mafia KP is 2 (#/2)
Sample Role PMs
Hello and welcome to A Game of Thrones Mafia! You are Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning, Town Vigilante. Special Ability[Oneshot]Dawn: Wielding the legendary greatsword Dawn, you may bring justice upon the criminals of the realm. One time at night you may kill a target of your choice. Your personal kill flavour is “decapitated.” You win when all the Mafia have been eliminated.
Hello and welcome to A Game of Thrones Mafia! You are a Stark Bannerman, Loyal to the Realm, Vanilla Townie.![[image loading]](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_i7gLqM8IWs0/TISalvFW3XI/AAAAAAAAAMo/EZ026sMnMvs/s1600/House+Stark+Banner.jpg) You have but your voice and your vote. You win when all the Mafia have been eliminated.
The current deadline is: Wednesday, Mar 21 11:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00) {Game Start}
very interesting. A Song of Ice and Fire = GOAT series!
PGO in the game, brace yourselves, whine is coming.
As I haven't played before, can I sign up? Or should I start with a newbie game?
United States22154 Posts
On March 18 2012 04:27 Acrofales wrote: As I haven't played before, can I sign up? Or should I start with a newbie game? I need a replacement for a newbie game if you want to fill in!
On March 18 2012 04:22 Kurumi wrote: PGO in the game, brace yourselves, whine is coming.
Updated OP, Roleblocks negate PGOs.
Less whine mode activated!
On March 18 2012 04:27 Acrofales wrote: As I haven't played before, can I sign up? Or should I start with a newbie game?
Feel free as long as you stay active and interested.
Can you play in this game without having read or watched A Game of Thrones?
Of course, this is a Mafia game still and requires no knowledge of the source material.
You may get spoiled on events that occur in the first book though. I will try to keep it as spoiler-free as possible but the nature of the setup inevitably will have some.
Thanks prplhz for asking that question.
I'll /in.
I'm a lurker to the team liquid forums, but the Game of Thrones theme caught me eye.
I'd love to join! 
when will this game start?
I expect it to take a while to fill up since there are multiple games in progress at the moment but we'll start when it's full. Likely will be around when Protact's game ends but may be earlier.
I'm /in
I wanted to join a normal mini but as there are no normal minis and won't be for the next few weeks I might as well join this one.
Edit: Isn't the jailkeeper someone who locks someone up for the night protectiing them for whatever? In your description it says it protects from 1KP + RBs the guy but shouldn't it be "protects from multiple KP + RBs the guy" ?