If we leave Jackal alive he is going to have to shoot tonight and claim his shot right before the deadline. I'll re-read the thread to see if there's anything else that sticks out but I doubt I would like a lynch better than Jackal. Even in the offchance he is Town losing the role is not a huge loss because it's such a double sided sword. Especially given the circumstances since a rushed shot is far more likely to hit a Town (resulting in 2 anti Town KP).
TL Mafia LII: JubJub Mafia - Page 19
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Canada2817 Posts
If we leave Jackal alive he is going to have to shoot tonight and claim his shot right before the deadline. I'll re-read the thread to see if there's anything else that sticks out but I doubt I would like a lynch better than Jackal. Even in the offchance he is Town losing the role is not a huge loss because it's such a double sided sword. Especially given the circumstances since a rushed shot is far more likely to hit a Town (resulting in 2 anti Town KP). | ||
Poland6130 Posts
On March 13 2012 06:08 prplhz wrote: Like, Rattata is a pokémon. A rat pokémon. A rat is a traitor. "Me and my Rattata needs friends" sounds a lot like you're the traitor trying to hint to scum that you're the traitor. You see what I'm saying? I'm not willing to consider that you're just saying this because you're insane and polish. I am trainer Joey and my Rattata is in the top percentage of Rattata . You can not even beat it with Reshiram . | ||
Canada3602 Posts
Callers play was uber flashy, super risky and stupid, dosent seem like the kind of thing scum would do ) : I don't think he's scum, I do think he felt by putting himself in the spotlight he would be able to call out the people bussing him(ie the obvius target) Unfortunately I know from personal(albiet limited) experience that this does not work more often than not. The result of his plan was chaos and he even if he were to draw something out of the wreckage it would be hard to take what he says seriusley, so no my vote is not on caller, but I wouldn't mind having him be ignored for a while. Moving on I think Bill is scum, I'm going to go through his posts one by one(not difficult he only has like 10). Bill Murray starts of providing meta on a couple players. I have meta on both of them Katina is Lanaia, I believe. I am not as up to snuff on the scum game as from town, but I know I could do a good job with the scum if I was able to sense nervousness. In their town game, they like to be a backseat driver. I haven't played with Abenson in years, but from what I can remember, you can expect some crazy little guy who lives on the edge and doesn't take no for an answerHe notes that he could theoretically weed out I find it interesting that he's confident he can get a good read on her if she's town but the only thing he can do if she's scum is provide some general stuff, he also says that as town she back seats, he says this despite the fact that katina's last game(and the only game that shows up on her current account) she roled as scum, the game was arkham, and by the end katina had only two pages worth of filter in an over 200 page game, Bill Murray played in this game as hush and made it relatively far(day 4). In that game bill only adressed her three times and the last time he declared her town, I find it difficult to believe that he wouldn't go back and figure out the person who had him so well duped, even if he didn't hit kick himself a little he at least must have gained first hand experience of katinas scum play, but he claims otherwise. Unless he provides us with some more games with lania, I'm going to assume that this game is his only direct/recent experience with katinas play and this was when she was scum, so where is your experience with her town play coming from Bill? Please link a game, furthermore according to you she backsetats as town, well she does so as scum as well, therefore according to her behaviour is interchangeable yet you don't mention this. For the record Katina IS back seating this game. It just seems like a very sloppy post that keeps Bill from having to attack someone he should be familiar with, whats more providing vague past advice on players is a FANTASTIC way to look both experienced and productive, bill addresses jackals question six hours after it was asked, it was the first thing he felt he needed to address for some reason. Why? Like I said these kind of questions are scum's bread and butter and despite the fact that the question was ancient bill couldnt bother passing it up. Lets move on to the rest of the post, He says hes a bit rusty when it comes to abenson, but that from what he remembers abenson is a loose cannon. Discrediting townies based on ancient experience right at the start of the game... Doesn't strike me as pro town exactly... He addresses the Abenson question despite the fact that town has already talked about him, seems uneccecairy, you know like having more butter on bread then you could pssibly need unceccecairy... Then he briefly begins crumbing suspicion on caller why doctorH? He feels like he is genuine to me... you know something I don't? Remarkably I actually think this is an early scum slip, bill says he finds doc genuine, doesn't say why but he certainly sounds confident in dyh's innocence(note this is the first notable attempt bill makes to buddy up with dyh), then instead of saying caller is stupid or that hes scum he asks caller if he knows something about what I can only assume are the roles, now at first glance this is an accusation under a fluffy guise because the only way caller could know something of roles at this stage in the game is if he's scum. This light weight timid accusation is fishy enough on it's own, but then I thought about it a little,perhaps the reason for bills confidence in dyh's innocence is what bill knows that caller doesn't, and bill knows theres no way caller can know better than himself, bill knows who town is and who is scum which is why he somewhat ironically asks if caller knows something he doesn't, because caller cant possibly know that dyh is town just like bill knows he is, all this is because bill is scum. This is just speculation though to be honest, it was just how timid and cryptic this accusation came off that sorta gave me scummy vibes, why couldn't he just call him scum? I never thought of bill as the town coward and no matter how you spin it this dosent sound like the kind of question a straight forward townie like bill would ask, even in jest. Finally we get to his first major opinion on policy, and god is it wishy washy, I see both sides of the outting who you PM vs not I have outted it, and it cost the town, so I doubt I will be outting anything this game, unless Isee a blatant slip can you talk to us about the time you cost town? A reoccurring trend with you seems to be that you reference this magical well of experience that you never actually tap into. Note this is bills longest post, the rest are mostly infrequent three liners /: Next up his attack on me On March 11 2012 14:09 gumshoe wrote: Show nested quote + Gumshoe I dont think we should have to announce who were pming, but I do think we should all say when we have at least two people who have decided to pm us. Why? Because I dont think everyone should be pming the one guy who we all think is a great townie, everyone should have 4 contacts ideally, that way the spread of information is even and we have a better chance to gain more information as opposed to having everyone pming one guy. Of course that is optional and I wont suggest that you announce who has decided to pm you, just tell us when you have two contacts so we can keep the spread of pm lines even. Bill i dont like this quote, and it earned my vote the guy doesnt want someone taking pms i always want to be the guy taking pms, personally, that's what i like death to the infidels What? You voted for me because I suggested we spread out or pms? How is it useful to have one person hold multiple pms, if they are town they can get killed and several people have wasted a contact. If thier scum well... I think that speaks for itself, I still think two covert groups of five(five bieng the number that uses up all 10 pms but allows everyone in the group to contact one another) is the right way to go about pms but thats another fight for another day. Bill doesn't even suggest why its bad that we spread out our pms, he just sounds... childish. Contrast this open almost dismissive accusation with his timid attack on Caller, it almost feels like he knows there is no risk in attacking me because I am a newer player. This is not town behaviur, townies attack the biggest potential threats first not the easy prey noobs, or perhaps townies attack scum? I dont know I get attacked a lot by scum >_<. Next is a question he bill asks jitsu, what are your thoughts on layabout's alignment this game? Would like to hear your thoughts on jitsu's reply bill, until then this question is filler. next + Show Spoiler + @doctorh, what are the reasons you like from curu? I'm catching up, and I value your opinion. That is also why I am sort of sheeping you. You saw what I saw out of gumshoe, switched when that wagon wasn't going anywhere for some reason, and probably found a good one here. I remember Caller's posting earlier on in the day being suspect. He came in like a bull, china flying everywhere, and the broken glass and debris are making it easy to see a case on him being valid. tl;dr: catching up, asking questions, can see caller being scum Umm what? You didnt see anything in me, you were mad because I was taking your pms and what not, DH brought up a solid case about me posting too many posts to do with policy, when did you ever mention that that was your problem with me? Unless youve been communicting with Dh outside of the thread I can only assume that your lying here and trying to buddy up with dh while reminding him of his suspiciuns of me and in fact crumbing a bit on DH for the future(for instacne, lets say curu gets lynched and then flips green, all you have to do is attack me, and if DH refuses to back you up you can point out how he just dropped his case on me all a sudden way back when), you also dont even provide your own evidence for why you doubt curu! Another theme with your play. We can see it play out 5 seconds later when you accuse Caller, now that everyones attacked him and hes pretty much proclaimed himself insane, you dont mind fully accusing him at all. Yet again you do not bring any evidence to back up your convictions. next post. 1) clicked on page 10 2) see LAL argument 3) *facepalm* I disagree with Jitsu. I feel fakeclaiming as a townie to soak a hit is very theoretically sound. I know it is viewed negatively, and helps mafia blend in, but I would argue I am very knowledgeable when it comes to playing the other side of the coin from history and meta. Mafia want to know who is what power role the most, so they can figure out how to untie the knot of the town's night actions. They hate not knowing who the doctors, watcher, trackers, whatever are. They want to be able to disrupt that. Aside from the fact that I find fake roleplaying silly I dont really have a problem with this post... no actually I do, once again he is referring to his great wealth of experience without providing evidence or an anecdote, and hes talking about meta while we were discussing several major lynch options... Next post op 2 suspects are jitsu and layabout, but i'm voting for caller... hmmm... sorry to spam, but something must be wrong with my brain. I'm going to switch my vote to jitsu, actually.t Da fuck? No one finds this suspicius? that bill is flip flopping back and forth within the space of one post? And why does he think hes spamming...and where did this jitsu vote come from? Last time you were just disagreeing with him now you think he's scum? Weird. And thats all for analysis. Bill provides no evidence to back up his claims. Has clearly been trying to buddy up with DH Only attacks weak targets and does so poorly (like me or caller) Has posted half as much in the past two days than his first day in arkham. Has Ridden on other people cases and on the wave of his own experience but provides no examples or reasons for why his experience is correct in this entirely different situation. How is this guy not scummy? And why has no one accused him yet? Few questions. Bill can you tell us a bit more about katina? How are you familiar with her town play but not her scum play? Dh what do you think of Bill potentially sheeping you? And what do all of you think of the fact that Bill hasn't said a thing about Jackal? Where is bill? Were approaching zero hour and he hasn't posted in over 12 hours! Last thing in regard to jackal, the solution is alot simpler than you think, we spare him tonight and see if a blue dies and flips with a unique player name, then will know that jackal is probably telling the truth because only he could know his own player name if hes a blue, we can also tell now that (because the games theme seems to be player names) that the scum god father will be named after a notorious player. Same thing with the traitor, and the blues will probably have the name of a player with a good rep, like dream flower. Anyways my vote goes to Bill Murray unless you guys have a better suggestion right now. | ||
Canada3602 Posts
On March 13 2012 06:22 Curu wrote: I'm in two minds cause I'm convinced Dreamflower is not under any way shape or form a Normal role especially with the new strict standards that govern what constitutes a Normal game. But on the other hand the claimed role still makes no sense for Mafia. The only thing I can think of is that there may be an odd number of Mafia and leaving Jackal alive for a day gives Mafia an additional KP going into the night. If we leave Jackal alive he is going to have to shoot tonight and claim his shot right before the deadline. I'll re-read the thread to see if there's anything else that sticks out but I doubt I would like a lynch better than Jackal. Even in the offchance he is Town losing the role is not a huge loss because it's such a double sided sword. Especially given the circumstances since a rushed shot is far more likely to hit a Town (resulting in 2 anti Town KP). Leave him alive tonight see who shows up dead tommorow, all we need is confirmation that player names play a role. | ||
Romania425 Posts
Jaybrundage, you may not like my playstyle because I discovered you quickly in Arkham. I will, however, not lie this game. Gonna read some more, but as of now Node is giving off scummy vibes. Jackal s fine: Meta won t work here. Its the same Jackal that is concerned with helping town, although he claimed perhaps a bit too quickly............ ##Vote: Node | ||
United States929 Posts
Jitsu, you're doing a good job of attacking the attacker instead of defending your actual reason for voting. I'm surprised that after allt hat has happened int his thread your best reason to vote for someone is that they mistook two names that look similar I have defended it. There's nothing more I can really say to it. It essentially comes down to if I think prplhz actually misread something, or not. I don't think he did. I think it was a slip up in timing. Sorry if you don't feel similar. I don't think I would sheep my vote onto Jackal, because I didn't think he was scum. I legitimately think that the timing error was a real fuck-up. What more do you want me to say? On March 13 2012 06:08 prplhz wrote: Like, Rattata is a pokémon. A rat pokémon. A rat is a traitor. "Me and my Rattata needs friends" sounds a lot like you're the traitor trying to hint to scum that you're the traitor. You see what I'm saying? I'm not willing to consider that you're just saying this because you're insane and polish. That's interesting. I actually hadn't thought of that, and was wondering the same thing. On March 13 2012 06:18 Pandain wrote: im detective dafuq. | ||
Canada3602 Posts
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Canada2817 Posts
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Poland6130 Posts
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United Kingdom2600 Posts
On March 13 2012 06:28 gumshoe wrote: Can someone summarize the case against node for me ![]() He is a "wishy washy sheep". I think that's it. | ||
United States929 Posts
On March 13 2012 06:34 Kurumi wrote: Since when a rat is symbol of traitors , shouldnt it be something like snake? Like, Seviper or Arbok ? Wrong. I am the best Rattata trainer around. As far back as I remember it, it is. | ||
Canada3602 Posts
also Dh I noticed you posted a case against me way back, do you still want me to address it? | ||
United States11320 Posts
Rat is more cunning than treachery. In Egypt rats meant wisdom. | ||
United States15034 Posts
On March 13 2012 06:37 gumshoe wrote: any thoughts on my bm case? also Dh I noticed you posted a case against me way back, do you still want me to address it? not particularly, i'm not voting for you Pandain why the fuck would you claim DT day 1 with no pressure | ||
United States929 Posts
On March 13 2012 06:39 [UoN]Sentinel wrote: Rat is more cunning than treachery. In Egypt rats meant wisdom. Obviously you have never been involved with the Corrections system. | ||
Canada2817 Posts
If we move onto someone else the best case scenario becomes we get scum and Jackal hits Mafia (super duper unlikely), worst case scenario becomes we used our day 1 lynch on Town and 2 extra KP hits Townies at night (very very likely). I'm not confident enough in any other lynches right now to take that risk. Katina maybe but it would mostly become firing into lurkers or people posting stupid stuff as opposed to scummy stuff. gumshoe I think most of it, especially the flip flopping, is stupid derp posting rather than scummy posting. It's hard to tell whether flip flopping is a sign of uncertainty (very possible on day 1 especially) or scum motivations (which we can't know till people flip). | ||
Canada3602 Posts
On March 13 2012 06:44 Curu wrote: I want to stay with Jackal. Best case scenario we get scum, worst case we've used our day 1 lynch on Town. If we move onto someone else the best case scenario becomes we get scum and Jackal hits Mafia (super duper unlikely), worst case scenario becomes we used our day 1 lynch on Town and 2 extra KP hits Townies at night (very very likely). I'm not confident enough in any other lynches right now to take that risk. Katina maybe but it would mostly become firing into lurkers or people posting stupid stuff as opposed to scummy stuff. gumshoe I think most of it, especially the flip flopping, is stupid derp posting rather than scummy posting. It's hard to tell whether flip flopping is a sign of uncertainty (very possible on day 1 especially) or scum motivations (which we can't know till people flip). And his obvious lie about katina? Why would her current behaviour correlate with town play, when in her most recent game she played almost the exact same way but scummier? I dont think we should lynch jackal, if he had just sad he was doc I would be all for killing him but he identified a theme to roles, which means we just need to wait and see if his theme is real, otherwise he pulled it out of his ass and we lynch, why kill a potential blue? | ||
Canada3602 Posts
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United States21170 Posts
Everyone should be lynching Caller right now because he's manipulating the town. | ||
Canada3602 Posts
On March 13 2012 06:42 DoctorHelvetica wrote: not particularly, i'm not voting for you Pandain why the fuck would you claim DT day 1 with no pressure maybe he's bored? Or he could be fake claiming, but unless you want to lynch him we should drop the subgect. One thing though, Pandain since your claiming your dc anyways, would you mind telling us if your pm gives your role a specific name? If it does then we can probably clear jackal today and move on. | ||
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