On February 08 2012 18:56 Tunkeg wrote:
Also this might just become my trademark. You've allready seen one scum in this game (read layabout) back down from a fight with me because of all the unwanted attention it gets. And he wouldn't back down from a fight otherwise.
Also this might just become my trademark. You've allready seen one scum in this game (read layabout) back down from a fight with me because of all the unwanted attention it gets. And he wouldn't back down from a fight otherwise.
Back up your accusations or stop calling me scum.
The risk reward stuff is crap, other people's play can be frustrating but if you are town then you have to learn to deal with it Playing in a manner that frustrates others is not scummy. It is likely that such players will be in every game and if you cannot play well around them... you will never play well.
How do you not see the harm in unreasonably pursuing another player on the basis that they are frustrating you (if you are town). The likely outcome is two dead town, you and your target. One or both of you could be blue. Since you have provided no reasoning, if you did mange to kill chaoser and he flipped red it would be because of dumb luck.
I also feel that you have mis-handled the issue with Dr.H, the "argument" and "opinion" about a joker claim. Dr.H explained why a joker claim was a bad idea, he gave clear reasons as to why the alternative was better and why the Joker claim would hurt town. Your response was: "i disagree".
( i know you tried to explain yourself but come on:
Well, both your way, Dr H's way and my way might all be viable strategies for Batman, it depends on many things though.
You had a layout for optimal Batman play, and I had one as well
But I do not know what Batman will chose, and therefor I write that all three choices are viable strategies.
You had a layout for optimal Batman play, and I had one as well
But I do not know what Batman will chose, and therefor I write that all three choices are viable strategies.
Since the argument is about what is optimal, you cannot say, well this is viable and this is viable so i think we can just disagree. It is something that can be argued and a conclusion could have been reached. Instead you try to say that everyone is entitled to an opinion and then refuse to change you own one. If that was your stance you should never have entered into that discussion in the first place.
I responded to your case and you response was fairly open confusion
The difference here is that you haven't done anything worthwhile. I am not sure how to interpret your reply to me here, I was both hoping and fearing at the same time that you would come out guns a blazing at me. Hoping because that somehow would show that you didn't fear getting into a attention seeking fight, fearing because it might have caused me to tunnel you forever. This calm collected answer worries me...
I am not sure how to procede here. My vote stays on you for now. Convice me otherwise by doing some good posts.
I am not sure how to procede here. My vote stays on you for now. Convice me otherwise by doing some good posts.
Don't think you can continue to call me scum after i refuted your arguments and you reacted by not contesting my response but instead posting that you did not know how to interpret my post.
Rather than looking at what i had said and trying to analyse it, it seems to me that you expected me to react aggressively if i was town, and you would judge me based upon how aggressive i was. Since i did not react the way you anticipated me to you were unsure of what to conclude. Thing is you really haven't brought forth any arguments after this.
So tell me why am i still on your scumlist?
Why would you hope that i would drag you into an attention seeking fight? It seems that you expected me to react that way as town. Are you disappointed that i didn't? Did you expect that because you know i am town?
A fight is not the best way for a townie to respond to a case against them, It derails discussion and distracts from our day1 goals. It harms the town atmosphere. You should not being trying to start them
Your interactions with chaoser stink of bad play. You begin by attacking him with a metaphor (which is silly). You continue this for a few posts, then you just generally say he is posting bullshit. You say that you liked CC joker claim and choose to vote for sheth over him.
You say you still think i am scummy for "still not convincing you that i am town" and am thus your strongest read. (which is horrible logic, you cannot expect all town players to show that they are town on day1, the huge number of null reads you should have had should be proof enough of this)
+ Show Spoiler [here] +
On February 08 2012 07:23 Tunkeg wrote:
So, this is going to be between Sheth and CC then (and perhaps rgST, but I am not voting for a claimer tonight, that would be like doing scum a favor, rgST will be killed off soon enough, and in the meanwhile he needs to post his checks and his findings to keep pressure on scum, or reveal himself as a scum (unless he is the scum DT ofcourse).
On one hand you have CC who have done the rgST push and started the Joker Claim thing. After awhile it was pretty much me and DrH going back and forth on it, CC leaving me high and dry pretty much. I still belive that Joker claim would be pro-town, but CC might had a hidden plan (that I don't see) in getting me or anyone else going along with this plan lynched (meaning he is scum) or he is Batman (wanting the easy kill on Joker).
For Sheth he haven't posted anything that I consider pro-town yet. He flip-flopped on the whole Joker thing, and as soon as he got attention from DrH he just switched 180 around.
Am I sold that anyone of them is scum. No, not at all, would I be more content with lynching layabout, yes indeed (he haven't convinced me he is town, and still is my strongest read). Will I make my vote count? Yes, and I will swing it on Sheth, as I think it is more likely that he is scum than CC.
##Vote Liquid`Sheth
So, this is going to be between Sheth and CC then (and perhaps rgST, but I am not voting for a claimer tonight, that would be like doing scum a favor, rgST will be killed off soon enough, and in the meanwhile he needs to post his checks and his findings to keep pressure on scum, or reveal himself as a scum (unless he is the scum DT ofcourse).
On one hand you have CC who have done the rgST push and started the Joker Claim thing. After awhile it was pretty much me and DrH going back and forth on it, CC leaving me high and dry pretty much. I still belive that Joker claim would be pro-town, but CC might had a hidden plan (that I don't see) in getting me or anyone else going along with this plan lynched (meaning he is scum) or he is Batman (wanting the easy kill on Joker).
For Sheth he haven't posted anything that I consider pro-town yet. He flip-flopped on the whole Joker thing, and as soon as he got attention from DrH he just switched 180 around.
Am I sold that anyone of them is scum. No, not at all, would I be more content with lynching layabout, yes indeed (he haven't convinced me he is town, and still is my strongest read). Will I make my vote count? Yes, and I will swing it on Sheth, as I think it is more likely that he is scum than CC.
##Vote Liquid`Sheth
then this
+ Show Spoiler [click] +
On February 08 2012 17:59 Tunkeg wrote:
So CC was town and was pro Joker Claim, that makes us two townies out of two who favored the Joker Claim. I belive the scum team also see the plan as pro town and therefor sent one of theirs to shut down the plan. DrH are you scum? Or would that be to obvious. I think you are scum.
Next chaoser you are a clueless jerk, you have earned yourself a spot on the Tunkeg tunneling train, I will have my vote on you for as long as either of us are in the game. If I had a vig shot I would use it on you. You were wrong about CC, and you are wrong about me. You got shit for logic, you came late and just crapped all over the thread. You are either scum or very expendable. Its either you or me, someone have to go, I'm fine either way.
Layabout is still my secound choice as scum, for all the reasons I have said before. He doesn't look like town layabout and if the shoe doesn't fit, well, he is scum.
Bill Murray is also probably scummy, all of his claiming and masoning posts are just confusing (though very entertaining).
So my hit list in order of priority is:
So CC was town and was pro Joker Claim, that makes us two townies out of two who favored the Joker Claim. I belive the scum team also see the plan as pro town and therefor sent one of theirs to shut down the plan. DrH are you scum? Or would that be to obvious. I think you are scum.
Next chaoser you are a clueless jerk, you have earned yourself a spot on the Tunkeg tunneling train, I will have my vote on you for as long as either of us are in the game. If I had a vig shot I would use it on you. You were wrong about CC, and you are wrong about me. You got shit for logic, you came late and just crapped all over the thread. You are either scum or very expendable. Its either you or me, someone have to go, I'm fine either way.
Layabout is still my secound choice as scum, for all the reasons I have said before. He doesn't look like town layabout and if the shoe doesn't fit, well, he is scum.
Bill Murray is also probably scummy, all of his claiming and masoning posts are just confusing (though very entertaining).
So my hit list in order of priority is:
You call Dr.H scum for trying to stop the Joker claiming on day 1. Even though earlier you had been quick to say that his suggestion for what to do was an valid opinion to have, now you call him scum for it. Thinking that a day1 Joker claim is bad is not scummy, it's common sense. Furthermore you can expect players, particularly experienced players to post sensibly about plans as both town and scum, since plans rarely come to anything but are easy to post about without having to push your agenda. Sometimes players will propose bad plans to push their agenda, but if they do so you have to catch them, and explain why their plan is pro-Mafia very clearly since players can have very split opinions about the values of plans even after the game.
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In hammer mini mafia there were an number of plans about vote-trading discussed during and after the game but no clear conclusion was reached.
This differs from the Joker claim situation because the vote-trade situation was far more complex
This differs from the Joker claim situation because the vote-trade situation was far more complex
You then call Chaoser a name. You commit to tunnelling him. Why? Because he was wrong about CC's alignment and because he is "wrong about you". You then call his logic shit (with no explanation) and say he is scum or expendable. You go further a say "it's you or me, someone have to go".
You do not explain how his actions are scummy. You do not back up your criticisms.
You then call me scummy but provide no new reasons. (bringing your valid reason total to still zero).
Next you say BM is scummy for being confusing.
Earlier you had posted this:
On February 08 2012 02:45 Tunkeg wrote:
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I like your style. You make this game intersting indeed. But I don't like it from a town perspective. I think your claim is just so annoyingly confusing. You make a halfassed claim that is impossible for anyone to verify, you could just as well be scum with a crazy plan or Batman/CW doing something crazy.
I am not sure if I am right about this, but my thoughts are that if you are going to claim anything, then at least do us the courtesy to claim it in full.
+ Show Spoiler +
On February 08 2012 02:39 Bill Murray wrote:
hahaha, tunkeg, my boy, sit down and watch the pro at work
there is this thing called having your medics protect different people (like me!)
there is a thing called coordinating your vigilantes so they dont hit the same people
there is a thing called a detective check
if we massclaim (and im trying to get you all to see we should) we actually will have more KP than the mafia, + lynch and batman... how is that bad?
i ALREADY have a giant crosshair on me, furthermore. I would be killed off just as easily as someone like Radfield, due to my scumhunting prowess later in the game via votecounting analysis.
hahaha, tunkeg, my boy, sit down and watch the pro at work
there is this thing called having your medics protect different people (like me!)
there is a thing called coordinating your vigilantes so they dont hit the same people
there is a thing called a detective check
if we massclaim (and im trying to get you all to see we should) we actually will have more KP than the mafia, + lynch and batman... how is that bad?
i ALREADY have a giant crosshair on me, furthermore. I would be killed off just as easily as someone like Radfield, due to my scumhunting prowess later in the game via votecounting analysis.
I like your style. You make this game intersting indeed. But I don't like it from a town perspective. I think your claim is just so annoyingly confusing. You make a halfassed claim that is impossible for anyone to verify, you could just as well be scum with a crazy plan or Batman/CW doing something crazy.
I am not sure if I am right about this, but my thoughts are that if you are going to claim anything, then at least do us the courtesy to claim it in full.
Apparently you find his posts "annoyingly confusing" and and you think he "lacks courtesy".
You do not explain how this is scummy.
Also this might just become my trademark. You've allready seen one scum in this game (read layabout) back down from a fight with me because of all the unwanted attention it gets. And he wouldn't back down from a fight otherwise.
I do not think your approach to the game is good. I do not see what i can accomplish by fighting you in the thread.
What could town possibly gain from me arguing that you are wrong or me calling you stupid?
+ If i didn't want attention why would i post ms. paint pics, polls and jovial crap?
+ who in their right mind would actually focus on that garbage?
Tunkeg: Please cut out posts like this + Show Spoiler +
On February 09 2012 05:15 Tunkeg wrote:
You are an asshole. But tell me why it is impossible then mr scum!
You are an asshole. But tell me why it is impossible then mr scum!
Right now your pursuit of Chaoser is anti-town.