Updated with Important Posts!
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/DEH4p.jpg)
OriginalName is helping me cohost. Ask him all of your dumb questions so he can forward them to me.
Note: The Following May or May Not Apply to You, Depending on Your Role. Roles supersede all rules.
*Cohost is helping me co-host this game. Any questions can be directed towards him/her or myself.
The coaches for this game are: coach1, coach2, etc.. Please consult them if you want advice on playing the game.
Game name + Show Spoiler [Important Posts] +
Introduction: Mafia is an educated guessing game of epic proportions. The objective of the game is to lynch or kill all mafia members before they outnumber the rest of the town. It's much like a game of poker because mafia members are also part of the town during the day and may manipulate the vote to their liking. If the mafia at any time outnumber or equal the townspeople, they win. The town's goal is to lynch all the members of the mafia.
The game is typically very active, so the thread will get big quickly. However, it is essential to read the thread to play the game. If you do not have the time or patience to read the whole thread, do not play. I will not compensate for ignorance.
Rules: Cheating: Cheating includes (but is not limited to): 1. Posting after death. You may have one polite goodbye post, but it may not contain any potentially game-changing information. 2. Ruining the game by doing something like hand out your mafia's member list to the town. 3. Logging on to someone else's account to get their role or looking over someone's shoulder to get their role. 4. Comparing role PM times to determine roles. 5. Posting screenshots of your inbox. 6. Posting any PM you receive from a host. 7. Getting yourself modkilled to help your team. Your non-majority-decided death may not be used as a bargaining chip. 8. Signing up more than once using smurf accounts. 9. Betting items outside of the game in exchange for in-game benefits. 10. Sharing accounts with other players. Only you may post on your account. Cheating is not tolerated here. The punishment will be severe.
Posting: Mod Font: This is mod font. It is reserved for moderators. Please do not use it.
Question Font: This is question font. Use it to ask the moderators questions about the rules. Please do us a favor and read the rules before you ask anything.
Activity: You must post in this thread once per day/night cycle and vote every day while you are alive. If you fail to do so, you will be modkilled.
On April 26 2011 13:22 mikeymoo wrote: Smurfs must PM the host because TL doesn't allow multiple accounts otherwise. If the host is unaware of smurfs, you (and/or your smurf) can be banned for having multiple accounts.
Spam: Spam is not tolerated, nor is any off-topic material. Do not discuss Proleague here. Do not talk about Starcraft II here. Play Mafia here.
Editing: Editing is not allowed for any reason. Editing will result in a warning. After that, you will be modkilled. This is the one part of the site where it is okay to be double posting, even triple-posting. While I ask for everybody to post as concisely as possible, post again if you have to edit anything.
Inappropriate posts: As long as I personally don't find it offensive anything goes. Else you will first be warned and then replaced. Violently. With extreme prejudice.
Reporting posts: The report button is a nice feature for regular TL, but not for this forum. We prefer to deal with things in house if possible to avoid confusion among the TL staff. If you have a problem with how someone is posting, talk to the host, co-host, Qatol, or Flamewheel before using your report button. Please do not use your report button for anything other than inappropriate posts which you feel are not being dealt with adequately.
Ban discussions: Please wait until this game is over to talk about modkills and bans resulting from this game.
Play to win. This means you play your best to help your team win while you are alive and in the game. However, this does not mean that you should try to win by being a jerk to the other players so they all want to quit playing.
This also means that you cannot leave the game without a good reason without a ban. These situations will be dealt with on a case by case basis. PM your host if you need to leave the game.
You have been warned.
Voting rules: 1. Voting is done (in a separate thread, located *here*) (in this thread). Please keep votes there, and only vote there. Do not PM me your vote. 2. Please vote in the following format: ##Vote Qatol. Votes not done in the correct fashion will not be counted. I will update vote counts whenever I get the chance. 3. No conditional voting. 4. You may vote for yourself. You may not vote for anyone dead or outside the game. 5. In the event of a tie the person with the most votes first wins (or loses). 6. Voting is mandatory. You may (NOT) abstain.
Signups: This game is open to anyone (with preference for experienced players). Signups will remain open until I feel like it.
Modkills: This game sortof/kinda/notreally follows the TL Mafia Ban List. If you are modkilled, your punishment will (will not) go beyond being eliminated from this game. I will personally hunt you down and sodomize you with a pack of Arabian horses. If you want to use this game to sit out your ban, tough shit.
Replacements This game uses replacements. Replacements will be made in the game until time in the game. If a player is modkilled during the designated time, then they will be replaced by a player on the replacement list.
Clues: There are (no) clues.
PMs PMs are (not) allowed in this game.
Time Cycle: This game will follow a (24 hour night/48 hour) "day" cycle. In case I am not able to post around deadline, any votes after the 48 hour mark will not count and the game will be put on halt until the night post is up. Currently the deadline is time, but that is subject to change.
Credits: Thanks to me, me, me, me, me, me, me, and Ace for hosting the first one. Thanks to everyone who helped balance this game. Which, because of how super secrets it is, means nobody. So its really a very inbalanced game.
Introduction After the rise of the mafia in World at War Mafia, the world entered an age of darkness, where the rule of troll dominated the world. Eventually, the mafiaso grew old and died out, leaving a power vacuum that various nations sought to take over. Soon, a variety of nations appeared, and the most powerful began to take over territories and form alliances with one another. These nations were eight in number. They decided to deploy a giant system of satellites that would nuke anyone that would make aggression against another, and the world seemed to be on the edge of eternal peace. Then a convenient plot storm occurred, and the countries that were spread out across the globe suddenly lost contact with each other and themselves. More importantly, the laser satellite system was completely disabled. Most technology had been reduced to the weapons that their ancestors had used once before: nuclear weapons. Each area appointed its own leader and military forces. Only through a heavily disabled audio system were people able to communicate with those in other countries, and thus the members of the world sought to take advantage of the lull in the system to invade and wipe out their enemies before the satellites came back online. Whenever that would be… :
Special Mechanics:
The following Mechanics are in play this game: Campaigns (aka, Town Actions) Hidden Roles Role Reveal Upon Death Nuclear Weapons Lynch Votes
Campaigns: Both the Allies and the Axis have Campaigns. During Day, all players vote (in addition to a lynch) on what the Town Action (Allied Campaign) will be for that day. The winning campaign will be announced at the Night Post and will go into effect immediately the following Day. Similarly, the Axis have a campaign that they vote for, although the Axis Campaign will be through PMing me, and only Axis players may vote. The Axis Campaign will begin the following night and will be announced in the Day post.
Time Cycle There are three phases, but only a Day and Night.
Nuclear Phase Each player has a random amount of nuclear weapons (from 1-2)(unless otherwise specified) that they may shoot on any person they wish during this phase. Only one missile may be fired at a time, unless it is in response to another nuke being fired or otherwise specified. Players may continue to use missiles even if they do not have any nukes left but the missiles will not kill anyone. Nukes do not cancel out with each other, and some roles may have more nukes than others, or nuclear resistance. Whenever a nuke lands, the world’s radiation level increases by one. The real radiation level will not be revealed, but it will be fairly high. Once the radiation level has been reached, everybody dies and the Conspirator wins. If the target has multiple night lives or is hit by a dud missile, the exact same sort of response will be acknowledged, so be careful.
The Nuclear Phase will end 12 hours after the launch of the last nuke (as it takes 12 hours to land), or barring that, 24 hours. Then, votes from this time will be tallied up for both Campaigns and Lynches. Lynch: This occurs after the last nuke has fallen or 24 hours, whichever occurs later. Votes accumulated during the nuclear phase are used to process a lynch. In addition, the Allied Campaign for the cycle will be activated and upon the following Day its effects will be implemented:.
Night Phase: Night Phases are as Normal, except that the Axis must vote on night kills (anonymously, PMing to me) as well as the Axis campaign which would activate the following night. The Axis may target anyone with the night hit, even fellow Axis players.
Lots and LOTS of bloodshed incoming.
Victory Conditions: Note: Factions may or may not be listed, nor will their Victory conditions if they exist. Some factions may rely on the Allies or Axis victory with certain prerequisites. Allies: destroy all the Axis or force them to surrender. Axis: Achieve a situation where the Axis outnumber or are even with the Allies. Conspirator: World reaches radiation limit.
Countries and Factions: Each Faction has a gimmick in the name of their players. Only the country and the leader of each country will be revealed here until players start dying. Factions may have subfactions, and not all countries will have the same amount of players. Axis players will be informed whom is a member of the Axis, but not whom is whom (aside from Hitler).
The Boreritish Empire: These gentlemen enjoy imperialism, enjoying a spot of tea on an excursion while playing polo, and consider themselves refined in the arts and true renaissance men. In other words, they are FUCKING boring and would probably be as interesting if they were atomic dust as human beings. Leader: King Borege the 6th Borenard "Monty" Montsnoozery . Once per game, you can launch an infantry assault on a player during the day, killing him. You win when all the Axis members have been destroyed or have surrendered. Borenard Montgomery: You have two stealth missiles, which can be used to attack a player at night or to shoot down a missile. These launches (but not your regular nukes) will not be detected. How boring. Neville Chamborelin: Not only are you boring, but you are incompetent and mess up anything you are involved in. You may visit one person per night. Anybody that you visit will be roleblocked (and missile blocked) for the following cycle.
The Fraternal States of Brahmerica These brahs are like totally sweet if they weren’t totally broing out the entire time. They are most interested in fusion, and not just of the nuclear kind. Leader: Frank Brosevelt Chesthair Nimitz: You are totally busting out the chest hairs, man. You have so much chest hair and so many boats that you can paralyze another man with your chest hair. Once every other day/night cycle, you may steal a nuclear missile from a player.
The Flee Flance Lepubric Not onry ale they cowald, but they invelt re r and l rettels. (pronounce faster and you sound like a French person). They tend to be vely scaled of nucreal weapons. Leader: Paur Leynaud. Chales de Gaurre: If Paur Leynaud dies, you gain a vengeance ability that you may use when you die to kill anyone of your choice.
The Channel of Cuwartet Copy Pasta (aka the Trollviet Union, or CCCP) W3r3 707@114 6oNN@ pWnZ0rs J00 w17 the 50OKe%1! Leader: Trollsef Stalin Leon Trot-Ze: A cultist that can win with town. uMadimir Lenin: You are a zombie. You are immune to nuclear weapons. VyYEAAHHHHcheslav Molotov: If Trot-ze attempts to convert you he dies. You may imprison one person per day, making them immune to night actions. If you imprison Leon Trot-ze, he dies. You are masoned with Stalin.
Chinese Restaurant: A small Chinese restaurant that has two diametrically opposed factions: Leaders: Cash Mai-Check and Malt Soydong.
The Tree Reich: So like, we’re in commune with the world, like, and think people should like totally return to the dirt. Preferably, nuclear dirt. (okay this is really bad taste but consider it satire) Leader: Sunshine Hitler
The Kingdom of Vatican When the world ends, he will descend upon us in the Second Coming. Let’s make the world end. Leader: Benedict Mussolini: You are somehow religious and able to consecrate things. Any player you touch is immune to all other night actions as well as nuclear weapons for the following day. You may not touch yourself because onanism is against the teachings of the church.
マホウショウジョ帝国(aka the Moonspeak Empire) オハッロゼスイスジャパニス씨발 Leader: Sailor Hirohito Tuxedo Tojo: You are the male counterpart to Sailor Hirohito. You are a sneaky person and wear a mask that doesn’t conceal your identity very well, but you may hide behind one person at night and kill the first person that visits them. Any subsequent visitors will know your identity, however. Cardcaptor Yamamoto: In the tradition of most Japanese things involving cards you may summon monsters with them. These monsters may give you anything from role and name checks to an extra night life to an anti-missile card/medic protection to a single night hit. You may only pick one power per day and must use all four abilities before you can use them all again.
Conspirator: Wins by having the radiation count reach a threshold.
Signups Here: 1. GMarshal 2. Mataza Ragequit 3.JeeJee rectum'd 4. Kurumi rectum'd 5.TheAwesomeAll 6.sinani206 no you are dead 7. Mr. Wiggles eaten by zombies 8.chaos13 Castrated by Apple Tree 9.youngminii Bisected by Nuclear Explosion 10.~OpZ~ 11.sandroba lynched through the head 12.GGQ notsofuntimes with isotopes 13.kitaman27 14.heist 15.Ciryandor 16.prplhz 17.deconduo 18.Coagulation 19.Eiii 20.Mig 21.Cthsazsa 22.Misder notsofuntimes with isotopes 23.Navillus 24.Drazerk 25.Zona vortex > zona 26.syllogism it won't fit 27.Curu 28.Palmar(?) Brazil In Space 29.gtrsrs
Your OP is out of date! (Model OP has a section under "Play to Win" and it has a "replacements" section now.) Also, since when does Caller follow the ban list?
United States22154 Posts
A game of thermonuclear war? Sounds awesome 
Might play depending on when I'm out of real time mafia and when this is scheduled to begin.
aw fuck yeah a caller game /in
/in You better give me the conspirator
I've read upon ancient tablets of Caller games...
With spectacular disregard for my own safety...
Everyone should read up on MAD too :p
CO-HOST REPORTING IN...assuming this starts Sunday night or later.
This looks like it will hurt my brain.
/in. Wtf happened to politically incorrect mafia?
/in if I can play in multiple games.
instant /in for Caller game!
United States9244 Posts