On October 09 2010 11:41 LSB wrote:Interesting... Anyways, why not use one now, we got a good plan to go with for BM
Wait. So we're double lynching just to lynch BM "for free" tomorrow?
I set my alarm so I could wake up before Day 2 ended and I went and checked the voting thread. I noticed that 4 players haven't put their votes in!! SINiquity, XeliN, kane]deth[ and cSc
There's no way that all 4 of you are mafia. DON'T GET MODKILLED! VOTE!!!!!! Remember even if you vote for or against Double Lynching it doesn't count as your lynch vote.
You still need to vote! If you guys lose the game for us tonight I am going to freak out.
On October 09 2010 11:54 kingjames01 wrote: I set my alarm so I could wake up before Day 2 ended and I went and checked the voting thread. I noticed that 4 players haven't put their votes in!! SINiquity, XeliN, kane]deth[ and cSc
There's no way that all 4 of you are mafia. DON'T GET MODKILLED! VOTE!!!!!! Remember even if you vote for or against Double Lynching it doesn't count as your lynch vote.
You still need to vote! If you guys lose the game for us tonight I am going to freak out.
cSc is the only one who hasn't voted yet.
On October 09 2010 11:48 SiNiquity wrote:Show nested quote +On October 09 2010 11:41 LSB wrote:On September 08 2010 13:30 BrownBear wrote: 2 Double Lynches remaining Interesting... Anyways, why not use one now, we got a good plan to go with for BM Wait. So we're double lynching just to lynch BM "for free" tomorrow? That's why I voted for double lynch. See this post http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=151150¤tpage=37#733
I had voted for Double Lynch already, as we would be able to lynch BM.
On October 09 2010 12:02 LSB wrote:Show nested quote +On October 09 2010 11:54 kingjames01 wrote: I set my alarm so I could wake up before Day 2 ended and I went and checked the voting thread. I noticed that 4 players haven't put their votes in!! SINiquity, XeliN, kane]deth[ and cSc
There's no way that all 4 of you are mafia. DON'T GET MODKILLED! VOTE!!!!!! Remember even if you vote for or against Double Lynching it doesn't count as your lynch vote.
You still need to vote! If you guys lose the game for us tonight I am going to freak out. cSc is the only one who hasn't voted yet. Show nested quote +On October 09 2010 11:48 SiNiquity wrote:On October 09 2010 11:41 LSB wrote:On September 08 2010 13:30 BrownBear wrote: 2 Double Lynches remaining Interesting... Anyways, why not use one now, we got a good plan to go with for BM Wait. So we're double lynching just to lynch BM "for free" tomorrow? That's why I voted for double lynch. See this post http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=151150¤tpage=37#733
So does any vote count? For some reason, I'm interpreting the rules to mean that every player must vote someone to be lynched. In addition to that vote, every player may vote for a double lynch to be used the next day. Can we get a ruling on that?
On October 09 2010 12:07 kane]deth[ wrote: I had voted for Double Lynch already, as we would be able to lynch BM.
You are still allowed and should exercise your right to vote for someone to be lynched tonight.
On October 09 2010 09:12 infinitestory wrote:WHOA I just caught up with this thread, and as I read through it, I noticed that Misder was a pretty big target, but he seems to have faded a bit due to a combination of the PM town/townie stuff and a bunch of other analyses. He also stopped being active despite being a big target. I initially thought Misder was just a slightly befuddled player, but some of his posts have made me rethink that. Show nested quote +On October 08 2010 10:51 Misder wrote: I'm actually surprised not too many people are voting for me, considering the fact that I did contridict myself twice; once when I said that I vote with reason (well technically I did... intuition and my limited knowledge on how mafia players work) and once when I said that mafia members are the ones who die out into the thread (which I basically disappeared from). I'm such a good target for the mafia to start a bandwagon. I don't know if this is a good thing that the town is not impulsive or a bad thing that the town doesn't really like to do analysis... (well ghrur did, and i think he makes good points). And pretty much yeah, I took a shot in the dark, and I think I pretty much shot myself instead.
I find that this particular post doesn't actually say anything in his defense. If he's town, of course he should be apologetic for prior bad play (lol @ me :|). However, if he's mafia, he could try to get away with suspicious actions by calling them mistakes. This piece of a post just seems a little odd to me, because he's really pulling a roundabout defense. Show nested quote +On October 08 2010 11:03 Misder wrote: Actually, I feel like I've been more active day 1 in this game than in the other games. But then I dropped off.
Pretty much, I agree with what everyone is saying about me not posting a list of who I think is mafia is true. The list comprised of intuition, however much that matters in this game. I think this game I've tried to analyse people from my perspective of being mafia, and didn't realize that other people think differently. Well, I don't know if you still want my list from day 1 since it doesn't mean much and most of its suspicion based on intuition, but it comprised of ~Opz~, DH, and Infund. Well, we know that infund is town, so that goes to show how bad I am at scum hunting...
And this may seem contridictory again, but where is kingjames? He was active day 1, and now hes gone. I'm actually pretty convinced that OpZ and DH are both good guys too. "Analyzing" people that are mafia from your perspective implies that you had logic behind it - where is that? More contradictions, I think, or you just used the wrong word. Show nested quote +On October 08 2010 11:16 Misder wrote: Also reading Pandains posts about my previous mafia game when I was townie actually surprised me. I didn't actually think I was contributing much in BMs game, probably cause Divenek was all like, Misder doesn't post enough and such, lol. Maybe I should start doing things I have done before... I actually don't feel like I'm taking a backseat in this game though. I feel more radical in this game than in other games where in other games, I only posted things I thought I had good evidence to and things that seemed obvious to me. And I should note that when I was mafia, I also answered why I voted for people. And that my analysis on larjarse was pretty much how I would write any analysis, besides the fact that I knew he really wasnt mafia, but I did that just like I would as part of the town. Same tone as the first piece of post. Also, posting what you think you play like isn't very helpful; in fact, it just draws attention away from suspicious actions and continues to paint them as mistakes. Also, saying that you should go back to being a player who provides more evidence seems to imply that you know very well that your arguments are flimsy, or that it was done on purpose (the main thing that tripped my radar here). Show nested quote +On October 08 2010 11:55 Misder wrote: I'm done, I think. If you guys truly believe I'm mafia, go ahead, lynch me. Again, the whole point is to lynch mafia. I'm pretty sure the points that were said that make me scummy were 1) I'm inconsistent and 2) I didn't back up my claims. Of course, these points are valid, but is it enough to say im mafia? If you are just lynching me because I'm a bad town player, then you're just hurting the town, and youre just wasting time while the mafia is hiding in the background, smiling at how they don't have to do any work, and just let the town fight with each other. This is the Misder post that I find the oddest. The two points that Misder is "inconsistent" and "didn't back up ... claims" are just simplifications of "seemed to be hostile to everyone" and "offered no evidence in his attacks," two statements which are actually quite strong for a mafia vote in my opinion. Then, Misder goes on the guilt trip, saying "if you lynch me and I'm a townie, you're just going to hurt the town." Honestly, I'm second-guessing a vote for him due to that statement, but at the same time I find it pretty suspicious in tone. I thought the contradiction against BC was pretty solid, but Misder's posts have raised a red flag in my head. I'm going to vote for him. Also, I'm not sold on double lynching yet. If anyone (Pandain especially since he's lobbying for it the most) wants to give me a quick argument for double lynching (not who we should double lynch), I'd be more than glad to hear it. 1) Well according to youre logic, I'm town. ~Opz~ basically voted for me because I apologized for voting for him. Just to clarify, I only apologized for not coming up with a concise argument against ~Opz~ and I didn't even use past games where he was a townie. Again, I changed my mind that ~Opz~ is mafia to being a townie. I still think that ~Opz~ is not blue. And I guess technically, that point wasn't defense at all; just my overall observation.
2) Again, my mindset on Day 1 was impulse and intuition and my knowledge on how I played as mafia. During day 1, I thought that ~Opz~, DH, and Infund were mafia based on that mindset. I know I was wrong the after Night 1 about Infund, and I've reanalyzed ~Opz~ and changed my mind into thinking that he is most likely town. Technically, even right now, I'm inclined to say that DH is either blue or mafia. I'm not contridicting myself. People asked for my list of who I thought were mafia, and I gave it.
3) Well, I've always thought that all my arguments are flimsy, in all my mafia games. I guess you could say I'm experimenting on how to play mafia, kinda like DTA in Mafia XXIII, but not to that extreme. Again, I'm not trying to paint what I did as mistakes, but more of a playstyle difference. I guess to some people, I'm just playing the game even worse as I did before, and may view what I did as a mistake, but that was not my intention. Again, just a general observation. TBH, even though there was like 24 hours left, I thought I was going to get lynched then, and it still looks like it. So its kinda my concluding thoughts. And yeah, probably not helpful, maybe to anyone whos analysing me in the future.
4) lol, reading that reminded me of Pyrr as town in Mafia XXX. I wouldn't say hostile to everyone, and more like overy suspicious and impulsive. Again, my analysis, however bad it is, was based on intuition. ~Opz~ wasn't posting as consitently as he was before (well, thats what I thought at the time; I now realize that of course, real time stuff, and the fact it was only Day 1 and probably too early), and thats how mafia members play; they just die out. Also, one of the reasons why I voted for BC this day.
On October 09 2010 12:02 LSB wrote:Show nested quote +On October 09 2010 11:54 kingjames01 wrote: I set my alarm so I could wake up before Day 2 ended and I went and checked the voting thread. I noticed that 4 players haven't put their votes in!! SINiquity, XeliN, kane]deth[ and cSc
There's no way that all 4 of you are mafia. DON'T GET MODKILLED! VOTE!!!!!! Remember even if you vote for or against Double Lynching it doesn't count as your lynch vote.
You still need to vote! If you guys lose the game for us tonight I am going to freak out. cSc is the only one who hasn't voted yet. Show nested quote +On October 09 2010 11:48 SiNiquity wrote:On October 09 2010 11:41 LSB wrote:On September 08 2010 13:30 BrownBear wrote: 2 Double Lynches remaining Interesting... Anyways, why not use one now, we got a good plan to go with for BM Wait. So we're double lynching just to lynch BM "for free" tomorrow? That's why I voted for double lynch. See this post http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=151150¤tpage=37#733
That's terrible.
If BM's not mafia, there's no guarantee that Mafia won't gamble that he's not a VI and we waste our double lynch. I also don't believe there's more than 1 VI (protact), but that's just a hunch on my part.
Look, now that I understand BM's plan, I agree it was utterly and ridiculously stupid (seriously - "Hey guys I'm town, so what are you, town/townie, oh and btw if you're blue answer 'town' since that's the super-secret right answer, but otherwise tell me are you town/townie" Gee I wonder what -mafia- would respond with?). From my perspective (i.e. OpZ's), I thought it was all a clever trap.. too clever for BM though, and I should've realized that. But even as bad as his version was, I think it's a stretch to suggest a non-town player would initiate such action relying on some "correct" wording of town PMs which, if wrong, would mean his doom (as it turns out, there was more than one "correct" wording so either way he was right, but he couldn't have known that).
So in short, no, I don't think we should double lynch just to lynch BM, and I'm not convinced we're going to have enough information tomorrow to justify using one of our (two) double lynches.
Also james is correct ~ I've only voted for double lynch so far (and now unvoted). Still weeding through the thread to find my vote candidate.
On October 09 2010 12:07 kane]deth[ wrote: I had voted for Double Lynch already, as we would be able to lynch BM.
I'm pretty sure you have to vote for someone in order to not get modkilled. Mod clarify.
Also, Pandain, do you really believe that seeing what BM flipped is enough to determine the role of Cynae?
After I die (if I die), you guys need to rethink how mafia actually think and post. If you reread my posts (you don't have to) there are things that I say that mafia wouldn't say (or at least I would think they wouldn't, but then what do I know...). Reminder: Town, youre suppose to be scum hunting. Destroy all the reds plz. Detectives, you guys are key. Use your power to search people that act a bit scummy to tell whether or not they actually are (someone experienced at this game might want to correct me on this, but don't trust anyone (lol, I remember quoting ~Opz~ saying this exact same thing, and I called him out on it; yay contridiction)). People, discuss more. Everyone agrees that discussion generates evidence against mafia. Also, use what you know to your advantage. Oh, about the not trust anyone thing, I really mean it. My first game of mafia, I trusted DTA, the mayor and probably the most active in the game who gave everything a noob needed to be sucked in, and completely failed to even hint that he was mafia. This is probably directed to people who trust someone like Pandain (not saying hes scummy; personally I think hes green). If Pandain was mafia, he knows who mafia is and who isnt. By how the town is playing right now, its not hard for mafia Pandain to find posts that seem scummy, write an analysis on why a post that is somewhat kinda scummy makes that person an absolute lynch target, and get away with it. So don't follow people around; dont get influenced (lol, now im sounding like a transcendalist...).
I don't think either Misder or XeliN are mafia, and if my tired count is correct they're the current big leaders in the vote.
Well, hopefully, after this lynch, maybe they will think about how mafia actually posts. Its kinda hard convincing people youre not mafia when you become overly agressive for the first time ever (unlike BM who is always super super agressive).
Why does misder always seem scummy to me :/ I have a feeling alot of my analysis are going to be wrong
Do I get an award for being the most scummiest town ever?  At least Divinek can't say I'm inactive this game  I'm just waiting for the night post now. I'm I still allowed to talk right now even though its midnight and technically I've been lynched? Sorry if its not.
Yea you're free to post in twilight
So where is BrownBear... Er I could technically flip you since I know what you are, and I think there are modkills to be made. Where are the hosts?
I lied I forget people die in Mafia.
BrownBear said he was probably not going to be there in time to do the night post.
On October 09 2010 13:10 Protactinium wrote: So where is BrownBear... Er I could technically flip you since I know what you are, and I think there are modkills to be made. Where are the hosts?
BrownBear said the night post would be coming late since it's Friday. idk 'bout Artanis
Hrm would anybody be averse to me just flipping Misder? It'll save some time for anybody waiting.