Cayman Islands24199 Posts
On March 14 2014 18:33 Inflicted_ wrote: When you consider the personalities of Impact & Piglet (who both hate losing), I think K would rather leave SKT than (be forced to) lose on purpose. those 2 didn't look too sad after they lost.
On March 14 2014 21:31 Doctorbeat wrote: Ruby+pots starts from both supports.
Early sightstone?
its new meta, some1 on reddit posted a video explaining it few weeks ago
Doa & Monte still best casting duo. Hilarity :D
CJ has had heart attack games 4 times in a row.
daydream is a damn monster
Cayman Islands24199 Posts
i assume blaze won two zero?
United States23455 Posts
The Big 3 (Kakao/Bengi/Dandy) has to be the Big 4 with DayDream opening the gates that seemed to be closed since inSec left the jungle a year ago. Insanely good games by him. Carried both games and won the game with his insane plays in game one, and he was the reason why game two was such a blowout.
Has come a long way since spamming Aatrox.
Felt like Najin played out of their minds today holy crap
Kind of amusing that OGN just put white girls into an exotic light for me. lol
Cayman Islands24199 Posts
On March 15 2014 19:14 oneofthem wrote: let's go prime optimus Boo, autobots suck!
United Kingdom50293 Posts
Eats the cocoon after the satchel charge but still doesn't burn flash, damn rookie's ice cold God bless kha'zix buff
This game has me all a quiver.
United Kingdom50293 Posts
I was about to talk about how well prime's lanes are holding up, then hanlabong did uuh... that
Jesus Arrow has ghostblade BT and probably like a bajillion stacks. One kill and he'll get insanity gold.
674 bonus gold. Holy shit.
On March 15 2014 19:42 Amui wrote: Jesus Arrow has ghostblade BT and probably like a bajillion stacks. One kill and he'll get insanity gold.
674 bonus gold. Holy shit. I bet he's sure missing that bleed. :D
Draven didn't get hit by the initiation. That's pretty much instant death with how insanely fed that draven is. 2-3 shotting people.
And a SOTD.....People are going to die. Very. Very. Fast.
United Kingdom50293 Posts
I actually liked prime's execution of their comp, but arrow is playing out of his mind and KTA are too ahead to win with it. New kha ult especially in the hands of kakao is so freaking good though. Sword of the divine draven god bless
RIP Arrow's Draven, you will now join Insec's Lee Sin in the never allowed lounge.
It always felt like if that was a close game the rengar ori picks would have made for devastating teamfights in the other direction. There were so many picks where the damage was just shy of multiple kills from that burst alone.
Still, KTA looked strong. Arrows Draven made me angry in the sense that I have no idea what you do about that thing. Like, camp it hard with your jungler early is about it. Draven also particularly seems strong against the non-early game adc's that are being run. It could just be Arrow though.
Happy Kakao got the mvp though. It was a good khazix game.