Examples:First example:http://www.tooniland.com/ongame/vodView.tl?vodInfoIndex=50017&parentIndex=4341Is the vod linked as [2012.01.30] LOL Night Show(나는캐리다) 5호 4부
[2012.01.30] Is the date of which the episode was broadcast.
[ is a bracket which serves to isolate the date from the rest of the title
2012 being the four digit format for the year 2012, the current Gregorian calendar year.
. is a period that serves to separate the numbers of the date in case you are not used to 8 or 6 digit format for dates
01 being the two digit format for January, the first month of the year.
. another partitioning period
30 being the two digit format for the 30th day
] is the closing bracket which compliments the opening bracket.
This indicates that this episode took place on the 30th day of January in the year 2012, which was a week or seven days ago, give or take a few hours.
LOL Night Show is the generalized title for the show
나는캐리다 is the actual title of the show in hangul, the prefered language spoken/written by Korea can be romanized as nanaeun Carrierda.
5호 is the episode number, 5 meaning it's the 5th episode.
4부 means this is part 4 of the edited episode.
Second example:http://www.tooniland.com/ongame/vodView.tl?vodInfoIndex=50014&parentIndex=4341Is the vod linked as [2012.01.30] LOL Night Show(나는캐리다) 5호 1부
[2012.01.30] as mentioned, is the date of the episode which it was aired.
[ being the opening bracket that indicates this is a date and not a strong of numbers that would be confused as part of the show title.
2012 represents the year 2012
. is a period serving to separate the year digits and the following digits
01 indicates the first month, January
. is one more period separating the two month digits from the following digits
30 are still the digits that indicate the day of the previously stated month of the previously stated year within which this episode was aired.
LOL Night Show, I presume they intend to make more LoL variety shows at some point all of which would be slotted under this title.
나는캐리다 is the title of the show which translates into I Am A Carry, which is a pun on Kim Carrier and some LoL terminology.
5호 is the episode number, 1부 is the episode portion number.
Further instructions:If one desired to watch this episode in chronological order so as to not spoil the results and events that take place, one would click 1부 and watch the vod before clicking 2부, for the second portion of the vod after which if you wished to continue doing so, would click the vod of episode 5 portion 3 and so on until you have seen all that you wished of the episode.
Part two:If you click LOL invitational to reach the LOL Tournament category of the vod listings you will be presented a similar layout.
First example of part two: http://www.tooniland.com/ongame/vodView.tl?vodInfoIndex=49982&parentIndex=4341Can be reached by clicking [2012.01.20] LOL 인비테이셔널 1회 2부 (0).
[2012.01.20] is the date of which this vod, and as presumably mentioned previously in the thread these matches were played much earlier on, so this broadcast date does not reflect the date of which the game was played.
[ is the brackets which starts off the date formatting
2012 serves to indicate the year of our lord 2012
These four digits followed by a period punctuation mark, ., which serves as a easily visible separator, preferable to a simple space character.
After the period you will see 01, which serves to indicate the month, first month being January.
This month number is followed by another period mark which separates the month digits from the following digits, 20.
This 20 indicates the 20th day of the month, as stated being January.
This date is the closed by a ] bracket.
LOL is the stylized way Koreans type LoL or the first letters of League Of Legends
인비테이셔널 is hangul which one would read allowed as in-bi-te-seo-nul, it should be stated that this is not a Korean word, but the hangul transliteration of Invitational.
After the title of the show LOL inbiteseonul, you will see the episode number 1회 and the part number 2부. First episode, second part.
At the end, you will find a (0), this has no bearing on the title of the VOD. It is merely a number which indicates the number of replies posted in the VOD. There are no comments for this VOD.
Second example of part two: You will also find in the LOL Invitational page a series titled differently from the previously mentioned vod.
[2012.02.03] LOL 인비 3회 3부 (0) which links to:
http://www.tooniland.com/ongame/vodView.tl?vodInfoIndex=50060&parentIndex=4341As you can see it follows all of the title format as the previously cited LOL Invitational VOD, but the difference being 인비 3회 3부.
A discerning eye would notice that the characters '인비' were also used in the previous vod's title. These characters being reaad as In and Bi, this is still a VOD for the LOL Invitational tournament, but the title has been shortened down from inbiteseonul to inbi, transliterated from Invi, which does not mean anything in English but this is how Koreans prefer to shortform the title. 3회 indicates the 3rd episode and 3부 indicates the third part of said episode.