United States37500 Posts
On July 03 2014 10:49 Scip wrote:Oh Neo, I was just teasing you + Show Spoiler +:3 but it would be rude of me not to respond to your feedback Skilling E at lvl2 is almost certainly better than at lvl4 after the latest machete nerfs (you want to base at about lvl4 pretty much no matter what happens; it's faster than taking W at lvl2 but you lose more hp). Leveling it lvl8 is probably still an option too. I'm not sure if I elaborated on invading in the guide, but it will get you killed/make you blow your flash as your 1v1 isn't exactly great anymore nor do you have a jump. Yeah, Skarner is REALLY reliant on flash. Need to manage it quite accurately. And yeah, new Ancient Golem might be good. I haven't played that much League in the past two weeks due to lack of time, so I'm definitely not going to try out a relatively new champion in Ranked, Scip. Sry to disappoint.
Yeah, QEQWQR is probably the other skill build. W first (@2) if you plan to roam Top with double buffs, otherwise E at level 2 if you're straight up clearing the jungle.
It might be considered gimmicky or cheesy but I do try to invade the enemy jungler at their buffs when I presume they're doing a full jungle clear themselves. So things like starting on Blue side and doing my Red and going straight to their Red is common for me. I know I'm banking a lot on 1) the enemy jungler being low and 2) I can either kill the enemy jungler or force him to run and then Smite steal one of his buffs. Now that's not to say Skarner is conducive to this strat but it just happens to be my play style early game. Like I stated previously, I'm not keen on the reliance of Flash and I think I went back to Vi for a few games immediately following my series of Skarner matches. Ancient Golem, would you just full tank or what would be your offensive item option here (if at all)?
Czech Republic11293 Posts
Going your blue(+wolves I assume)-> your red -> their red area is pretty bad. If they do a standard clear you'll meet them at Wraiths with both of your smites on the same timer and as Skarner you have no burst to try to steal the big Wraith. Fighting in that area isn't gonna be very nice for you either, as you are a lot closer to the enemy tower and the position is favourable for the enemy middle laner. If they do a less standard clear (Blue, Wolves, Red, Wraiths, Wolves) you'll come across an empty Wraith camp and not much else. Enemy will be lvl4 by the time they go into the red side of their jungle again so you can't even wait for them there as even small golems don't get you to 4, your only option that doesn't lose even more time is to lvl3 gank toplane which as Skarner isn't a very tantalizing prospect. If they start at red buff you are most likely going to meet them at Wraiths again, in the pretty much the same situation as if they went for normal clear starting with blue. And if they do some kind of a early gank then you are not in a very good place to generate counterplay, which would be in your jungle, farming lvl6 asap.
^^ keeping above paragraphs because they are good, but actually don't relate to what you're saying. What do you mean make them run away and smitesteal a buff? If they play a jungle who can actually afford to do 2 small camps before buff (Eve, Udyr, hell even Elise) then you're not gonna be there in time and their buff will already be gone. If they aren't, there still isn't a way for you to know in advance that that's going to happen, so this jungle path is just pre-emptively doing something stupid in case they do something stupid, that's not a style that's just bad. Almost certainly insert a damage item after Ancient Golem, probably Triforce or IBG again.
United States37500 Posts
I mean I'm on Blue side, I start my Red and then immediately go to their Red. If enemy Jungler starts Golem, does Wolves or Wraiths, then go to Red, he's going to be lower health than me (unless he had an amazing pull) and we're both level 2. This works a little better too if mid lane is willing to use his trinket ward in the brush above Wraiths at around 1:45.
This works decently because of the brush location on purple side's Red buff. I just stand in there and wait for him to draw aggro first. Most junglers are in a hurry to finish their clear that they don't step into the brush to check until after drawing aggro or not even go into the brush at all.
Well yeah you have to take account of the jungler too,if this is always what you do, about 80% of the junglers that can simply outduel skarner. you want to play the role skarner is good at not force him into a place he's not designed for
skarner is a pretty damn good duelist just because neo gets rekt doenst mean anything although his damage has been nerfed twice so im not sure exactly where he stands now
On July 04 2014 01:12 Slayer91 wrote: skarner is a pretty damn good duelist just because neo gets rekt doenst mean anything although his damage has been nerfed twice so im not sure exactly where he stands now
he's annoying, in a direct duel he could take eve, and most utility junglers but not really anyone else, i was experimenting with it against even amumu and it's just not as reliable as i'd like, his MS isn't really high enough to safely escape, and he doesn't really have any burst either at that level.
lee sin/xin/elise/j4 are all ones that i just had to flash away from, it's possible but I don't see why you would try it, level 1 invade makes a lot more sense for him than trying to counter jungle.
coutnerjungling is a bad idea anyway, you only need to worry about dueling someone who's level 2 and come to your red buff from their red normally you have a pretty big advantage unless their team is pushing both lanes and can help before yours can
in terms of dueling he beats lee sin id say and definitely j4 later on, they rely on burst mostly so if you are ahead on farm which you should be you should be easily to deal with them easily, elise relies a lot on landing cocoon to do anything and xin has really slow farming too so he probably will be underfarmed for fighting you
On July 08 2014 01:34 Slayer91 wrote: coutnerjungling is a bad idea anyway, you only need to worry about dueling someone who's level 2 and come to your red buff from their red normally you have a pretty big advantage unless their team is pushing both lanes and can help before yours can
in terms of dueling he beats lee sin id say and definitely j4 later on, they rely on burst mostly so if you are ahead on farm which you should be you should be easily to deal with them easily, elise relies a lot on landing cocoon to do anything and xin has really slow farming too so he probably will be underfarmed for fighting you
we're talking about early game though, xin early game beats about everyone if played correctly, that's the majority of the reason why he's still a viable pick.
his clear is probably too slow to do anything with it he's pretty good later but i cant confirm since ive only played like 5 games recently, mostly played him around the in season 3 and he was played a lot then and people never used his early game to invade much then either