I'm willing to try DFG out, but I'm skeptical on rushing it. When would you recommend putting it into the build?
[Champion] Ahri - Page 3
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United States8298 Posts
I'm willing to try DFG out, but I'm skeptical on rushing it. When would you recommend putting it into the build? | ||
225 Posts
Weakness of dfg is the short range cast so I guess it'd work out pretty great on Ahri. DISCLAIMER: I do not really play Ahri often so this is my speculation from facing her. | ||
United States866 Posts
On February 07 2012 14:36 Itsmedudeman wrote: I don't get why people rush dcap. It's an expensive ass item, and doesn't give you much versatility besides straight up ap. From my experiences, Rylai's is absolutely by far the best item on ahri. The slow works on all her spells including w and her ult and her q can hit multiple targets easily. You should be playing her for ganks and kills in solo queue, and the best item for that is rylais. Not only that but you can kite any hero with this and punish them back if they don't 100-0 you. When you start ulting in 1 on 1 you want that extra survivability early on. And ryze does not counter ahri. Just because you can't kill him doesn't mean he's a counter. You can push lane easily against him and roam, but just cause you can't ult in and 100-0 him doesn't mean anything. He should never be able to catch you and kill you. And wtf, cdr boots? Joke? Listen, early on your cds don't need to be refreshed for you to get kills, you want straight up burst. If it's solely for the ult, the ult cd is very short and not needed all the time. Until you get void staff, mpen boots are easily the best, no other choice here. Rushing dcap is a choice I only make on her when I could get it really early, like 14-17 minutes early. A dcap at that point basically lets you 100-0 up to 3 people at once, assuming you have sorc boots and hit all your spells properly. Otherwise, wota first against a push/harass lane that you need to poke at before killing or rylais against anything that can kill you. | ||
Sexico5880 Posts
On February 07 2012 20:50 snpnx wrote: Very nice writeup, I'll be sure to practice those tips written, it's a whole other level than my measily play of Ahri. Especially pushing people to their towers seems very effective. If you don't mind, could you lose some words on playing vs. veigar? I'm normally going mercs against him to get out of the stun before his W hits, but maybe I'm just too careless against him? The times I lose lanes against him is if I get ganked and hit with a stun in that instance. Mercs are good vs veigar then you go your normal build and when you're in danger of getting instagibbed and his stun lasts 3 seconds you might also want a qss (for those times where he flash stuns you). Veigar's the kind of champ you just want to push to turret and then go gank, too risky to try to burst him down in turret range and you can't really abuse his cooldowns when he has his ult up. Pre level 6 you can try to get closer to him and W him every time he uses a Q on a minion, if you can force a stun then he'll run out of mana pretty fast. | ||
United States267 Posts
On February 07 2012 14:36 Itsmedudeman wrote: I don't get why people rush dcap. It's an expensive ass item, and doesn't give you much versatility besides straight up ap. From my experiences, Rylai's is absolutely by far the best item on ahri. The slow works on all her spells including w and her ult and her q can hit multiple targets easily. You should be playing her for ganks and kills in solo queue, and the best item for that is rylais. Not only that but you can kite any hero with this and punish them back if they don't 100-0 you. When you start ulting in 1 on 1 you want that extra survivability early on. And ryze does not counter ahri. Just because you can't kill him doesn't mean he's a counter. You can push lane easily against him and roam, but just cause you can't ult in and 100-0 him doesn't mean anything. He should never be able to catch you and kill you. And wtf, cdr boots? Joke? Listen, early on your cds don't need to be refreshed for you to get kills, you want straight up burst. If it's solely for the ult, the ult cd is very short and not needed all the time. Until you get void staff, mpen boots are easily the best, no other choice here. I agree with your post entirely. Going Dcap doesn't provide the utility/tankiness that rylais does. I like to go boots -> 2 DR -> sorc boots -> rylais -> wota -> dcap/other endgame items. Furthermore, CDR items shouldn't be bought as midlane AP because your jungler should ALWAYS give you blue buff, and you have far better items to pursue than CDR items. | ||
Bulgaria906 Posts
On February 07 2012 23:18 sylverfyre wrote: I'm willing to try DFG out, but I'm skeptical on rushing it. When would you recommend putting it into the build? Depends on the hero you are facing , you will probably need 2-3(3 if u are depressed or need the hp) dorans for hp/ap mana so you can outpush heroes , get decent hp and kill caster mions .at lvl 7 with one Q. Kage's pick / tome / boots lvl 2 depending on what you need. Get dfg as soon as possible. If you get it at lvl 8-9 you have already won mid. Basic combo -> go through the lane / r through creeps -> E -> DFG > W - Q ( Its very important that you do it in this order and that you do it fast enough ((might take some practise). THE MOST IMPORTANT thing when you do this combo is not to R 2nd time in such a direction that the returning ball misses out the target , this happens when taunt is lvl 1 or lvl 4 and they have mercury. I usually do this combo near the tower of they flash towards it instanly after the taunt so you can R once more towards them and ignite if needed or in most cases just have R twice for a safe retreat ( since you probably got the kill already ). The best part about dfg is that you kill ad / aps in the taunt and you can even fuck up a skill shot or two if u get juked and still kill the target. Basicly a more mobile / able to creep le blanc. Quick demostration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czjGckpKFv0 The galio that i drop in the taunt has Mercury/chalise/Abyssal and GA ( on cd ) - I have dfg/raba and elixir. I am pretty sleep deprived right now but i can update what to do vs each hero tomorrow if people show interest. Quick notes helpful notes: Mercury vs ryze , le blanc , zilean Pick cleanese vs Xerath and i assume Brand ( nobody plays him ever on high elo ). You can bite xerath to E -> R you -> Cleanese dance around next 2 with your ultimate and destroy him ( Risky but pays off vs good players that dont do mistakes ) Versus Morgana , either play very aggresive before six if you know where the jungler is or just passively farm DFG instantly. If you are doing okey you will have boots + 5-6 pots bought + 1-2 wards + 1 doran + dfg on lvl 8 or 9. You can do the basic combo to him but make sure to dfg him while you cast your first dash to break the black shield. The only hard match is galio imho , play defensive and dont die to leblanc and he will be useless past 1st drake. p.s thanks for the warning , it was almost deserved as i just agreed with the posted i quouted but the part i changed. | ||
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Sexico5880 Posts
On February 08 2012 11:10 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Lux WRECKS Ahri, not sure if anyone said it yet. Her range is too strong and her passive makes it impossible to trade with her, even with spellvamp. She does? I never really had any problem with lux. Depending on 3 skillshots means that she is mostly helpless vs your combo with ult. And even if she has stronger harass pre-6 I can't see how it's different from any other ap. | ||
Bulgaria906 Posts
On February 08 2012 11:10 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Lux WRECKS Ahri, not sure if anyone said it yet. Her range is too strong and her passive makes it impossible to trade with her, even with spellvamp. Except that ahri can outpush lux or be equal , and she brings twice the skillset of lux in a battle. If u are getting q-ed by lux u are doing something majorly wrong. | ||
Canada12016 Posts
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Sexico5880 Posts
On February 10 2012 01:53 Nos- wrote: Just asking for some clarification on the runes: for ap blues, are they ap/level or flat ap? I use flat ap but I left it open in purpose because I think both are fine. | ||
Bulgaria906 Posts
On February 10 2012 01:53 Nos- wrote: Just asking for some clarification on the runes: for ap blues, are they ap/level or flat ap? I think the best setup is mp red , yellow hp / level , blue ap level , ap quints. Tho im using the mana regen seals cuze i only have 3 rune pages =/ | ||
D u o
Canada381 Posts
My last 5 games are [4-0-8] [9-9-9] [2-2-13] [9-2-7] [5-5-12] But I don't feel like a carry I'm just dealing moderate damage to a few people and pulling people into our group in team fights to pick off and get a bit of free damage but I literally have no idea how to kill people as Ahri, anyone have reps or vods that could help? My farm is usually always better than my opponents and I don't die to anything in my own lane, just missed Mia's and people feeding other team to the point that I don't even want to engage. I've tried various approaches super aggressive super passive poking til they engage but idk in my experience it doesn't seem this champion is actually capable of killing people. This could be because I usually play Kass and Kennen. Anyone have help/tips. I've read everything and I didn't really pick up anything new, I just figure its the style of how I'm playing. I haven't seen anyone really good play Ahri so I have nothing to emulate. | ||
United States866 Posts
On February 24 2012 08:51 D u o wrote: I have no clue how to kill people as Ahri... I mean I get a BUNCH of assists. My last 5 games are [4-0-8] [9-9-9] [2-2-13] [9-2-7] [5-5-12] But I don't feel like a carry I'm just dealing moderate damage to a few people and pulling people into our group in team fights to pick off and get a bit of free damage but I literally have no idea how to kill people as Ahri, anyone have reps or vods that could help? My farm is usually always better than my opponents and I don't die to anything in my own lane, just missed Mia's and people feeding other team to the point that I don't even want to engage. I've tried various approaches super aggressive super passive poking til they engage but idk in my experience it doesn't seem this champion is actually capable of killing people. This could be because I usually play Kass and Kennen. Anyone have help/tips. I've read everything and I didn't really pick up anything new, I just figure its the style of how I'm playing. I haven't seen anyone really good play Ahri so I have nothing to emulate. You should be able to guaranteed kill your lane opponent 1v1 at 6 unless it's like malzahar or something, after that its just a matter of shoving lane then going top or bot, or killing your lane again as soon as your ult is up. Assuming you hit your q and e, there arent many champs that won't die at that point 1v1, and you can even miss some stuff if you're ganking a lane. I'll try and get a few replays. | ||
D u o
Canada381 Posts
On February 24 2012 08:58 Thermia wrote: You should be able to guaranteed kill your lane opponent 1v1 at 6 unless it's like malzahar or something, after that its just a matter of shoving lane then going top or bot, or killing your lane again as soon as your ult is up. Assuming you hit your q and e, there arent many champs that won't die at that point 1v1, and you can even miss some stuff if you're ganking a lane. I'll try and get a few replays. Reps would be super helpful. x__x I mean I don't lose 1v1's but I'm quite passive I think I don't TRY and engage I'm content farming because I get about 80-90% of the CS in the lane which is more than most people that I've played against. I recently played vs a leblanc and just got totally destroyed [9-9-9] game so I have no clue how to lane vs her. Maybe I'll just try and mix my play up a bit. I haven't tried ganking with her at all either and that might be my problem as well. Lots of my play consists of our team having a jungle and the opposite team not having a jungle so its quite odd to try and gank a 2v1 lane cause it just makes it even and they're usually really hurt and pushed back so it's quite annoying. x__x Anyways please just 1 or 2 reps would be nice. | ||
United States866 Posts
On February 24 2012 09:05 D u o wrote: Reps would be super helpful. x__x I mean I don't lose 1v1's but I'm quite passive I think I don't TRY and engage I'm content farming because I get about 80-90% of the CS in the lane which is more than most people that I've played against. I recently played vs a leblanc and just got totally destroyed [9-9-9] game so I have no clue how to lane vs her. Maybe I'll just try and mix my play up a bit. I haven't tried ganking with her at all either and that might be my problem as well. Lots of my play consists of our team having a jungle and the opposite team not having a jungle so its quite odd to try and gank a 2v1 lane cause it just makes it even and they're usually really hurt and pushed back so it's quite annoying. x__x Anyways please just 1 or 2 reps would be nice. As soon as I find one that doesn't crash (or maybe I'll just make a new one) I'll upload it and edit this post. But yeah, Ahri is a very capable assassin and you definitely aren't making the most of her abilities if you aren't finding someone to kill whenever your ult is up. Edit: Here's a game I just played, could have played a bit better probably but ahri mirror is basically all about who hits their charm, got lots of kills though: http://www.mediafire.com/?afrw564a2hg46w0 | ||
D u o
Canada381 Posts
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1393 Posts
On February 24 2012 09:05 D u o wrote: Reps would be super helpful. x__x I mean I don't lose 1v1's but I'm quite passive I think I don't TRY and engage I'm content farming because I get about 80-90% of the CS in the lane which is more than most people that I've played against. I recently played vs a leblanc and just got totally destroyed [9-9-9] game so I have no clue how to lane vs her. Maybe I'll just try and mix my play up a bit. I haven't tried ganking with her at all either and that might be my problem as well. Lots of my play consists of our team having a jungle and the opposite team not having a jungle so its quite odd to try and gank a 2v1 lane cause it just makes it even and they're usually really hurt and pushed back so it's quite annoying. x__x Anyways please just 1 or 2 reps would be nice. I find Leblanc to be a very hard opponent when playing Ahri. Unless she gets shut down early, you won't be beating her 1 on 1. I just play passive and last hit with Q or auto attacks if it's safe. I guess if you want to fight, hitting your E and bursting her down is your only chance, since LB will most likely kill you instantly as soon as she's not CCd. | ||
United States267 Posts
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