On October 13 2013 21:44 Alaric wrote: Depends on how much you spam it. W cost is super low and E and R cost no mana, so it's not really aggravating.
And stop saying stuff like "yeah they can just focus Olaf if he's in front because he won't reach them", well sure, Olaf's not Shyvana or Singed or Cho'Gath, he's not an initiator, he's not the guy who will walk in front of all the enemy poke and wonder why they get kited, geez.
If you want Olaf to do that/pick him in a comp that'll require that from him, then the problem's with your decision, not with the champ. You don't ask Udyr to do that. When you pick Olaf, either you splitpush, or you've got an initiator, be it Malphite, Sejuani, Jarvan, Amumu, Zac, Aatrox, Shyvana, whatever. You just have someone on your team who will get it an initiate a fight, so you're not the only frontliner.
And you're complaining about Olaf dying too fast, but ffs stop rushing Triforce or BotRK on him and try to fight then, that's just dumb. Olaf is about sustain (be it damage or healing), he doesn't have Jax's "burst mitigation" (E and R active) or Irelia's burst healing on her ult, his 1-item timing isn't as strong as them and on top of that it's at a point where burst-oriented champs start hitting their power peak, so no, Olaf isn't as good for the first drake fight than say Renekton, Irelia or Jax. So what do you do? You don't capitalise on that timing. You don't try to rush offense then manfight people.
Just try to pair him with an initiator and build more defenses, and not pop your ult as soon as the teamfight start. And please note how it's different from running 4 squishies alongside him, rush a full offensive item first and immediatly seek a teamfight, asking him to initiate it with ghost and his face.
It seems to me you are not making much of a case for me to pick Olaf.
currently on PBE olaf's Q has changed from 55/60/65/70/75 mana to a flat 60 at all levels, that should help with this mana pool
Been trying to make olaf work on my smurf, and idk, he just feels like he doesn't do anything well right now. Loses a lot of lanes really hard. Against anybody who knows how to play against it(read: play a bruiser and don't run), he just gets rolled so hard in trades. Nowhere close to enough mana to harass a bruiser to death(like literally, I think you could expend a whole mana bar on a renekton post giants belt and still not come close).
Only lanes he wins are against squishies who are have to run if he lands an axe, and even then only if you land axes consistently. has atrocious trading against almost every top who doesn't have to run when he lands an axe.
And then teamfighting. A lot of the time you want to ult to get off CC. But almost every game I've played, when you get cc'd, you also get focused(few examples aside).
Also it feels like unless the guy is running from you in a fight, you can axe at most 2 times.
Like he's not intrinsically tanky at any point in the game because his ult doesn't grant enough stats passively(and you lose it anyways if you have to pop it to go in. Shyv gets 10/10 more in dragon, and she has both a gap closer and an almost permanent speed boost.
And then you pop it to break CC and just explode.
I think smash successfully made his ultimate into a catch-22 in teamfights. Good in an isolated duel, but the moment it comes to teamfighting it's worthless as fuck because at the end of the day, I don't know what smash wants you to build to teamfight successfully. You want defenses because you have zero gap closing capability, you want damage because you don't do squat without it(the scenario where you manage to reach a carry without blowing ulti already really doesn't happen all that often), and if you build both, you'll fail at everything.
Ugh, I've been trying to make Olaf work at both toplane and jungle...not successful. At toplane, he matches poorly against too many champs, especially Shen, Vladimir, and Renekton. Plus, he's a sustained trader (and a weak one at that) rather than a burst trader after the rework, which kinda sucks.
But you need to toplane with him to get necessary levels of farm! Olaf needs at least Hydra (splitpushing) or Bork (dueling/fighting) alongside SV/Randuin to be remotely relevant, and you won't be getting that kind of farm out of the jungle.
And yeah, as soon as you ult, you give up all innate tankiness and explode like a pinata 
I can see why Olaf has a 38% winrate in Diamond, he truly is one of the weakest, if not THE weakest, champion Riot has ever released.
i see that you never played eve pre rework
to be fair when he was considered the most broken champ in game he had only 46% winrate
On October 16 2013 21:15 kongoline wrote: to be fair when he was considered the most broken champ in game he had only 46% winrate
Only because non-pros are dumb as shit about his itemization.
Apparently building tank/cdr on olaf was a non-existent concept
To be fair, Riot is at fault to some extent. They make a champion that scales off HP and is supposed to build damage, so people think "let's build HP and some damage!" It really wasn't intuitive to build Olaf as if he was a Support Tank (Shurelia's, Frozen Heart, etc), even if that became the most effective build on him.
anyone here still playing this dude
No. He is no fun in teamfights, which is what I like doing most :-/
I've been trying to use him since the latest buffs but he appears to be atrocious at just about everything still. He DOES have good sustain, and he can harass to get an advantage with his Q(but this often pushes) and he can assist a gank pretty well with his slow. But outside of those 3 things he's just not good enough, IMO. He's not bullying enough to win a lot of lanes early, he doesn't scale well enough to be worth it, and he gets popped in a teamfight in to time.
Of course, I'm not too experienced with him, so I'd like to hear what others think.
The new Olaf is just atrocious.
All skill have been nerfed, probably W is about the same - but does not stack so well with his innate passive.
Generally I would accept the changes to Q or W.. but E and R changes are plain unacceptable. E -> has lager cooldown and much lower damage, I think with the %ad it gets you need at least +200 dmg to get to the original level... makes no sense to rush 5th level E and abuse opponents, to make it a worthwhile change you would need like 5 bloodthirsters in inventory +40% cd reduction...
R -> not only the passive/active swich does not make any sense, they also removed the very important armor penetration. If you now get stunned or rush into combat the new red color of Olaf's ulti means focus and kill me fast!
Without the armor penetration and E nerfed he has no special features that would attract me to chose him over say Tryndamere, Yi or Aatrox - who are special in their way but plain dominate Olaf's weak abilities.
R.I.P. Olaf
Official patch comment: We were overly cautious with our initial rework changes for Olaf, which left him undertuned, but not Old and Busted. However, now that we’ve addressed some of his old core issues, we feel like we can be more aggressive with tweaking his kit balance. Give me a break riot, you screw him up!
Yeah, I'm not touching this dude over other, better AD tops unless he gets more buffs. The problem is that his ult is inherently a problem to balance around.
No, the problem is they THINK his ult is a problem. The problem is his kit is all attack speed steroids, which are pretty MEH on a Melle Character with no gap closer and a slow instead of a snare.
On November 05 2013 00:00 LastWish wrote: E -> has lager cooldown and much lower damage, I think with the %ad it gets you need at least +200 dmg to get to the original level... makes no sense to rush 5th level E and abuse opponents, to make it a worthwhile change you would need like 5 bloodthirsters in inventory +40% cd reduction... Difference isn't that big, and the uptime is around the same assuming you auto (especially as you get CDR). There's pretty much no difference at higher levels now, especially if you've got AD on one item (or your ult on), but it's nerfed in lane, which was the point: less free "walk up to you, E and walk away", more interaction.
R -> not only the passive/active swich does not make any sense, they also removed the very important armor penetration. If you now get stunned or rush into combat the new red color of Olaf's ulti means focus and kill me fast! That's just grapping at straws. Olaf's ult always had that distinct sound (and he has a different pose) if you paid a little attention. The point is that you shouldn't use the ult as "I'll spend 3 seconds running at you then the remaining 2 to burst you" but "I've taken less damage getting in range thanks to the resistances, now I'll stay here by being unpeelable for 6s while I hammer you".
On November 05 2013 04:05 Alaric wrote:Show nested quote +On November 05 2013 00:00 LastWish wrote: E -> has lager cooldown and much lower damage, I think with the %ad it gets you need at least +200 dmg to get to the original level... makes no sense to rush 5th level E and abuse opponents, to make it a worthwhile change you would need like 5 bloodthirsters in inventory +40% cd reduction... Difference isn't that big, and the uptime is around the same assuming you auto (especially as you get CDR). There's pretty much no difference at higher levels now, especially if you've got AD on one item (or your ult on), but it's nerfed in lane, which was the point: less free "walk up to you, E and walk away", more interaction. Show nested quote +R -> not only the passive/active swich does not make any sense, they also removed the very important armor penetration. If you now get stunned or rush into combat the new red color of Olaf's ulti means focus and kill me fast! That's just grapping at straws. Olaf's ult always had that distinct sound (and he has a different pose) if you paid a little attention. The point is that you shouldn't use the ult as "I'll spend 3 seconds running at you then the remaining 2 to burst you" but "I've taken less damage getting in range thanks to the resistances, now I'll stay here by being unpeelable for 6s while I hammer you".
But you are assuming autoattacks...Plus you are assuming you are somehow getting to your target without using your ultimate. The only chance of that, is hitting 2 long range axes + picking them both up.
Yeah I mean Nasus never ever ever ever gets into melee range when people have Cleanse, fucking shit champion.
Why does Nasus need to be in melle range of a squishy to be relevant? He doesn't.
So Olaf's been seeing some tournament play as a Jax counter on Top Lane, and he seems to be doing quite well. I'm glad to see that he's viable again.
On November 05 2013 10:36 HughMyron wrote: So Olaf's been seeing some tournament play as a Jax counter on Top Lane, and he seems to be doing quite well. I'm glad to see that he's viable again. link? Or at least where did you see him? :D