[Champion] Taric - Page 5
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10417 Posts
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Chairman Ray
United States11903 Posts
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United States2395 Posts
On November 29 2011 17:44 TheYango wrote: I think anyone taking Heal over CV on a support is out of their minds, and Flash is too good on Taric. Heal is good to fit onto solo laners over Ignite/Exhaust/TP, but CV is still far too game-changing. Even at the very top level, where your CV is going to give you and your teammates useful information that they'll use 100% of the time, a lot of players have opinions that place CV from OK to just bad. When you're not at that top level, and your team isn't even going to pay attention to what you've CVed, it doesn't even feel like a contest anymore. Heal is really, really good now. e: Also, Utility is a pretty bad tree now, and there's a solid argument for 0/21/9 being better for supports because of the weakness of points spent. | ||
Australia155 Posts
Maybe its just me, or the fact that I play mostly solo-queue normals, but I feel like I have the most success on Taric out of all the supports (and I play supports a lot). I like playing Sona and Janna but feel so... squishy... when I do. I'll have to experiment more with full Defensive masteries on those two as well, as the cooldown reduction in Def is better once you hit level 14 and the extra survivability may make up for the reduced gold/XP/regen/summoner spell CDR. | ||
United Kingdom76 Posts
"Support Sion and Support Taric are at the same level." Discuss. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
Also, taric is one of the weaker supports at the moment, so support sion is really garbage. | ||
United Kingdom76 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
On December 01 2011 06:48 Vernay wrote: Meh - a common concern in the earlier posts was that taric didn't have enough personal sustain in team fights. Sion support has with his ult which also heals others while providing a similar stun. Sion also doesn't have passive armor, and his stun has 75 less range than Taric's. Your lifesteal is also not worth a lot when you have no AD. | ||
United States2707 Posts
On December 01 2011 06:21 Vernay wrote: "Support Sion and Support Taric are at the same level." Discuss. No. Go post this in General Discussion; you'll have a better time there. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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United States2395 Posts
On December 01 2011 07:07 Slayer91 wrote: Personal sustain? Why do you need that? Don't listen to phreak, taric is NOT an important target in teamfights the only reason you'd be getting hit is if you're in a position where you're basically a free kill. This is only something that has recently become wrong. Back when Radiance was a gigantic fucking Hp5 buff (with 1:1 AP scaling!), one of your jobs as Taric was to take as much damage as possible without dying so that you could heal up to full with Radiance and your (still good Q). Now Taric's Q is the worst of the 4 support heals because he doesn't want to take damage, and his ultimate is somehow both more boring and not really any better than the previous incarnation. | ||
United Kingdom76 Posts
the way that the majority of the posts were worded in summary they said the following: "1/2 imbues a fight, a few stuns, can be one dropped, very little self healing" Now - for the record - i love taric, i have around 200 games played with him, and i build him as a pure support in bottom lane. But - i always thought that if your playstyle is such that you find taric's lack of continual self healing a major issue - then you should consider support sion. Apologies for not making myself clear in the first post. | ||
United States2395 Posts
On February 08 2012 03:17 zulu_nation8 wrote: Unless the Sona mispositions, taric has to walk up to sona or anyone to stun, and in that time he can get E chorded, Q chorded, E and Q chorded, ulted, and kited to death. The burst is not the same realistically even if the total damage do match. E+Q chord is probably the best defense against Taric pre-6, which is less damage than him (but allows you to try and kite). Post-6 it's a different matter, but again, that comes down to Taric's ult being a shitty version of Sona's Q instead of an ult. His damage really is comparable if you can get on to a target, it's just slightly too hard (and not rewarding enough) to do so right now. On February 08 2012 03:14 TheYango wrote: To be fair, I'd say that the buff to Shatter was at least a little better than a "neutral state". Eh.. kind of. Shatter's significantly better out of lane than it was before, both because of the aura range increase and because that passive doesn't go away, but it lost 40~60 damage off of its base, which is really significant for kill-laning. Overall, it is a bit stronger, but the new kit made him so much weaker out of lane that losing some of his lane dominance was a big hit. | ||
Australia648 Posts
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3534 Posts
On February 18 2012 21:49 Skithiryx wrote: Does anyone know what Masteries runs on his pinkman? I've been running a 0/9/21 but am just curious. I know Nhat Nguyen runs 0/15/15 for initiator and the extra GP10. Considering how in lane, he'll run up to the AD shatter his fabulous aura and how he's more likely to be in the middle of a teamfight than Soraka or Sona, I'd consider running 0/21/9, though. | ||
Singapore5715 Posts
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Denmark4564 Posts
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United States2395 Posts
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Denmark4564 Posts
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United States2395 Posts
e: Okay, here - http://leaguecraft.com/masteries/0202400010000000010124021010000001030130001000000 | ||
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