Jungle AD Taric (this works)
Armor seals Armor pen red HP quints AS blues (anything is good really)
21/0/9 or 1/8/21
Wriggles -> Zerkers (you're the boss) -> Youmoo's -> Atmogs
Standard clear route, except you can lvl 3 gank (you start W, then Q and then you can either take another point in W or go E and gank mid)
Taric is like #1 support bot. Too bad people don't play alistar.
Why don't people run Taric as top solo lane more often? AP Taric does ridiculous burst in lane and has really strong sustain without ever leveling his heal beyond 1. I'd imagine it'd be like a Nid solo top except with more burst.
...because no one got #1 solo q with solo top Taric. I'm pretty sure that's the most obvious answer. - If you try it, your team will troll and lose for you np.
Jungle Taric too fabulous for normals.
On August 04 2011 05:27 r.Evo wrote: ...because no one got #1 solo q with solo top Taric. I'm pretty sure that's the most obvious answer. - If you try it, your team will troll and lose for you np. yea true. sad really. 'cuase i did taric solo top in some arranged normals and it was pretty darn boss.
On July 31 2011 22:36 Sponkz wrote: Jungle AD Taric (this works)
Armor seals Armor pen red HP quints AS blues (anything is good really)
21/0/9 or 1/8/21
Wriggles -> Zerkers (you're the boss) -> Youmoo's -> Atmogs
Standard clear route, except you can lvl 3 gank (you start W, then Q and then you can either take another point in W or go E and gank mid)
wtf. Just tried this and it wasn't even too awkward. I'll prolly play around a bit with this cause his ganks are pretty damn sick. :D
(I ran 10arpen, rest AS for marks/quints and mres/level blues, 1 8 21)
Bump worthy new post:
I just tried taric solo top, 9 0 21, full AP rune setup.
Ended up vs GP and 2 noc ganks within the first 3 levels, that kinda raped me hard, fell behind in farm way too much.
Though just from the feel of it, I think it's viable somehow. Especially vs all the common solo top picks 'cause you're pretty much an immovable object with a few levels in W. In teamfights you can easily walk into the middle of things after the initial CC got thrown around and E their carry, W them all, retreat and heal whoever needs it.
Probably would make more sense to run 0 9 21 and armor yellows.
On August 05 2011 04:58 r.Evo wrote:Show nested quote +On July 31 2011 22:36 Sponkz wrote: Jungle AD Taric (this works)
Armor seals Armor pen red HP quints AS blues (anything is good really)
21/0/9 or 1/8/21
Wriggles -> Zerkers (you're the boss) -> Youmoo's -> Atmogs
Standard clear route, except you can lvl 3 gank (you start W, then Q and then you can either take another point in W or go E and gank mid) wtf. Just tried this and it wasn't even too awkward. I'll prolly play around a bit with this cause his ganks are pretty damn sick. :D (I ran 10arpen, rest AS for marks/quints and mres/level blues, 1 8 21)
Although he's a slow jungler, i feel somewhat as jarvan, bossing around on all 3 lanes lol.
Abyssal scepter is incredibly good on AP Taric, you are almost unkillable after a few dorans rings.
9/0/21 - standard caster runes. 3x Doran's Ring + CDR Boots + Abyssal Scepter
Okay, work stopped being crazy. I'll finish this up soon. AD Jungle Taric and sidelane AP Taric are coming. And I told you guys how good solo lane AP Taric was before it was FotM!
And yeah, Abyssal is really good on Taric. Unless I specifically need the MR, however, or my team is running double caster instead of caster/tanky DPS solos, I'm more likely to buy Void Staff.
WotA can actually be really strong on sidelane AP Taric if you wind up with a team that gets great benefit from the aura. DFG is -usually- best, but if you're not expecting heavy cash flow, the 2100g for 80 AP and 30 for each other AP using member of your team is quite strong.
Also, Chalice is quite strong in place of the third D-Ring in situations where your mana expenditure is heavier. I made a big post earlier in the topic about it - it's retarded just how gold efficient Chalice is on Taric in particular, and trading 400g + 15 AP for 30 Mp5 is all the mana you should ever need. Just don't buy it if you think your team might give you blue.
The build gtrsrs was trying out was: - Dring - Boots1 - Dring - Blasting Wand - Chalice - Deathcap - Other stuff
e: op is missing this
AD Jungle Taric is in there.
I forgot about Manamune but I don't even know if you should build it on Taric, TBH.
EDIT: I guess I'll put in that picture too.
Love love getting Chalice. I feel a significant mana upkeep allowing me to Q and E all day. I feel as if it's becoming a must have item whenever I play Taric.
Edit: i thought i was in general discussion :l
Edit2: Taric new skin, yay
Blasphemy! Real men play pink Taric.
On August 10 2011 07:40 Papvin wrote:Blasphemy! Real men play pink Taric.
Would only switch from the pink skin if there would be a skin where he'd ride a unicorn and the stun animation would be a rainbow :D
/related http://i.imgur.com/oTDig.jpg
Ok my blasphemous friend got this skin and I have to say its pretty dissapointing. His model looks way too small and the black makes it hard to make out the details. Really no reason to buy it when we have flameric <3
Really dissappointed though. People've been asking for a new taric skin for years and this is pretty meh =/
AP Anything on this character is going to suck next patch.
I need to rewrite everything D: