[Champion] Jax - Page 51
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United States19573 Posts
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India3050 Posts
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Canada1950 Posts
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United States2405 Posts
Jax has no innate sustain so cutlass is a pretty solid choice all-around. After that you can make a decision whether to finish botrk or go trinity. The good thing about jax is that each piece of his core (botrk/trinity/SV/randuins) have great pieces for laning (cutlass/phage/sheen/cowl/giant's belt/warden's mail) so you can mix-and-match as dictated by lane opponent and/or game flow. For example against tryndamere I go vamp scepter -> cutlass -> ninja tabi -> warden's mail, this gives me like 120+ armor, severely reduces tryndamere's laning dps, and let's me somewhat keep up in sustain vs. him. You can really tailor your build well vs. your opponent. Against a squishy AP like vlad you can go cutlass -> cowl -> phage and just rush him down for the kill. | ||
France45622 Posts
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United States2405 Posts
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United States1864 Posts
Been having quite a lot of fun with it upon my return to LoL (didn't play S4 until yesterday). Does SOTAG->tabi->BOTRK seem like a reasonable jungle item core for Jax? I must say I'm a bit behind on S4 item knowledge. | ||
Czech Republic11293 Posts
Dont upgrade boots before your 2nd big item imo, it's just not worth it, unless they have 4-5 phys dmg champions. Even then just getting wardens and then randuins might be better. | ||
United States19573 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + In week 5 Zionspartan on Coast played Jax 2x. First vs. XDG's Trundle, 2nd vs. EG's Shyvana. I thought it worked well both times, but the 2nd time was more interesting to me because of the build. Triforce>BotRK>SV>Gunblade>Wardens (probably would have been randiuns). Now, IMO they would have won like 10 minutes earlier if that Gunblade was a randuins because he could only splitpush and got picked twice during inhib pushes (where he couldnt tank turrets obviously). So what do people think about all-offense (basically) Jax? | ||
1656 Posts
On February 19 2014 02:08 cLutZ wrote: NA LCS Spoilers + Show Spoiler + In week 5 Zionspartan on Coast played Jax 2x. First vs. XDG's Trundle, 2nd vs. EG's Shyvana. I thought it worked well both times, but the 2nd time was more interesting to me because of the build. Triforce>BotRK>SV>Gunblade>Wardens (probably would have been randiuns). Now, IMO they would have won like 10 minutes earlier if that Gunblade was a randuins because he could only splitpush and got picked twice during inhib pushes (where he couldnt tank turrets obviously). So what do people think about all-offense (basically) Jax? Isn't it better to go all offensive when you are the one whose split pushing so that you can take down turrets quicker and no one can 1v1 you (as Jax)? | ||
Canada1950 Posts
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United States19573 Posts
On February 19 2014 03:30 GettingIt wrote: Isn't it better to go all offensive when you are the one whose split pushing so that you can take down turrets quicker and no one can 1v1 you (as Jax)? Once you get TF+Blade no one can 1v1 you regardless, and you melt turrets regardless. It does make you a marginally stronger 1v1er, but if you watch the game I mentioned, he gets caught out by EG in 2v1s or 3v1s and cant live long enough for his team to punish. | ||
United States1961 Posts
On February 19 2014 02:08 cLutZ wrote: NA LCS Spoilers + Show Spoiler + In week 5 Zionspartan on Coast played Jax 2x. First vs. XDG's Trundle, 2nd vs. EG's Shyvana. I thought it worked well both times, but the 2nd time was more interesting to me because of the build. Triforce>BotRK>SV>Gunblade>Wardens (probably would have been randiuns). Now, IMO they would have won like 10 minutes earlier if that Gunblade was a randuins because he could only splitpush and got picked twice during inhib pushes (where he couldnt tank turrets obviously). So what do people think about all-offense (basically) Jax? I don't know whether or not that Gunblade is a good buy (Zionspartan definitely knows better), but there wasn't any real reason to get Randuins that early. If you look at EG's team, it was Shyvana, Kayle, Sivir, Volibear and Annie. Sivir is the only AD damage on EG's team. Now if Jax is going to split push all game, there is no way that EG would ever send Sivir to defend. It would be either Kayle or Shyvana, both who are AP. Again, I don't know if Gunblade is a good buy on Jax or not, I don't play as high a level as he does, but I can say that there was no need to rush a Randuins that early with their lack of AD. | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
On February 19 2014 03:32 WarSame wrote: ^You're probably right. Isn't that why the Tri/BotRK is the split pushing build and Tri/GA is the team fighting build? once you get triforce and bork you're pretty tanky and burst stupid hard. you are def a teamfighting asset with it without a doubt once i have tf/bork i feel like a god with jax, and thats when i'd rather be teamfighting. once you get 6 theres very very very few champions who can fight jax 1 on 1 | ||
France45622 Posts
Well, against Mundo you need BotRk instead anyway (BotRk better at manfighting Shen too I'd think but Triforce works). | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
On February 21 2014 22:31 Alaric wrote: Actually once you hit 6 a bunch of champions still can, it's the combo 6 + item that does it (Renekton, Mundo, Shen, and probably Trundle can still manfight you at 6 if you don't have completed items; actually anyone rushing sunfire will probably have an edge once it's completed till your own triforce completion a bit more than 1k later, to which you can add the fact that their pre-6 advantage should have given them gold advantage). Well, against Mundo you need BotRk instead anyway (BotRk better at manfighting Shen too I'd think but Triforce works). Maybe tanky champions, i.e renekton mundo, shyvana. but his W+Q+3rd hit with ult on is so brutal no squishy champion can take more than 2 of them i'd just about guarantee. Not that squishy champions are played anyway, but in the end i feel Jax is more useful than any of those champions past like 30-40 minutes in the game anyways. | ||
United States19573 Posts
On February 21 2014 19:31 K3Nyy wrote: I don't know whether or not that Gunblade is a good buy (Zionspartan definitely knows better), but there wasn't any real reason to get Randuins that early. If you look at EG's team, it was Shyvana, Kayle, Sivir, Volibear and Annie. Sivir is the only AD damage on EG's team. Now if Jax is going to split push all game, there is no way that EG would ever send Sivir to defend. It would be either Kayle or Shyvana, both who are AP. Again, I don't know if Gunblade is a good buy on Jax or not, I don't play as high a level as he does, but I can say that there was no need to rush a Randuins that early with their lack of AD. I dont know how a "4th" Item is early, especially when 2 of your 1st three are two of the most expensive items in the game. | ||
United States1961 Posts
On February 22 2014 02:04 cLutZ wrote: I dont know how a "4th" Item is early, especially when 2 of your 1st three are two of the most expensive items in the game. Like I said, it is early for the enemy's team comp and what he was doing. You build according to the situation and the enemy's comp, not based on some set build path on a guide. | ||
United States19573 Posts
In fact, he also almost lost the game when he lost a 1v1 to a Kayle, which almost threw the game as well. | ||
United States1961 Posts
On February 22 2014 03:43 cLutZ wrote: Well he could have gone for a GA, Banshees Veil, Warmogs, or even Frozen Mallet (if he kept wanting to splitpush so badly). The problem with the build, is he couldn't keep splitpushing with impunity because he was getting killed, and if he had grouped they would have won, or if he died more slowly when they sent 2+ to stop his splitpush, they would have won. In fact, he also almost lost the game when he lost a 1v1 to a Kayle, which almost threw the game as well. I'm not even arguing whether Gunblade was good buy or not. I'm just saying there was no need for Randuins if he was gonna split. -.- | ||
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