That being said I've been experimenting with a nashors bruta build recently and its been going faily nice. the power curve isn't as sharp as when you get a triforce but the cdr is very noticeable mid game and it gives your abilities an extra bit of bite when you're in lanes where you don't get to hit people that much. double tap minon jump (get the on hit proc from your ult) then instant w while waiting to see what they do is extensively strong. I think it will be even better in s3 when the armpen changes happen. the lack of a slow really shows in a teamfight and it can be really fustrating however. Triforce into ga is still the best build right now.
[Champion] Jax - Page 24
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United States13747 Posts
That being said I've been experimenting with a nashors bruta build recently and its been going faily nice. the power curve isn't as sharp as when you get a triforce but the cdr is very noticeable mid game and it gives your abilities an extra bit of bite when you're in lanes where you don't get to hit people that much. double tap minon jump (get the on hit proc from your ult) then instant w while waiting to see what they do is extensively strong. I think it will be even better in s3 when the armpen changes happen. the lack of a slow really shows in a teamfight and it can be really fustrating however. Triforce into ga is still the best build right now. | ||
France45622 Posts
After triforce and boots2 I'll complete gunblade if the current state of the game allows it, otherwise I'll go GA. Most of the time I just buy chainvest or NMM depending on their primary source of damage and complete gunblade. Spellvamp sustain stronk and the active is even better, so long as they haven't built enough defense that I must be able to tank stuff before they finally die I find gunblade to be stronger. | ||
1088 Posts
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United States13747 Posts
Theres a lot of things that it does that compliment everything that jax does. the problem is that it delays your triforce/ga which allows you to start controlling the game. you want a phase really fast or everyone will get away from you,however if you get a phage. it delays your nashors to a point where you have to compare how much it does for you compared to getting a triforce. thats not a judgement call that goes for the nashors 9 times out of 10. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
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9871 Posts
On October 30 2012 04:27 Sufficiency wrote: I don't know why he likes attack speed so much on Jax. I always feel that when an auto-animation cancelling skill, attack speed is not useful. because he has a massive massive on hit. it looks really bad to me but uh... I guess that's his reasoning. i still feel gunblade is the best build on him, the healing is just abusive. it's straight up better for teamfighting than the alternatives | ||
United States2085 Posts
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10417 Posts
(picture of dorans blade) you alwyas get one of this come back home with 1310 and you can buy a Sheen? Fuck you, buy this This item is so staple on Jax and Jax's early game | ||
9871 Posts
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New Zealand220 Posts
I played a game of it and won but I feel like it was because the Vlad was bad. Also above question again but this time with Jayce. | ||
766 Posts
On November 01 2012 18:08 AceLight wrote: How is the Jax vs Vladmir matchup suppose to go? I played a game of it and won but I feel like it was because the Vlad was bad. Also above question again but this time with Jayce. Vlad soft-counters him. But any good Jax can beat a Vlad. Vlad outsustains. It's all about baiting his pool. Since his pool takes a large chunk of health to use, you can poke in, let him pool, then quickly run out. Be careful though, if he times it right, he can avoid your stun with his pool. Your only source of CC gone= you can't kill him. The main reason he beats you in lane is because Jax's E is built towards AD champs, Vlad out-sustains you, and Jax runs on mana while Vlad has no costs. You'll run outta mana before you can outdamage his sustain. | ||
766 Posts
On October 27 2012 03:17 NeoIllusions wrote: Going Jax more since Jayce feels subpar this patch. :O Jax v Darius is really player dependent. I disagree. Jax vs Darius, Darius has the upper hand. He will out-damage you in trades. He will beat you pre-6 because his passive just tears your life apart. After 6, he will still beat you because his Ult + Damage will be done before you can reach max stacks with your passive unless you hit minions few times. Even then, his swing + attack + passive + Ult will kill you faster than you realized what was happening. Maybe my Jax just isn't that great, but I always felt like it was a uphill battle vs Darius. | ||
United States5348 Posts
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United States4054 Posts
But seriously Jax is a very strong pick right now - he doesn't have many counters in lane, and of the champions that he does have a tough matchup in lane with, he generally scales better. | ||
Switzerland3257 Posts
On October 30 2012 05:05 UniversalSnip wrote: because he has a massive massive on hit. it looks really bad to me but uh... I guess that's his reasoning. i still feel gunblade is the best build on him, the healing is just abusive. it's straight up better for teamfighting than the alternatives jax still heals very fast with the nerfed gunblade but trinity comes in such extremely useful parts, adds mobility and more damage cost wise. sheen is one of the most costeffective damage items itself if you can trigger it continuosly. jax want's a bit of attackspeed as well. I also don't like to get too much sustain instead of health on a bruiser except if I'am ahead in farm because you tend to be CC'ed and ignited often if you need to auto a lot. In the other hand I'am not completely sold on trinity->GA as a core. I get that it is strong and it works but in the other hand jax gets free armor and mr so warmogs sounds like a really good alternative. the cost is a downside and the parts of GA are often more useful in most lanes as flat armor/mr will increase the effectiveness of your pots + vamp scepter and is stronger against flat arpen/magpen than raw health. Apart from the build you rather want to have a warmogs than GA during mid/lategame. if early-mid is a problem for getting warmogs then sunfire might even be a more valuable choice than GA on jax? the revieve just seems kinda gimmicky on a frontline bruiser. rageblade has come out of favor on a lot of champions which is very weird imo. if you can make use of rageblade (autoattacking, as and ap scaling) then you should allways get it at some point. jax literally profits from all the stats. | ||
United States4054 Posts
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Switzerland3257 Posts
On November 02 2012 03:20 Sandster wrote: I think the GA is the same rationale as Irelia - with just Triforce you do an absolute ridiculous amount of damage at that point in the game, and can dive into the heart of the other team with a GA. They can watch you wreck their whole backline, or burst you down, pop your GA, and watching the rest of your team clean up as you revive. how does that relate to anything I said/asked? | ||
10417 Posts
GA is so core on Jax it's stupid. The fact that no matter what, you're going to be alive after you leap -> counterstrike is HUGE. | ||
766 Posts
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Switzerland3257 Posts
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