[Champion] Jax - Page 22
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United States12679 Posts
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631 Posts
From my PoV, you play defensively until at least level 3. Then, once he reckless swings, surely with aa's w, q and e you will actually out-trade the reckless swing damage? Just wondering if someone with a lot of experience playing that matchup can explain more eloquently than I can, how Jax beats an Olaf. | ||
United States13747 Posts
Double tap minions in lane and then jump wand then wait until hes low until you start your counterstrike before either running away or finishing him off. | ||
Indonesia2978 Posts
better lategame than olaf better/easier escape from ganks than olaf wins trades post 6, easy to farm pre-6 olaf can land Q but the slow is insignificant since you are okay with trading blows. his reckless swing does damage to himself which is good for your all-in. his additional AS when low is partly mitigated by your ability to dodge / disengage in unfavourable situations. overall i'd say jax has a lot more control over how he wants the lane to play out | ||
Norway284 Posts
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Canada10567 Posts
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United States12 Posts
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Canada6208 Posts
On September 21 2012 01:49 erw wrote: i have a question, im dont have much knowledge about this game but i always play 3v3 with my friends as jax/xin zhao. i'm just wondering what items i should get. should i just pick those from the OP or is that outdated? Generally want want the core of triforce+Gunbade+GA but in 3s because of the itemization that happens, you may need to get a hexdrinker if they have double AP, wriggles if you need to farm the jungle to stay relevant, early chainvest if there's triple AD on the other team etc. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
On September 21 2012 06:27 Sufficiency wrote: Jax wins against Nunu, I feel. It's not the most terrible lane.... at least not as bad as Jayce or Malphite. It’s very much a toss up in my experience. If Jax manages his R passive well for burst and saves his stun, he can win trades very easily. But if you use your stun when Nunu has a minion nearby post 6, he’ll just consume -> ult and crush you. Jax can win trades with R passive + Empowered Leap Strike harass, especially once he has a Vamp, but if he just lets Nunu spam Ice Blast, he’s screwed. It’s kind of a “push him out before he pushes you out” situation. However, in the event of a farm lane situation, Jax should be more useful unless Nunu has a Vayne or Kog to peel/BB for. | ||
United States3125 Posts
On September 21 2012 06:14 Lmui wrote: Generally want want the core of triforce+Gunbade+GA but in 3s because of the itemization that happens, you may need to get a hexdrinker if they have double AP, wriggles if you need to farm the jungle to stay relevant, early chainvest if there's triple AD on the other team etc. I don't have that much TT experience, but to add to this, remember that teamfights for dragon/liz control in TT can happen pretty early and at low gold amounts, so mid-game items can be put to use immediately. If your teammates are low on damage early on, but high on utility (e.g. Alistar, Blitz, Singed) strongly consider rageblade, as it has the best gold-DPS ratio out of all Jax items. Since the components of GB/Triforce are all midgame items as well, just pay more attention to the order you get them in and when you get into teamfights. For instance, you'd want phage + cutlass over phage+vamp+sheen if you know a fight's coming up, even if it delays completing your first T3 item. | ||
United States13274 Posts
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United States8298 Posts
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United States9109 Posts
i think jax can beat rengar. i had some luck going armor red/yellow, hp/5 quint, mr blue. came to lane with about 48/50 armor/mr with real good regen. since rengar doesn't really have a stun, you just have to be a man and fight back when he fights you. eventually you wear him down and EQWignite for the kill. felt like a pretty solid lane. | ||
United States3125 Posts
On September 22 2012 04:40 gtrsrs wrote: nunu definitely crushes jax. jax is an AS champ and nunu is an anti-AS champ. and he can't keep up with nunu's sustain i think jax can beat rengar. i had some luck going armor red/yellow, hp/5 quint, mr blue. came to lane with about 48/50 armor/mr with real good regen. since rengar doesn't really have a stun, you just have to be a man and fight back when he fights you. eventually you wear him down and EQWignite for the kill. felt like a pretty solid lane. Ive beaten an AP rengar with Jax, the great thing about that matchup is that W is an aoe so that counterstrike blocks 25% of it. Definitely scary to see him take a chunk of your HP and get a big heal all at once tho. AD rengar seems more straightforward, I think i'd go 9/21/0 and ninja tabi since afaik the 10% damage reduction applies to rengar Q. Even if enemy team has a lot of CC it's probably still worth getting the tabi for laning phase (and selling em later). Also regarding nunu top, I'll accept anything smashgizmo says over my own experience -- I doubt any of my previous opponents built/played nunu as well as he does tho. | ||
United States2085 Posts
On September 22 2012 00:04 Mogwai wrote: ... the fuck are yall talking about? I can't remember the last time I didn't dunk the shit out of a Jax with Nunu. thats like saying you dunked on someone as Pantheon... Ya, there might be some matchup issues there, but lets be real, the Nunu's I'm running into top lane are still rushing RoA. | ||
United States13274 Posts
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10417 Posts
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Indonesia2978 Posts
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United States2085 Posts
But. I play a lot of Jax. When I'm against Darius I play it just like Riven. Play super safe until I've got a Lantern and/or Tabi and then dunk on him. Trading with Darius is all about smart use of your E. If you keep your passive charged, you can out trade him. | ||
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