I feel like the dodge removal isn't really a nerf like a lot of people say.
Yes, he can't stun as frequently now. But the most important thing is, the change allowed us to control when we can stun with his E, and it's his only real CC. That's huge imo.
Dodge remove hurt him in terms of survivabiliy, but it was made up by giving Jax a defensive Ult. Besides, the dodge component was too unpredictable and luck-based. Meaning you can dodge a crapload and get a quadra kill, or you can dodge almost nothing and lose 1v1.
The major change just puts him in the middle between un-killable and subpar.
Soooo... is there something better than jax at the moment ? :D Is there a single pick that gives him trouble top ? He seems really stronk atm...
He gets destroyed by Malphite. I believe strong laners like Pantheon could give him trouble. Shen is pretty brutal on him (constant harass from level 1 against a melee-only champ). No idea about Udyr, who typically beats melee-only, but bear stance goes through counterstrike and said counterstrike has a very long cd. Olaf could have the advantage pre-6, I believe Jax has stronger burst post-6, and sustained damage.
Irelia could very well snowball against him, but if left to their own devices I'd give the edge to Jax.
Korea (South)11232 Posts
What do you do against Riven with ignite and heal? I was zoned hardcore and could not do shit if I tried to cs she just owned me.
On August 21 2012 19:12 Chexx wrote:What do you do against Riven with ignite and heal? I was zoned hardcore and could not do shit if I tried to cs she just owned me. 
Survive until your jungler can get up there. Your jungler should either be level 2 ganking or level 3 ganking because without help you will lose lane. At the same time though, if jungler gets you ahead(1-2 kills/heal defensively blown) you should win quite hard, and he should keep coming up there for more free kills.
Important thing is to not die before your jungler gets there. A single death against heal ignite will usually spell the end of the lane without mid+top babysitting you for the next 10 minutes.
Korea (South)11232 Posts
On August 21 2012 19:23 Amui wrote:Show nested quote +On August 21 2012 19:12 Chexx wrote:What do you do against Riven with ignite and heal? I was zoned hardcore and could not do shit if I tried to cs she just owned me.  Survive until your jungler can get up there. Your jungler should either be level 2 ganking or level 3 ganking because without help you will lose lane. At the same time though, if jungler gets you ahead(1-2 kills/heal defensively blown) you should win quite hard, and he should keep coming up there for more free kills. Important thing is to not die before your jungler gets there. A single death against heal ignite will usually spell the end of the lane without mid+top babysitting you for the next 10 minutes.
the last part is exactly what happened ^^
I start with boots 3 then go phage, sheen -> triforce then gunblade. Skill order is q,e,w and then r > w > e > q Is this okay? or do I something wrong?
On July 29 2012 05:11 OnceKing wrote: Nunu shuts down Jax
That is actually not true. As soon as Jax gets Executioner's Calling it's over for Nunu. Jax has many tools that will allow him to survive the lane enough to get an Executioner's Calling.
whats item choice on jax nowadays? I think gunblade, guinsoo, triforce is a bit overkill. He's already got very high base damage. What about making him a bit tanky? Phage, randiun's omen, wits end + IE, BT? I had couple good games with pure ad jax.
EDIT: oh, and bloodrazor is awesome for Jax.
On August 21 2012 20:16 bokeevboke wrote: whats item choice on jax nowadays? I think gunblade, guinsoo, triforce is a bit overkill. He's already got very high base damage. What about making him a bit tanky? Phage, randiun's omen, wits end + IE, BT? I had couple good games with pure ad jax.
EDIT: oh, and bloodrazor is awesome for Jax. Triforce, GA, then depending on wether you need damage or surivivability you can go Gunblade / Rageblade / Warmog's / Randuin's. Hell, even Rylai's if they run double AP.
On August 21 2012 19:44 Chexx wrote:Show nested quote +On August 21 2012 19:23 Amui wrote:On August 21 2012 19:12 Chexx wrote:What do you do against Riven with ignite and heal? I was zoned hardcore and could not do shit if I tried to cs she just owned me.  Survive until your jungler can get up there. Your jungler should either be level 2 ganking or level 3 ganking because without help you will lose lane. At the same time though, if jungler gets you ahead(1-2 kills/heal defensively blown) you should win quite hard, and he should keep coming up there for more free kills. Important thing is to not die before your jungler gets there. A single death against heal ignite will usually spell the end of the lane without mid+top babysitting you for the next 10 minutes. the last part is exactly what happened ^^ I start with boots 3 then go phage, sheen -> triforce then gunblade. Skill order is q,e,w and then r > w > e > q Is this okay? or do I something wrong?
I think you should skill e>q>e>w and focus on E as it will prevent alot of harass and give you alot of time in lane.
I like boots+3 -> cutlass -> triforce -> gunblade, putting a defensive component or two depending on the flow of the game. I'll take FH as my armor item since I want cdr for Q and E, and resistances over HP because of how much I rely on sustain. Wit's is a good MR item, and it's AS is far better than guinsoo's imo, since it doesn't require any buildup and allows you to stack your passive faster.
I could probably buy GA instead, tho, and then some HP to pad my defensive stuff.
On August 21 2012 19:44 Sufficiency wrote:That is actually not true. As soon as Jax gets Executioner's Calling it's over for Nunu. Jax has many tools that will allow him to survive the lane enough to get an Executioner's Calling. This is not true at all. Jax getting Executioner's Calling is pretty much my wet dream. Wastes so much money and still gets dunked.
Could I get some advice on the vs Xin lane matchup? I feel like I should win it (and I know later on I'll be better), but his early damage is just nuts. If I try to engage at all before having Counter Strike, it does not go well, and then until I got Sheen, his stustained damage felt crazy. Plus he has at least a little sustain in lane, which helped him out.
Then again, I rarely lane Jax, so it could just be an inexperience thing.
On August 29 2012 14:48 Requizen wrote: Could I get some advice on the vs Xin lane matchup? I feel like I should win it (and I know later on I'll be better), but his early damage is just nuts. If I try to engage at all before having Counter Strike, it does not go well, and then until I got Sheen, his stustained damage felt crazy. Plus he has at least a little sustain in lane, which helped him out.
Then again, I rarely lane Jax, so it could just be an inexperience thing.
If against a non-ganking jungler (aka amumu, WW etc) you shouldn't be too afraid of opening cloth+5 if you need it to survive the lane (You don't really). Get counterstrike at level 2, saving whatever you didn't get at 2 for 3/4. When he charges onto you or you see his spear start glowing and he's attacking you, hit counterstrike and just unload on him since he has no real means of disengaging besides his ultimate. He has no way of trading back against your damage and if you stun him, he should lose the trade pretty horribly.
I played Jax vs Malphite for the first time a little while back. Despite getting a lead early on through a jungle gank, the lane felt incredibly hard and I know I would have lost had I not gotten ahead early. He built 2 dorans rings, and his q made laning an absolute nightmare. Can anyone with experience in this matchup give me some advice on how to play Jax in this lane? (I'm gold elo if it matters)
Should I be running a custom rune/mastery setup vs Malphite? I was even considering something like HP regen quints, but that seems like massive overkill on Jax. Should I change my standard, trinity force rush into GA or Gunblade item build?
I'm asking this since I want to be able to first pick Jax and deal with any counterpicks.
I try to avoid going Jax against Malphite whenever possible -- if I want to first pick Jax I always ban Malph. The last time I went even on farm vs a malphite in ranked I went TP/flash with 2 MR quints, 4 flat MR + 5 MR/lvl blues, hp/level yellows, and the rest flat AD (my "suck it Rumble" runepage). By endgame my build ended up looking like . Fortunately the rest of their team was Vlad Alistar Blitz Kog, or the lack of armor would have screwed me over.
Nowadays if I'm playing a defensive lane I go TP/ghost, 9/21/0. I have like, five runepages that I use on Jax, because it's pretty important for him to win lane without needing a terrible item build to do so.
edit: we won that game because me, Kat, and Nautilus suicide-dove Kog every fight edit2: hooray, lurker
On September 07 2012 05:25 Agnosthar wrote: I played Jax vs Malphite for the first time a little while back. Despite getting a lead early on through a jungle gank, the lane felt incredibly hard and I know I would have lost had I not gotten ahead early. He built 2 dorans rings, and his q made laning an absolute nightmare. Can anyone with experience in this matchup give me some advice on how to play Jax in this lane? (I'm gold elo if it matters)
Should I be running a custom rune/mastery setup vs Malphite? I was even considering something like HP regen quints, but that seems like massive overkill on Jax. Should I change my standard, trinity force rush into GA or Gunblade item build?
I'm asking this since I want to be able to first pick Jax and deal with any counterpicks. If you are first picking Jax be prepared with many rune pages with various defensive and offensive runes, mostly MR because many of Jax's "counters" are magic damage based. Just try to play it safe early on and freeze your lane infront of your tower and just farm.
Run MR vs Malphite and avoid getting in long engagements because the E gets exponentially better the longer your auto attacking him.
Get early MR and hold on to it, preferably a null-magic so you can build it into a GA later on, also get some HP and get alot of potions, Malphite has mana problems if he just spams his Q and E.
Malphite is banned alot in SoloQ so you wont see many Malphite players unless they are planning on FP
Im not the best solo top but I hope It helped
Played Jax vs GP recently. I had ignite he had exhaust. I didn't beat him as well as I'd used to, even though I got wriggles first and tried to double tap minions to get my burst off faster. Silly thing was he went for a brawlers glove into boots, philo or something. He could kite with the slow and somehow could actually fight me with autos to some degree. I'm not sure what I did wrong, but next time I'm just gonna rush bilgewater or phage and vamp, give up winning the first fight,and as soon as I have the item, all in.