It's like the difference between an AD going IE+vamp vs BT+QSS when facing Skarner. The moment you have QSS you can suddenly be much more aggressive with your positioning, which lets you increase your damage output while making the other team much more cautious.
[Champion] Jax - Page 25
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United States4054 Posts
It's like the difference between an AD going IE+vamp vs BT+QSS when facing Skarner. The moment you have QSS you can suddenly be much more aggressive with your positioning, which lets you increase your damage output while making the other team much more cautious. | ||
Switzerland3257 Posts
the comparison with QSS is BS imo because QSS does something completely different. again iam not saying GA is bad on him. I think its awesome but I still don't see why it should be better than warmogs except if you want early resistance in lane or as you said the revieve time is actually that significant. but I kinda feel that this is largely a psychological thing. | ||
Netherlands2041 Posts
After Phage and Sheen or in between. | ||
France45622 Posts
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United States10467 Posts
And I don't know if it was buffed but I thought jax's ult lasted a really short time. Nashor's is not slot inefficient. It's just that whenever I try any cdr builds I feel really weak. Go into a bot game and go kindlegem soul shroud or shurelias or nashors brutalizer xin zhao. Then do it again with no cdr. The difference is night and day. The extra passives on other items and combat base stats means that cdr is a choice, not a necessity on anyone. | ||
Canada6208 Posts
You get to use W literally a quarter second after sheen proc comes off cooldown. Sounds good? Maybe? He's building it after trinity but before any defensive items beyond boots 2 Edit:; Also worthwhile to note that there's a zilean+lulu on his team so no real need for GA early. | ||
Adun Toridas!9144 Posts
With CDR+MPen and CDR/lvl masteries, Nashor's gives you near max CDR so your W reset matches up exactly with Sheen CD. The DPS is insane. What I'm more curious about is Ionic Spark Jax. His passive+ult passive is a built in Wit's End and Ionic Spark would let Jax just farm up and push in against unfavorable matchups the same way Irelia can do it. | ||
Ireland921 Posts
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Chile1335 Posts
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United States10467 Posts
On November 05 2012 06:21 Lmui wrote: Alright with Maknoon, a player far superior to any on this forum building nashor's +trinity + hexdrinker on jax, any thoughts? You get to use W literally a quarter second after sheen proc comes off cooldown. Sounds good? Maybe? He's building it after trinity but before any defensive items beyond boots 2 Edit:; Also worthwhile to note that there's a zilean+lulu on his team so no real need for GA early. Dyrus used to max Q on jax. He's still a better player than me, but I watched the game where he realized "hey, W is pretty good." I don't agree that just because maknoon does something, that something is good. I like phage and I don't like the idea of leaving off phage until after nashors is finished. | ||
10417 Posts
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10417 Posts
On November 02 2012 20:18 clickrush wrote: I didn't say its not useful. I said why I think it is useful but why I consider warmogs more useful and when. For me when an Item is good but situational or even suboptimal then I don't consider it as a core. Basicly I just want to know why people make GA despite the fact that jax allready has free mr/armor. I allready mentioned that the parts of GA might be situaionally more useful in short term. in a lategame situation when you have free mr+armor + a warmogs you definitely will tank more damage when you initiate than with a GA. Do what you want if you think GA is "situationally useful" because you're right. It's useful in situations, like every teamfight... | ||
Adun Toridas!9144 Posts
On November 05 2012 06:48 WilDMousE wrote: What about wit's end and/or spark? Is there any viability to see those items on jax? Stinger > Wit's End in every case imo. Costs less so you can make up the difference with a real MR item like Negatron. I just tried Ionic Spark. Seems like a really expensive Stinger >< The one advantage is if your opponent starts to lose early and just plays passive under tower, Ionic lets you shove very hard and still harass them under the tower. It turns the lane into free farm for you and just lane pressure for them, which might be useful in something like vs Darius or vs Olaf. Spark + Trinity + Nunu = 2.5 AS is pretty hilarious to see though. Lightning bolts everywhere. Edit: Regarding Q vs W max, in melee lanes (so exceptions for dumb things like Kayle, Jayce, Teemo etc), W max feels pretty mandatory. The CDR lets you get 2 W resets in a trade in most situations which really lets you chip them down and also stacks the ult procs. Plus it costs like no mana. | ||
United States13750 Posts
The problem is that its not Triforce/ga and not as good as those 2 items. If you have a teamcomp that can compensate for your lack of GA then you can go nashors and really beast it up but its still not going to be as good as a GA. However after the triforce/GA I don't know if it would be smarter to get a LW/Black cleaver instead of nashors to compliment your triforce procs. Hex is clearly the most op item in lol right now. Just don't tell anyone and if you don't don't justify it or they'll start stealing my mail rush/hexdrinker taric build. | ||
United States10467 Posts Fuck. GA nerf has to hurt all players who buy the item. Thankfully it will hurt every class. | ||
France45622 Posts
Plus one GA won't ruin all of Kat's teamfighting, she'll just have to shift her priorities (and her teamfighting would be even more gimped by people buying FoN or BV for around the same price, requiring a lot more EHP to die from her). His reasoning is dumb, GA and similar effects (Zilean) have always been good against burst/assassins comps, well deal with it dude. | ||
United States10467 Posts
On November 06 2012 12:44 Alaric wrote: I don't like the way the original tweet phrases it. It's just whining that something "counters" his champ. Hey guess what, Karthus doesn't like Zhonya, Amumu/Skarner doesn't like QSS, etc. Plus one GA won't ruin all of Kat's teamfighting, she'll just have to shift her priorities (and her teamfighting would be even more gimped by people buying FoN or BV for around the same price, requiring a lot more EHP to die from her). His reasoning is dumb, GA and similar effects (Zilean) have always been good against burst/assassins comps, well deal with it dude. Yeah. This kind of whining happens a lot on reddit. I used to assume that the guys at Riot just had a rule that they all ignored it but I guess they really do pay attention to the whines. Morello says a lot of stuff. GA may not be nerfed. | ||
United States17988 Posts
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United States19573 Posts
Jax vs. Singed: I lose this matchup from both sides, and win it from both sides. What is the key to this thing? | ||
1543 Posts
On November 06 2012 12:28 obesechicken13 wrote: Well... uhm. Fuck. GA nerf has to hurt all players who buy the item. Thankfully it will hurt every class. I was expecting this. It was becoming more of an autobuy item than DFG or Abyssal ever were, and for all champ types too. | ||
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