On September 20 2011 06:28 Southlight wrote: Friend's account? Nope :x
After PStone/Cata I'd honestly be looking toward mid-game items, not sustain. It's really that first one or two items :/
I dunno if you bank on turning the Revolver into WotA eventually I could see it working. I'll try it out later. My basic start is still PStone-->Cata though.
I'd assume you would, because it's a cheap upgrade, the real question is whether it's an improvement over PStone (for instance) vs ranged AD, or whatnot. Hahah.
I'll test it as well as some point.
Tried it out against a Malz....not convinced. You definitely hit MUCH harder early on and the sustain is decent, but I couldn't see how well it translated into midgame because the game was over long before that with our jungle GP lagging out and bottom feeding real hard. Gonna try again probably. As far as laning against bruisers/AD ranged I'll have to try it out in a practice environment because metagame lololol.
Edit: I should actually specify: the sustain from autoattacking with W on is REAL nice. Not worth leveling W more than once though.
Dun think it's worth it vs AP hahah. The PStone -> Cata (honestly you can just rush Cata off Sapphire IMO) is sufficient. I'm trying to adjust to Bruisers and Ranged AD; in particular the latter, as Cloth+5 with defensive rune/mastery lets you even up a bit against Bruisers :[
So is Kass insanely powerful, or do people just not know how to play against him?
I'm pretty sure I've gone about 10-3 the last 13 games. Been destroying mostly AP champs (Cass, Annie, Swain, Malz) but I've also taken down TF and Trist mid.
Granted, I'm still in blind solo queue, but come on.. I haven't played Kassadin in like 2 months and now I'm just dominating nearly every game I play as him.
Players that know their heroes and give Kassadin the respect he deserves, as opposed to the respect they think he deserves, can bludgeon him. At low levels of play though people give him far too much respect, which allows him to equal/get ahead in farm, which offsets his one crippling weakness (early-game). Also he hardcounters a bunch of AP heroes.
Other than that though he abuses lack of coordination, so yeah, a lot of people struggle mightily against Kass.
Kass still loses against all those bruisers I remember the first time I went up against Irelia. It still hurts.
I tested out stuff for bruisers, I can do okay against them now.
Last bastion is ranged AD...
... specifically Cait and MF.
/me sighs
United States37500 Posts
Ban Cait :D? I personally think she is super strong anyways.
On September 21 2011 13:13 Southlight wrote: I tested out stuff for bruisers, I can do okay against them now.
Last bastion is ranged AD...
... specifically Cait and MF.
/me sighs
You can lane against Kog'Maw? It feels like if cait/mf aren't amazing kass vs. cait/mf is winnable, but kass vs. kog'maw feels like I can't get a single non-Q creep kill without taking massive damage. His w range makes it so that I can't q him either without trading like 4:1 because his range is longer than mines.
On September 21 2011 13:47 Nehsb wrote:Show nested quote +On September 21 2011 13:13 Southlight wrote: I tested out stuff for bruisers, I can do okay against them now.
Last bastion is ranged AD...
... specifically Cait and MF.
/me sighs You can lane against Kog'Maw? It feels like if cait/mf aren't amazing kass vs. cait/mf is winnable, but kass vs. kog'maw feels like I can't get a single non-Q creep kill without taking massive damage. His w range makes it so that I can't q him either without trading like 4:1 because his range is longer than mines.
I can't farm or trade damage vs competent caitlyns.. so Idk what their doing wrong in your games ;/
On September 21 2011 13:47 Nehsb wrote:Show nested quote +On September 21 2011 13:13 Southlight wrote: I tested out stuff for bruisers, I can do okay against them now.
Last bastion is ranged AD...
... specifically Cait and MF.
/me sighs You can lane against Kog'Maw? It feels like if cait/mf aren't amazing kass vs. cait/mf is winnable, but kass vs. kog'maw feels like I can't get a single non-Q creep kill without taking massive damage. His w range makes it so that I can't q him either without trading like 4:1 because his range is longer than mines.
Oh yeah Kog, Kog's kind of a bitch too. Fortunately unlike MF and Cait he's at least predictable; the traps and the MF Q really fuck up Kass in those matchups, is the difference the way I see it. I haven't tested vs Kog tho, and the last time I faced one was like last summer, lol.
Ok, I saw the enemy team first pick Kass so I thought I'd take Cait and go mid. I was all confident and stuff when I got the the lane and started trapping it up like crazy. Was absolutely dominating the Kass (without actually landing a kill, though), having at least double his CS for the entire laning phase. He was raging at me in all chat about my traps and stuff, so I knew I was doing something right, but then WW hit 6 and I got exploded by him and Kass together.
After that it was downhill. I could still out farm him and control the lane, but I guess I got way too overconfident and kept giving WW (who was camping my lane pretty much all the time from then on) chances to ult me and, therefore, Kass free kills.
Now, I haven't played Kass in ages, maybe once or twice in the last year at most, so I'm not too familiar with his current power curve. There are a couple of mistakes that I know I made, namely: I didn't build Mercs, or even buy a negatron before I'd died several times to him and I pushed too hard against a post level 6 WW.
Is there anything else that I should be aware of? I mean, does it just get to a point where you have to switch lanes with someone who can survive his burst? Do you have to build heavy MR even if you're miles ahead in farm?
To be honest, it felt like Kass didn't even need WW to ult me after the first time. His burst was so powerful that even if I flashed his first combo and even recalled to heal up, I would be super vulnerable once I returned.
Fortunately I got carried super-hard by a friendly TLer who was playing solo top Blitz and we ended up winning the game, but it was the worst I've ever done with Caitlyn by a long long way.
put 2 wards, 1 in j brush and 1 on wraith ramp, depending on what side you're on if you're dominating him hard enough you should have more than enough gold for that buy some pots for safety if you're not rushing bt and therefore the vamp scepter anytime soon you are now ungankable and can continue with fair confidence up to the middle of the lane from which cait can practically cs most reasonable waves lol
when your wards are about to run out push wave and back buy wards and new items rinse and repeat
after today i am thoroughly convinced that RoA kass is the pussy way to play him. ToG -> deathcap -> AA is only way
Well realistically your post just sounds like you got rocked by WW, not Kass, lol.
Edit: Also, for ranged DPS the #1 weapon against Kass is lifesteal. It's really hard for Kass to deal with it, to the point where when we were doing testing Turkey mentioned he thought DBlade -> Vamp was actually superior to DBlade stack vs Kass, lol.
Also he'd just fire his ult on CD just to fuck with me. Blah.
buy a QSS. WW ult + any AP character will just kill a ranged carry in lane if allowed to hit the WW ult, so just QSS out. QSS #1 item.
On September 22 2011 20:36 goldenkrnboi wrote: after today i am thoroughly convinced that RoA kass is the pussy way to play him. ToG -> deathcap -> AA is only way
i dont think i've ever seen tear abbreviated as ToG, had to look it up rofl
On September 22 2011 23:02 Southlight wrote: Well realistically your post just sounds like you got rocked by WW, not Kass, lol.
Edit: Also, for ranged DPS the #1 weapon against Kass is lifesteal. It's really hard for Kass to deal with it, to the point where when we were doing testing Turkey mentioned he thought DBlade -> Vamp was actually superior to DBlade stack vs Kass, lol.
Also he'd just fire his ult on CD just to fuck with me. Blah. how you utterly humilliate kassa as caitlyn: wriggles negatron cloak GEEEEEEEGEEEEEEE I know you know it, but it happend to me last time i played kass, ugh I wanted to be sadistic soo badly afte that