I don't know if it's the best way to play but man is it funny
[Champion] Kassadin - Page 13
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10417 Posts
I don't know if it's the best way to play but man is it funny | ||
United States12679 Posts
On August 14 2013 17:44 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Kassadin's mana pool is low and that's why you need tear, it's not about the mana regen, it's about the size of the pool I just think Rod is too slow and catalyst isn't as strong as it was in s1/s2 after nerfs. AA/Deathcap are my first two items usually but it's usually like Tear -> NLR as first items hmm, i'll have to try that. it sounds pretty good considering that Seraphs and eventually Zhonyas can substitute for the HP that RoA provides. Tear/Seraphs is also superior to RoA in every other aspect minus the Catalyst passive, which is admittedly not nearly as good as it used to be. | ||
Denmark4564 Posts
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United States1788 Posts
On August 16 2013 00:37 Sponkz wrote: The only reason i exclusively go RoA+tear/seraph is because hp, mana and AP is everything kassadin needs, and the fact that he scales so insanely well into late-game, that it doesn't really matter at which point you acquire your RoA. Obviously i prefer tankiness on almost every champion i play, so it depends on your play-style and how you get away with stuff, though i seriously enjoy R+Zhonya huehue. Yeah i've been playing so much kass i really have an urge to try a diff. build but just never do...roa/seraph always just works perfectly. I also always run sorc boots but get them after both roa and staff, not sure if others are getting Mercury's. I didn't want to try straight deathcap. I really would never be comfortable sitting on a large rod or wand midgame unless i was just farming, but kass needs to be roaming midgame imo. the extra HP allows you to do the riskier plays and get away with it. One build i tried was hybrid kass (Muramana + Hextech Gunblade + Sheen + Hexdrinker) and it was obviously when i was fed as all hell and could do stupid shit like that. Someone (i think on here) told me people used to play AD Kass...was that a thing? I do want to briefly (if its just dumb) discuss mejai's on kass because he is one of the champs I would say really fits in with this item between levels 6-10....potentially. its just a matter of making it gold efficient and getting the kills/assists. with kass i think this is not a problem. Some games get passive in the midgame so its a risk -- what kinds of comps would this item be good with and what kinds would it be bad with? | ||
United States19143 Posts
In season 2 the Xenics player Cornsalad popularized it and Scarra talked about it a lot when he came back from Korea, I wasn't sure if they were still doing it until I saw it built twice in champions summer, I know the s2 build was RoA into Majai's but I'd have to go back and check the vod for Faker's build. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
On August 26 2013 04:47 nath wrote: Yeah i've been playing so much kass i really have an urge to try a diff. build but just never do...roa/seraph always just works perfectly. I also always run sorc boots but get them after both roa and staff, not sure if others are getting Mercury's. I didn't want to try straight deathcap. I really would never be comfortable sitting on a large rod or wand midgame unless i was just farming, but kass needs to be roaming midgame imo. the extra HP allows you to do the riskier plays and get away with it. One build i tried was hybrid kass (Muramana + Hextech Gunblade + Sheen + Hexdrinker) and it was obviously when i was fed as all hell and could do stupid shit like that. Someone (i think on here) told me people used to play AD Kass...was that a thing? I do want to briefly (if its just dumb) discuss mejai's on kass because he is one of the champs I would say really fits in with this item between levels 6-10....potentially. its just a matter of making it gold efficient and getting the kills/assists. with kass i think this is not a problem. Some games get passive in the midgame so its a risk -- what kinds of comps would this item be good with and what kinds would it be bad with? Kass was originally released as an AD assassin/melee carry, think Anti-mage from DotA. | ||
United States1788 Posts
On August 26 2013 07:19 iCanada wrote: Kass was originally released as an AD assassin/melee carry, think Anti-mage from DotA. although the 'role' is similar the heroes play out way differently...kassadin doesn't scale with AD or AS nearly as well as AP, whereas AM has insane AGI. | ||
United States12679 Posts
On August 26 2013 07:37 nath wrote: although the 'role' is similar the heroes play out way differently...kassadin doesn't scale with AD or AS nearly as well as AP, whereas AM has insane AGI. AM doesn't have really have insane Agi base/growth. It's more that he has an insane BAT (base attack time) so he scales very well with stats/items. However, AM wasn't always like that; he got buffed relatively recently to get his insane BAT. Long ago, AM used to be considered pretty shit. | ||
13 Posts
1) zed/yasuo both kinda the same. i try either flask+pot start or cloth5 and play lane to not die, so no risky cs and farm under tower most of the time. but both can do much damage early on and can hurt you with their Q's even under tower. I think they almost always are able to get kill on me pre-6 :< i think that let's them snowball and win even harder and make me have little impact on game. kass so weak to AD t_t i know these hard matchups for kass but i want to play better!! i dont have as much problem with talon because he usually can only kill me once he get ult. i try make sure to get seekers before lvl6 and then either archangel or roa then finish zhonya. should i be finish zhonya after seeker or is this okay? am i just bad letting them kill me t_t 2) soraka zzz i know soraka broken now but holy shit what do you even do to her :< since she has such good sustain i think it very hard to trade with her and starcall so good against kass since it makes my passive less good. i think i just totally lost in this matchup. i try farming under tower but that just give soraka freefarm and she get big and have big impact on game and me get less farm. halp pls tl this match i have really no idea | ||
5286 Posts
On May 18 2014 12:00 MrSkyfire wrote: hi tl long time no see. since kassadin nerfed i been able to play some games with him again, makes me very happy. but i have problems with three champions and since tl always good site i hope you can help me :< 1) zed/yasuo both kinda the same. i try either flask+pot start or cloth5 and play lane to not die, so no risky cs and farm under tower most of the time. but both can do much damage early on and can hurt you with their Q's even under tower. I think they almost always are able to get kill on me pre-6 :< i think that let's them snowball and win even harder and make me have little impact on game. kass so weak to AD t_t i know these hard matchups for kass but i want to play better!! i dont have as much problem with talon because he usually can only kill me once he get ult. i try make sure to get seekers before lvl6 and then either archangel or roa then finish zhonya. should i be finish zhonya after seeker or is this okay? am i just bad letting them kill me t_t 2) soraka zzz i know soraka broken now but holy shit what do you even do to her :< since she has such good sustain i think it very hard to trade with her and starcall so good against kass since it makes my passive less good. i think i just totally lost in this matchup. i try farming under tower but that just give soraka freefarm and she get big and have big impact on game and me get less farm. halp pls tl this match i have really no idea Against Zed/Yasuo, you have to gauge how the lane is going. If you can dodge their skillshots (q) and position such that that you can win engages w hen they e, which usually involves staying near tower or having your q and w off cd behind your ranged creeps, then you can play the lane to win. If you're getting chunked, you need to know when to cut your losses and just back. Having ignite usually enables the first playstyle, while teleport really helps with cutting losses from the latter. The playstyle against Soraka is quite similar: if you have a jungler who is looking to gank middle, then you can go for kills early. If not, you will probably again have to cede lane control and look to gank. The biggest difference being you're probably going to be helpless without a jungler, whereas in the former lane it is possible to outskill your opponent and win the lane on your own. One reason why teleport is so strong in solo queue is that it allows you to impact the other lanes very quickly - you should practice abusing that. | ||
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