[Champion] Kassadin - Page 11
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United States2382 Posts
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Switzerland3257 Posts
On July 23 2012 07:50 Arisen wrote: I'm really having problems CSing against some champions mid. Ryze is really difficult for me, and so are champs like cass who can just push my wave and harass me pretty hard. What can I do to LH better as kass early game before I can put a lot of pressure on with R? generally you should really only pick kassadin if either a) you've got a strong jungler and b) you pick him into a lane that works well for him (which is very rare). kassadin has a very weak laneing phase and doesn't win most of them on his own. anything that has poke/sustained damage is basicly undoable except you get a ton of ganks. kassadin is a really good gank assist because of his disables and high base damage combo. that being said do never pick kassadin into a bad lane or into one you don't know while hoping for alot of help from your jungler. Opponents you want to have are generally burst casters and some with dodgeable stuff. you should also be aware of the fact that kassadin needs to get ahead during midgame to be really effective (while for example ryze doesn't because he just needs a certain amount of farm and level for this). There are also alot of champion types you don't want in their team, like a very tanky setup or a massive amount of hard disables (silence counts as well). it's not a surprise that you have problems against cass/ryze because those are typically the lane opponents you don't want. cass is manageable with some gank support and you can shut her down during teamfights as well with enough farm but ryze just gets ridiculous if he is tanky enough and who are you gonna attack in teamfights when there is a ryze? the ad carry? most of the time you cannot and alot of ad carries are very strong vs kassadin. basicly kassadin is a very situational pick. | ||
United States2382 Posts
On July 23 2012 09:11 clickrush wrote: generally you should really only pick kassadin if either a) you've got a strong jungler and b) you pick him into a lane that works well for him (which is very rare). kassadin has a very weak laneing phase and doesn't win most of them on his own. anything that has poke/sustained damage is basicly undoable except you get a ton of ganks. kassadin is a really good gank assist because of his disables and high base damage combo. that being said do never pick kassadin into a bad lane or into one you don't know while hoping for alot of help from your jungler. Opponents you want to have are generally burst casters and some with dodgeable stuff. you should also be aware of the fact that kassadin needs to get ahead during midgame to be really effective (while for example ryze doesn't because he just needs a certain amount of farm and level for this). There are also alot of champion types you don't want in their team, like a very tanky setup or a massive amount of hard disables (silence counts as well). it's not a surprise that you have problems against cass/ryze because those are typically the lane opponents you don't want. cass is manageable with some gank support and you can shut her down during teamfights as well with enough farm but ryze just gets ridiculous if he is tanky enough and who are you gonna attack in teamfights when there is a ryze? the ad carry? most of the time you cannot and alot of ad carries are very strong vs kassadin. basicly kassadin is a very situational pick. ATM im just playing him in normals so If I do have to pick him in a ranked I'm not terrible, so I'm getting a lot of bad MU's it seems. | ||
10417 Posts
10/13/7 with improved summoners and block in the defensive tree Hp5 quints, mpen reds, hp/lv or armor yellows, flat MR/scaling AP blues (depending on mid MU) TESTING AS WE SPEAK WITH DOUBLE FAERIE POTS START | ||
France45622 Posts
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United States545 Posts
On January 24 2013 14:05 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: NECRO INTO THE REALM OF S3 10/13/7 with improved summoners and block in the defensive tree Hp5 quints, mpen reds, hp/lv or armor yellows, flat MR/scaling AP blues (depending on mid MU) TESTING AS WE SPEAK WITH DOUBLE FAERIE POTS START what do you build the 2nd faerie into? | ||
United States13738 Posts
A chalice and a tear for the faeries. | ||
United States20754 Posts
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10417 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
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Canada10567 Posts
On January 25 2013 14:36 Sufficiency wrote: Wait. Tear + Chalice + Rod? That seems a bit of an overkill to me. TBH that is overkill. Tear Roa is good, but in terms of laning, kassadin doesn't really need any more regen than what blue provides, and for fights what matters more for him is mana pool because over the course of a fight, you could stack riftwalk many times before letting it reset. When you're looking at roughly 1k mana spent in 10 seconds, with 500 more a few seconds later, it's a lot better to build a pool so you can keep doing it rather than regen. Chalice/grail lategame is very nice though, because at that point having an extra X00 mana at the end of a fight to cleanup or escape is vital. | ||
Spain1146 Posts
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Noobville17920 Posts
On January 26 2013 07:15 Amui wrote: TBH that is overkill. Tear Roa is good, but in terms of laning, kassadin doesn't really need any more regen than what blue provides, and for fights what matters more for him is mana pool because over the course of a fight, you could stack riftwalk many times before letting it reset. When you're looking at roughly 1k mana spent in 10 seconds, with 500 more a few seconds later, it's a lot better to build a pool so you can keep doing it rather than regen. Chalice/grail lategame is very nice though, because at that point having an extra X00 mana at the end of a fight to cleanup or escape is vital. Yeah its alot better to have a big mana pool than mana regen, like swain and anivia for example | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On January 26 2013 11:33 arb wrote: Yeah its alot better to have a big mana pool than mana regen, like swain and anivia for example Well he is building Archangel's, so mana also scares for him. I'm thinking maybe instead of chalice Kassadin can get a Frozen Fist as a third/fourth item. More mana -> more damage, plus the added survivability and CDR. | ||
United States939 Posts
Kassadin was free last week. Coincidentally, Kassadin was the first champion I ever used. I was feeling nostalgic, so I played him about two dozen times. Some time before or during that orgy of purple goop, I accidentally locked a Twisted Fate when I was supposed to be our team's jungler. I said NO, don't switch your summoners, top lane. I GOT THIS. And I did. The other team actually let me successfully jungle Twisted Fate. I was happy. There is nothing I love more than playing random champions in random roles, even if I'm terrible at it. Then I heard a little click, and visions of Riftwalking Kassadin ganks danced through my head. Fast forward to the last 24 hours. I finally save up enough IP to buy Kassadin, and I jungled him twice. I win one, and it was hilarious. I lose one, and it was also hilarious, if only because we lost to a jungle Fizz. It was magical. I then considered writing a "guide" (more like a vaguely coherent suggestion in the form of expository posting), to inspire others. Luckily, I had the foresight to google "Jungle Kassadin" and one of the first results was a lovely video of Saintvicious playing Jungle Kassadin. Effort avoided. Credibility acquired. Jungle Kassadin, Season 3, by Curse Gaming jungler Saintvicious: ![]() Step one: mind game the opponent with first pick Kassadin [Saintvicious gameplay] THE BASICS Summoner spells: F) Flash D) Smite Note: F is for Flash. This is one thing Saintvicious does wrong in the video. Nobody is perfect. Masteries: + Show Spoiler + ![]() Note: Utility tree not invited. Runes: Seals: flat armor Glyphs: Scaling AP Marks: Hybrid MPen/ArPen Quints: flat AP 13 armor 15 flat AP 28 scaling AP @ lvl 18 5.5 magic penetration 8.1 armor penetration + Show Spoiler + ![]() You should look like this at level 1: + Show Spoiler + ![]() GAMEPLAY Skill order: WQEQ R>Q>E>W Starting items: a) Hunters Machete b) Five pots, your choice. I don't recommend the blue ones. First clear: You can start red or blue. It does not matter. Red might be better because it's scarier, and your teammates can hold your hand. What does matter is the quality of the leash. Smiteless is massively beneficial. The first clear will be rough without help. Clear order [in the video]: wraiths -> red (smiteless) -> blue (level 3 @ 2:53 w/ lackluster smiteless leash) -> wolves -> wraiths -> first back ITEMS - Hunters Machete - Five pots --> Madred's Razors -> Catalyst the Protector - Boots of Speed - Blasting Wand --> Rod of Ages --> Sorcerers Shoes - Blasting Wand - Needlessly Large Rod --> Rabbadon's Deathcap - Blasting Wand - Amplifying Tome --> Void Staff -> Haunting Guise (situational) - Amplifying tome --> Liandry's Torment (situational) Late game situational: -> Abyssal Scepter -> Frozen Heart Note: Saintvicious did very well this game, he had a lot of gold. ![]() CONCLUSIONS Jungle Kassadin haha! ![]() | ||
Pootie too good!4331 Posts
What are you guys doing nowadays? P.S. Anyone have success with the jungle build haha? | ||
France4120 Posts
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Canada11044 Posts
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Canada10567 Posts
Generally I like picking him into either more squishy farmy mids(karthus, tf, lux) or sometimes more vulnerable side lanes(eg. I'd rather be going for a sona cait lane than a graves lulu). | ||
United States1788 Posts
![]() Hey, I am new to the game, I am not even lvl30 yet on my main (23). But I played dota/sc for years. I am trying to get very good with a few champs first so I can learn most optimally. Kassadin is definitely my best and most played champion overall. I haven't played vs a good Viktor, usually i can survive til 6 and then get favorable trades with REQ, forcing a kill or back before 8. Then i push lane and go gank bottom. This korean Viktor fucking wrecked me pre-6 and even 6-8 (although its due to the former obviously). Outplayed me so hard, although I think my tactics were only slightly off. I usually R+E+Q so i get max damage from pulse (it does more closer up) but his stun got me pretty bad (I assumed he would level laser so i thought i could eat the stun and use the extra AS to kill him...I was horribly wrong...he only had <200 (being generous) hp after my full combo sometimes but killed me). We knew he was korean so my jungler even helped me a lot. he still destroyed mid. My thought is to instead rift where he doesnt expect (putting Viktor into my list of champs where R is used for zoning rather than damage), lowering my nuke damage a tiny bit (for AP's i do like to land close enough to damage them even if its not super predictable exactly where around them I am, the damage i take as a result is usually worth the damage they take from rift even at lvl1 rift). Then IMMEDIATELY Q, lowering my nuke even more (so E doesn't do full damage if he moves back, which he will)...before he can set up his stun field...then E+auto+go back/dodge laser if i can get him mid-range E. or wait to use E next poke. when i dont E i am trying to bait out a defensive stun which seemed to be his go-to for catching me...offensive stun is easy to dodge. Itemwise, I started faerie + 5 + 1 + ward. On first back i could only afford crystals not recipe for catalyst. in this scenario should i get blue crystal + 400g MR item instead? Catalyst is so crucial to my Kass between 6-10 i dont know if i can really afford to delay it but its a thought. also what if i tried to go 4/2 or 3/3 on the potions and spam Q at lvl3 and 5? Midgame i went full MR tank mode and ended up 10/9/8, but we lost and viktor was like 19/4/xx lol. Appreciate any help or thoughts, didnt mean to be rambly. Due to the detail of my post I'd politely ask that only people who know Kass well respond to the details but if anyone wants to drop helpful knowledge its always appreciated ![]() | ||
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