[Champion] Kassadin - Page 10
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United States2716 Posts
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United States2405 Posts
![]() But I will share some good info I've found: 2 days ago The Rain Man posted a Kassadin Guide. Check it out, it has tons of useful info. He's a very high-level player, and this guide is currently fully up-to-date, so it should be mandatory reading for any Kass player. Kassadin is a burst anti-AP-carry champ. He sucks in early laning phase due to him being melee, but once you get to level 6 he becomes a ganking machine. Then once he gets Rabadon's he starts dishing out serious burst damage. Watch the video in Rain Man's guide, it shows his bread-and-butter combo: R on top of the opponent -> Q -> E. If you are 1v1, activate W and try to kill, otherwise back off until your spells are ready again. If you have enough mana, R again immediately for a 2nd combo, only this time with increased damage. Kass is really good at avoiding ganks once he gets level 6 as well, since rift-walk can be used defensively. One thing that Rain Man's guide doesn't mention that I think should be part of Kass' item build is Lich Bane. His RQE combo silences, slows, and puts you right next to the opponent. This is the absolute perfect setup to proc Lich Bane. The hardest part of playing Kassadin is his early laning phase. It's hard to farm properly when you're a mana-reliant melee champ in mid, but his W makes it easier to last hit and helps him out with mana problems. You just have to learn to survive harass. Edit: after playing a bunch more with Kass, I've changed my mind on Lich Bane. You won't get hardly any opportunities to get within melee range in late-game teamfights. Every time I've tried to use Riftwalk for damage in a teamfight I get cc'd and bursted instantly. | ||
United States12679 Posts
Some people get 2drings into Dcap, then other AP items. Personally, I feel that Cata/RoA into Dcap is superior. My reasoning: Kassadin doesn't need so much mana regen as he does a big mana pool. Your spells, especially Rift, build up in cost extremely fast. As a result, you absolutely need a large mana pool to buffer your spellcasts. Not only that, but Kassadin tends to get rather close to the enemy, so he'll need a nice HP buffer and RoA provides a much better stats buffer than Dring stack. The sustain you get from Cata/RoA is also invaluable. Some people get a Tear and/or Philo; they can be useful, but I personally think they delay your damage too much to be worth it. Generally good items (outside of your RoA/Dcap core) include (in order of usefulness) Void staff, Zhonyas (QSS), WotA, DFG/Rylais. Void staff is core when they stack MR; Zhonyas (and QSS) can buy you precious seconds for your Riftwalk to come off cd or the stacks to reset. WotA can be very helpful, but generally the spellvamp won't do that much for you; that said, it's a relatively cheap item for a very healthy chunk of AP and the aura is always nice. DFG improves your burst and gives cdr/mana regen but it's not really that good overall and should only be picked up situationally. Rylais can be nice, but the slow is kinda wasted considering your E already has a massive slow. I see some people suggesting Lichbane, but even though you do get close to the enemy, you really aren't and shouldn't be melee-ing them 'cause you're still a relatively squishy AP champ. For boots, you want Sorc or CDR. After the CD nerfs on his ult, cdr is increasingly important for Kass. If you can get away with not needing the cdr from boots (cause you hog blue like a boss and/or you're chugging elixirs) or are dominating the game then go for Sorc. I usually end games as Kass with Boots, RoA, Dcap, Void and sometimes Zhonyas/QSS/WotA. Playstyle is mostly be extremely safe from lvls 1-5. At lvl 3, you can start trying to harass with your Q, but after the range nerfs it's a lot harder to do it safely and well. It's okay to be zoned and lose tons of cs as Kassadin in the early levels; in fact if you're not being zoned, the other guy's probably doing it wrong. Once you hit 6 use Riftwalk in and Q them in the face, use E if it's up as well. Then back off. Wait for the Rift stack cd to go away, then repeat. If you don't let the Riftwalk stack go away you'l end up chunking ur mana extremely fast and it'll be very inefficient. Also, play mindgames with your Riftwalk. Additionally, MAKE SURE YOU GANK. Kassadin has godly ganks. Harass your opponent out of lane then go gank bot/top/help invade jungle. Your ulti lets you avoid wards like a boss. Take advantage of it. Ganking is especially important if you're facing a tough lane. A lot of champions need to play very safe, tower hug, and damage control when losing their lane. Kassadin says fuck that and deals with losing his lane by ganking the crap out of the sidelanes. His base damages are quite high for the early/mid game. Often, especially at lower elos, a completely denied Kassadin can still carry and turn the game around by getting a ton of successful ganks off. Start with boots3 and take Flash/Ignite. That said, Flash/Teleport can have some very hilarious albeit gimmicky results; ie. build up a insane amount of Riftwalk stacks in fountain, teleport to fight, Rift onto enemy team for 50%+ of their health. EDIT: Also, in teamfights, use your Riftwalk as a positioning tool, not damage. You are squishy and will be cc'd and blown up if you Rift in too close. It's best to Rift to the sides of the fight and pick on exposed targets. Knowing how to flank properly is very important with Kassadin. You want to play Kassadin as a vulture going for easy pickings. There are other playstyles, but imo this is the more efficient and easiest way to play Kass. | ||
United States11761 Posts
[23:25] <Seki> http://i.imgur.com/09fnf.jpg [23:25] <Seki> gragas fucking trashtalked me [23:25] <Seki> after i died once [23:25] <Seki> frozen heart and QSS lol [23:25] <Seki> they couldn't do jack [23:26] <Seki> cuz their cait got sooooooo fat [23:26] <Seki> but i was like fuck that shit [23:26] <Seki> GRAGAS TRASHTALKED ME Tank Kass has worked fine for the past 6 months. Edit: I forgot the guide isn't tank Kass anymore.. PStone -> Cata -> RoA -> Cata -> RoA -> w/e usually a Void but more survival is always > damage. GLHF Edit2: Standard treads vs tabi btw. Just be smart about it and base it off whatever defensive item you might get first/who's fat on the other team. | ||
United States2716 Posts
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United States1723 Posts
On March 29 2012 13:30 nosliw wrote: RoA stacks? RoQ always stacked but I wouldn't recommend it though. | ||
United States11761 Posts
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United States2405 Posts
After some deliberation, I think DFG would be better than Lich Bane. Kass makes good use of all of the stats, more opportunities to use the active late-game compared to Lich Bane, and together with blue buff + masteries gets him to 39% CDR. It's also 860g cheaper than Lich Bane. Lastly, I think the intermediate items for DFG help Kass a lot more than the ones for Lich Bane. I haven't played with him enough to try for other 6th items like Zhonya's, QSS, Abyssal, WotA, or Rylai's. I will try them to see, but I don't think WotA or Rylai's are worth it. You should have plenty of health/mana/CDR by late-game, and you already have a slow, so Rylai's isn't worth it. WotA is nice if you have another AP champ and you go double-WotA, but I feel the other items are better. Zhonya's for when they stack AD, QSS for when they stack cc, Abyssal for when they stack AP. If they aren't stacking anything, probably go for abyssal anyway (unless someone else has it) or possibly archangel's staff (with 2k+ mana you get over 100 AP from AA). | ||
United States17233 Posts
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Canada929 Posts
6 item kass should basically be: RoA, sorc shoes, deathcap, zhonyas/void staff (prioritize whichever depending on how much mr enemy team has by this point), banshees if you're playing kassadin correctly though, the game should be over around the time you get your deathcap or voidstaff | ||
United States690 Posts
On April 01 2012 04:50 DURRHURRDERP wrote: idk why you guys think lich bane and dfg are good on kassadin, the mana regen/cdr for dfg are wasted since you're getting every blue (and if you don't get blue it won't help much outside of lane); likewise you shouldn't need lich bane's extra melee dmg to kill anyone (also quite a waste since you're rarely going to be doing auto attacks unless you're chasing a super low runner in which case it won't take many AAs to kill anyway). 6 item kass should basically be: RoA, sorc shoes, deathcap, zhonyas/void staff (prioritize whichever depending on how much mr enemy team has by this point), banshees if you're playing kassadin correctly though, the game should be over around the time you get your deathcap or voidstaff DFG sounds too situational, if you are dealing with 3+ high HP team comps. The way I see it with Lich Bane, if you can close in to auto an enemy as Kassadin, you already won. In team fights, if you try that it will get you killed by the CC and the only great way to proc it is Rift, which you need for escaping and position. Movespeed isn't super useful either (never really bad though) since you have Rift. | ||
France45622 Posts
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Canada929 Posts
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United States2405 Posts
On April 02 2012 00:08 DURRHURRDERP wrote: Normal combo in lane is R close enough to E+Q then walk away (rinse/repeat). Yes, and always Q first so that they can't retaliate or use summoners against you. Also with the slow from E you can almost always W for at least 1 aa before they get away. On April 01 2012 04:50 DURRHURRDERP wrote: idk why you guys think lich bane and dfg are good on kassadin, the mana regen/cdr for dfg are wasted since you're getting every blue (and if you don't get blue it won't help much outside of lane); likewise you shouldn't need lich bane's extra melee dmg to kill anyone (also quite a waste since you're rarely going to be doing auto attacks unless you're chasing a super low runner in which case it won't take many AAs to kill anyway). 6 item kass should basically be: RoA, sorc shoes, deathcap, zhonyas/void staff (prioritize whichever depending on how much mr enemy team has by this point), banshees if you're playing kassadin correctly though, the game should be over around the time you get your deathcap or voidstaff I don't like Lich Bane either, but I disagree about DFG, in general mana regen is always good on Kass due to the fact that he can quickly deplete his mana if you stack riftwalk. As for the CDR, it's not wasted: -20% CDR from blue -4% CDR from 4 points in the Sorcery mastery (standard for AP champs including Kass) -15% CDR from DFG That's 39% total. So the CDR is never wasted unless you do something other than 21/X/X. I don't think banshee's is very good on Kass. You already have flash + riftwalk + zhonya's/QSS, you don't need a 4th escape. And you should already have plenty of health/mana from earlier RoA. MR could be a concern, but if you want an item that gives MR + other useful stats, Abyssal Scepter is a much better option for Kass. | ||
Canada929 Posts
if they get to low to like 40% then u can go in combo them and auto them etc | ||
United States2405 Posts
On April 02 2012 01:50 DURRHURRDERP wrote: ? you want them to get away when you're using that combo because u trade dmg for nothing if they get to low to like 40% then u can go in combo them and auto them etc for melee i guess. But against ranged champs you will take an autoattack whether or not you use W. So you might as well use W. | ||
Canada929 Posts
kassadin is terrible in lane <6 but once you have ult+blue you should be easily laying the hurt on people with just your RQE combo + taking like 0 harass, if they auto you you just traded QE dmg for 1 auto, if you stay to try to W + auto yourself you run the risk of eating a full combo in the face with your RQE on cooldown | ||
United States5491 Posts
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Singapore5741 Posts
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Canada6208 Posts
Most of the time you'll hit 6 with half the CS of your opponent in lane. That's not a problem. You have to make up for it by farming champions, both in your lane and top/bottom. | ||
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