On March 20 2012 05:00 Mogwai wrote: I'm not yet familiar with the new item, so I can't really comment except that I rarely build hexdrinker out of the jungle and think that jungling is J4's only really viable place on a team at the moment, and as such, I doubt it will be useful on him.
Correct me if I am wrong but I believe a fairly standard jungle Jarvan build right now is wriggles -> hog -> phage/aegis -> the other item -> mallet -> Atmas. I don't think Hexdrinker would be a good item out of the jungle as well unless the enemy team has really strong magic team comp, but after you have wriggles/mallet/atmas and you want bit more dps. Would going hexdrinker -> MoM be a decent alternative or would brut into GB remain superior?
Of course this is all pure theorycrafting because the patch has not hit yet, is just for the funzies until Tuesday.
That and I felt like posting something constructive.
Top lane I have been doing VERY GOOD
boots + 3 hp. If I need super sustain asap, philo stone. If not, wriggles. Then i work my way to giants belt, finish boots, frozen mallet, atma, wits end. Then I like to use a black cleaver. I then sell wriggles for something else if it gets that far.
Works out VERY well!!
Even after reading this guide I can't decide, top or jungle? somebody help!
On March 20 2012 05:14 warscythes wrote:Show nested quote +On March 20 2012 05:00 Mogwai wrote: I'm not yet familiar with the new item, so I can't really comment except that I rarely build hexdrinker out of the jungle and think that jungling is J4's only really viable place on a team at the moment, and as such, I doubt it will be useful on him. Correct me if I am wrong but I believe a fairly standard jungle Jarvan build right now is wriggles -> hog -> phage/aegis -> the other item -> mallet -> Atmas. I don't think Hexdrinker would be a good item out of the jungle as well unless the enemy team has really strong magic team comp, but after you have wriggles/mallet/atmas and you want bit more dps. Would going hexdrinker -> MoM be a decent alternative or would brut into GB remain superior? Of course this is all pure theorycrafting because the patch has not hit yet, is just for the funzies until Tuesday. That and I felt like posting something constructive. My standard is regrowth -> philo + hog + boots -> wriggle's -> aegis + phage -> atma's + mallet -> omen
You don't really need more DPS than this. More is typically excessive, especially since you really can't fund more than that out of the jungle.
On March 20 2012 05:17 Morphx2 wrote: Top lane I have been doing VERY GOOD
boots + 3 hp. If I need super sustain asap, philo stone. If not, wriggles. Then i work my way to giants belt, finish boots, frozen mallet, atma, wits end. Then I like to use a black cleaver. I then sell wriggles for something else if it gets that far.
Works out VERY well!!
philo doesn't really give you a lot of sustain. it won't do much of anything vs. high sustain champs like irelia/ww/udyr/yorick. also, if you're rushing mallet, you should usually be getting your phage first. also wit's has pretty bad synergy with J4's kit. It can work, but I've found that Hexdrinker is a better item than Wit's on J4 generally speaking.
On March 20 2012 05:26 RaiD.RaynoR wrote: Even after reading this guide I can't decide, top or jungle? somebody help! Depends on your level. If you're playing like, sub 1500, I'd say top is more fun, but once you get a little higher up, his jungle is much more effective than his top lane except for a few choice matchups.
smash have you tried any Jarvan leona bot lane? My friend and I have been messing around with it lately and I was wondering if you could give me some tips on how I should build/play in that lane
uh, cloth -> ninja tabi + 0-2 dblades -> wriggle's -> brutalizer, blow people up in 1 combo.
I've been playing Jarvan/Alistar bot and I like to go boots 3 get a double kill at level 2 and then bruta into bloodthirster
http://www.solomid.net/guides.php?g=21480 Jarvan guide from Plazmuh, I think the only guy above 2k in EUW who mains jarvan. Some interesting things in the guide, such as saying akali is a hard lane and I thought smash said he counters her.
uhh, I typically have said that Jarman vs. Akali is a snowbally lane in either direction and I'm going to stick to that. I think you can do well with a heavy MRes runepage + 21 offensive spec, but the lane always seems to get decided really quickly one way or the other.
Also that guide errors out for me .
United States37500 Posts
Loads fine for me. Try again later. Am curious to see what you think of another J4 player's style.
It's a good guide, I agree with most of it, though I run 1 resist quint with 2 regen as opposed to the 3 regen and I build aegis a lot and omen not enough. I disagree with some of the matchups, like, akali is so far from being worse than ww and udyr it's absurd and Irelia's pretty easy with the sustain nerf IMO, but most of the things in there are similar to my build and needless to say I agree with them.
Though I disagree strongly with the E vs. Q leveling stuff in there. Q first, always, unless you're not even going after them with your combo. Q's just better for the combo damage and it's cd goes down.
Smash you still playing Jarman? Almost forgot about him myself, but he's still so much fun. Any new things you'd do different top atm?
Popular in Korea for some reason.
On June 13 2012 18:18 HughMyron wrote: Popular in Korea for some reason.
He's manly. 'nuf said.
How do they build him atm? :>
On June 13 2012 17:47 r.Evo wrote: Smash you still playing Jarman? Almost forgot about him myself, but he's still so much fun. Any new things you'd do different top atm? I only play him out of the jungle right now really. it might be worth considering him top again soon, but there are still too many matchups that I can never see him winning to really play him a lot.
Do you max E or Q in jungle first? Always maxed E for more aoe dmg but would appreciate input from people who play him regularly.
Q... for AoE damage.
Q does higher AoE Damage, there isn't a single jungle camp where it's difficult to hit them all with your Q and it does higher damage on a lower CD and reduces their armor for your subsequent auto attacks.
so... support jarvan. is it just ppl don't know wtf to do against me or is it actually legitimate?
seems to play like a leona lane only you actually have poke and have a reliable way to escape ganks. Trade off some of the lockdown for much more utility and better lategame presence. Defensively its better because the combo has much better mobility and is an aoe, instead of leona's reliance on zenith blade to be anywhere and single stun. Offensively leona stuns for longer and does a little more damage.
In lane the full combo does good damage and is easily repeatable, plus you won't take much damage at all due to flag armor and shield. ult is great for commiting or for saving your own carry.
His ult is an amazing peel for your carry, better than anivia wall cause it's not as positioning dependant. really helps stop the other team from diving hard. Flag is a substantial passive buff, spear really helps chuck down the high armor bruisers, and knockups are relatively low CD.
Basically, you can do tons of annoying/helpful things both offensively and defensively, and none of it requires more farm than gp5 items and maybe an aegis.
I really don't know if I'm just talking myself into it or if it actually works well =X
You don't have better utility or lategame presence. You do zero damage and die instantly without items. You can flag pole someone and/or ult someone, then you have to immediately flash away.
Alistar and Leona both have significantly more utility and durability. I doubt the damage numbers vary much. Jarvan heavily relies AD items for damage.
You don't have "poke" either since walking out to Q should get you shot in the face repeatedly.
In short: your success as Jarvan support is almost certainly the result of your enemies misplaying the lane.