[Champion] Jarman the Fourth (aka Jarvan ok) - Page 32
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United States8298 Posts
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Canada3353 Posts
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United States13738 Posts
Try eing when you're at the camp and then qing a few seconds later to make more use of your flag's passive? | ||
297 Posts
![]() Anyways, J4 is pretty much a single-target Razor jungler with a bit of AoE, so this patch is pretty much an indirect buff to him. J4 players rejoice! | ||
United States35091 Posts
'Macia. | ||
Adun Toridas!9144 Posts
- Better mana sustain for extended ganking/farming. Sometimes I get 3 ganks in a row in between farming wolves and wraiths because the enemy team doesn't ward correctly and is overaggressive - Better build options for carrying your team. If you need huge early presence you can go mobo boots and then get tank stone for the tenacity. If you're snowballing AD stone is really strong along with Bruta for maxed CDR with blue = always ult always gank - Higher up front damage on ganks. If you're building madreds you need to go E>Q unless you want to spend 4 years sitting at wraiths since you don't have the mana sustain to Q twice, whereas spirit stone allows Q>E for better AoE clearing. More importantly, in a gank if you aren't landing your Q you're doing something wrong (unless flash EQ ult for gapclosing to killsteal l0l) but you may not always be able to land E if they're moving sideways and you want to guarantee the knockup. Q also has higher base damage and the armor shred makes your next AA+Pasive hit harder. The final thing is you can itemize AD only and the 2nd clear after first buy won't be painful whereas without AS runes you don't have enough ranks in E to make clearing really smooth on madreds Madreds is better for is dragon control around the 8-14 min window. With spirit stone if you get a successful gank bot in that time usually you don't have the damage to take dragon (whereas after that you will have enough pts in E/other items/ADC has more item). Madreds is probably superior in arranged play because you have much better coordination. | ||
United States23745 Posts
On February 17 2013 12:54 xes wrote: I prefer opening spirit stone in soloq (1250-1350, however I've played a lot of games of J4 and also done customs testing out madreds vs stone extensively) for a couple reasons: - Better mana sustain for extended ganking/farming. Sometimes I get 3 ganks in a row in between farming wolves and wraiths because the enemy team doesn't ward correctly and is overaggressive - Better build options for carrying your team. If you need huge early presence you can go mobo boots and then get tank stone for the tenacity. If you're snowballing AD stone is really strong along with Bruta for maxed CDR with blue = always ult always gank - Higher up front damage on ganks. If you're building madreds you need to go E>Q unless you want to spend 4 years sitting at wraiths since you don't have the mana sustain to Q twice, whereas spirit stone allows Q>E for better AoE clearing. More importantly, in a gank if you aren't landing your Q you're doing something wrong (unless flash EQ ult for gapclosing to killsteal l0l) but you may not always be able to land E if they're moving sideways and you want to guarantee the knockup. Q also has higher base damage and the armor shred makes your next AA+Pasive hit harder. The final thing is you can itemize AD only and the 2nd clear after first buy won't be painful whereas without AS runes you don't have enough ranks in E to make clearing really smooth on madreds Madreds is better for is dragon control around the 8-14 min window. With spirit stone if you get a successful gank bot in that time usually you don't have the damage to take dragon (whereas after that you will have enough pts in E/other items/ADC has more item). Madreds is probably superior in arranged play because you have much better coordination. I might have to try something like this in soloq. I've been doing the standard tanky build so of course it relies heavily on my teammates. The tanky build has been working out fairly well, but I'm certainly interested in testing out a more damage based build. | ||
Canada2131 Posts
Normal build: Masteries: 9/21 if exhaust or 9/20/1 if taking flash Runes Arpen/AD Reds Ar Yellows Flat/MR Blues AD/Attkspeed Quints/Armor Quints/MS depending on Lane and Jungle matchups (ex Armor Quints on AD Mid/Top or Top/Jungle, MS Quints vs someone who uses MS Quints mid or top ie Ryze/Vlad) R>Q>E>W If normal game where farming and kinda even I build tanky machete 5->madreds/boots-> wriggles/locket components--> Giants belt item for HP or MR as I can afford J4 is a heavy auto attacker in jungle and during ganks. AD/Attk speed helps clear, Arpen makes your Q/E --> R combo hurt more. Pretty much you have to build tanky because you are jungling, and you don't have enough farm comparable to a solo lane to build the expensive damage items that makes J4 a burst monster from mid/top. So you build tanky to survive your E/Q combo and the Ult that brings you directly into the teamfight, often surrounded by 3+ enemies. My fun J4 item build when super, super fed as a jungler (you got 4-5+ kills on lanes). Since your solo laners didn't get kill gold, you need to build the WTF burst dmg J4 can bring if you get super, super fed during your first ganks. Items: Machete5-->Brutalizer/Boots-->Kindlegem+Vamp sceptre+boots2--> Hydra. Tanky stuff as appropriate after (locket, SV, etc) The hp regen from Tiamat actually keeps you nice and healthy in the jungle. In addition, the active from Tiamat and Hydra allows you do clear camps very quickly while conserving mana for ganking lanes. Q into Tiamat/Hydra active will kill most small camps very quickly with the Q armor reduction. If you ever E/Q and then trap 2+ people in your R, you will be doing WTF aoe damage pretty quickly. I'd like to add a BC to the items, but I rarely can afford Brut/hydra/Boots2/Locket or Belt when fed, i'd rather use that 1188 gold to finish the locket (970 with kindlegem+bead) or get the Belt (1000). E/Q/R Hydra active will melt anyone within your ult. Super fun, but pretty hard to get to as a jungler This is only when fed, like, really, really fed and the gold distribution means you need to do damage for the team. | ||
United States13274 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
Also, when jungling, I have been completely skipping damage items (going for Bulwark/Locket as my main items), but I feel like I'm not contributing as much. Should I grab a Bruta at some point in there? | ||
United States35091 Posts
On February 27 2013 01:27 Requizen wrote: So I know a lot of people stop at Razor, but I feel like if you're clearing at all, Wriggle's feels a lot stronger and you're not quite as low when going to gank. Or is it just better to stock up on potions to keep yourself healthy? I just feel like Wriggle's offers a lot and is just skipped too often. Also, when jungling, I have been completely skipping damage items (going for Bulwark/Locket as my main items), but I feel like I'm not contributing as much. Should I grab a Bruta at some point in there? I guess getting Wriggles would be okay if you start out well, everything is play by ear honestly. | ||
United States47024 Posts
On February 27 2013 01:27 Requizen wrote: So I know a lot of people stop at Razor, but I feel like if you're clearing at all, Wriggle's feels a lot stronger and you're not quite as low when going to gank. Or is it just better to stock up on potions to keep yourself healthy? I just feel like Wriggle's offers a lot and is just skipped too often. Also, when jungling, I have been completely skipping damage items (going for Bulwark/Locket as my main items), but I feel like I'm not contributing as much. Should I grab a Bruta at some point in there? Razor+Spirit is better than finished Wriggle's. | ||
Australia2003 Posts
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United States10467 Posts
On February 27 2013 01:38 TheYango wrote: Razor+Spirit is better than finished Wriggle's. I feel razor and spirit are equal to wriggles on most junglers in just about every way. Exceptions being junglers with exceptional attack speed or no mana. The first item combo is 200 gold cheaper but that's made up for by free wards. I just like finishing all the items I start. Less slots taken up. I won't sell madreds. I know madreds sells for only a loss of 210 gold, but I'm not buying red pots and losing 210 gold. About the only thing I'm willing to buy at a loss for 200+ gold is doran's blade for 6 more health pots. And most games are decided before I have to sell the dorans. If I built a ton of early game items that don't scale like catalyst and sheen, and started winning the game, but then had to sell them or upgrade them into items I didn't need, then I'd start throwing games where I were winning. I don't think it's as big of a deal to sell Doran's blades. | ||
United States247 Posts
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Denmark434 Posts
On February 27 2013 19:08 1godless wrote: Are people still maxing q in jungle? I just feel like e is super safe, less mana and more armor for higher health. Plus with the buffed madreds (compared to season 2) the atspd bonus becomes much more desirable. Not to mention the actual mobility part of your combo relies on your e cd not your q (yes smash says different in the op, but in terms of actually running away or getting a second knock up during a chase). What do you guys max? I go R>E>Q>W with 1 pt of w at 4 for ganks. I think maxing E first is a no-brainer. The benefits are HUGE. Additional AS and Armor for you and your allies is just priceless. | ||
United States247 Posts
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United States35091 Posts
On February 28 2013 02:07 1godless wrote: That's what I would think, but all the guides, including this op say otherwise... OP is also close to 2 years old, last updated close to a year ago. | ||
United States109 Posts
spirit stone boots brutal giants belt lizard weapon sunfire cape after that finish yours tabi or mercs, then work on warmogs/randuins/visage and finish off ur cleaver. seems like with this item build i've been able to carry very hard | ||
United States1898 Posts
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