sry didnt read the entire thread
[Champion] Alistar - Page 6
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Indonesia2978 Posts
sry didnt read the entire thread | ||
China491 Posts
tear of godess frozen heart's shield thing, 15% CDR red orb thing, 10% CDR With the 2 sources of CDR i get the full 40% damage (i scrape together 15% more with runes and masteries) reduction in battle. Now I proceed to build my AP items. I think it is very very powerful build as it is vital you get 2 cycles of headbutt/stun during a team fight. I tend to max Q and E while ignoring W beyond lvl 1. I understand W does insane dmg but I really enjoy the farming power with trample along with pulv. To farm massive amount of creep you do this combo: E, then walk around a little with trample Q ALl the creeps should turn into gold. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ That aside, today for the first time I tried roaming alistar.... ![]() oh yeahh... oh yeah btw for summoner spell I run clarvoyance and flash | ||
Latvia252 Posts
I like to play my Cow as tank / disruptor with 40% CDR as in my ELO games 4x squishy is not a oddity and I try my best to keep them all alive …. Sumoners skills : same as OP's . Flash -> Q -> W -> Tower = WIN Masteries : same as OP's , CDR is a must and run speed helps a lot to position . 15% reduced Flash/Ghost decided many unforeseen encounters. Runes : Reds: Armour Pen // Yellows: HP/ lvl // Blues:Mres/ lvl // Quints: 2 flat HP 1 Speed . Thought about MP/5 , but philo stone solved all my probs . Item Build : 1. Open mana crystal + 2 HP pots I dislike to play Cow with small mana pool …. I want to be able to cast Q -> W -> E at LV3 2. B back to get philo stone Hp regen is nice / mp regen lets you spam E and keep both you and ally in lane / gold is cake 3. Boots -> Mercs/Mobility If team is doing good I get mobility to run around and set up ganks for team // if bad I go straight for mercs to prepare for long game. I don't get CDR boots as at start lvl's CD's are terrible even with 15% boost and by lvl18 I have 40% with other items. 4.Build mana crystal into Glacial shroud Mana , armor , CDR all perfect for Cow 5.Health crystal into Kindle Gem Hp works well with Cow's ult and CDR is core of my build 6.Negatron cloack Great boost to Mres and builds later in FoN ( If game goes on so long ) 7. Warmogs Hp works great with ult and saves me often as im quite reckless 8. This is how far I get in average game with most gold coming from assists . If game goes on I get Frozen H / FoN / Soul shroud Skills R>E>Q>W Exception LV1 I take Q and LV2 W , thou sometimes I even open with W as some ppl are so reckless they come next to your tower to taunt you and Cow responds with flash W into tower /creeps , works especially great if you ally has LV1 stun. Rest of the game I rely on E + philo stone to keep me going till 10+ Lvl , as Q/W have crazy CD until maxed and I'm not doing AP Cow anyways . Play style Reckless , rush in enemy team or flash in then Q - > W some1 towards your team . If they pick a fight with cow -> R and either engage if your team successfully killed player you W'd to them or pop Ghost and run . If your team is caught out of position and low Hp , command all to run and stay behind with R and Q/W all who try to follow your team. Normal 5v5 try to Q as many as possible at once and then W some1 over forest or ledge to make it 4v5 Summary : Tank cow with 40% CDR , immortal with R , hard to kill without R, Low dmg , annoying as hell with Q/W on 40% CD and lets your team to pew pew enemy. Looking forward your opinions . Made this post during work so it's a bit mess ![]() | ||
Sweden5901 Posts
reg pendant > 1 - 2 philos, boots > sheen, > deathcap > sorc boots > lichbane > GG. Insert more magic pen or defensive items if the game isn't over yet: Void/FoN/GA/BV | ||
United States13274 Posts
On May 27 2011 00:31 Senx wrote: Solo AP ali still very viable after patch, beats anyone except morde but he'd need to perma push the lane which basicly allows you to kill him non stop with jungle ganks anyway. reg pendant > 1 - 2 philos, boots > sheen, > deathcap > sorc boots > lichbane > GG. Insert more magic pen or defensive items if the game isn't over yet: Void/FoN/GA/BV the problem is that you no longer scale like an AP carry so you're not gonna be 1 shotting squishies anymore and when that's the case it's hard to justify a solo on him. | ||
Sweden5901 Posts
On May 27 2011 00:36 Mogwai wrote: the problem is that you no longer scale like an AP carry so you're not gonna be 1 shotting squishies anymore and when that's the case it's hard to justify a solo on him. hmm I didnt have any issues destroying the enemy teams carries in a lategame ranked yesterday, 1 combo often got em down to 30-40% hp and then my teammates would finish em off or i'd do it myself once CDs were off. You're still doing insane burst damage and heavy CC in team fights, you're also unkillable since your ult is often up every team fight. Seriously.. Alistar has to be one of the very best team fighters in the game. How could you not take advantage of that and make him hurt as much as possible by giving him more farm? Otherwise he's "just" a stun bot ![]() | ||
China491 Posts
On May 26 2011 23:39 NightWalks wrote: Hi all // Been reading your forum a while and like the way things get discussed so would like to give my thoughts on THE Cow and hear opinions . I like to play my Cow as tank / disruptor with 40% CDR as in my ELO games 4x squishy is not a oddity and I try my best to keep them all alive …. Sumoners skills : same as OP's . Flash -> Q -> W -> Tower = WIN Masteries : same as OP's , CDR is a must and run speed helps a lot to position . 15% reduced Flash/Ghost decided many unforeseen encounters. Runes : Reds: Armour Pen // Yellows: HP/ lvl // Blues:Mres/ lvl // Quints: 2 flat HP 1 Speed . Thought about MP/5 , but philo stone solved all my probs . Item Build : 1. Open mana crystal + 2 HP pots I dislike to play Cow with small mana pool …. I want to be able to cast Q -> W -> E at LV3 2. B back to get philo stone Hp regen is nice / mp regen lets you spam E and keep both you and ally in lane / gold is cake 3. Boots -> Mercs/Mobility If team is doing good I get mobility to run around and set up ganks for team // if bad I go straight for mercs to prepare for long game. I don't get CDR boots as at start lvl's CD's are terrible even with 15% boost and by lvl18 I have 40% with other items. 4.Build mana crystal into Glacial shroud Mana , armor , CDR all perfect for Cow 5.Health crystal into Kindle Gem Hp works well with Cow's ult and CDR is core of my build 6.Negatron cloack Great boost to Mres and builds later in FoN ( If game goes on so long ) 7. Warmogs Hp works great with ult and saves me often as im quite reckless 8. This is how far I get in average game with most gold coming from assists . If game goes on I get Frozen H / FoN / Soul shroud Skills R>E>Q>W Exception LV1 I take Q and LV2 W , thou sometimes I even open with W as some ppl are so reckless they come next to your tower to taunt you and Cow responds with flash W into tower /creeps , works especially great if you ally has LV1 stun. Rest of the game I rely on E + philo stone to keep me going till 10+ Lvl , as Q/W have crazy CD until maxed and I'm not doing AP Cow anyways . Play style Reckless , rush in enemy team or flash in then Q - > W some1 towards your team . If they pick a fight with cow -> R and either engage if your team successfully killed player you W'd to them or pop Ghost and run . If your team is caught out of position and low Hp , command all to run and stay behind with R and Q/W all who try to follow your team. Normal 5v5 try to Q as many as possible at once and then W some1 over forest or ledge to make it 4v5 Summary : Tank cow with 40% CDR , immortal with R , hard to kill without R, Low dmg , annoying as hell with Q/W on 40% CD and lets your team to pew pew enemy. Looking forward your opinions . Made this post during work so it's a bit mess ![]() basically the same idea I'm doing as well. Is it a bad idea to get CDR runes? I'm over-shooting the CDR... I am capped 40% at kindlegem and glacial shround... | ||
Latvia252 Posts
basically the same idea I'm doing as well. Is it a bad idea to get CDR runes? I'm over-shooting the CDR... I am capped 40% at kindlegem and glacial shround... Glacial 15% + Kindle 10% + aprox 6% Runes + 6% utility = 37% You would cap with FrozenH 20% Alistars starting CD's are crazy and no CDR will help agsint that , also you prefere sheen + extra mana with tear so by time you start to build CDR you are lv12+ . Thus if you want CDR runes go for per lvl ones. Question to all AP alistar fans : What do you do during teamfight after Q/W ? Why being stunbot isn't popular ? IMO , 40% CDR 150/150 Arm/Mres Alistar can toss the enemy team arround whole teamfight while chars like Annie , Brand , Ashe deal the real damage. It's more usefull then 1000Q 800W 200 auto attack ( unmitigated ) and then stand 6+ sec ...... | ||
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
On May 31 2011 00:03 NightWalks wrote: IMO , 40% CDR 150/150 Arm/Mres Alistar can toss the enemy team arround whole teamfight while chars like Annie , Brand , Ashe deal the real damage. It's more usefull then 1000Q 800W 200 auto attack ( unmitigated ) and then stand 6+ sec ...... That 2000 damage straight up pretty much insta-gibs a squishy carry straight up and with your ult you're still tanky. A dead carry straight away is a better outcome than a carry that gets CC-ed but is still alive. It also makes your harass scary in lane. | ||
Latvia252 Posts
That 2000 damage straight up pretty much insta-gibs a squishy carry That's 2k dmg if enemy has 0 Mres and 0 Arm . Thus you wount kill straight out , but yeah if it goes well their squish will either run or your mates will put the last nailin coffin It also makes your harass scary in lane. Agree to this . Early game cow doesn't benefit from CDR mutch and 6 sec ult is enough as enemy doesn't have yet insane burst or sustained dps through low CD's and thus Cow can opt to itemize offense aka AP + sheen. If early game goes well and thnx to killer cow enemy team is underlvld then yeah it's clear why AP was FOTM I tried AP in single queue and it's fun , but i found myself melting when try to engage enemy team as without Ventrilo or Skype rest of my 4x dudes often hesitated to attack and my ult ran out and with no defence .... boom goes the cow . With tank build i could atleast survive longer and CC 2x often to retreat or to keep enemy guys away from my dmg delears and when my dmg dealers are left alone they do more dmg then Cow. | ||
Denmark9110 Posts
Stunbot alistar has the same problem he had before: he can just be ignored and do no damage, be unkillable and throw people around but in that prospect he is just a blitzcrank without damage (not as effective in 1 shot but you need to hit 3 or more to not make bliz' better). And being AP alitar also have 1 huge advantage over stun bot: the threat of it. AP alistar does nuts damage so done right he can basically zone 2 people away from the teamfight and still kill 1 of them. The engagement are lack of communications in your team that has nothing to do with ap alistars viabillity | ||
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
On May 31 2011 14:40 NightWalks wrote: That's 2k dmg if enemy has 0 Mres and 0 Arm . Thus you wount kill straight out , but yeah if it goes well their squish will either run or your mates will put the last nailin coffin Generally you'll want to go for the Range AD Carry. AP Carries build slightly more defensively on average since they have options like RoA and the like. Range AD Carries however are designed to have their damage scale almost completely on items. Take Ashe for example, the classic AD Range Carry. She gets Banshees, but generally as a late-game item after she's farmed 4-5 other damage items and boots. So you have a really long period of time where you can just insta-gib her. Even once they get Banshees, if you team has any kind of poke you can just turn of Banshees and go in and instagib her anyway. Or wait for the fight to start, then go in an instagib. Even with the MRes from Banshees and her base MRes, she will still take nearly 60% damage (not including penetration). So you can burst her down to less than 40% hp in 2 seconds from your WQ. Once you then include the Lichbane proc and your passive, she's pretty much dead. | ||
Finland33997 Posts
On May 31 2011 21:51 MoonBear wrote: lplaythings pretty much summed it all up but I'll throw in some more specific answers. Generally you'll want to go for the Range AD Carry. AP Carries build slightly more defensively on average since they have options like RoA and the like. Range AD Carries however are designed to have their damage scale almost completely on items. Take Ashe for example, the classic AD Range Carry. She gets Banshees, but generally as a late-game item after she's farmed 4-5 other damage items and boots. So you have a really long period of time where you can just insta-gib her. Actually if there is any threat of an insta-gib, the Banshee is going to come immediately after the IE, if not then after LW. You barely ever see anyone delaying it until they have their IE LW PD BT unless the enemy really has nothing that can burst. | ||
Denmark9110 Posts
On May 31 2011 22:22 Shikyo wrote: Actually if there is any threat of an insta-gib, the Banshee is going to come immediately after the IE, if not then after LW. You barely ever see anyone delaying it until they have their IE LW PD BT unless the enemy really has nothing that can burst. But then the ranged wont pose as much as threat as they did if they invested the banshee in a LW or PD. It makes the enemy team risk getting gibbed or having suboptimal damage. Either way AP alistar can also fill out the disrupting role if needed, not as good as CDR alistar but AP alistar isn't a one trick pony in any way. | ||
Jamaica11586 Posts
France3460 Posts
you are extremely vulnerable to poke but you get the 40% cdr and you do serious (even masive with ult on) damge when your stuff is on cd. oh yeah for boots i like to go zerquer greaves if the game allows, but mobility and mercs are superior alot of times | ||
Denmark9110 Posts
oh and its PHilosophers stone, not filosofers. | ||
Canada864 Posts
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United States12796 Posts
ward, WQ combo, shurilas+frozenheart at 40% cdr, running around with boots of mobility ooooh yeah~ | ||
768 Posts
Nashors tooth CD boots Warmogs Atmas Lich Bane + Show Spoiler + or T force? Or something similar with maybe more AP... Please help me theorycraft a little! | ||
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