On July 10 2012 02:32 koreasilver wrote: And that's relevant how? Udyr and Nautilus aren't similar at all so why the fuck would you try to play Udyr like he's a cc bot? It's completely senseless.
Because thats how melee tops & junglers tend to be used these days by pros, udyr included - they get their double gp10, frozen heart, belt.
Are you fuckng joking? You might as well start saying that every goddamned melee champion should be built and played the exact same way. Because champion design doesn't matter at all, right?
On July 10 2012 02:32 koreasilver wrote: And that's relevant how? Udyr and Nautilus aren't similar at all so why the fuck would you try to play Udyr like he's a cc bot? It's completely senseless.
Because thats how melee tops & junglers tend to be used these days by pros, udyr included - they get their double gp10, frozen heart, belt.
It's still senseless to do so. That people do it doesn't mean it makes sense. It would make it a bit easier to argue, but if your only argument is that people do it, it's not a very compelling argument. Udyr needs some damage in his items. Playing Udyr as a pure tank and for cc is like playing Karthus as an AD carry. They just don't offer enough compared to other champs to be played like that.
On July 10 2012 02:36 101toss wrote: clearly no one here knows the level 1 tiger udyr cheese
Let me guess, is it the one with movement speed quints, hide in their brush top, go all in on them with tiger + ignite when they show up in lane?
I'd imagine tiger at the fountain, when tehy walk into lane, tiger them, immediatly tiger proc again
they'll lose half their hp easily.
shits so funny baha.
The proc lasts 5 seconds. I'd imagine you stand in the bush, tiger and wait 4s, flash+ignite to get the proc off and then a second later get another proc off.
On July 10 2012 02:36 101toss wrote: clearly no one here knows the level 1 tiger udyr cheese
Let me guess, is it the one with movement speed quints, hide in their brush top, go all in on them with tiger + ignite when they show up in lane?
I'd imagine tiger at the fountain, when tehy walk into lane, tiger them, immediatly tiger proc again
they'll lose half their hp easily.
shits so funny baha.
The proc lasts 5 seconds. I'd imagine you stand in the bush, tiger and wait 4s, flash+ignite to get the proc off and then a second later get another proc off.
The proc will last till the next attack as long as you're in tiger stance.
it'll last for a few other seconds if you switch stances as well iirc.(hint those tiger proc'd bear stance shenanigans)
On July 10 2012 02:36 101toss wrote: clearly no one here knows the level 1 tiger udyr cheese
Let me guess, is it the one with movement speed quints, hide in their brush top, go all in on them with tiger + ignite when they show up in lane?
I'd imagine tiger at the fountain, when tehy walk into lane, tiger them, immediatly tiger proc again
they'll lose half their hp easily.
shits so funny baha.
The proc lasts 5 seconds. I'd imagine you stand in the bush, tiger and wait 4s, flash+ignite to get the proc off and then a second later get another proc off.
The proc will last till the next attack as long as you're in tiger stance.
it'll last for a few other seconds if you switch stances as well iirc.(hint those tiger proc'd bear stance shenanigans)
Play udyr, hit tiger and look at the buff you gain. Namely the one that goes away after 5 seconds. Highlight it with your mouse and read.
On July 10 2012 02:47 koreasilver wrote: Are you fuckng joking? You might as well start saying that every goddamned melee champion should be built and played the exact same way. Because champion design doesn't matter at all, right?
On July 10 2012 02:32 koreasilver wrote: And that's relevant how? Udyr and Nautilus aren't similar at all so why the fuck would you try to play Udyr like he's a cc bot? It's completely senseless.
Because thats how melee tops & junglers tend to be used these days by pros, udyr included - they get their double gp10, frozen heart, belt.
It's still senseless to do so. That people do it doesn't mean it makes sense. It would make it a bit easier to argue, but if your only argument is that people do it, it's not a very compelling argument. Udyr needs some damage in his items. Playing Udyr as a pure tank and for cc is like playing Karthus as an AD carry. They just don't offer enough compared to other champs to be played like that.
not played the same way, but building in a similar way is very efficient. Pro play senseless? It wins the games, so makes sense to me
On July 10 2012 02:36 101toss wrote: clearly no one here knows the level 1 tiger udyr cheese
Let me guess, is it the one with movement speed quints, hide in their brush top, go all in on them with tiger + ignite when they show up in lane?
I'd imagine tiger at the fountain, when tehy walk into lane, tiger them, immediatly tiger proc again
they'll lose half their hp easily.
shits so funny baha.
The proc lasts 5 seconds. I'd imagine you stand in the bush, tiger and wait 4s, flash+ignite to get the proc off and then a second later get another proc off.
The proc will last till the next attack as long as you're in tiger stance.
it'll last for a few other seconds if you switch stances as well iirc.(hint those tiger proc'd bear stance shenanigans)
Play udyr, hit tiger and look at the buff you gain. Namely the one that goes away after 5 seconds. Highlight it with your mouse and read.
I just tested it and it did exactly what I said it would.
So it's either my games bugged, or their wording isnt correct.
There are three effects, the persistent being the aspd buff of tiger, the activated proc of massive damage that lasts for iirc 2 seconds, and the passive aspd buff. If you are saying that the activate proc will last from you going from fountain to lane, then it is either bugged or you are just thinking that you got the proc off since animation is the same.
On July 10 2012 06:54 Ecael wrote: There are three effects, the persistent being the aspd buff of tiger, the activated proc of massive damage that lasts for iirc 2 seconds, and the passive aspd buff. If you are saying that the activate proc will last from you going from fountain to lane, then it is either bugged or you are just thinking that you got the proc off since animation is the same.
Then it's bugged, I used it in the fountain and it didnt work, walked out of the fountain used it at approx :20 seconds, claws still glowed orange, and used it successfully without activating it again when golem spawned.
On July 10 2012 06:54 Ecael wrote: There are three effects, the persistent being the aspd buff of tiger, the activated proc of massive damage that lasts for iirc 2 seconds, and the passive aspd buff. If you are saying that the activate proc will last from you going from fountain to lane, then it is either bugged or you are just thinking that you got the proc off since animation is the same.
Then it's bugged, I used it in the fountain and it didnt work, walked out of the fountain used it at approx :20 seconds, claws still glowed orange, and used it successfully without activating it again when golem spawned.
Are you sure the thing actually ticked? The animation is the same. Just check to see if the golem is actually taking dot rather than you autoing it multiple times.
On July 10 2012 06:54 Ecael wrote: There are three effects, the persistent being the aspd buff of tiger, the activated proc of massive damage that lasts for iirc 2 seconds, and the passive aspd buff. If you are saying that the activate proc will last from you going from fountain to lane, then it is either bugged or you are just thinking that you got the proc off since animation is the same.
Then it's bugged, I used it in the fountain and it didnt work, walked out of the fountain used it at approx :20 seconds, claws still glowed orange, and used it successfully without activating it again when golem spawned.
Are you sure the thing actually ticked? The animation is the same. Just check to see if the golem is actually taking dot rather than you autoing it multiple times.
Yes the magic damage was going on screen, and i was standing there with S on.
Just did it again too. and it dealt magic damage while i was running away.
It also doesnt say within 5 seconds, the buff says "Udyr's next attack rends his target blah blah"
(Stance) – Activation: Udyr's next attack will deal his current attack damage in addition to magic damage over 2 seconds. In addition, Udyr gains an attack speed buff for 5 seconds. This stacks additively with his persistent attack speed bonus.
from league wiki, so it actually never says it expired, only the attack speed buff lasts for 5 seconds.
Tiger Stance, when activated, is a self-target ability that grants Udyr bonus attack speed for 5 seconds. He also gains a buff for 5 seconds which is consumed on Udyr's next autoattack, causing the attacked target to take magic damage every half second. Tiger Stance's persistent effect grants Udyr increased attack speed. Tiger Stance's DoT procs spell vamp and Rylai's slow similarly with all on-hit damage over time spells and abilities with of the same effect. Tiger Stance's DoT does not pop spell shield. Tiger Stance's DoT will damage Black Shield. While Udyr is blinded, the Tiger Stance DoT will not activate.
The extra damage buff lasts all of 5 seconds. You're not looking at the damage correctly.
There's no bug. On activating Tiger Stance several things happen:
Udyr gains an attack speed buff that lasts as long as he remains in Tiger Stance.
Udyr gains a second attack speed buff from Tiger Stance that lasts for 5 seconds.
Udyr gains a third attack speed buff in the form of his passive, lasting 5 seconds unless stacked/refreshed.
Udyr's next attack deals additional magic damage as a two second DoT. The "buff" for this effect remains until that next attack.
You have all the time in the world to apply the magic damage from Tiger Stance.
As evidence, go to 2:15 on this jungle Udyr video. Stonewall clearly destroys the large wolf using a prepared Tiger Stance proc (he has full mana and doesn't reactivate Tiger Stance for a few seconds).
On July 10 2012 07:05 Seuss wrote: There's no bug. On activating Tiger Stance several things happen:
Udyr gains an attack speed buff that lasts as long as he remains in Tiger Stance.
Udyr gains a second attack speed buff from Tiger Stance that lasts for 5 seconds.
Udyr gains a third attack speed buff in the form of his passive, lasting 5 seconds unless stacked/refreshed.
Udyr's next attack deals additional magic damage as a two second DoT. The "buff" for this effect remains until that next attack.
You have all the time in the world to apply the magic damage from Tiger Stance.
As evidence, go to 2:15 on this jungle Udyr video. Stonewall clearly destroys the large wolf using a prepared Tiger Stance proc (he has full mana and doesn't reactivate Tiger Stance for a few seconds).
I knew this was how it worked, -_- didnt know if i was hallucinating or what, cause I know for certain I did it the other day(granted i do mostly jungle him) and i just recreated it twice.
I'll add the caveat that the the proc can only be applied in other stances if you have Tiger Stance's attack speed buff active. So long as you stay in Tiger Stance, however, the proc persists indefinitely.