On August 22 2011 14:49 Mylkyjo wrote: AP Sion is underestimated by most players. His early game can be weak because of his small mana pool, but once you get some gear you'll be suicide-bombing your way to victory. ?????
Reading this entire page makes my head explode.
I don't even encounter AD sions at my lvl 20 smurf, unless in a coop vs bots games where everyone trolls with AP shacos and stuff anyway
I've encountered AD Sions, and I've won all but a few games as AD Sion in normal 5v5 (without trolls on either side). That being said, AP seems superior after I retried it- the only real issue is early mana regen is horrible (especially without runes), so if you don't build around that, you can't do anything at all. I also experimented a bit with a hybrid build that incorporates Nashor's Tooth, and while it worked, it seemed a bit lackluster- neither his spells nor his autoattack do enough to really justify it. Although the cooldown reduction is great and allows you to get non-cooldown reduction boots and still have really low cast times.
My hybrid build: 21/0/9 masteries
Doran's Ring Merc Treads Morello's Evil Tome Nashor's Tooth Phantom Dancer Deathcap
With a Force of Nature mixed in somewhere in the beginning/middle to help deal with AP carries. Downside is that until Nashor's Tooth is finished, the cooldown reductions don't stack because they're both from Fiendish Codex (and once you have it, the cooldown reduction from the blue buff is partly redundant- although it's rare you have priority on blue, so whatever- usually just acquire it from kills). And for the 15% magic penetration on the offensive tree you have to get some redundant cooldown reduction.
Not sure what runes are optimal for this build yet, but I suspect attack speed marks, flat mana regen seals, magic resist/level gylphs, and attack speed quints. It's a passable build, but it isn't exactly great by any means considering cooldown reduction boots and the blue buff get you to the 40% max too, or Morello's Evil Tome and blue buff. On the other hand, being able to whack people with enrage always on and at a relatively fast rate significantly increases your autoattack damage. With the ultimate, you can vamp a ton of health.
Hybrid is borderline feasible I think, although it is much easier to just go AP.
before I gave up Sion I was doing a hybrid build that was like, dring -> deathcap -> Atma's + FoN -> PD -> trollface.jpg. I just really hated how poorly AP Sion scaled to late game and so I decided that I was going to go AP to abuse his early game and then just say fuck it and tank out and get PD + Atma's to sit around and smack shit with my ult.
Anybody played him yet? It seems like they fixed a lot of his weaknesses (low manapool etc)
Actually, I'm running a Jungle AD sion with quite a lot of success. ( well, i'm playing at low ELO, so i guess it means that it is viable, not actually good :p )
Standart AD jungler runes/masteries.
Start at small golems (you need a pull if you want to do blue ) with 1 point in shield and vamp scepter ( armor +5 pot is ok too, but i like to heal the damage i take from E). Max E first, so that you hit like a truck (+ 65 AD at lvl 9 wtf ) Max stun 2nd for lower CD.
I'm still toying a bit with the item build. Rigth now i'm build him Trinity -> atma. Feel free to insert a negatron anytime if needed. In team figth, wait for someone to initiate, ult stun kill win. You are usually extremely strong 1v1 early and mid game, but if you get chained CC, you die rally fast.
On September 18 2011 08:03 Tyrran wrote: Actually, I'm running a Jungle AD sion with quite a lot of success. ( well, i'm playing at low ELO, so i guess it means that it is viable, not actually good :p )
Standart AD jungler runes/masteries.
Start at small golems (you need a pull if you want to do blue ) with 1 point in shield and vamp scepter ( armor +5 pot is ok too, but i like to heal the damage i take from E). Max E first, so that you hit like a truck (+ 65 AD at lvl 9 wtf ) Max stun 2nd for lower CD.
I'm still toying a bit with the item build. Rigth now i'm build him Trinity -> atma. Feel free to insert a negatron anytime if needed. In team figth, wait for someone to initiate, ult stun kill win. You are usually extremely strong 1v1 early and mid game, but if you get chained CC, you die rally fast.
that actually seems pretty decent with sion's target stun.
On September 18 2011 08:03 Tyrran wrote: Actually, I'm running a Jungle AD sion with quite a lot of success. ( well, i'm playing at low ELO, so i guess it means that it is viable, not actually good :p )
Standart AD jungler runes/masteries.
Start at small golems (you need a pull if you want to do blue ) with 1 point in shield and vamp scepter ( armor +5 pot is ok too, but i like to heal the damage i take from E). Max E first, so that you hit like a truck (+ 65 AD at lvl 9 wtf ) Max stun 2nd for lower CD.
I'm still toying a bit with the item build. Rigth now i'm build him Trinity -> atma. Feel free to insert a negatron anytime if needed. In team figth, wait for someone to initiate, ult stun kill win. You are usually extremely strong 1v1 early and mid game, but if you get chained CC, you die rally fast. Shockingly enough, I can vouch for this. Still probably only works at low elo since his jungle speed is painfully slow, but the target stun is killer. Guess it's the same reason Taric jungle works decently.
Sion also has an insane level 2 gank. I got destroyed by it last game I played
The only way to play AD sion is to build lich bane and go AP.
Lich Bane / Zhonyas / Abyssal Scepter for a core wins games on Sion. Acquire in an order that is meaningful to your game. Get GA at some point for extra asshole-ness.
Wouldn't an AS page work better if you're starting with scepter? I figure after the buff to his AS, an AS page and starting E in the jungle would be pretty damn effective. I guess I'll have to give it a try...
I just tried Jungle Sion with:
Masteries 21/0/9
Runes: Red: AS x 8 + 1 x Apen Yellow: Armor Blue: Mana regen or MR Quints: Apen
Starting item: Scepter.
Route: Wolves -> Wraiths -> Golems ; shop cloth armor ; blue,wolves,wraiths,red,golems.
Ending with about 50 % hp and clear in 5:15 I think.
That's a decent jungling speed I think
Sion has been my favorite character for awhile. Since the patch, I feel like his early game is extremely smoothed out. With 2-3 doran's rings, you can really poke your lane basically every chance you get with a Q + W combo whereas before you'd be OOM basically instantly. You actually have a nice mana buffer now. Still has mana issues for sure, but anyone who played Sion pre-patch would know how much smoother he is now.
I've always thought Sion was very strong. Hard CC with basically 2 hard hitting nukes makes him a pretty ridiculous ganker. I like to play him mid lane and instantly kill a creep wave with his W, then run to another lane and gank, and get back to mid in time for the next wave (since instant killing a creep wave gives you a 30 second window to do whatever before the next wave). He really has great presence during the laning phase and can have a great affect on the game without missing out on any farm. And really, that's the kind of stuff that wins solo queue games, so I think he's really good.
Duo queue with another strong CC champion like Annie/Brand/Gragas/Kennen/etc and you'll dominate.
I tried jungle sion starting at blue with cloth 5 pot and cleared the full jungle with 70% health, which let me get a gank off before going back. Seemed to work out pretty well, though I didn't take down my time and I also got a good leash.
On September 21 2011 02:00 Crazazyasian1337 wrote: I tried jungle sion starting at blue with cloth 5 pot and cleared the full jungle with 70% health, which let me get a gank off before going back. Seemed to work out pretty well, though I didn't take down my time and I also got a good leash.
What runes were you running - and build?
Have been playing jungle sion lately and its pretty decent and fun to play. I run atk speed - reds armor - yellows mres per level - blues armor pen- quints (should throw in few arm pen in reds too tho)
Start with cloth+5 pots. Just start jungle from big wolf before blue spawns then get blue with leash and some damage on it if possible and then if u want u can gank lvl 2. Having 2 seconds stun lvl 2 is amazing and just clear your jungle ganking whenever possible. Basicly i go for wriggles + mercs then rush warmogs and atmas after that or in between it if you really need it throw in negatron ( tho usually you dont need it since having huge amount of hp is pretty effective against any kind of ap burst). having 4k hp mid game is amazing not to mention u deal real damage with ultimate up. After atmogs trinity is good or pdancer tho usually its situational and game ends by then anyway. Level EWEQER or if u level 2 gank then EQWEE then R>E>Q>W.
I totaly disagree with sion not being dps champ u get hudge dmg buff with e and more and more hp. In early game he kinda suck but if you get warthmog atma and then just spam fantom dancers u kill anything u have like 4k hp 230dmg as of 2.1 with ult 100% lifesteal 2 second stun shield and with red nobody ever tun from you. Someone tell me if this is not ultimate ad carry. Only problem is really fed vayne and kog but even then after 30 minute in game i think nobody can kill him. Just need to get there thats a bit hard
On September 21 2011 17:37 Hexagecz wrote: I totaly disagree with sion not being dps champ u get hudge dmg buff with e and more and more hp. In early game he kinda suck but if you get warthmog atma and then just spam fantom dancers u kill anything u have like 4k hp 230dmg as of 2.1 with ult 100% lifesteal 2 second stun shield and with red nobody ever tun from you. Someone tell me if this is not ultimate ad carry. Only problem is really fed vayne and kog but even then after 30 minute in game i think nobody can kill him. Just need to get there thats a bit hard Decent people will shit on you early on and deny any farming whatsoever. Besides, even if you are farmed, people just kite you to death.
On September 21 2011 17:41 Shiv. wrote:Show nested quote +On September 21 2011 17:37 Hexagecz wrote: I totaly disagree with sion not being dps champ u get hudge dmg buff with e and more and more hp. In early game he kinda suck but if you get warthmog atma and then just spam fantom dancers u kill anything u have like 4k hp 230dmg as of 2.1 with ult 100% lifesteal 2 second stun shield and with red nobody ever tun from you. Someone tell me if this is not ultimate ad carry. Only problem is really fed vayne and kog but even then after 30 minute in game i think nobody can kill him. Just need to get there thats a bit hard Decent people will shit on you early on and deny any farming whatsoever. Besides, even if you are farmed, people just kite you to death. You need to pick right lane not vs 2 ranged and you farm ok vs 2 melee with stun and enrage on lvl2 u have 100dmg also i take flash and exhaust so u get some early kills vs ranged carry u attack 4 times and hes dead. With kitting i want to see you kite me with 498ms and red buff, exhaust,stun
well jungling is pretty good since pve cant beat u (usually) and 2 seconds stun is pretty op i would say for ganks. EDIT: 1.5 sec stun (thats exactly what i meant freelander)
you mean 1.5 sec stun huehuehue